Monday, February 22, 2021

US Covid Testing Has Plunged

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Want quality sleep? Reach for the zinc

Zinc is the 2nd most abundant trace element in the human body.  It reduces stress, improves the quality of your sleep, and regrows your thymus to its original size. 


in this same period, the thymuses of these mice had quadrupled in size and exhibited a greatly enlarged cortex repopulated with immature thymocytes

For years, I was under the impression that magnesium was the go-to mineral for the biological ravages of stress.  And I am sure that magnesium is still good for treating that.  But more recently, in the last couple of years, I've learned first-hand that zinc is even better.  After a simple Google search of "stress and zinc," the first entry produced this, 

Zinc plays a significant role with respect to the stress response.  Proper maintenance of zinc status can help to stabilize serum cortisol levels over time,1 and zinc intake has been shown to temporarily inhibit cortisol secretions. However, in turn, prolonged stress will deplete zinc concentrations in the blood.

That article goes on to say that

Zinc is required for the catalytic activity of approximately 100 enzymes. 

Magnesium is involved in even more--over 300 chemical interactions in your body.

Zinc plays a role in immune function, protein synthesis, wound healing, DNA synthesis, and cell division. Zinc supports normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence, and zinc is necessary for proper sense of taste and smell. 

So if you find that your sense of taste and smell diminishing, reach for the supplemental zinc. 

Given that the body has no specialized zinc storage system, regular daily zinc intake is required to maintain a steady state and to prevent deficiency.

That was interesting because I think that homeostasis leaves us with the impression that we're all doing okay; meaning, that it's hard to tell, hard to know if we're deficient.  And you're never going to have a doctor tell you that you're deficient in zinc.  Ever. 

I remember the first time that I ever took supplemental zinc how it completely relaxed me and put me in a great mood for a good night's sleep.  This was about 3 years ago.  In fact, now I prefer to take zinc rather than melatonin for sleep. Note well, that 

Sleeplessness has a huge impact on the human physiology and is commonly associated with metabolic disorders (obesity and diabetes), cardiovascular diseases (hypertension) and mental disorders (anxiety and depression). 

So if you're looking for quality hours of sleep, reach for the . . . well, you know what to reach for--the zinc, of course. 

The first paragraph in this article states that

Recent research has concluded that zinc serum concentration varies with the amount of sleep, while orally administered zinc increases the amount and the quality of sleep in mice and humans.

Melatonin is a decent sleep-aid and has excellent anti-oxidant properties to boot, but so does zinc.  Melatonin does lower your blood pressure.  If you have high blood pressure like I have had a few times, then melatonin would be a good choice.  But zinc relaxes more functions in your body, I believe.  

Important to know [in the Introduction] is that 

Zinc is the second most abundant trace metal in the human body and is essential for many biological processes.


That depends. 

Zinc lozenges are made with zinc acetate, so if you've got a cold then you'll want zinc lozenges. [I tend to trust Bill Sardi's recommendations, so I buy his zinc lozenges product.] Zinc lozenges are what you should be giving your children, er, grandchildren when they have a cough, not a cough drop which is mainly sugar and provides only a short-lived placebo effect.  Know, too, that zinc regrows your thymus gland back to its original size, which I find absolutely miraculous.  The thymus gland has a tendency to shrink through the years.  Read this

After the deficient mice had been fed a zinc-adequate diet for 1 week, their response was nearly normal, except that the indirect response was 68% of controls; in this same period, the thymuses of these mice had quadrupled in size and exhibited a greatly enlarged cortex repopulated with immature thymocytes [my emphasis as if you couldn't tell].  By 2 weeks, the thymuses of the previously zinc-deficient mice were normal in size and appearance; however, there was a slight increase in the numbers of indirect plaque-forming cells. By 4 weeks, the thymus weights, direct and indirect plaque-forming cell counts, and the secondary response of the previously deficient mice were normal. Mice that were nearly athymic after 45 days of dietary zinc deficiency were also able to fully reconstruct the thymus and regenerate T-cell helper function.

It's been argued that the brand name Optizinc is the most absorbable.  May be true.  If you're deficient in zinc and have never supplemented with it, then the Optizinc will surely improve your sense of well-being.  Keep a bottle of zinc lozenges around the house in case of a cold or any lung issues.  Lately, I've really appreciated Bill Sardi's zinc product, called T-Cell Zinc.  If you accidentally overeat at a party (remember those?), reach for the zinc.  We overeat in response to stress, and then overeating causes our bodies stress.  So any stressful event, reach for the zinc.  

The benefits of zinc are remarkable.  OptiZinc reduces acne by 50%.  So there's that.  Acne may be due to bodily stress of a teenager.  Zinc Carnosine treats intestinal ulcers.  Even Wikipedia understands this.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

“That Is an Outrageous, Vicious Lie!” – Dr. Scott Atlas DESTROYS Dr. Birx after Her Disgusting Attacks in CBS Interview

I thought that this was an important interview to do and to listen to, for Dr. Scott Atlas, as a public health policy expert working with a lot of smart health professionals at the Hoover Institute, was not given the due respect in DC by Anthony Fauci or Dr. Birx.  And though I'd known of their attacks, I didn't realize how nasty they were at digging at a professional's credibility when they themselves have been lying to the public in their role on the White House's COVID-19 Task Force.  Fauci and Birx should have been expunged from the task force.  

It's important to not take hits lying down, and that's exactly what this interview does is provide Atlas with that opportunity to answer Birx's hit job.

Dr. Scott Atlas: This is sort of stunning to me that people would be personally threatened because other people are providing information… Anyone who is personally threatened by that should really look in the mirror and reexamine her role there… It was really outrageous to imply or say that I ever fed the President of the United States false, misleading or non-scientific information. That is an outrageous, vicious lie. And apparently, someone was so threatened that they thought that she thought the best way to make herself look good is to tear other people down.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

"[Hank] Aaron’s tragic death is part of a wave of suspicious deaths among elderly closely following administration of COVID vaccines.”


By Children's Health Defense Team

Baseball legend Hank Aaron, who received the Moderna COVID vaccine on Jan. 5, has died. According to the New York Times, the Atlanta Braves confirmed the 86-year-old Hall of Famer’s death today, but did not provide further details.

CNN reported that Aaron died “peacefully in his sleep,” and that no cause of death was disclosed.

Aaron made headlines earlier this month when he was photographed getting the Moderna vaccine. He told the Associated Press at the time that getting vaccinated “makes me feel wonderful.” He added:

I don’t have any qualms about it at all, you know. I feel quite proud of myself for doing something like this. … It’s just a small thing that can help zillions of people in this country.

Aaron was vaccinated at the Morehouse School of Medicine health clinic in Atlanta, in what news reports said was an attempt to inspire other Black Americans to step up to the plate and get the vaccine. The AP reported at the time:

Rolling up their sleeves to take the first of two doses, these octogenarians, their spouses and several other civil rights leaders who received the shots in a brand-new health clinic at the Morehouse School of Medicine acknowledged the legacy of mistrust that many African Americans have toward medical research, stemming from the infamous Tuskegee experiment in which U.S. health workers left syphilis untreated in Black men without their consent, making them suffer needlessly.

In December, VOX reported on the launch of a global campaign using influencers and celebrities to help overcome “vaccine hesitancy,” stating that it “will be unprecedented” and many institutions will have a role, including government and public health authorities.

However, health officials continue to encounter pushback, including from healthcare workers.

Adverse events to the COVID vaccine have been reported worldwide. Germany and Norway have reported a combined 43 deaths among elderly people who received the Pfizer vaccine, prompting China health officials to call for the vaccines to be suspended, especially among the elderly.

On learning of Aaron’s death, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman and chief legal counsel for Children’s Health Defense, said: “Aaron’s tragic death is part of a wave of suspicious deaths among elderly closely following administration of COVID vaccines.”

“Studies show that self-interested pharmaceutical company researchers, physicians, nursing homes and health officials seldom report vaccine injuries. Instead, they dismiss injuries and deaths as ‘unrelated’ to vaccination,” Kennedy said. “Public health advocates worry that the vast majority of injuries and deaths will go unreported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), the notoriously broken voluntary surveillance system run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).”

A 2001 HHS study concluded that “fewer than 1% of vaccine injuries” are reported to VAERS.

As The Defender reported last week, California was forced to recall a batch of 330,000 Moderna vaccines after a cascade of reported injuries, though now the company says it’s okay to resume administration of that batch.

The Defender also covered the story of a 56-year-old Florida doctor who died about two weeks after getting his first dose of Pfizer’s vaccine. His death is under investigation by Florida health officials. In addition, multiple severe allergic reactions have been directly linked to the Pfizer vaccine.

The above originally appeared at the Children's Health Fund.  

I wanted to addenda short interview of Irish Professore, Dolores Cahill, who explains how the mRNA vaccines are different and the hazardous potential they pose for elderly residents.   

California resident who was vaccinated against COVID-19 died just hours later

from the New York Post

A California resident who was vaccinated against COVID-19 died just hours later — and authorities are trying to find out why.

The Placer County Sheriff’s Office announced the death and the investigation Saturday in a Facebook post, but gave few details.

The county, which is in the greater Sacramento area, was “recently notified” of the person’s death, the police said.

The person had tested positive for coronavirus in December and had been vaccinated just hours before their Jan. 21 death. 

Why would they get the vaccine AFTER they'd already had C-19?  This is just bizarre.

There was no indication which vaccine the person had been given.

“There are multiple local, state, and federal agencies actively investigating this case; any reports surrounding the cause of death are premature, pending the outcome of the investigation. 

That is cold comfort.  What, is the fact that the agencies, Board of Supervisors, City Councils who've been bribed to keep up the lockdown pressure on working-class citizens supposed to bring relief?  Are you kidding me?  

Our thoughts are with the family of the deceased,” the sheriff’s office wrote.

An autopsy would be done Monday, the sheriff’s office told CBS’ Sacramento affiliate.