Sunday, July 25, 2021

10 Stages of Genocide


From Jack Posobiec.  Here are more elaborate versions of this list: here, here, and here.

First, I want to say that this meme or digital placard is not intended to be one in a long line of fear porn or undo panic.  I’ve found nothing in the world that suggests an imminent collapse or extermination of anybody.  On the contrary, what I have observed is the slow, drawn-out killing of people.  It started with the elderly living inside nursing or convalescent homes.  Have you ever entered an elderly assisted living facility or a nursing home?  I have.  Too many in fact on delivery assignments, plus one employed stint in Artesia, CA one summer in my 16th year.  Second, the killing seemed to target the young.  Too many countries had suicides up by 50%, 100%, or more.  Then it was the unemployed or out-of-work entrepreneurs or contractors out of work.  Too many turned to drugs and alcohol just to cope.  Too many didn’t cope, suffered from alcohol poisoning, and died.  These tragedies did not ease up the government’s tight grip on people’s lives in the lockdown.  In fact, all over the world, there is a version of one in your country, however, diluted.  

But check out the list above.  Number one reminds me of when President George W. Bush stated at the launch of his anti-terror campaign, "You're either with us or you're against us."  Doesn't that state a division of us versus them?  It sure does.  In the same period following the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, any question or opposition was treated as treasonous or as an enemy combatant.  This achieves #2: force people to identify.  And too many Americans, out of a great sense of fear and confusion, did just that.  They identified with the warmongering neocons in the White House.  

#3: People Begin to Face Discrimination.  

Oh, yeah.  Recall all of the anti-Arab, Anti-Muslim propaganda.  Anyone who looked Arab or Muslim was suspect.  Hell, Mexicans caught hell for just looking middle eastern.

#4:  People equated with animals, vermin, or disease.  Camel jockeys, desert rats, etc.  

#5:  The government creates specific groups to enforce the policies.  Homeland Security was created on November 25, 2002, one year after 9/11.  All in the name of security, of course.  Sound familiar?  Note, too, how security was the buzzword from the 90s on up until COVID struck in 2020.  Security got changed out for "Safety," a word that makes individuals rely on the experts and the government for their survival rather than their instincts, experience, and intelligence.  Can't stand it when some effete man or woman utters, "Stay safe" or "Be safe."  What, did someone assign you to be my mother and to reduce adults to children?  Come on, people.  Think like an adult again.  Don't say, "Stay safe."  Say, "Stay free," for it is our freedoms that are genuinely at stake.  For COVID, Trump gave us the COVID Task Force, headed by a self-serving liar, Anthony Fauci. 

#6:  The government broadcasts propaganda to turn the populace against the group.  First, it masked versus unmasked until workplaces demanded it of its customers.  Now, it's the pressure to vaccinate, with proponents offering every sort of madness on how to deal with the unvaccinated.

#7  Official action to remove or relocate people.  Have we reached Step 7?  You tell me.  Does the quarantine qualify for relocating people?  The U.S. certainly isn't deporting illegal immigrants.  On the contrary, . . .   Has the US or have states housed people in camps, relocation centers, quarantine warehouses?  Not that I am aware, but for sure Health Secretary Hancock in Britain advocated for such a move.  And Garcetti in Los Angeles wanted to put the homeless on a boat or in a warehouse.  So there's that.  So what do you call that--teasing with extermination?  Nah, we're just kidding.  Ha, ha, ha.  Oh, real funny.  

#8  Beginning of murders, theft of property, trial massacres.  Well, I can certainly see how by withholding Ivermectin and other nutritional compounds from those in nursing homes and others that the murders in nursing homes certainly went unchecked.  Theft of property?  What do you think the riots of 2020 and the lockdown did to working people?  Trial massacres?  Hmm.  I wonder.  Do the vaccines fill this criterion? 

#9  Extermination: Wholesale elimination of the group.  It is "extermination" and not murder because the people are not considered human.  This one resonates with me.  The first casualty of war is culture and the truth.  Words lose their meaning, purposefully.  First, Corona is a novel virus, then we learn that there are several strains of it.  Second, we learn that it was natural, then we learn that it was man-made.  And for all of you fools out there who want to defend the government's egregious incompetence and comedy of errors and say, "Well, they were learning about the virus themselves because it's new," I'd wished that you'd go play with your marbles on the schoolyard.

#10  The government denies that it has committed any crime.  The government is never accountable.  Do you really think Fauci is going to get in front of national TV and apologize for his errors?  Don't make me laugh.  Like most politicians and government officials, he doubles down.  

LUCY: Just Get the Shots, and We'll Get Back to Normal

And this was too perfect.

Why Is Fauci Not in Jail? Department of Justice


What is keeping Anthony Fauci free?  DOJ has failed the American people and has had this information since April 2020 and they have sat on it and done nothing.  This has gone to US attorneys.  This has gone to the department of justice.  I’ve sent this in April 2020 to the Office of Inspector General of the Dept. of Health & Human Services, and not a single law enforcement entity in the United States has taken this seriously.   

So my question would be, “Who is telling law enforcement to stand down?”  Not unlike the motorcade security in Dallas on the 22nd of November 1963.

They’ve been ordered not to.  I’ve worked with the DOJ on Antitrust matters in the past.  You probably know, Stew, that my organization, M-CAM, was involved in one of the largest white-collar tax frauds in U.S. history, which was US corporations and universities colluding to defraud the U.S. government back in the late 1990s and early 2000s.  and we were at the time accused of being the second-largest tax collector in U.S. history which is kind of a dubious distinction.  You don’t get a lot of Christmas cards if you’re a tax collector.  But what we found was that there’s an enormous amount of appetite inside the Department of Justice for Antitrust investigations.  And you know this to be the case.  They are allegedly going after Google and Facebook, and we've been told that is their priority, but the fact of the matter is that the Department of Justice has abjectly failed.  Every U.S. Attorney in this country.  Every part of the DOJ's Trust Division has been focused singularly on this social media price fixing--search engine optimization, restraint of trade--as the fig leaf to hide behind what is in fact a much larger crime. 

The crime is that we have collusion between what is called Interlocking Directorates inside of Anti-Trust Law.  We have Anthony Fauci at NIAID.  We have the Director of the Centers for Disease Control in China.  And we have Dr. [Christopher] Elias from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 

17:05  Nothing started in Wuhan.

He’s talking about investors in Moderna, Pfizer

CDC and NIAID are fronts for big pharma.  The first vax was issued to Pfizer in 1990.  This is the architect of this scam, a key driver is the media and economics will follow the hype.  Under the patriot act, that is domestic terrorism.  

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Vaccinated people in Singapore make up three-quarters of recent COVID cases.

Vaccinations: Where Are the Benefits and Who Are All These Nobodys Recommending to Everyone Else That You Get One?