Monday, August 30, 2021

"acknowledge [that] natural immunity from prior infection exists and it outperforms vaccine immunity."

No.  No mandates at all.  No one wants the government to tell them how to take care of their bodies.  People can read health sites.  Take harmless vitamins and minerals.  Don't make mandates conditional or optional.  Understand that the very existence of mandates is essentially government rule or coercion.  

Louisiana reinstated a mask mandate, while neighboring Arkansas and Mississippi didn’t. Yet all three states turned down at the exact same time regardless.

The masks don't work.  But you go ahead and wear them if they make you feel like you're doing your part of the "we're all in this together."

Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients Don't Die of COVID-19 in the Hospital; They Die of Incentivized CDC Protocols That the Hospitals Administer

Conservative Florida radio host, Marc Bernier, died recently.  That’s how it should read, but the article declares from the get-go that Bernier, who was an anti-vaxxer, died of COVID.  

Marc Bernier, a talk radio host in Daytona Beach for 30 years, died after a three-week battle with COVID-19, WNDB and Southern Stone Communications announced on Twitter Saturday night.

But how can the reader know that?  I say prove it.  Does the author of the piece, Mark Harper of the Daytona Beach News-Journal, post a copy of the death certificate?  Was an autopsy done?  The author doesn't say.  So the piece is not an investigative piece, but instead a propaganda piece that you can find from two dozen or more other news outlets.  

We learn that he was hospitalized because of COVID but you can’t presume that it was COVID that killed him.  So instead of doing even the slightest dive on what killed him, Harper instead puts at the heart of the article Marc Bernier's political position on vaccines, 

He also was an outspoken opponent of vaccinations. 

Shamelessly, Harper is using Bernier's convictions about health to make him out to be a man who died because of some conspiracy theory that vaccines are dangerous.  This is the politics driving the COVID narrative, and Mark Harper, and his editors, make sure that he does not meander too far off of the reservation. 

The message of the article is, "Isn't it a tragedy that he let his conspiratorial beliefs get in the way of life-saving vaccines?" It's also designed to suggest how naive conservatives are. 

The piece sticks to the narrative that it was COVID that killed Bernier.  But did it?  Harper writes, 

Prior to the news that Bernier had succumbed to his illness, The News-Journal interviewed several other friends, colleagues, and listeners.  

So this eulogy of sorts turns into a hit piece on Bernier.  The fact that he's a talk radio host, the hit is against free speech.  How dare he have convictions of health that challenge vaccines!  

The piece attacks his politics: he's a conservative.

The piece attacks choice.  Is it not okay to try some other treatment besides vaccines? 

 ". . . succumbed to his illness"?  Was it the illness or the treatment that killed him?  The effects of his hospital treatment are nowhere near the margins of the article.  In today’s politically charged pandemic where hospitals are incentivized to claim every death a COVID death, one ought to be a little curious if not suspicious of the causes of death coming out of hospitals.  We're certainly made to feel sorry for hospitals and their staff due to being "overwhelmed."  That, too, is a lie.  

What is important to know is that it is the CDC that dictates hospital protocol for treating COVID patients around the country.  What this means is that patients will receive whatever treatment for COVID that the CDC dictates.  No alternative remedies are allowed to be tried while a patient is hospitalized.  So what are the COVID protocols for hospitalized patients?  What medicines are approved?  The FDA has approved

. . . the antiviral drug Veklury (remdesivir) for adults and certain pediatric patients with COVID-19 who are sick enough to need hospitalization. Veklury should only be administered in a hospital or in a health care setting capable of providing acute care comparable to inpatient hospital care. 

There's just one problem with that, meaning Remdesivir: it doesn't work to prevent death.  LiveScience explains that 

The antiviral drug remdesivir does not reduce deaths among COVID-19 patients, as compared with standard care, according to the results of a large, international trial. 

Clearly, the FDA is not a reliable source of information when it comes to treating your illness.  And why would it be given the fact that the FDA receives upwards of 70% of its drug regulatory budget from the companies it is supposed to regulate?  The FDA offers up other treatments, like monoclonal antibody treatments, equally ineffective, if for no other reason to highlight their default recommendations of vaccines, 

This product [meaning monoclonal antibody treatment] is not a substitute for vaccination against COVID-19

. . . as though the vaccines are the premier option for you in your time of need.  But you have more effective options.  Intravenous vitamin C to start, but hospitals don't do that because the CDC does not approve vitamin C, or zinc or vitamin D, as a preventative of COVID.  No.  Only the FDA's approved list or their unapproved list, like their EUA drugs.  Talk about your cartel.  

The point is that when you read a headline or an article that states that the patient died of COVID, look a little closer.    

"It is people like Judge Shapiro who will create an armed revolution"

By Martin Armstrong

This is an unbelievable story of a rogue Judge James A. Shapiro who has just proven he is UNQUALIFIED to be a judge and should be removed from the bench FORTHWITH!!!! In a stunningly illegal decision that is 100% against the Constitution and everything the United States stood for, this crazy judge, Sua sponte (Latin for “of one’s own accord; voluntarily”), in the most unprecedented legal decision I have ever heard, stripped a mother of all parental rights over her son because she was NOT vaccinated. This judge presides at Chicago’s Daley Center, stripped Rebecca Firlit of custody because she refuses to get a vaccination shot. Worse is the fact that the judge simply asked her if she was vaccinated on his own accord. It was never brought up [as a concern] by her ex-husband. [Even the ex-husband's lawyer] admitted he was surprised but now defends the judge, showing [that] he too should be disbarred.

A [judge] is to listen to a dispute between two people. He is not allowed to Sua sponte raise a defense that was not presented. This shows he was not acting as a legal adjudicator but [operating on personal] BIAS and is obviously incompetent to think for himself and strips a mother of her right to see her 11-year-old son BECAUSE he believes in vaccines. Her husband should have made such an argument and then you get to put on a defense. Here, her husband made no such request and the judge denied her Due Process of Law for she was never allowed to put on defense against getting a vaccination.

It is people like Judge Shapiro who will create an armed revolution, for the purpose of a court [is] to maintain civilization by providing a forum for two parties to present their case. When that is denied, then the ONLY recourse is to an armed revolution. Civilization is about rules that we all follow. Tyranny is when there are no rules and those in power just do as they like which is what he has ruled in this case.

Edward Gibbon wrote of Emperor Commodus (177-192AD) with who historian agree began the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, that his abuse of the legal system denied any ability to obtain Due Process of Law. In the end, the ONLY recourse was a revolution because they simply assassinated him which h then cast the Roman Empire into civil war.

distinction of every kind soon became criminal. The possession of wealth stimulated the diligence of the informers; rigid virtue implied a tacit censure of the irregularities of Commodus; important services implied a dangerous superiority of merit; and the friendship of the father always insured the aversion of the son. Suspicion was equivalent to proof; trial to condemnation. The execution of a considerable senator was attended with the death of all who might lament or revenge his fate; and when Commodus had once tasted human blood, he became incapable of pity or remorse  (Book 1, Chapter 4).

That day is coming. This tyranny will not be accepted and the tyrants who think they can simply do whatever they like, will discover that history is not on their side.  


Sunday, August 29, 2021

COVID Madness Is Brought to You by Stanley Milgram

Thank you, Lew Rockwell.  Of the 37 men ordered executed at Nuremberg, 7 were medical doctors.  The speaker here is Patrick Coffin.