Monday, December 25, 2023

Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing.

Mass Murderers in White Coats: Psychiatric Genocide in Nazi Germany and the United States, Lenny Lapon, 1986.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

DR. TONI BARK: On Cancer, Chemo, and Mebendozale

Never heard of Dr. Toni Bark until this morning.  She passed in 2020, 1959-2020.  She had a Facebook page.  Sounds like her advocacy here is for childhood vaccines, like MMR, and others.  She's sharp.  She died of cancer.

It's interesting to learn that someone who questions the vaccines, the childhood vaccines, and their schedule, embrace chemotherapy after she did immunotherapy.  That's the thing about knowing anyone.  You never know what therapeutics they're willing to accept to embrace or that they think will heal their condition.  I recommend vitamin D and C to most people.  And none of them have heeded my advice.  They don't know what heals because they hadn't thought of their condition before, as though it has struck them by surprise.  But my first guess would be to target diet since that is what brought them to the point of despair.  

She says that she was on mebendazole, a deworming agent like Fenbendozale, that prevents microtubule formation.  Sounds like Mebendazole could be better for human cancers.

While fenbendazole for human cancer has gained more popularity with some interesting fenbendazole cancer success stories, some research suggests mebendazole might be more effective for treating different types of tumors. For example, research studies have shown that mebendazole could be more effective for brain, prostate, and ovarian cancers. 

She read Tripping Over the Truth: How the Metabolic Theory of Cancer Is Overturning One of Medicines Most Entrenched Paradigms, Travis Christofferson, Foreword by Dominic D'Agostino, 2019.  She said that she responded the best to chemotherapy.  Yes, that is always the case.  Cancerous tumors will always shrink initially.  Always.  But oncologists are focused only on cancer cells, not healthy cells.  And chemo will definitely destroy cancer cells but they also destroy healthy cells.  Think of chemo as a shotgun approach; it blasts the entire body.  It's not targeted despite what oncologists claim.  It's one reason why they need to adjust medication down the line in the therapy.  The other reason they need to adjust medication is because the body adjusts to the chemo: it no longer responds to the chemo.  So when oncologists adjust it, it means they're giving the patient a stronger dosage of a poison that kills both healthy and cancerous tissue.  It's a game that point, like Russian Roulette.  


She said she had gastric ulcers.  Zinc Carnosine specifically targets gastric ulcers.  

John Kerry promises to starve you to shave 1 to 2 degrees from a fabricated computer climate model

When did John Kerry, "diplomat currently serving as the first U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate," start looking like Janos Skorzeny, the name of the vampire in The Night Stalker, 1972, played in full make-up by Barry Atwater?  It doesn't have anything to do with Kerry's ghoulish climate, mass death agenda, does it?

Saturday, December 23, 2023

2024's real estate market teeters on the edge: A California home dives from $950K to $635K, while a Palm Springs property drops from a $1.4M sale to a startling $635K listing

kind of funny how low the median American wealth is despite being the world reserve currency for eight decades. (It’s because the benefits don’t flow to the median American.)