Showing posts sorted by date for query Remdesivir. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Remdesivir. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

as one person told me, "My daughter was worth more dead than alive," and they took her.

These people were going into hospital [and] they had not taken the COVID-19 shot.  This is really important because every single person that sat on that bus or virtual story, I asked them the question, "First of all, did you take the COVID-19 shot?"  No, they did not.  And it was becoming increasingly clear that the "unvaccinated," as they're called, were being targeted and they were being killed.  And the people speaking to me used the word "murder."  It seems to me like you came into a hospital, and the first question they asked was, "Did you take the shot?"  And if they said yes, they did take a shot, they went and got different treatments.  The ones who did not take the shot, the "unvaccinated," went straight into [a protocol of] Remdesivir, ventilation, fentanyl, a cocktail of drugs, and killed on those ventilators over and over again.

00:47. Okay that's a very strong accusation but let me add to it.  I've interviewed other guests, lawyers, who have pointed out that the hospitals were financially incentivized to produce COVID-19-related deaths because some of them received, in California, as much as $500,000 per death if someone was diagnosed with coded beforehand.  Do you think that that kind of financial incentive played a role in this flow chart that you're describing right now?

01:15. 100%.  We have coded and whistleblowers, people working inside the hospital, telling us that they were just jabbing people for this COVID-19 test, and they would keep going over and over again till they got a positive.  And the minute they got a positive, tick that box.  That's some money.  On to the next thing, Remdesivir, big tick for that.  And they were showing us on the death medical records how much they were getting paid for every single drug and cocktail and equipment that was used on them.  And it was half a million dollars plus per person.  Big money.  And as one person told me, "My daughter was worth more dead than alive," and they took her.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

ZOWE SMITH: Patients on ventilators for over 30 days [hospitals got] over $1 million . . .

 "In 11 years of medical coding I've never seen a case of pneumonia that ended up with massive organ failure, ventilator for 30 days, and all happened around the COVID [testing/bonuses.]"

"Patients were on ventilators for over 30 days...[that's]...over $1 million..." Medical whistleblower, author, and former medical coder Zowe Smith () describes for Weezy on the What is TRUTH? PODCAST (@WhatTruthPod) how hospital protocols changed once COVID testing and bonuses were implemented due to the CARES Act. (Which was signed into law by President Trump in March 2020.) "If you go through the CARES Act line by line, you're not gonna see something that says, 'If you put a patient on a ventilator, you get a 20 percent bonus.' However, if you understand the payment system of coding, it's there," Smith says. The whistleblower adds that patients who were put on a ventilator for 96+ hours were placed into the highest payment category. "If your DRG [diagnosis related group] was COVID and you're on a ventilator, you get a 20 percent bonus just for having COVID, and then you also get the bonus because you're bumped into the highest paying category for that diagnosis related group because of the ventilator use," Smith adds. Furthermore, the whistleblower notes that "there was [also a] bonus for [use of] Remdesivir." "They considered Remdesivir a new-tech drug and it was Gilead, Fauci, and the NIH that developed Remdesivir and decided we should be using it...So every single dose, every individual dose that they gave you of Remdesivir, gets them a 20 percent bonus. So that was hella money for them [the hospitals]." Indeed, Smith notes that these bonuses were the saving grace of hospitals who were in severe need of revenue, as the COVID "lockdowns" in 2020 starved them of patients. "Imagine being bankrupt and all of a sudden you see all these bonuses coming at you. If you're a hospital admin and you're responsible for the financial health of that hospital, and you see all these bonuses coming in, I bet you're gonna be telling your other buddies in admin to use those those protocols so you can get those bonuses so you can keep the doors open." Smith adds: "During the scamdemic, especially before the vaccine, I think they were practicing these hospital protocols that were killing people. Because before COVID, if you came in with pneumonia or cold or flu, you would you'd be home within 3 days probably. You almost never be put on a ventilator. We never treated it like that. There's never been I've never seen in 11 years of medical coding, I've never seen a case of pneumonia that ended up with massive organ failure, ventilator for 30 days. So something very, very different happened and it all happened around the COVID testing and the COVID bonuses." Partial transcription of clip: "Because patients were on ventilators for over 30 days, some of them. So that's an extremely long stay. That all I mean, that's very rare to have a stay like that, and they're almost all over a million dollars when you get to a stay that's that long. "And and when you couple that with. So, yeah, I believe it was up to 30,000 dollars in just bonuses, like, on top of their regular payment. Because what so this is kind what what people don't understand about the bonuses and and one of the things that I can't explain really well about bonuses is the ventilator bonus. So if you go through the CARES Act line by line, you're not gonna see something that says, if you put a patient on a ventilator, you get a 20 percent bonus. However, if you understand the payment system of coding, it's there. So, it for an inpatient, it goes to what's called IPPS, which is inpatient prospective payment system. It's a Medicare system. DRG means diagnosis related group. So what they do what Medicare's done is data mined all of these diseases. They've data mined all the treatments that it takes, and they've come up with, like, an average or a standard of care. And so they're like, a DRG for a heart attack, for example, they're gonna say these are the average day is x amount of days. "The average treatment is, you know, bypass CT scan, these certain labs, whatever, you know, kind of standard treatment it is, you know, whatever the drug standard treatment is. They know the average cost of all of that. And so they'll say, okay. This is the basic charge we're gonna pay you for that. So for an inpatient stay, they can't nickel and dime you for everything.
So you're not gonna see a charge for every single lab they do. You're not gonna see a charge for, you know, every single drug they give you or every band-aid they put on you like you will on an outpatient case because those are all individually charged if you're an outpatient.
When you're an inpatient, it's all, like, one bulk payment. So they've averaged out what all of this is, and they have a 3-tier payment system. "So for a heart attack, there will be, like, level 1, which is the lowest, level 2 where you get, like, a cc, which is called the comorbidity. You get more payment for that. And the third high or third one is the highest tier, and that's where you have the MCC or a major comorbidity, and that will get you the the highest payment that you can for that diagnosis. So ventilators are broken into the code itself, the procedure is broken into 3 different times. It's broken into less than 24 hours. That puts you in the lowest tier. Above 24 hours to 96 hours, that puts you in the middle tier for the CC. And then if you're over 96 hours on a ventilator, doesn't matter how many more days after that, there's one procedure code for over 96 hours.
"And, that will put you in the highest payment category. So they were getting 20 percent bonuses on top of their DRG. So if your DRG was COVID and you're on a ventilator, you get a 20 percent bonus just for having COVID, and then you also get the bonus because you're bumped into the highest paying category for that diagnosis related group because of the ventilator use.
And then there was the bonus for the Remdesivir. So there's something called new technology and when a new technology code comes out, it's a new procedure that we haven't done. Medicare hasn't data mined all this information. So it's considered high risk. So they're they usually pay a lot higher because this is kind of it's considered experimental until they have years and years of data saying what safety is. "So they considered Remdesivir a new tech drug and it was Gilead, Fauci, and the NIH that developed Remdesivir and decided we should be using it. What was Gilead that applied for the new tech bonus? So every single dose, every individual dose that they gave you of Remdesivir gets them a 20 percent bonus. So that was hella money for them. So imagine being bankrupt and all of a sudden you see all these bonuses coming at you. If you're hospital admin and you're responsible for the financial health of that hospital, and you see all these bonuses coming in, I bet you're gonna be telling your other buddies in admin to use those those protocols so you can get those bonuses so you can keep the doors open. "So...during the scamdemic, especially before the vaccine, I think they were practicing these hospital protocols that were killing people. Because before COVID, if you came in with pneumonia or cold or flu, you would you'd be home within 3 days probably. You almost never be put on a ventilator. We never treated it like that. There's never been I've never seen in 11 years of medical coding, I've never seen a case of pneumonia that ended up with massive organ failure, ventilator for 30 days. So something very, very different happened and it all happened around the COVID testing and the COVID bonuses."

Friday, August 16, 2024

27:35. So you don't have freedom of speech unless you get standing in court to address the violation that I am committing against you.  So freedom of speech only exists and freedom of assembly only exists and freedom of religion only exists in that you have the right to go to the government and enforce orderly Society.  Without the right to redress the Grievances you don't have the other rights that's why it's so foundational in my opinion I haven't heard this anywhere this is my kind of on track This Is My Philosophy of Law that that is the most foundational right.

28:13  Civil society breaks down without the ability to address things in court. If you can't get Justice in the court, you get it in the streets.  That's where we are headed because the courts are so broken and they won't hear cases.  "The claim is not plausible on its face."  This phrase is used all the time all three of my cases are dismissed based on standing, based on.  Missouri and Texas against Pennsylvania got dismissed on standing using

28:55. I'm going to get into that now using my case and I'm going to go through the "Three Prongs of Lujan." BTW, this is a Substack it's my first circuit Court of Appeals opening brief I don't write like a lawyer you'll see some stuff that a lawyer would never write because they would probably lose their license they would definitely be hated aware of it yeah John's substack is called COQUIN DE CHEN, French for "naughty dog" or "bad dog."  Steve Kerr said I can't promote you if you're going to have that as your avatar. 

A couple of Latin phrases:

1)  "Lex injusta non est lex," an unjust law is no law at all.  We're looking at natural law here, and as Congress creates a law that is adverse to the Constitution then you have a right to break that law.

2)  "Malam consilium quod mutari non protest," bad is the plan that cannot change.  If you set out a plan, you're 10% into your plan, and you realize, "Oh boy, the outcome is going to be worse than where we were then at the beginning."  Well, what are you going to do?  You're going to change your plan.  Well, the problem is they created a plan in March 2020.  Oh, they're not changing.  The plan, oh, unfortunately, they're just incompetent.  It's like, no, the plan is going as they planned it to be always.  They're doing well according to their plan.  I say "Malam consilium quod mutari non protest," because the people out there should realize that wait a minute they recommended Remdesivir on April 21, 2020, and they're still recommending it now.  They talk about a study that occurred in March, April, and May 2020 and that's it and they never looked at it again.  

With those in mind let's make a change else being slave by tyrants enabled by cowards.

Okay here's my case against the governor, the public health commissioner, individual medical examiners, and the Chief Medical Examiner.  Okay here's the argument: Three Prongs of Lujan.  I said Injury In Fact.  The words that they use are generalized grievance.  My case is a "Generalized grievance."  I just read to you what Article III was.  It doesn't have anything in there about standing.  So what does Lujan say about it?  Lujan says it must be "Concrete and particularized."  Your complaint must be concrete and particularized well who decides that?  It's another subjective decision of the judge.. what you're going to see and I'll just tell you you're going to see all these terms that are legal terms that are used in every case and in the adjudication of every legal term it's subjective, subjective, subjective, and subjective.  So the first test of inquiry of Lujan is "Concrete and particularized," so I was very particular in my claimed injury.  Basically I got thrown out of Law School; not just that, I couldn't get into any other law school.  Why?  Because they enacted vaccine mandates.  Why did they enact vaccine mandates?  Because the state said that everybody was dying from COVID-19 and that the vaccine will save you from COVID-19 and that the vaccine is safe and effective.  All of those were lies, and I intend to prove that if I ever get heard in a substantive argument in a case.  I intend to prove that these people didn't die from COVID-19.  Most of them are lies.  I show in the evidence, in Exhibit F of my case: blunt force trauma to the head; blunt force trauma to the torso; fentanyl overdose, all called COVID-19.  I have vaccine deaths where people died within hours of the vaccine and they called them COVID-19 deaths.  This is the irrefutable proof that I have that you won't find in research papers that are bantered about and debated on every podcast.  I don't do research papers.  I give you hard facts that any jury, any judges, any layman can understand.  I just can't be heard because I was dismissed on standing.  So my injury being "concrete and particularized," that's to say that I did get thrown out of Law School.  I did lose the $28,000 I spent for the first year I did lose a year of my life studying law and I'll never be a lawyer, or get a law degree because I'm 60 now.  Should I go back?  I don't know, but yeah so there's definitely 

35:00. John, on that question yes you should I have a friend of mine whose grandfather after being a dentist until 87 years of age went back to law school at 87 and graduated at the age of 94 and practiced law 'til he died when he was 105 in Peru.  So there you go

I would agree with you otherwise, where otherwise means my dad and his dad didn't see 70.  So I don't have a lot of time.  Maybe I'll live to be a 100.  Chances are very low.  I won't get into medical stuff, but I hear you.  I might go back, Charles

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

JOHN BEAUDOIN: "The CARES Act, like I said, [was about] behavior modification. It was never intended to save anybody...In fact, the CARES Act was written in 2018...It was finalized in 2019."

"The CARES Act, like I said, [was about] behavior modification. It was never intended to save anybody...In fact, the CARES Act was written in 2018...It was finalized in 2019." Electrical engineer and independent investigator John Beaudoin, Sr. () describes for Debi Evans of UK Column () how the CARES Act— a $2.2 trillion economic stimulus bill passed by the 116th U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Donald Trump on March 27, 2020—was all about "behavior modification" and "never intended to save anybody." In fact, Beaudoin notes that the bill was written in 2018, and then finalized in 2019. Partial transcription of clip: "The CARES Act, like I said, is a behavior modification. It was never intended to save anybody. Nothing in there has anything to save anybody or to give money to the states so that the states could save anybody. Everything in there is a modification of behavior of hospital administrators to kill people for money, to use ventilators, to prescribe remdesivir, to make sure that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are not used.  
"So, yeah, the laws that [were] put in place were never intended to save anybody. In fact, the CARES Act was written in 2018. Twenty-eighteen. They changed a few variables. It was finalized in 2019. And when COVID hit, they changed a few variables in March of 2020. So the intent was never to save a lot of people." 

Full video:

Monday, July 22, 2024

11:45. Somebody on Substack explained this concept well.  The whole Globalist One Health is basically labeling not health as health.  For example, the energy that's not clean, or clean, depending on who is opinion it is, which is not health is now health.  Plants, which is not health, are now health.  So everything . . . war is health.  They're announcing that Ukraine is a health issue.  Yes, Ukraine is a health issue!  If you're lonely it's a health issue.  So they claim that the entire world, every aspect of living existence, is health. And these local bureaucrats that have no business and no authority to make law actually make law about your health.  So your Health Department now makes de facto law because they're going to say, "Oh, no, you need to drive on this day not on this day.  You need to go lock down here," and this is all health regulation that has nothing to do with laws but the deprivation of your rights.  That's how they are claiming the world capturing the world while everybody is talking politics and distracted.  

I will never forget the scene in the 1987 movie, Escape from Sobibor, starring Alan Arkin and Rutger Hauer, where after a trainload of Jews arrived and departed into formation, the German commander explains that typhus [at the 12:04 mark] has spread in some of the camps and that the residents will have to take showers.  So totalitarians are always using "health" to get compliance from you, and why not?  We know that health is good for us.  We know that we don't do enough for our own health.  And none of us like disease, and if disease is prevalent we want to wipe it out completely for the greater good.

13:10, BREGGIN. One of the first things I did when the whole thing started is I got a couple of textbooks on public health and one of the things that was very interesting to me who were writing the articles were for themselves planning the future of the world, each one of them.  And they would talk about how they were going to have to do this and that.  And never did these individual articles say we might run into trouble with the Supreme Court and there was a Bill of Rights that would tell us you can't do any of these things.  It's gone. It's not in their minds and they've succeeded, as you brilliantly just described, at going around the whole thing bypassing government. 

14:04. LATYPOVA. By administrative diktat, the Administrative State.  Yeah, I published on this very scary authority that they give themselves, the CDC and then down to every Health Department including in your county, they give themselves the authority to arrest anyone without any cause or due process through quarantine measures.  And they already did that in 2020 when they arrested and put into Federal detainment into military bases about 3,000 people from two cruise ships on absolutely a secret PCR test that only the CDC had in their possession at the time and didn't allow anyone to validate it.  So they secretly tested everyone, told them that they were positive or exposed to somebody who was positive based on their own hand-waving rules, and took those people and put them into military bases indefinitely.  And people could appeal their quarantine imprisonment to the same people who put them there the CDC and the medical orders for quarantine were written up by PHDs, not by MDs.  So that's how they do it and they can do it at any time there are laws in the United States that allow them to do it freely any time and there is no recourse so that's the scary part and people have no idea that this exists in your health department can do it to you.  We recently FOIA'd so I had a CHD fellow help me to get the FOIA from CDC.  They only gave us partial response but even in the partial response this is very clearly spelled out.  These are the papers that they gave to these people, and they said, "We CDC have this authority under these rules, and you must go," and people have no understanding.  Of course, they were scaring them with things like "This is a novel virus," "It's very deadly," "You might not feel anything right now, but it's very very deadly and very scary," and "You need to follow us and we'll give you the best treatment."  And then in that military detention, 10 people died.  But we don't know from what.  

16:41. I think they gave them Remdesivir, put them on ventilators, and that's how they died.  And then they called it COVID, and then disposed of the bodies, paid off the family members.  And remember, it all comes back to money. Throughout this whole time, FEMA would give $10,000 to people whose relatives were killed in the hospital as long as they called it COVID-19 and shut up about it.  Most people took the money, burial money.  I know Ernest Ramirez's son, Michael, was murdered by vaccines and he was also offered $10,000 and he refused.  And some people did refuse.   That's probably how we know about these payments.  

24:00. BREGGIN.  You said that the largest deep state agency in the world is our Department of Defense.  Is that what you said?

24:18. LATYPOVA.  Yes, the largest globalist organization is our Department of Defense because they have something like 900 military bases with weapons, serious weapons, occupying various countries. They had a number of them all over Europe, most recently Sweden and Finland, who remained for a long time independent.  Now they have signed up to a Defense Cooperation Agreement, DCA, where the US now can occupy about 15 military bases in each country.... 

25:00. BREGGIN. Now is that part of joining NATO?

25:05, LATYPOVA. Yes. 

25:06. BREGGIN.  If you join NATO, you come under our Department of Defense?

25:08. LATYPOVA.  Yes, and the US can occupy 15 military bases in Finland and in Sweden, which are small countries.  It's occupation, and occupation has been ongoing since the end of World War II.  U.S has occupied Europe and gradually pushed these countries to give up their military, to give up their own defense in exchange for protection, and this protection also is basically the role, the globalist, of the US Department of Defense is to hold guns literally to every government's head so that they accept the petro dollar, the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency.  You're right the structure is shaky and collapsing.  It's not clear how long the collapse is going to take.  But up until this point the whole point of having a globalist army enforcement via the US Department of Defense was so that everyone takes the US Petro dollars, or the reserve currency, as a main global transaction mechanism, and that's the power that the US exerts on the entire world: the power of U.S. money and forced by US military.  

Thursday, July 18, 2024

I got all the death records from Massachusetts 2 years ago two and a half years ago now and I got some from Minnesota that somebody gave me so we have that whole state and then recently I decided to do a paper a research paper on the regional effects of temperature and humidity on heart disease so the effects of climate change on heart disease so I asked Connecticut for all the death records so I can trace the heart deaths versus the temperature and humidity changes in the state so it went well I got all the records and and looking through the records my system that I set up which can find anomalies in public health

Misprision of a felony.  Remdesivir, I've heard it takes out the kidneys.  So does Baricitinib, and Vancomycin if you're sepsis.  

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

BEAUDOIN: the CARES Act [was] just behavior modification. It had nothing to do with putting money into support hospitals to help a disease.

What in your opinion has happened here what is this really all about do you think?

00:08. Well it depends on the level of person you're talking about.  Some people want to make money in the Pharma thing and sell drugs, but actually, the people who are really controlling this at the highest levels we don't know their names families, or the New World Order or, you know, all that stuff.  They threw the vaccine market under the bus.  They knew that doing this would kill a lot of people and they knew that people would look around and say, "You know what, I'm not taking a vaccine again."  

I don't know about you but I'm going to be 60, and my friends who took the vaccine for the last 20 years, the flu vaccine, okay, "every year I'll get the flu vaccine."  I'm like, I'm never getting that thing.  They get it for 20 years; he's never going to get one again.  They're never going to get it again.  There are people that religiously got vaccines all the time.  They're never going to get another vaccine.  They threw the entire vaccine market under the bus to install, you know, what we have now in the United States for . . . leadership, if you want to call it that, it's really just a global it's a coup d'etat.  It's a globalist communist takeover of the United States.  It's fairly simple. They've taken over the courts.  They've taken over everything. You're going to have to either get it in the streets or live under communist totalitarian rule.  The people just don't know it yet because life is kind of ordinary.  So I could get into the CARES Act and how they did it, it's just a behavior modification.  It had nothing to do with putting money into support hospitals to help a disease.  Now they incentivized ventilators to be used, which has a kill rate of 86%.  They incentivized Remdesivir to be used.  They incentivized Baricitinib to be used.  They incentivized COVID-19 to be put on death certificates.  So if you subsidize something, you get more of it Walter E. Williams in The Economist.  

Full video.

You can find Walter E. Williams' "Good Intentions," 1985here. 

Walter Williams' PBS documentary Good Intentions is based on his book, The State Against Blacks (1982). The documentary was very controversial at the time it was released and led to many animosities and even threats of murder.

JD VANCE: My basic view is this the virus is very deadly compared to the flu

JD Vance was retarded on almost all points regarding the vaccine, the planned-demic, the lockdowns, and public health policy in general.  Where does he get his information? 

Point #1.  My basic view is this the virus is very deadly compared to the flu it has not  spread widely in our population; in formal social distancing has done a lot to slow the spread (and more formal measures have helped too).

His first claim is that COVID-19 is more deadly than the flu.  The flu has a survival rate of 92%.  People were not dying from COVID-19 as he presumes but rather people were dying from hospital protocols--ventilation, Remdesivir, etc.

In his second claim, he's trying to balance the trade-offs between the resumption of normal activities and how those activities pose an increase in cases.    One, the PCR tests are fraudulent.  The creator of the test himself was adamant about how they cannot diagnose anything, and they should not be used for any diagnostic testing.  Those running the PCR test knew it was fraudulent; that's why they got permission from the CDC to tag almost every death as a COVID-19 death.  Wow.  He's not a doctor, so there's no way that he could account for what was happening across all 50 states in the regional public health and make some grandstanding statement from a federal ex-cathedra.  He is completely out of touch.  John Beaudoin knows and shows how hospital protocols killed hundreds of thousands; he's been hammering this point home for years.  What this means minimally is that the federal government has learned nothing, and none of the prominent federal officers or candidates have learned anything.  They probably haven't even looked at any report from Senator Ron Johnson.  JD Vance should be embarrassed.  

Point #2.  The problem with my view is that it suggests the toggle between "return to normal" and "viral spread" is very sensitive.  If the average person reduces the number of people they come in contact with by 30%, you get [a] lower spread.

Point #3. If they reduce that number by 50% to 75%, even better.  RO doesn't exist in a vacuum but social distancing is inherently economically destructive even informally before any lockdowns.  

I don't know what he means by RO, but this is the first point he makes that's not objectionable.  

Point #4.  This is the best paper that highlights how informal social distancing has likely already begun to flatten the curve.

I don't know what he means by "informal."  Hasn't he been out to the grocery stores to buy food, baby formula, or dinner?  There's nothing informal about it.  It was enforced.  They put placards on the floor, line ropes, and other measures treating adults like children.  Informal?  He doesn't have an accurate grasp of the English language; that, or he is lying.  

Point #5. So what do we do?  Good question, and I don't know the answer (even if I'm right and I may well be wrong).  Continue to research good antivirals and vaccine candidates.  Make everyone wear masks.  Figure out how to make social distancing less economically destructive in the meantime.

Point #6.  Stay safe everyone.  This thread is already too long, but I'll update where appropriate.   

Thursday, June 27, 2024


Gene therapies - futile and deadly. The Train Wreck Continues. by Sasha Latypova

No, there is no "off-switch". mRNA is poison and cannot be made into medicine.

Read on Substack

Neither failure of treatment nor increased deaths stop the Spaceship of Fools that gene therapy is! Despite consistent failures to produce any medicinal value, the FDA will expand the indication for Sarepta’s product:
Within the narrow group of patients eligible for Elevidys, demand has been high. The FDA is expected to decide by June 21 on whether to expand the eligible population based on mixed results from a confirmatory study.
Of course, the demand is high!! Doctors poisoning terminally ill boys for $4M a pop are not stupid.  Famous quote by Robert Malone quoting his friend Steve Hatfill - “they are going to die anyway!” So, what’s the big deal, folks? $cience needs to experiment on somebody! For the greater good!

In other news, Gilead, the maker of hospital murder weapon Remdesivir has a newly-manufactured gene-therapy caused $4.9B whole in their pipeline, having recently terminated their monoclonal antibody program for cancer due to increased deaths.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

OFFICIAL REPORT: Ventilators Killed Nearly All COVID Patients

Cyanotic is  marked by or causing a bluish or purplish discoloration (as of the skin and mucous membranes) due to deficient oxygenation of the blood. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

JOHN BEAUDOIN: they made an example out of [Meryl Nass] in Maine. They suspended her license. Why? Because the governor's sister, Dora Anne Mills heard Meryl Nass mentioned the word Ivermectin on the radio

The CARES Act, again a central, centrally planned device.  It's a behavioral modification device, and it modifies the behavior of the hospital administrators.  The CARES Act funds through  If you type into duckduckgo search and NCTAP program, that's the COVID payout program, you'll find a 20% adder for the use of Remdesivir, Barisythinib, and it's not expressly stated.  But I talked to an accountant within the system, and she said "Oh, ventilators too."  I'm like well it doesn't say that.  She said, "No, no, that's in the program too."  So it's not just getting $400 a dose for Remdesivir.  If you have a million dollar ICU stay over a month, then the entire hospital bill gets jacked 20%. That's an extra $200,000 to run Remdesivir through your veins just based on a positive test walking in the door. 

So they got 60% compliance through solicitation, right?  So they solicited administrator; that's an inchoate crime term. solicitation right like conspiracy the solicitation gathers in estimating let's say 60%.  You get 60% compliance.  Well, that's not enough.  You know, there's 40% that are going to speak out and they're going to crush the whole program.  Well, they get the next 30% through coercion.  You get the Federation of State Medical Boards, FSMB, American Board of Internal Medicine, ABIM, American Board of Family Medicine, ABFM, American Board of Pediatrics, ABP, and all the other boards to coerce.  And if you go on the web right now you can look up joint statements ABIM, ABFM, and ABP.  And what will come up is a joint statement from 2021 from the CEOs of those three certification boards.  These are NGOs.  These are not even the government.  They are not State Licensing boards but you can't operate in a hospital without having board certification from ABIM, the American Board of Internal Medicine.  So the joint statement says any doctor spreading vaccine misinformation will have his license suspended or revoked.

01:57.  Misinformation?

Yeah, and they don't define it.

02:00. Or just stuff that they don't like?

Stuff that they don't like.  Exactly.  That's exactly right yeah.  So they basically get a bunch to comply, another 30%.  So now they're up to like 90% compliance well over the 10% stragglers.  Then they go out and make examples of a couple of people who are pretty well known, like Meryl Nass, who wrote some books on anthrax.  And she's very well known, and they made an example out of her in Maine.  They suspended her license.  Why?  Because the governor's sister, Dora Anne Mills, heard Meryl Nass mention the word Ivermectin on the radio.  So they made an example out of her publicly.  They made an example out of Dr. John Littell [who was kicked out of a meeting where hld of the benefits of Ivermectin, treating patients with Hydroxy, and excess miscarriages] in Florida very publicly, and a number of other doctors.  So that gathers in another 5%.  So 60, 35 now you're up to 95%, 

02:45.  And can I say there was a tweet by another doctor who was being just decimated by the Texas Board of Medicine.  Her name is Mary Talley Bowden, and she tweeted,

If I had vaccinated the 6,000 patients I treated for COVID, I would have made $1,500,000.

Monday, June 3, 2024

KIMBERLY OVERTON: The only place anybody was dying was in our hospitals. And it's because they were dying of the treatments.

Her name is Kimberly Overton

"It was not COVID that was killing...patients, it was the complete...medical mismanagement of COVID. It was the remdesivir, ventilator, death—wash, rinse, repeat."

"The only place anybody was dying was in our hospitals. And it's because they were dying of the treatments." Critical Care RN, whistleblower, and Founder/Executive Director of Nurse Freedom Network Kimberly Overton () describes for Peter Santilli () how it was not COVID killing people in hospitals, but rather the (federally distributed) treatment protocols themselves. "They kept telling us all of our patients were dying of COVID—it was not COVID that was killing any of these patients, it was the complete and total medical mismanagement of COVID. It was the remdesivir, ventilator, death, wash, rinse, repeat," Overton says. The critical care RN adds, "This is what we were seeing over and over happen in these hospitals and I'm far from the only nurse that can tell you this." "Listen," Overton says, "if they were dying of the virus alone, why weren't we pulling bodies from homes? Why weren't we pulling bodies from off of the streets? ...The only place anybody was dying was in our hospitals. And it's because they were dying of the treatments." The whistleblower adds: "The remdesivir was poisoning people. We were shutting down their organs, we were placing them on ventilators, then they kept getting secondary bacterial infections, and they [were] succumbing to those. They [were] getting blood clots because they [were] not being ambulated properly." "We couldn't even get doctors and PT [physical therapists] up on the floor to ambulate patients," Overton says. "People were too afraid, it was mostly just the nurses. And then the doctors would...come and look through the glass windows of the ICU and take the nurse's report..." (Note that ambulate means to move a patient around, or have them walk around.) "We were intubating patients not because they were in distress, but in an effort to contain the virus," Overton adds. "They were pushing for early intubation knowing that...80% or more of those patients that were placed on a ventilator never made it off."

Saturday, June 1, 2024

LORI SIMPSON: I won't even allow them to put in an IV because that's how they gave him all of the drugs that he did not consent to

The woman's name is Lori Simpson.  Her husband's name is John. 

I was training the 1980s when they're were standards John was told by the nurses to defecate in the bed.  I was just horrified.  He was double restrained.  He had chemical restraints and physical restraints, and I was certainly taught that that was illegal.  That's not something you can do.  They took away all his dignity.  They just destroyed him as a man.  I said to him if I ever need to go to the hospital for a trauma or whatever, that would be the only reason I would go,  these are the things I won't accept.  I won't even allow them to put in an IV because that's how they gave him all of the drugs that he did not consent to.  They would just come in and say hey this is for this or that and push it through the IV.  So we are very careful, and there is no way that we would go back if we could avoid it.

So what do you think about all of this what was going on because it's not just your husband.  Absolute countless people having the same story but hardly any making it back home and it's still going on today.

It is still going on.  For us, it was pure evil for pure profit.  We had really good insurance because it was my insurance through Healthcare and they probably . . . from what I can see so far I had $1.8 million paid to them for John, and I think because he didn't die they were out of bonuses and so that's why they eventually discharged him.  And when they discharged him, his CO2 was high.  He had pneumonia on discharge.  He was so weak he couldn't even pick up his foot if a sheet was on it, and certainly he couldn't walk.  He was fully dependent on discharge.

And he had to go back into the hospital you said so what we're not 

He did.  He was discharged with pneumonia, so his stats were very low and I had to call the ambulance again.  I thought I was having an equipment failure.  He was on trach collar oxygen and nasal cannula oxygen, and I thought the trach that the concentrator had broken.  But actually it was him, and he was diagnosed with a hospital actually Hospital acquired pneumonia.  He went to a different hospital.  But I had sent him to an urgent care near us, and they wouldn't come out and talk to me because they were reading the notes from the first hospital that was talking about how violent I was.  I was always respectful, didn't even talk to the nurses.  Never got calls from doctors unless they wanted to do something to him, and then it was always a threat: do this or make him a DNR, a Do Not Resuscitate.  He had multiple pneumo thoraxes.  We took him to the you the ER to put one chest tube in the middle of the night.  He had pneumonia 2 days later.  The ER is a very dirty place in a hospital.  It's not where you should do that type of procedure.

Make sure you have an advocate.  Make sure you have advanced directives.  Make sure everything is spelled out.  I think that John did not get Remdesivir only because we had everything in writing.  When I looked at his lab values and everything else they did to him to orchestrate to getting him on the vents, he shouldn't be here but he is.  

Saturday, May 25, 2024

ERIN MARIE OLSZEWSKI: Now I know that they were experimenting on patients without the patients' permission or the family's permission, and they were hanging Remdesivir even without our knowledge on these patients

Undercover Epicenter Nurse: How Fraud, Negligence, and Greed Led to Unnecessary Deaths at Elmhurst HospitalErin Marie Olszewski, 2020.

Are Unidentified 'Death Squads' Being Used to Kill Patients in Hospitals with Remdesivir and the Like?

"[T]here was this kind of strange 'death squad' that I am starting to believe were actually hired specifically to do this work, because the people I've spoken to, the relatives and friends of victims, the way they've described them, they're not like your average doctor or nurse. They're cold and they're sadistic and they're unpleasant. Sometimes they won't even speak. Some have been reported not to have any identification or name badges..." In this clip from an interview with Peter McIlvenna () writer, producer, and presenter Jacqui Deevoy () describes a support group of approximately 142 people who have "absolutely horrendous stories their loved ones were murdered in NHS [National Health Service in England] settings," including in hospices, care homes, and hospitals." Deevoy, who set up the support group following the production of a 2021 film dubbed 'A Good Death?' (co-produced with David Icke's 'Ickonic' platform/studio), says "the stories are just unbelievable," as "you don't expect your loved one to go into a care home or hospital and be murdered, which is what's happening." The writer goes on to note that "we kind of sugarcoat it slightly by calling it 'involuntary euthanasia,' but 'involuntary euthanasia,' I don't know why that phrase really exists because that is murder." Deevoy adds, "If someone is being euthanized, being...killed, against their will, surely that's murder. I can't see why it's called anything else." "If we drugged a loved one to death, no matter what state they were in, whether they were terminally ill or not, we would be arrested and probably jailed," Deevoy says. "But when a doctor or nurse does it, it seems to be okay. And I don't really understand that." Deevoy goes on to say that "It's hard to believe that doctors and nurses could be that heartless and cruel...and murderous, but I don't think it's all doctors and nurses at all. I'd say 95% of them are absolutely brilliant..." Critically, however, the writer says "there was this kind of strange 'death squad' that I am starting to believe were actually hired specifically to do this work, because the people I've spoken to, the relatives and friends of victims, the way they've described them, they're not like you're average doctor or nurse. They're cold and they're sadistic and they're unpleasant. Sometimes they won't even speak..."  

Deevoy adds, "Some have been reported not to have any identification or name badges, they've been very hard to trace afterward in some cases—it's very, very strange, and I'm starting to wonder if these people haven't been brought in to do this. Because your average nurse or carer or doctor wouldn't be able to do it. That's not why they're doing their job. They're doing their job to help people, not to kill them." 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

JOHN BEAUDOIN: Two general patterns for excess deaths: bioweapon and hospital homicide. In fact, the hospital homicides might be greater.

Hosted by Randy Bock.

4:45  Two general patterns for excess deaths: bioweapon and hospital homicide.  Death by hospital.  Huh.  It's both.  In fact, the hospital homicides might be greater.  The acute renal failure, the sudden renal failure where you didn't have a problem before, and all of a sudden you have a problem that seems to be occurring mostly in hospitals.  And it seems to be occurring to the tune of a 100% increase and not during the year of COVID. when the, NCTAP program kicked in, a payout program for the use of Remdesivir.  Now, I'm not saying it's Remdesivir, because it comes with a greater protocol that the National Institutes of Health, the NIH, would have.  And that protocol would include a lot of things, like ventilators.  Now, in 2020, there is a signal of acute renal failure

Friday, March 29, 2024

Babies born to vaccinated mothers were born with no ears at Clovis Community

Clovis Community Hospital is located northeast of Fresno.  The nurse here explains how the hospital, by giving her friend Remdesivir instead of life-saving Ivermectin or Hydroxy-chloroquine, killed her friend, Lupe.  She also learned that babies being born to vaccinated mothers were being born with no ears.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

medications were administered in excessive quantities, overriding the medical alert system. In 40 days, Danielle . . . was dead with heart failure and multiple organ failure from overdosing on Fentanyl and Remdesivir.

I certainly like this URL, DeathbyHospitalProtocol.   


of my only child by the white coat assassins of Northwell Health Hospital Glen Cove.

Danielle was worth more dead than alive for COVID-19 bonus payments money.  

Swept away humanity, the white coats turned from healers to killers. 

Danielle faced misfortune when doctors delayed her birth, leading to oxygen loss.  Sadly, 28 years later, the white coats falsely admitted in the hospital for COVID blood money and killed in 40 days.

My daughter's examine the ER was normal the two doctors sentenced my daughter to death by admitting her for hypoxia and sepsis those two doctors are: Heather Candice Meiselman, Internal Medicine, and Shari Tamara Andrews, MD, Emergency Medicine.  

"Daniela was nervous."

"Danielle was nervous because they were going to put on an IV Daniel is afraid of needles."

"Normal.  Danielle did not have sepsis on admission."

Danielle did not have shortness of breath."

"Danielle had CTA normal breath."

"Rebecca was with her daughter."

"Admission on 08/27/2021."

"No shortness of breath 5PO2-- 96%.  Danielle was nervous and did not want to go to the hospital."


PROBLEM: sepsis with acute hypoxia respiratory failure.

PLAN: treat as above.  Fever and tachypnea.  Meets severe sepsis criteria with hypoxia.

"Not true.  Dr. Meiselman admitted Danielle on false diagnosis normal temperature and white blood count."  

Danielle was pure love and known for her hugs and kisses.

Danielle had a heart of gold, pure and innocent.  She was telling the doctors and nurses "I love you," while they were killing her.

Danielle loved serving the elderly breakfast and lunch. 

They are not doctors or nurses, but white coat assassins for blood money, worse than street killers as they adorn their white coats smiling while they are poisoning you.  

Farzin Rahmanou, DO, Critical Care Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Internal Medicine

Syed Hassan Iqbal has removed all his images but I will find him.

Daniel deserved better.  She deserved to be heard, to be cared for, but instead she was failed by those who took an oath to heal.

This Edward Wansor, PA-C, said to me, "Her kidneys are working for now," never tried to save her.  Killed her in 40 days.

Remdesivir, Lorazepam, Ketorolac, Precedex, Morphine, Midazolam, Fentanyl Propofol, Cisatracurium, and Toxicillizumab with the explicit intention of causing her demise rather than allowing her to live.

Moreover, these medications were administered in excessive quantities, overriding the medical alert system.  In 40 days, Danielle . . . was dead with heart failure and multiple organ failure from overdosing on Fentanyl and Remdesivir.

My interview with Children's Health defense.  

Danielle had no medical conditions Danielle was very healthy and they killed her

His name is Farzin Rahmanou of Northwell Health Hospital take it over Glen Cove Hospital. She cried, "Mommy, don't leave me.  Mommy stay," and I waited until she fell asleep and I kissed her to run out and make sure I could come back because she had finally fell asleep.  But Daniel said she got sick because of the Remdesivir.  She went in with normal vitals, just a cough.  I was just a worried mommy.  And what they did to her was just destroy her body, destroyed. Daniel was on supplements and vitamins and hyperbaric oxygen at home chamber, and she had everything.  She was so strong and so healthy, but they doubled up and tripled up . . . .  And the PAs are also involved in killing her. 

Justice for Danielle: A Call for Accountability.  

Danielle's voice was silenced but her story must be heard.  No more lives should be lost to such cruelty and neglect.