Friday, June 16, 2023

[General Milley] would be court-martialed for being criminally negligent because what he has done is taken people that we know are insufficiently trained and we put them in combat anyways

General Milley is a liar.  He is a criminal.  He deserves to be prosecuted.  And I would hope that the Ukrainians at some point in time when this is all said and done, open up a case against him in the international criminal court.  Because to extend these Ukrainian forces into these Russian defenses with equipment they don't know how to use, with tactics they don't know how to employ with an operational doctrine that is broken because at a minimum you require a modicum of air support.  There is no air support.  The Russians are slaughtering these people.  As they get near the front line, helicopters are going up.  Do you know how many helicopters the Ukrainians have shot down in a very intensive combat zone?  Zero.  Which means they don't have air defense because the Russians have taken it apart.  This is murder.  This is mass murder.

The PREP Act allows the government and the DoD to bypass the normal regulatory frameworks and consumer safeguards,


PREP Act was a law launched in 2002, and amended in 2005 that allows the HHS Secretary to issue a declaration to expand this liability shield for using unapproved medical interventions, devices, pharmaceuticals, all sorts of things, diagnostics, therapeutics, anything, using the Emergency Use Authorization essential to bypassing the normal regulatory frameworks and consumer safeguards, which are quite extensive today for very good reasons because we want to make sure that the medications are being used as safe.  So this is a shield essentially that the government uses and now, specifically, the DoD is using extensively to shield themselves and anyone that they hire for the task from any liability from using these poorly tested, untested, experimental, and completely black box, devices, and technologies.

8:50  Dr. Meryl Nass.  The Defense Department has been accustomed to doing whatever it wants and has a history of using untested products on soldiers.  In the Gulf War, they got a memorandum of understanding with the FDA that allowed them to use products that were unapproved and unevaluated by the FDA and at other times in the past also.  The DoD is kind of a law unto itself.  So for them, this was nothing new.  It was just happening on a larger scale.  It wasn't just 2 million soldiers, but it was also 134 million Americans.  But then this method was shipped out to the rest of the world, so 8 billion people.  

9:42  Polly Tommey.  Why have we called this program, "Willful Misconduct"?  What is the purpose behind that?  

9:48  Latypova.  I think it's because of the George Watts case v. Lloyd J. Austin, III, in other words, the DoD.  His estate is suing the Dept. of Defense for his death.  The only basis that we have to break this liability shield, a very extensive one, is based on willful misconduct.  So the case complaint was that the willful misconduct was essentially a bait-and-switch scheme that the Department of Defense and Health and Human Services, HHS, ran on the American public.  

11.  PREP provides blanket immunity for covered persons such as the DOD with a sole exception for willful misconduct the enumerated sovereign immunity for the United States and an agency such as the DOD (42 U.S.C. 247d-6d(f)) is unconstitutional since for closing all redress violates due process enshrined in the 5th Amendment and it's central promise and assurance that all levels of American government must abide by the law and provide fair procedures particularly in instances such as this where Mr Wash was "deprived of life."  The enumerated sovereign immunity for the United States and an agency such as the DOD has is also an unconstitutional taking in violation of the Fifth Amendment.  A "legal cause of action is property within the meaning of the Fifth Amendment." 

So, now we have a death of a civilian from disregard for safety and using this PREP Act liability shield, and his attorneys are stating that "Well because this was willful misconduct because knowingly the Department of Defense administered, distributed the experimental product while telling everyone it was FDA approved.  And that was the lie that they perpetrated on this young man who died as a result of it.  

11:00  Dr. Meryl Nass.  The way that the PREP Act is written, there are almost no requirements for safety or efficacy.  What it requires is that the FDA, and the FDA issues it, simply believe, with or without evidence, that the benefits are going to be greater than the risks.  But it does say that the FDA needs to disclose the known significant risks.  And the FDA did not do that.  So the FDA was hiding many of the known risks.  But the other thing that happened was a bait-and-switch.  So in August of 2021, the Federal government announced all these mandates but only at the time that FDA approved a license for the Pfizer vaccine.  So on August 23, the FDA issued a license for the Pfizer vaccine for adults, but none of that product was made available in the United States.  So every body continued to get the Emergency Use product with a huge liability shield and the only potential way to litigate against them was to prove willful misconduct which was they knew they were doing something wrong but they hid it.  So what we're saying is, yes, they knew that the product being administered to George Watt and to everybody else in the country was not licensed, but the FDA, the DoD, and the rest of the Federal government pretended that it was.  

12:32  Tommey.  And this is Children's Healt Care case, correct?  Yep.

And the reason you're on here is because your lawyer can't talk about it. 

12:50  Latypova.  I think it's a great case because, finally, in my opinion, a correct defendent is named, in other words, which is the DoD and Lloyd J. Austin, III, the U.S. Secretary of Defense, who were the head of the operation, while the pharmaceutical companies are complicit and knowingly administered poisons because they are experts and they understand exactly what they are doing and know what consumer safeguards have been subverted. But they are operating under the Department of Defense who was heading Operation Warp Speed, OWS, now it's been renamed to Acceleration of Countermeasures, another name but essentially the same thing.  

[Huh.  The federal government is notorious for renaming projects and programs.  Remember when the Iraq invasion was initially named Operation Iraqi Liberation with the acronym of O.I.L.?  They're always trying to show how clever they are when in reality they're stupid monsters.]

This was at the time that these shots were rolled out and relevant to George Watts' case this was headed by the Department of Defense, Chief Operation Officer was General Gustave F. Perna, reporting directly to President Trump.  Structurally, the same reporting system reporting to Biden.  The Dept. of Defense leadership represents about 2/3 of Operation Warp Speed, most of them without any health care experience.  So this was all orchestrated from there, using several legal framework of several laws, so the PREP Act is one of them.   But there are others, such as Public Health Emergency Declaration to begin with, and the Emergency Use Authorization

All the Consumer Protection Safeguards Were Removed for these shots, and the public doesn't understand that there's no liability whatsoever . . .

“We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself.”   Dietrich Bonhoeffer

LISTEN TO THIS VIDEO FIRST: a 6-minute video of Sasha Latypova.  Listen to this first.

Here is the full testimony.  

Laura Demaray leads the initiative and Drs. Lindsay, McCullough, Cole, Thorp, and I offered expert testimony on May 22, 2023.

This is a short video clip of my testimony made by 

After 2.5 years of working more than full time on trying to stop the government atrocity, I came to the realization that this is not going to be prosecuted at the federal level. The criminals do not investigate or prosecute themselves. There is a faint hope that at least some state-level AGs can step up, but it is quite faint at the moment. I believe we have to fight for every town and county. The good news it is not difficult to get a hearing at a county level. We have brought a team of experts to this meeting at a small county in Idaho. We plan to continue going to any commissioner meeting that will let us in the door, and there are many! Reach out if you can organize a hearing.

Draft county resolution:

Proposed Idaho Counties Halt and Recall of Genetic Biologic “Vaccine” Platform Technology Resolution:

WHEREAS  Idaho residents have been injured by Genetic Biologic “Vaccine” Platform technology making it more injurious than any other vaccine mechanism in US history with 31 deaths and 94 permanent disabilities, 33 cases of myocarditis in the State of Idaho. The total deaths are underreported at over 35,000 deaths, 65,670 permanently disabled and 26,897 myocarditis/pericarditis, since their release in 2021, according to VAERS CDC database

WHEREAS the mRNA platform technology shots must be recalled and investigated due to the egregious number of adverse events, disabilities, and deaths to adults and children.  Adversely affecting children in the womb, it increases rates of miscarriages and adversely affects women’s menstruation and fertility.

WHEREAS multiple labs demonstrate that both Pfizer and Moderna’s misbranding and adulteration of consumer products, substandard products, and substandard and underpowered clinical trials violate Consumer Product Protection statutes and informed consent as well as multiple other laws that regulate pharmaceutical safety in the State of Idaho.

WHEREAS the mNRA technology shots are adulterated with over a thousand times the allowable level of DNA from the DNA plasmids used to make the shots in E. Coli bacteria. They represent up to 35% of the shot genetic material.

WHEREAS some of these shots have a non-disclosed SV40 sequence that allows them to infect human cells and go to the cell nucleus. SV40 is known to grow tumors and cause cancer.  

WHEREAS due to adulteration there is the possibility of contamination with E. Coli bacterial proteins and “endotoxins” and can cause autoimmune reactions and sepsis in the recipients. The material in the shot was designed to infect E.Coli, such as present in the human gut. This can make the gut become a permanent spike protein factory through the E.Coli that are naturally present there.

WHEREAS the mRNA in the shots is also broken and degraded. Contamination and degradation of the mRNA genetic sequence can lead to changing our God-given DNA, it can turn off genes that we need, like those that fight cancer, and these genetic changes can be passed on to our children. The material in genetic injections can shed through bodily secretions and transfect through fluids and contact, as well as through milk of a mother including cow's milk.

WHEREAS the mRNA technology presents possible irreversible damage, disability, and death to livestock and critical food supply in the State of Idaho. Reducing herd loss beyond acceptable limits. Sequivity swine mRNA jabs USDA 2020-2021 summaries highlighted that this technology created adverse effects on 29.8% of the herd and 11.5% herd loss to death and wasting disease. This can adversely affect Idaho’s economy, food supply, and health.

THEREFORE the Counties of Idaho support legislation that halts, recalls, investigates, or creates corporate liability for products that use mRNA, DNA, or any genetic technology for human pharmacological use or consumption, use regarding any livestock, or use regarding any agricultural products that may adversely affect human health, animal health, or the food supply thereof.

THEREFORE the Counties of Idaho support The Idaho State Statute 18-3323 Bioweapons Law with specific emphasis to section 18-3323 (4) (a,b,c, and d).

THEREFORE the Counties of Idaho support future legislation that requires informed consent and transparency of any proposed product, including imported food supply or pharmacological products, that use mRNA or any genetic technology for human pharmacological use or consumption, or use regarding any livestock or agricultural products.

THEREFORE we the Counties of Idaho support future legislation that prohibits any and all mandates, local, state, national, or global, regarding forced medical procedures or vaccinations in any modality.

THEREFORE we the Counties of Idaho support a third-party independent forensics audit on all future vaccine products, mRNA, DNA, or genetic vaccine products and modalities.

THEREFORE we the Counties of Idaho support life-affirming legislation and declare that Idaho adults and children, including the unborn, have the right to normal cell growth. 

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Tucker Carlson, Episode #4: The Non-Dictator, Joe Biden

Mercury is the cause of Alzheimer's Disease. But Glutathione is a potent mercury chelator

Here's the Facebook page to discuss NBMI.

EDTA doesn't get into the cells very effectively either.  It doesn't pull mercury off a protein.  It just doesn't have that much affinity for mercury.  Good to know.  Instead it does have a strong affinity for lead and cadmium.  

DMPS and DMSA.  What are these compounds?  These compounds take the mercury out of the blood, not out of the brain tissue or out of the bone marrow.  

In this video, he gets more into chelating mercury from the body.  He says that EDTA is not a great mercury chelator.  The chelating method of his product, his approach, is for it to attach to the mercury inside the cell.  So his method doesn't actually remove the mercury from the cell but it renders it inert, meaning nontoxic to the cell.  Still there just nontoxic to the cell

His chelating product saw readings at 90 to 140 and after 3 tries he got the mercury down to 14.  Interesting.  His product is a good antioxidant that raises the glutathione levels, and the glutathione levels.  Glutathione gets into all of your cells.  So it's glutathione that is a potent mercury chelator.  Good to know.  

 Thank you to Dr. Mark Sircus.

Mercury can also be bound to sulfhydryl groups in garlic or to sulfur in the form of organic sulfur (MSM).  

Mortality from cancer was reduced 90% during an 18-year follow-up of 59 patients treated with calcium-EDTA. Only one of 59 treated patients (1.7% ) died of cancer while 30 of 172 non-treated control subjects (17.6%) died of cancer (P=0.002).[6]   Dr. Walter Blumer

The mercury is there, but there's no sign of toxicity from the mercury.  That's what you want.