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Showing posts sorted by date for query masks. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, September 28, 2023

"Children would die within hours to a week of their immunization"

Executive summary

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) happens to babies, from 1 month to 1 year in age, but most frequently between 2 and 4 months of age.

Recently I interviewed a former police detective who handled over 250 SIDS cases for a major US city. She revealed her full name and I was able to independently verify her employment at the police department.

In the interview, she revealed that 50% of the SIDS cases happened within 48 hours after a vaccine was given and about 70% of the cases happened within one week of a vaccine.

This can only mean one thing: that the childhood vaccines are the leading cause of SIDS deaths.

There is no other explanation.

Even her pediatrician acknowledged this, but they aren’t allowed to talk about it. She said that the American Academy of Pediatrics trains the pediatricians in how to gaslight parents who seek to blame the vaccine.

This is the first time these statistics have ever been revealed publicly.

All the information is independently verifiable in the police records for any health authority who has any doubts.

Also, I am working with the police department to make these statistics public directly from the police department itself (I cannot compel the production of these records because the FOIA laws in the state exempt these records).

My 16-minute interview


The key points

1.  3 to 4 cases per month, so over 250 cases total during her tenure

2. 50% of SIDS cases happened within 48 hours of a vaccine administration. Assuming kids are vaccinated every month (which is the most conservative assumption), the chance of this happening by chance is 1.23e-64. This means the cases were caused by the vaccine since there is no other viable hypothesis that can explain the evidence.

3.  70% of SIDS cases happened within 1 week of a vaccination.

4.  Her pediatrician acknowledged this and didn’t argue with the data.

5.  The American Academy of Pediatrics trains doctors on how to gaslight patients who suspect the vaccine caused their child’s death.

6.  Jennifer declined to publicly reveal her name or the police department she worked for, but revealed this to me so I could verify everything using independent sources.

7.  The police department declined to respond to my records count request because it is outside the scope of the state’s FOIA laws since it cannot be accomplished with a straightforward query and “research” would be required. I agree with their interpretation, but I’ve requested they comply anyway as a matter of public benefit. I will update this article when I hear back from them.

Jennifer’s SIDS statistics are validated in the peer-reviewed medical literature!

This paper, Vaccines and sudden infant death: An analysis of the VAERS database 1990–2019 and review of the medical literature, states this:

Of all reported SIDS cases post-vaccination, 75 % occurred within 7 days (p < 0.00001).

This almost exactly matches what Jennifer said in my interview (70% within one week). Neither of us was aware of this article at the time we made the video.

This is impossible if the vaccines aren’t causing SIDS. There is simply no other viable explanation for the association. But of course, you won’t get your paper published if you say that. You have to say that the association is interesting.

Jennifer is not the only police detective to figure out the connection; Helen Grus in Ottawa found the same thing

In Canada, if you are a police officer and suspect that vaccines cause SIDS, they will prosecute you. It seems that is illegal in Ottawa to question the safety of the vaccines:

"Hearing to continue for Ottawa police officer accused of looking for vaccine links to child death cases," Joanne Laucius, August 18, 2023.

Helen Grus is a Forensic Police Detective in Canada who was looking into the sudden infant deaths that appeared to be connected to mothers being vaccinated.

For the last 2 years she was stoned walled by her own police force. Her court case resumes Oct 2023 and will drag into 2024.

She is being persecuted for seeking the truth. I hope that Detective Helen Grus will be exonerated and continue to investigate the “baffling mystery” of dead babies.

She was suspended without pay for not taking the COVID vaccine and she doesn’t think masks are effective either.

In short, they are trying to get rid of critical thinkers that are trying to get to the truth in the Ottawa police department.

See also these articles which cast Grus as the problem, rather than the vaccines:

1.  Detective tried to uncover vaccine status of dead children’s parents, sources say.

Here’s a story casting Grus in a favorable light, pointing out that she didn’t violate any policy of the department and that the police department illegally provided documents to CBC Ottawa reporter Shaamini Yogaretnam which is a criminal offense, yet nobody in the police department is being charged with a crime. Former Toronto police detective Donald Best is baffled that Grus was charged at all, given the investigative discretion bestowed to all police officers. He pointed out that “a fourth-class constable on his or her first day on the job has all the authority to initiate any investigation they want to from parking tickets to homicide.”  

1.  Detective who investigated safety of Covid shot continues to fight to clear her name

That article points out that the investigating official, Chris Renwick, is denying discovery requests and refusing to investigate the source of the leak even though it is a criminal offense.

Here are more excellent articles and videos:  

1.  Ottawa Detective was singled out by police leadership for her opposition to Covid mandates.  

2.  Political meddling suspected in Ottawa police investigation of Constable Helen Grus

3.  Articles on Helen Grus from The Epoch Times

In short, this isn’t justice. They are stacking the deck against Grus, rather than following the law. CBC is ghosting requests for comment from True North.

Check out the rest of this episode . . . . 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023


Bipartisan Presidential Executive Orders in 2003, 2005, and 2014 authorized the Secretary of Health and Human Services to detain Americans on suspicion of having colds and flus.

Third installment of the Callender Interview series.

Jan. 31, 2022 - Attorney Todd Callender explains the legal framework for suspension of human rights and civil liberties globally. Set in motion by the Bank of International Settlements in 1990, ratified by national governments in 2005, and implemented in 2020 with a “WHO-declared pandemic.”

Feb. 2, 2022 - January 19, 2017 Federal Register. US Health and Human Services final rulemaking, WHO International Health Regulations, and human liberty. 


The governments of nation-states around the world can’t stop the mass murder and mass maiming of the world’s people through forced detentions (in homes, nursing homes, schools, hospitals, and quarantine facilities); forced masking and social distancing; forced withholding of preventative and early treatments for Covid-19; forced administration of ventilation, Remdesivir, midazolam and other lethal poisons; and forced administration of mRNA and DNA bioweapon injections, until those governments and their central banks (the Federal Reserve in the United States) are prepared to forego access to the international financial system controlled by the individuals who control the Bank for International Settlements.

One step would be the signing of a Presidential Executive Order revoking Executive Order 13295 of April 4, 2003; Executive Order 13375 of April 1, 2005, and Executive Order 13674 of July 31, 2014, and reinstating Executive Order 12452 of Dec. 22, 1983.

2005 - World Health Organization creates International Health Regulations, IHR

In 2005, through the World Health Organization, the individuals who control the Bank of International Settlements created the International Health Regulations (IHR).

The second edition of the IHR is described, by WHO, as follows: 

"In response to the exponential increase in international travel and trade and emergence and reemergence of international disease threats and other health risks, 196 countries across the globe have agreed to implement the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR). This binding instrument of international law entered into force on 15 June 2007.”

The stated purpose and scope of the IHR are "to prevent, protect against, control and provide a public health response to the international spread of disease in ways that are commensurate with and restricted to public health risks, and which avoid unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade."

The IHR "are not limited to specific diseases, but are applicable to health risks, irrespective of their origin or source." 

The IHR further, "requires States to strengthen core surveillance and response capacities at the primary, intermediate and national level, as well as at designated international ports, airports and ground crossings. They further introduce a series of health documents, including ship sanitation certificates and an international certificate of vaccination or prophylaxis for travelers."

The 2005 International Health Regulations required each signatory nation to adopt implementing legislation, which the United States government did, through [among many other acts] revisions to 42 Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 70 and 71.

Those federal laws regulate interstate and foreign quarantine activities during "public health emergencies of international concern."

2017 - Major rulemaking by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

The most recent, major revisions of 42 CFR Parts 70 and 71 occurred through a "final rulemaking" by the Department of Health and Human Services, published in the Federal Register on Jan. 19, 2017, and effective Feb. 17, 2017. (See 6890 Federal Register. Vol. 82, No. 12)

The Federal Register entry reported that some commenters, during the public comment period, requested clarification concerning whether the World Health Organization’s (WHO) declaration of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) could continue to serve as the basis for a ‘‘public health emergency’’ if the President or HHS Secretary disagreed with the declaration of a PHEIC on legal, epidemiologic, or policy grounds.

Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control respondents described such a scenario as “unlikely” and noted that “CDC remains a component of HHS, subject to the authority and supervision of the HHS Secretary and President of the United States.”

Another comment addressed the same concern from a slightly different perspective: the commenter “objected to referencing the WHO’s declaration of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) in the definition of ‘‘public health emergency’’ because this ostensibly relinquishes U.S. sovereignty.”

Again, HHS/CDC respondents said they “disagreed” with the characterization, stating that US government officials would "give consideration to the WHO’s declaration of a PHEIC" but would “continue to make its own independent decisions regarding when a quarantinable communicable disease may be likely to cause a public health emergency if transmitted to other individuals.”

A few paragraphs later, the HHS/CDC respondents again said that “it would be unlikely for the United States to formally object to the WHO’s declaration of a PHEIC, but that CDC remains a component of HHS, subject to the authority and supervision of the HHS Secretary and President of the United States.”

It’s very careful sophistry. HHS states that the US government is unlikely to even try to resist a WHO declaration, not addressing what would happen in the unlikely event of such an attempt. Presumably because it would be financially impossible for the US government to make the attempt because the Federal Reserve would immediately lose access to the Bank of International Settlements.

Other commenters expressed concern that "any disease considered to be a public health emergency may qualify it as quarantinable" and noted that some PHEICs ‘‘most certainly do not qualify as public health emergencies’’ under the proposed definition.

HHS/CDC respondents “clarified” that “only those communicable diseases listed by Executive Order of the President may qualify as quarantinable communicable diseases. For example, Zika virus infection, which although the current epidemic was declared a PHEIC by WHO, is not a quarantinable communicable disease.”

After dispatching with the comments, the HHS/CDC respondents concluded:  “The definition of Public health emergency is finalized as proposed.”

US Presidents’ Executive Orders since 1990

As it happens, there have been three Executive Orders issued by US Presidents related to the quarantine power of the Secretary of Health and Human Services laws since 1990.

They were promulgated under section 361(b) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 264(b)), and they assigned the President's executive authority to the Secretary of Health and Human Services for implementation.

Executive Order 13295

On April 4, 2003, President George W. Bush signed Executive Order 13295, listing: 

“(a) Cholera; Diphtheria; infectious Tuberculosis; Plague; Smallpox; Yellow Fever; and Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers (Lassa, Marburg, Ebola, Crimean-Congo, South American, and others not yet isolated or named) and

(b) Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which is a disease associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory illness, is transmitted from person to person predominantly by the aerosolized or droplet route, and, if spread in the population, would have severe public health consequences.” 
See Federal Register/Vol. 68, No. 68, p. 17255

The 2003 Executive Order revoked Executive Order 12452 of Dec. 22, 1983, which specified quarantinable diseases as including "Cholera or suspected Cholera, Diphtheria, infectious Tuberculosis, Plague, suspected Smallpox, Yellow Fever, and suspected Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers (Lassa, Marburg, Ebola, Congo-Crimean, and others not yet isolated or named).”

In other words, in 2003, President Bush added the common cold to the list of communicable diseases empowering the executive branch, through the Secretary of Health and Human Services, to summarily detain American citizens and prevent them from traveling across state or federal borders.

Executive Order 13375 of April 1, 2005

On April 1, 2005, President Bush signed Executive Order 13375, extending the quarantine power of the Health and Human Services Secretary to include:

“(c) Influenza caused by novel or reemergent influenza viruses that are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic.’’ 
(See Federal Register, Vol. 70, No. 64, p. 17299)

In 2005, the executive branch of the federal government granted itself the power to detain American citizens for the flu.

Executive Order 13674 of July 31, 2014

On July 31, 2014, President Barack Obama signed Executive Order 13674, revising Section b of President Bush's 2003 order. The new text expanded on the definition of SARS [the common cold]:

“(b) Severe acute respiratory syndromes, which are diseases that are associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory illness, are capable of being transmitted from person to person, and that either are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic, or, upon infection, are highly likely to cause mortality or serious morbidity if not properly controlled. This subsection does not apply to influenza.’’ 
See Federal Register Vol. 79, No. 151, p. 45671

Parsed, in 2014, the federal government expanded its power to detain American citizens for common colds, not only if the diseases are "transmitted" but if they are "capable of being transmitted . . . and are causing, or have the potential to cause a pandemic."

That's what made it legally possible for President Trump and President Biden, working through the Centers for Disease Control, to 

1.  place all Americans — including healthy Americans with no symptoms — under house/business/school arrest; 

2.  order that healthy Americans wear medical devices (cloth masks) without individual clinical diagnoses, without evidence of efficacy for infection control, and without a personal physician's prescription; and submit to forcible injection of mRNA and DNA toxins.

Combined effect of International Health Regulations and implementing national regulations and executive orders

Explaining the combined effect in the podcast interview, Attorney Todd Callender stated:

“It allows for, in every instance, a suspension of your human rights, your sovereign rights, your Constitutional rights, charter rights."

Iain Davis, author of Pseudopandemic: New Normal Technocracy, 2021, writing at The Disillusioned Blogger

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Trump will go to bat for the Department of Defense against the American people

The vaccines, the masks, the 6-ft distancing, the lockdowns, all of it was an unmitigated disaster, political disaster, and if Trump continues to defend it or to even account for the disaster, he loses.  He's just showing himself to his opponents his weaknesses.  But since the roll out of the vaccines was a coup by the Department of Defense against the American people and other people's around the world, Trump will go to bat for them. He will lie on their behalf.  I recall the months prior to the rollout, he was saying that we're going to have the army shoot the vaccination services which seem like a natural choice since that's what they do to the to the new recruits anyway when they join.

Monday, September 4, 2023

In March of 2020, Birx and Dr. Anthony Fauci were grinning like Cheshire Cats with Duper's Delight as they laid out an unprecedented lockdown strategy which Birx later admitted they pulled out of their asses.

Given how health officials [I would never call them experts, nor would I call a doctor expert; no, I would call them order followers, like good little Nazis.  Seriously] had said one thing, and then changed their statements weeks or months later, then claiming that they didn't have all the science, while claiming in the other breath that we've got the science when they want you to follow them verbatim, I wouldn't trust anything that they say even if what they say lines up with your values or convictions.  What's the phrase, "Opt out"?  Do that.  But it is fun and interesting to see the crooks dance around on hot coals.  
In March of 2020, Birx and Dr. Anthony Fauci were grinning like Cheshire Cats with Duper's Delight as they laid out an unprecedented lockdown strategy which Birx later admitted they pulled out of their asses

By the way, if you're not familiar with the term Duper's Delight, here's a definition, 

Duping delight is a micro-expression that betrays a person's enjoyment of controlling and deceiving another person. It is a form of body language reserved for pathological character types such as psychopaths. Psychopaths are obsessed with control and power over others, and they often display duping delight when lying to others.0 Duping delight can manifest through subtle facial expressions, body language, or vocal cues.1 It is hard to contain duping delight, and those who feel it want to share their accomplishments with others, seeking admiration for their exploits. 

More from ZeroHedge,

Now that we're revisiting mask mandates over the latest Covid-19 surge, Birx and Fauci are seemingly on different sides of the debate.
"We don't need to mandate," Birx told Newsmax on Saturday, in response to reports that an increasing number of hospitals and businesses are now requiring masks again.
"We need to actually empower people with the information that they need for themselves and their families because every family is different," she continued. "And by the way, outside is safe, and playgrounds are safe."  How is it that each and everyone of the health officials look so ugly.  
Paul Mango looks like Lon Chaney who played the phantom in the 1925 version of The Phantom of the Opera.

And Mango simply parrots what Birx said about information, but it's precisely the information that has formed the raging propaganda campaign in the war on the American people.  Again, how can anyone start to think that the information they the gov't officials have and WANT TO SHARE is of any value.  They pimped the promises of Remdesivir and others as they buried and demonized the true remedy of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D, and zinc.  Yet information is still buried.  We're still being lied to.  

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Rachell Maddow, Rachell Maddow hops and flip-flops, like a virus, from no masks to must vaccinate. She is the countermeasure queen

Friday, September 1, 2023

"Covid nonsense, the climate change hysteria, while they’re lighting forest fires everywhere that they’re just going to keep doing this until they burn the world down. That’s the Davos crowd. The Neocons are doing the same thing over Russia/Ukraine"

06:39. You know what matters in monetary policy collateral physical collateral kind of matters.  And BRICS just told us that physical collateral matters and Powell is saying the same thing because the US has plenty of collateral.  Or did I miss the fact that the United States is a cornucopia of tremendous amount of commodity wealth?  All the peak oil guys not withstanding, most of whom are just, you know, I would never ever accuse them of being, you know, in the league with the Davosians, the Davos crowd, but they are certainly carrying water for them.  There's plenty of energy it's plenty of oil out there we've been sitting on . . . we're tapping the upper wells, the upper layers of the Bakken Oil Fields, for example, we're tapping all that oil up there but that's the upper layer there's another big pool under the Dakotas and Montanas.  There's an unbelievable amount of oil.

07:45. And it's a misnomer to call oil fossil fuels.  I mean we're finding oil way beneath any fossil layer.  All the real evidence shows that it's abiotic and I used to get into fits with guys like Michael Rupert back in the day, before he killed himsel.  There's no such thing as peak oil.  It's not a limited thing.  It's very plentiful.  There's artificial scarcity and because they . . . the problem with peak oil guys is that they're not financially literate enough to connect the dots.  That's what I've seen to be the biggest problem.

08:17. I agree completely.  I think that some oil certainly is abiotic, but most of the fossil fuels are coal and natural gas.  They are fossil fuels, but oil, not necessarily. And I've argued with oil engineers, petroleum engineers from Exxon about this. I remember being in a Libertarian party, an annual conference, the state conference, maybe 3% of fossil fuels is abiotic. Feeling froggy?Take that 20 years later and Exxon is still drilling in places where there should be no oil.  The Russians are still pulling millions of barrels out a day from places where there should be no oil.  It's dumb.  Tom Gold's Deep Hot Biosphere blew the lid off this just through basic apriori analysis of the world, looking at the world and just building this model in his head.  And he said, look, hydrocarbons of that variety, straight chain hydrocarbons, . . . only form under heat and pressure that can come from the core and the carbon that spins out of the core of the planet is what's filling the lower crust and it's an up and that's where the upper pressure comes from that's why oil wells are pressurized.  Where is that Force coming from that pressurizes oil wells? It comes from the spinning of the planet, because angular momentum, the last I checked.  I look at coal anthracite, bituminous coal, yeah, ring systems, sure.  Ring systems are easy to form when your feedstock had ring systems in them, i.e., benzene rings. You took proteins and fats that already had Benzene rings and you just keep compressing them with heat and make bigger . . . and then you collapse molecules together and they form ring systems because those are really natural energy minima in terms of bond energy.  But then to break those ring systems down into straight chain hydrocarbons, yeah, okay, pull the other leg up and it'll play freaking "Jingle Bells."  That's not happening under these types of pressures and temperatures, it's not happening.  So then otherwise, you have to argue for some form of bacterial process that will break those down and that's possible but it can only happen at very, very deep layers and under extreme temperatures. 

21:20  It is a Rubicon moment because what they’re telling us is that if we don’t submit to their insanity, put the masks back on, believe the Covid nonsense, believe the climate change hysteria while they’re lighting forest fires everywhere that they’re just going to keep doing this until they burn the world down.  That’s the Davos crowd.  The Neocons are doing the same thing over Russia/Ukraine.  And they’re 2 different factions.  They have similar goals when it comes to Russia, but they don’t have similar goals when it comes to everything else.  Davos realizes that if they don’t get control of the United States, maintain political control over the United States, and get control over the monetary system in the U.S., they will be footnotes in the history books and they will all be frog-marched into bankruptcy because it’s very clear that the U.S. oligarchs of this particular variety are done with these friggin people and they’re cranking up the pressure on them daily.  Powell represents them.  I’m not saying that these guys were good guys.  There are no allies in geopolitics, only interests.  We have allies.  We have interests in common with New York and Wall Street and the blue striped-shirt guys with white collars that summer in the Hamptons. And I think everything changes dramatically after Labor Day.  I think as we get into the end of Q3 and everybody does some Q3 end-of-the-quarter book squaring and then October and everybody says, “You know what?” That was fun.  These markets are mispriced.  I’m shorting the bond market.  Because this stuff is insane.  It’s not just our bond market.  It’s clearly Lagarde over at the ECB is doing yield curve control.  You can draw a horizontal line through the French 10-year yield on a weekly basis, the German 10-year yield on a weekly basis, the Spanish, the Italian, all of them, draw a line, cross, that the line in the sand that Lagarde won’t let rates above that.  Most obvious one is the German 10-year yield at 2.5%.  She can only maintain that for so long until everything starts to blow apart.  That’s indicative of what is going to let loose.  I think that Powell and company can continue to put upward pressure on rates, so they are continuing to hold the long end of our yield curve down.  At some point, people are going to be looking at this and going, “These things are mispriced.”  And when that happens, the whole thing starts to go Looney Tunes.  While Powell was speaking this morning, before he started to speak, the Euro was down below $1.80.  The minute he started talking, the ECB went into overdrive to try and stop the Euro from closing below $1.80 for the next hour.  Your homework, folks: watch a 5-minute chart of the Euro.  Go to  Go to Five-minute Candlestick Patterns, and you’ll see what I’m talking about.  You’re seeing a market having a heart attack.  If it was an EKG, the patient was on its way to a dirt nap and we’re going to close the day well below a $1.08.  Powell definitely has them by the short and curlies, when you think about yield curve inversions, what’s going on, why is the U.S. yield curve inverted?  Because the market is trying to anticipate when the Fed is going to pivot and go low.  If they realize they can get 5.5% on 3-month money, but I can bid up 2-year money to 4.2% because I think in 2 years the Fed is going to be at 3.75% and I’m going to make more money on the appreciation of the bond than I bought at 4.25% while I pocket 4.25% that’s the mindset that that’s going to be better than the yield spread that I would get between the 2-year and the 3-month.  That’s why they’re doing it.  That’s what you do when you have a core economy and a monetary policy of that core economy matters.  They’re going to anticipate what the monetary policy is going to look like.  Does that happen across the world?  No, it doesn’t.  Go look at like Vietnam.  We see a frontier market trade the same way in the face of the Fed wanting . . . the markets are still pricing Europe as if it’s a developed market in a core economy when they should be pricing it as a frontier or emerging market.

Sunday, August 27, 2023


5:00. Remember that this was a behavior modification exercise in Covid 1.0.  If we go back and look at Anthrax 2.0, which was September of 2001, we see that we needed a couple rounds of the fear porn to get people to accept the Prep Act in 2005, which gave the legislative framework for the way in which the Biden Administration is currently planning for lockdown 2.0.  This is a very old playbook.  If we go back and look at how old the playbook is, what we needed was to get everybody addicted to penicillin.  We needed the HIV epidemic to get everybody addicted to AZT and very costly medications.  We needed to create hyper allergies and food allergies.  We needed to create all kinds of other things with environmental toxins so that we could get people addicted to epinephrine pens, which then mysteriously became $40,000 a dgutSeth  It's amazing how this works.  We have a pattern that goes back to 1904 when the Japanese figured out that bacillus thuringiensis (BT) was a gut toxin to vertebrates, to humans, and so, you know, not surprisingly, we decided to use bacillus thuringiensis to modify all of our seed crops: BT cotton, BT corn, BT soybeans, every single thing you put in your mouth that's not a GMO-free certified, every single thing you put in your mouth that has corn syrup in it, tofu, soy milk, soy sauces, and everything single thing you put in your mouth is actually containing inside of it a toxin that was known in 1904 to create gut problems.  Lo and behold, Seth, we have irritable bowel syndrome, dietary issues, heartburn, and gut issues.  We have to remember where we are.  This is behavior modification.  It's not about a pandemic.  There is no Health Emergency to be declared.  Allegedly the new variant, which was supposed to be told, is now 26% of the circulating population the air variant is actually not a variant.  It was actually not only planned, but if you look at the clinical trials for the multivalent injection that's currently being developed by Moderna, Biontech, and no vaccine what you'll see is that in all three of those existence before it was in the population before it was in the population

8:10. There never was a Covid pandemic.  There never was a SARS CoV2 novel Coronavirus.  There was never any of those things.  This was a behavior modification exercise to fulfill the objective of the financial interests that were being served.  And let's remember that the quote, and I keep saying this quote because no one is still admitting that, the criminals acknowledge their own crime

until a pandemic is at emergency threshold.  The public doesn't understand the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan Coronavirus or pan influenza vaccine.  We need the media to create the hype.  We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues.  Investors will follow if they see profit at the end of the process.   

That's a quote from Peter Daszak that's a quote that was made at the proceedings at the National Academy of Sciences published in 2015 and this is the admission of terrorism again.  And with the Biden Administration is engaging in domestic terrorism 2.0 and the reason why is because the Biden Administration could have never won an election in an open conversation no one would have elected him as president.  No one would have elected a Democratic ticket if people were not glued to their televisions under lockdowns.  The administration of Trump that allowed for those things to happen was administered by who else, Anthony Fauci and Alex Azar, Treasonous Individuals in Chief, whose sole purpose was to get people out of the public conversation, out of the debates, out of the random interactions of people talking about matters of State, getting people addicted to the TV, get them in front of MSNBC, a criminal co-conspirator; NBC, a criminal co-conspirator; CNN, a criminal co-conspirator, get them in front of the propaganda machine, and lo and behold, you can actually overthrow a government which is exactly what they want to do in Round 2.  It turns out that Democrats will win in a state-controlled faux election that has people masked, that has people at polls standing six feet apart and has the election process done on digital platforms, which will not and cannot be audited for any authentic performance.  So that's the game plan.  And remember, nobody's sick right now.  People are actually dying from the effects of the hyper-acceleration of cancers, from the pseudouridine that was in the shots.  People are dying of myocarditis but nobody's sick right now.