Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Maybe taking other people's s$!# is just what the doctor ordered

FMT stands for Fecal Microbiota Transplant, where you find a healthy person with a similar microbiota profile, take their s$!#, and put it inside of you, and viola!  Having a little fun with this but the results do look impressive. I wonder how old this therapy is.  It's been around a while.  This video is from 2014.  But it's not a new therapy. Wikipedia gets me caught up a little.  

In the United States, human feces has been regulated as an experimental drug since 2013.

From Wikipedia,

The first use of donor feces as a therapeutic agent for food poisoning and diarrhea was recorded in the Handbook of Emergency Medicine by a Chinese man, Hong Ge, in the 4th century. Twelve hundred years later Ming dynasty physician Li Shizhen used "yellow soup" (aka "golden syrup") which contained fresh, dry or fermented stool to treat abdominal diseases.[43] "Yellow soup" was made of fecal matter and water, which was drunk by the person.[44]

And the above video offers an impressive list of conditions it fixes.  

A fecal transplant, also known as fecal bacteriotherapy or fecal microbiota transplant (FMT), is the process of restoring the bacteria commonly found in the digestive tract with an infusion of feces (stool) from a donor.  

Alzheimer's Is a Doctor-Caused Disease

Dr. Joel Wallach.  Intrresting description of how myelin degeneration causes nerves to misform and how that leads to poor conduction.  Besides consuming healthy saturated  fats like eggs, butter, cream, cheese, and red meat meat, if you want to try a supplement that maintains and rebuilds myelin sheath, try B-12.  

B-12 maintains brain volume
Benfotiamine rebuilds inactive areas of the brain.  

A mother whose son died from the Vaccine speaks to @RachelNotley’s team who showed up at her house campaigning.

Who is Rachel Notley

RFK, JR: "the CIA has also surreptitiously been running the cover-up from Day One. It's not just Fauci. It's bigger than Fauci"

First this . . .

Thank you to Erin Elizabeth for this segment.  There is no limit to the depravity of those running the government. 
The anthrax attacks in 2002.  The Pentagon . . . the PATRIOT Act was passed.  The anthrax was sent to the two guys who were blocking the PATRIOT Act, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy and Senate Majority Leader Tim Daschle.  By the way, the anthrax, the FBI found after the anthrax was used, by the Neocons and the CIA to get us unto Iraq.  George Tenet, the head of the CIA, told George Bush it's a slam dunk.  He has these weapons of mass destruction.  George W. Bush says the worst mistake he made in the presidency was believing the head of the CIA.  They wanted to go to ear because of that anthrax. Obviously, Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11.  But a week after 9/11, they sent the anthrax. Now, the anthrax, they sent it to the 2 guys who were blocking the PATRIOT Act. So they took the PATRIOT Act off the shelf, 350 pages on 9/11 and said we got to pass this. If you're a patriot, you got to vote for it.  Nobody read it.  The two guys who were trying to block it get the anthrax.  It shuts down Congress.  Two days later they pass the, basically by acclimation [adjusting to a new political climate], they pass the PATRIOT Act.  The PATRIOT Act had not only these assaults on the Constitution but it also had a section that said on the Geneva Convention's Bioweapons Charter is still in effect and that no federal official can be prosecuted for violating them. It reopened the bioweapons arms race that had been shut down by Nixon in 1969 when he ordered all bioweapons destroyed and Ft. Detrick closed. [But it reopened in 1972, following Nixon's 1971 War on Cancer, as a cancer institute, National Cancer Institute--Frederick] Now, the FBI investigated where this came from, but it took them . . . by the time they'd figured it out, we'd already passed the PATRIOT Act and we were at war, a trillion dollar war in Iraq, that the Neocons and the CIA wanted.  What did the FBI say?  The FBI said that the Ames anthrax and the only place it could have come from was the CIA lab at Fort Detrick.  So it's clear that somebody associated with the Pentagon or the CIA had something to do with that anthrax.  There's nobody had access to it except those two groups.  

Then this from kanekoathegreat,
The Pentagon was actually worried about launching a full-blow bioweapon [oh, how thoughtful of them] arms race.  They said this is very sketchy, the PATRIOT Act exemptions are very sketchy, and people don't even know about it, so they took the money that Cheney gave them, $2.2 billion dollars, and funnelled it through NIH, and it all went through Anthony Fauci.  So beginning in 2002, Anthony Fauci got a 68% raise from the Pentagon for doing bioweapons development. And he got a raise of billions of dollars a year to do it, and that's when they started doing all this Gain of Function.  Then in 2014, three of those bugs escaped, high profile escapes from different labs in the United States. Fauci built all these new labs at BU, at Galveston, to do his shenanigans.  So 3 of the bugs escaped and they received. publicity, small pox, a lot of really bad things, and then Congress held hearings on it.  Everybody was angry.  These bugs escaped.  300 scientists, top scientists, sent letters to Obama, saying you've git to shut down Anthony Fauci because he's going to create a pandemic.  So Obama ordered a moratorium and at that time Fauci had 18 different gain of functions he was doing around the United States.  Obama ordered him to shut them all down.  But Fauci didn't.  He instead moved his stuff offshore to Wuhan where he could do it out of sight of at least 300 scientists and nosy White House officials who were trying to shut him down. And they continued to do it with Ralph Baric, the same people he was funding here, Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak, and they moved their operations to the Wuhan Lab . . . 

Then this . . .

Fauci was czar of bioweapons since 2002. 

USAID gave 10x what Fauci gave.

The Dept. of Defense, why were they in that Wuhan Lab of Virology trying to teach Chinese scientists how to create weapons of mass destruction? 

And then the CIA . . . USAID is a CIA front.  Eco Health Alliance is a CIA front group.  The CIA modeled this outbreak in 2019 2 times. The second event was at Event 201.  Avril Haines co-hosted it with Bill Gates.  And the CDC Chinese, George F. Gao was there.  The virus was already circulating in Wuhan at the time.  Nobody knew it but George FGao had to know it. He's the head of the Chinese CDC and the number one expert on the Coronavirus.  He comes to New York in October 2019 and and sits down with Avril Haines, the former deputy Director of the CIA, today the Director of National Intelligence, the top spy in our country, and they do a 4 part simulation?  And Part 4 says "How do we hide it?"  And anybody can go on YouTube right now--and I can't believe they left it up there--you can go on there, look up Event 201, and look at Simulation #4.  And George F. Gao and Avril Haines are talking about how do we get people to censor social media if they start saying this is from a lab leak.  This is before anybody ever heard of a Coronavirus.  Now we know from the Vanity Fair article that the intelligence agency . . . Mike Pompeo who is the Secretary of State, who like 5 state department branches, directs them to find out where this virus cane from.  Did it come from the Wuhan Lab.  Those guys go iver and they say holy cow, they had all this technology we were teaching them, and they were using humanized mice to see if they could create a pandemic with Coronavirus.  Ralph Baric gave them the humanized mice and they had a meeting to figure out how to deal with this and the intelligence agencies came to that meeting and told them to shut it down.  This investigation is over.  So the State Department investigation they shut down in March of 2020.  And then that gets out, and Congress puts pressure on Biden, and Biden says, okay, I'm going to order the intelligence agencies to do an investigation to find out if it came from the Wuhan Lab.  Who does he put in charge of that?  Avril Haines, the woman who in 2019 was modeling how do we hide it if it's a lab leak.  Meanwhile, we now know from the Twitter Files that the CIA was working with Twitter through an FBI portal where they were censoring that kind of information.  The CIA was not only funding that technology but was also responsible for the contagion but they have also surreptitiously been running the cover-up from Day One.  It's not just Fauci.  It's bigger than Fauci.  

Monday, March 13, 2023

So what?

Sometimes I just want to cry, not at the news but at the reporting of it.  Erin Elizabeth posted a report on the contents in the vaccines found by a Pfizer whistleblower.  They're coming out of the woodwork.  Fine.  I mean good.  But who cares?  What is the significance of the information that we haven't known about, say, for 24 months already?  To be fair, I don't expect anyone to be a full-time reporter with sources.  People have their livelihoods, their jobs, family, and daily production schedule.  

So her opening paragraph reads like this,

BREAKING NEWS: Pfizer Covid Vaccine vial contents exposed by WHO whistleblower. It contains graphene oxide, parasites, RFID, metals, and nanocircuitry. DARPA and Bill Gates developed these nonbiological synthetic injections to control the minds and bodies of the population.

The only new ingredient that I learned about here is RFID. But what is the importance of this RFID in the vaccines? What does it track, and how does it do it? You see? These are the questions that would make this discovery or whistleblowing compelling.

The second paragraph reads,

Professor states in front of lawyers anyone who administers these Pfizer mRNA Covid Vaccines is committing crimes against humanity and is a criminal.

My response is so what? No, really, who cares at this time and date, a full two, maybe two-and-a-half years since we've all just watched the dead dying and dropping dead. So why care about this now? Since 2021, Dr. Reimer Fullmich has been interviewing guests and getting their assessment of the criminality of the vaccine rollout. Yet, no court hearings. No prosecutions. No assassination attempts.

The third paragraph gets more interesting, where she introduces Dr. Charles Morgan.

Dr. Charles Morgan formerly with the CIA in a 2018 DARPA meeting talking to the U.S. Military about mRNA CRISPR gene editing technology says they can engineer a "unique thing" to kill only one person in the world. In this case they used this mRNA technology to kill millions of innocent people in the world.

Again, it's interesting, but so what? How does this information compare to what we've been hearing ad nauseum? Seriously.