Showing posts sorted by date for query IVERMECTIN. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query IVERMECTIN. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Ivermectin testimonials

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Gulags are here, as pro Trump meme maker is sentenced to 7 months in federal prison for a joke

Can't talk about early treatments for COVID-19.

Can't talk about health benefits or anticancer benefits of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, or Fenbendozale. 

Can't talk about vaccine ingredients.

Can't talk about vaccine injuries.

Can't talk about U.S. and NATO's role in starting the war in Ukraine.

Can't talk about the millions of migrants crossing into the U.S. illegally or under the guise of a refugee.

Can't talk about the erosion of privacy.

Can't talk about the U.S. government acting like a banana republic, persecuting and prosecuting political opponents or about $33 trillion dollars of debt or how hundreds of billions of dollars in spending bills are buried in annual omnibus bills.

Can't talk about poisonous genetic material and DNA plasmids in Pfizer vaccines.

Can't talk about the differences between men and women. 

Can't talk about the economic and cultural degradation of American society.

Can't tell jokes.

Everything, everything has become a 1st Amendment issue.

Here's the story.  

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

They buried a life-saving drug so that they, meaning the FDA, could on behalf of vaccine makers, get an EUA on the vaccines all the while cheap and effective Ivermectin was pushed off the radar

Can Ivermectin Treat Cancer? - 9 Papers Reviewed

Papers reviewed:

Friday, October 6, 2023

Ivermectin weakens the blood brain barrier?

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Caught on Tape: CVS Pharmacist in Midlothian TX Blocks Ivermectin Prescription

More and more recordings of pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions are coming out. How much damage did the FDA’s ridiculous “Horse” tweet do?

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Direct Primary Care and Direct Specialty Care: Transparent and affordable concierge care

It's called the Pay-4-Performance Program.  Catchy title, eh?  And doctors are financially ding'd if they don't follow the checklist.  And I'll bet that you chose your doctor because you thought you were getting Harvard-grade medical education, didn't you? Physicians who take Medicare are actually required to participate in the program.  Wow, thank you, LBJ.

The Physician P4P program offers performance-based incentives to qualified high-volume physicians and higher-volume Community Clinics that provide high-quality preventive and chronic care to L.A. Care members. 

Dr. Mary Talley Bowden explains that she's opted out of Medicare.  She calls herself Third-Party Free, where she does not take any Medicare patients.  She exAthains that she doesn't take any orders from the government.  Doesn't take any orders from insurance companies or any orders from hospitals.  Wow.  The only people I work for are my patients.  There's a great movement happening, called Direct Primary Care and Direct Specialty Care, which goes along with these premises.  It's cash only but it's transparent and affordable concierge care.  So you can have insurance, but save your insurance for catastrophic care . . . , but for your everyday needs, paying cash and seeing doctors NOT TIED TO THE SYSTEM is a much better way to go.  

You don't have an employee dealing with insurance companies.  You get to spend more time with your patients, so I spend 45 minutes with each patient who comes in new.  Patient satisfaction is so much higher.

Is it more economical to go to cash-only doctors?

One good example is patients who need ear tubes, ear tubes for a chronic ear infection. If you see need and the total price includes anesthesia, surgery center, and surgeon, it's $3,000. If you go to Texas Children and ask them for a cash price, $10,000.

Another example is in the clinic as an ENT we look at people's noses and sinuses with an  endoscope.  Under the insurance model, patients would oftentimes get a bill for $400 for that endoscopic examination.  For $300, the patient can see me as a new patient, a follow-up patient is less expensive than a new patient, but the endoscopic exam is included. So there's no surprise billing, and they can also shop around. The problem is no one knows . . . the doctors that take insurance, they don't display their cash prices, so . . . and I see a lot of patients that have very high deductibles, so they are functionally uninsured; they are basically paying cash unless they have catastrophic care.  And so there's a need for more transparency with outpatient care so the patient can shop around.  there's a need for more transparency so the patients can shop around.

Ginny Head adds

We CANNOT forget Fauci pulled this same crap in the 1980s with doxycycline in the treatment of polycystic pneumonia in AIDS patients! He said it was not researched, just as he did with Ivermectin. He had to get his AZT instead just like the COVID-19 vaccines!

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

TOXICOLOGIST, JANCI LINDSAY: We never needed these vaccines. We had treatments that worked: Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. I can tell you as a toxicologist, they are not toxic.

Dr. Janci Lindsay testifies before the South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee on DHEC, on September 15, 2023.. 

Get Ivermectin.   The full 18-minute presentation is excellentDr. Phillip Buckhaults presented first.  He really defends the vaccine.  Kind of shocking.  So now, as of Wednesday, March 13, 2024, that video of Buckhaults is removed.  

Saturday, September 16, 2023

A TALE OF TWO DRUGS: How the U.S. government demonized Ivermectin after India, in only six weeks, reduced Covid 19 cases by 97% in Uttar Pradesh.

Dr. Eads explains that the combination of Ivermectin, Fenbendozale, and B-17 works to kill several common cancers.  Give it a quick read or listen. 

Important facts on Ivermectin

Where to source it from?  From India or TennesseeThis Indian company promises it within 7 days, which kind of answers a lot of people's complaints about ordering from India.  I have not used that particular Indian vendor, but I have used ReliableRx, and I have not had any problems with them.  

DR. CALLS PHARMACY ON IVERMECTIN: Ignorant pharmacists hang up on us. Don’t know @US_FDA rules. Don’t know medicine. Don't know laws. Don’t know drug interactions. Sell Paxlovid.

Monday, September 4, 2023

In March of 2020, Birx and Dr. Anthony Fauci were grinning like Cheshire Cats with Duper's Delight as they laid out an unprecedented lockdown strategy which Birx later admitted they pulled out of their asses.

Given how health officials [I would never call them experts, nor would I call a doctor expert; no, I would call them order followers, like good little Nazis.  Seriously] had said one thing, and then changed their statements weeks or months later, then claiming that they didn't have all the science, while claiming in the other breath that we've got the science when they want you to follow them verbatim, I wouldn't trust anything that they say even if what they say lines up with your values or convictions.  What's the phrase, "Opt out"?  Do that.  But it is fun and interesting to see the crooks dance around on hot coals.  
In March of 2020, Birx and Dr. Anthony Fauci were grinning like Cheshire Cats with Duper's Delight as they laid out an unprecedented lockdown strategy which Birx later admitted they pulled out of their asses

By the way, if you're not familiar with the term Duper's Delight, here's a definition, 

Duping delight is a micro-expression that betrays a person's enjoyment of controlling and deceiving another person. It is a form of body language reserved for pathological character types such as psychopaths. Psychopaths are obsessed with control and power over others, and they often display duping delight when lying to others.0 Duping delight can manifest through subtle facial expressions, body language, or vocal cues.1 It is hard to contain duping delight, and those who feel it want to share their accomplishments with others, seeking admiration for their exploits. 

More from ZeroHedge,

Now that we're revisiting mask mandates over the latest Covid-19 surge, Birx and Fauci are seemingly on different sides of the debate.
"We don't need to mandate," Birx told Newsmax on Saturday, in response to reports that an increasing number of hospitals and businesses are now requiring masks again.
"We need to actually empower people with the information that they need for themselves and their families because every family is different," she continued. "And by the way, outside is safe, and playgrounds are safe."  How is it that each and everyone of the health officials look so ugly.  
Paul Mango looks like Lon Chaney who played the phantom in the 1925 version of The Phantom of the Opera.

And Mango simply parrots what Birx said about information, but it's precisely the information that has formed the raging propaganda campaign in the war on the American people.  Again, how can anyone start to think that the information they the gov't officials have and WANT TO SHARE is of any value.  They pimped the promises of Remdesivir and others as they buried and demonized the true remedy of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D, and zinc.  Yet information is still buried.  We're still being lied to.  

Saturday, September 2, 2023


Somebody above the level of our government is giving the orders.

The W.H.O. has become a trap to entrap the nations such that they lose sovereignty over health.

We are undergoing a soft coup.

And the idea is to create a whole new set of laws and ignore the existing human rights laws. 

Dr. Meryl Nass's license is currently suspended in the state of Maine.  "Maine doctor's license suspended over Covid-19 claims." The original reason was for spreading misinformation also for prescribing Ivermectin in hydroxychloroquine she took an oath to care for her patience and I guess they expect her to break that oath.  

Spreading misinformation?  Misinformation is not a crime. Misinformation is mistaken things, and I was actually telling the truth, so it wasn't any misinformation.  The federal government and the states are trying to make everybody think that misinformation is a crime, and you should be reporting doctors and professionals who are spreading this information. So strangers reported her to the board.  Oh she was spreading this information on the internet we have something called the First Amendment Free Speech as well as freedom of religion and the press and assembly and it's against the law for governments to suppress your free speech and the Board of Medicine is a state government agency so they were actually breaking the law and now we are suing them for a malicious prosecution which they used their role you know under cover of law "Doc Suspended for COVID Misinfo Sues, Cites Freedom of Speech," Michael DePeau-Wilson, Enterprise & Investigative Writer MedPage August 21, 2023.   You're actually suing the medical board and am I wrong, are you also suing every individual on the board . . . every individual in their personal capacity

In the FDA claimed when they were under oath that they never stopped anybody from using Ivermectin.  They said that you can use it whenever you want.  How is it a medical board is even allowed to say that it is misinformation and taking someone's license without scientific studies, peer-reviewed, double-blind, randomized controlled trials that I reckon was dangerous which would be difficult to do since Millions of people take it every year for lupus.

So it isn't illegal.  it's perfectly legal to prescribe those drugs, and the Board should have known that.  They had 3 lawyers on the board and a doctor on staff, and then they have about 8 doctors on the members.  So they all knew that they were writing off-label medicine.  A lot of doctors don't really understand the legal underpinnings of medicine.  By the time it came to a hearing, they dropped all of those charges.  They did not want to litigate against the First Amendment.  They did not want to litigate against off-label prescribing.  They said "We don't want to talk about the vaccine either.  Take the vaccine out of this case."  But they knew what the law was so they were heavying me, and I was supposed to roll over and give them a win that they could put in the national news, which my case went into the national news.  And I think they were shocked that I actually fought back.  That wasn't part of their equation.  I was 70 years old.  Clearly it was going to cost me more money than I would be able to make over the rest of my  career to compensate.  And Children's Health Defense said they would fund my defense.  That was what allowed me to do this. 

Thursday, August 31, 2023


I did write to on January 7, 2024, about the different uses between Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and I received this reply, 

Because Ivermectin is the best option for COVID-19 treatment, and Hydroxychloroquine is a prescription drug used to treat many autoimmune disorders. It was first used to treat malaria. 

So that might help.   

Get your Ivermectin from one of these Tennessee pharmacies

Another Ivermectin site from India

Another Indian supplier.  This place promises a 7-day shipment to the U.S.  Hard to know.  


GoodRx sells Ivermectin.


Tennessee: The Phoenix Pharmacy, Knoxville, TN.  865-692-1603.  This place ships ONLY IN TENNESSEE and they only sell 3mg for $5/tablet.  That will get expensive.

Brand Name:

3mg: $5



Village Pharmacy OTC version requires a doctor assigned to that pharmacy with a collaborative agreement.  They do not ship out of state.  865-579-4547.  

Rocky Hill Pharmacy.  865-337-5887.  Have not called this pharmacy, because the gal at the Village Pharmacy suggested that I phone the pharmacies on the border, like Chattanooga and Nashville.  That page has no pharmacies listed in Chattanooga; a few in Nashville.  

Joshua Brown Pharmacy.   

FountainRx in Nashville.

Health & Wellness Compounding Pharmacy.  

Smokey Mountain Pharmacy.

In Chattanooga

Medicine Counter Pharmacy.  9-7; 10-2.  423-680-7373.  

Do you sell Ivermective w/o a prescription?  Yes, up until September 30, 2023.

Do you ship out of state?  Yes.

Brand name?  No brand name.  They compound it, meaning that they make it in-house. 

Dosage that you sell?  By weight.  Check their website.  Click on the link below the Ivermectin capsule image.

Their website provides a dosage table by weight.  

Hamilton Discount Pharmacy.  9-7; 10-2.  423-892-5955.  

Stop-n-Go Discount Pharmacy. 8-8; 10-6.  423-468-7161.  

Monday, August 14, 2023

"The FDA is not your doctor. Their job is to approve drugs to the market and that's it. They should not be prohibiting drugs. They shouldn't be endorsing drugs. That's not their role, and that's the point of our lawsuit"

purpose of our lawsuit, to remind everybody that the FDA is not your doctor.  Their job is to approve drugs to the market and that's it.  They should be neutral.  They should not be prohibiting drugs.  They shouldn't be endorsing drugs. That's not their role, and that's the point of our lawsuit.  --Dr. Mary Talley Bowden.

Three doctors who were fired for prescribing or promoting the cheap therapeutic drug, Ivermectin, for the treatment of Covid-19, asked the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals to revive a case that a federal judge dismissed back in December 2022.  

[The judge in this case is The Honorable Priscilla Richmond she's the chief judge for the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.  The date of the hearing was August 8th 2023.]

During the hearing, a justice department attorney named Ashley Cheung Honold tried to defend the FDA's strong campaign against Ivermectin including this tweet where they tell people to just stop it to suggest that the only form of ivermectin comes as horse paste listen

They did not purport to require anyone to do anything or to prohibit anyone from doing what about when it said no stop it why isn't that a command that seems to me that if you were in an English class they would say that is a command stop it that is different than we are providing helpful information.

Your honor, the language that was used in these tweets were merely quips, and I don't think these quips change the substance of the FDA's statement as plaintiffs concede.

Is that a command, "Stop it"?

The tweets about the horse Ivermectin were intended to advise consumers that they should not use Ivermectin intended for animals and that this could be unsafe.

Here is the manipulative ad in question.

I'm sorry, can you answer the question, please?  Is that a command, "Stop it"?

Senator Ron Johnson took to Twitter about the about-face of the federal government when confronted with the actual law.  Senator Johnson pointed out that the government admitted in court that the doctors indeed have the authority to prescribe Ivermectin off-label.

Here the FDA was not regulating the off-label use of drugs.  These statements are not regulations.  They have no legal consequences.  They don't prohibit doctors from prescribing Ivermectin to treat Covid or for any other purpose.  Quite to the contrary, there are three incidences that I'd like to point the court to in the record that show that FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe Ivermectin to treat covid.

So then why are your patients still facing backlashes like this at the drug counter?  "Hi.  I had the same prescription filled at the other store."

Joining us now to discuss these huge developments in the case are two of the plaintiffs Dr. Paul Merrick and Dr. Mary Bowden.  Welcome to you both.  It's good to see you.  This was really big . . . the line of questioning and the struggle to answer from the government lawyer was just amazing.  I'll start with you, Dr. Bowden.  The main argument here is that the FDA admitted to regulating big Pharma.  It doesn't have the authority, though, right, to tell doctors what they can and cannot do, which they acknowledge in court, but if you talk to a doctor, which I did, some of them pretend as if their hands are tied, that they couldn't prescribe Ivermectin.

4:15. There's a misconception that the FDA has more power than they do I think.  The Judge pointed that out quite nicely.  She said, you know, "People believe that the FDA has this power, this right," and that's sort of the purpose of our lawsuit, to remind everybody that the FDA is not your doctor.  Their job is to approve drugs to the market and that's it.  They should be neutral.  They should not be prohibiting drugs.  They shouldn't be endorsing drugs. That's not their role, and that's the point of our lawsuit.

I was quite struck and I played this for my audience on Friday about the argument of sovereign immunity Dr. Merrick.  Essentially the FDA says that we can put out information that's not exactly correct, or that could even harm American citizens and that they have sovereign immunity.  How did you feel about that statement do you believe that's true?

5:19. Yeah, clearly that's absurd.  It means that they are allowed to do anything illegal under the pretense of sovereign immunity.  So let's be clear that the FDA has been on a campaign, a vigorous campaign to deface and dehumanize the use of Ivermectin, which is a safe effective medication, and as a result of this, as you saw in that clip, patients are being denied access to Ivermectin.  Physicians are losing their licenses because they prescribed Ivermectin.  So the misinformation that is being perpetuated by the FDA continues, and as Mary said that is beyond their jurisdiction.  They should not be interfering with the patient-physician relationship.  Their role is to approve drugs they are not in the business of practicing medicine and from the clips that you saw it seems that they're doing a rapid 360 about turns because clearly they made a mistake.

6:30. Yeah, clearly and it seemed like based on what I heard from the hearing, Dr. Bowden, that the judges will likely rule in your favor.  Where do you see this going?  Is the case going to be reinstated?

6:45. Well, unfortunately, the purpose of the lawsuit is basically to have them take down their tweets and take down the misinformation that they put on their website.  Our attorneys don't anticipate that we will get any sort of retraction, although I feel like that is warranted.  We are not seeking damages. Where this goes from here is at the appeal was over sovereign immunity so what may go back to the district court where then we have to prove standing so it's a little up in the air.

7:20. But the damage is already done.  Look if the information is out there. I tried to get Ivermectin for a different purpose than it's used for off-label and the doctor who was willing to prescribe it told me, "Look, don't take this to a local pharmacy.  You got to tell me what pharmacy you're going to take it to because I don't want to hurt my relationship with a pharmacy that I prescribe other medicines, you know, to my local patients."  And that's just absurd.  The damage is done.  If they don't issue a retraction or put out a statement, do you see this war on Ivermectin, Dr. Marick, ever ending, especially as we're we are being warned this other wave of Covid coming? 

8:00. So to speak, the horses are out of the barn already.  They have caused enormous damage.  As Mary said, the purpose of our suit is to prevent them from doing this going forward.  We can't have the FDA interfering with the practice of medicine and that's really the basis of our suit.  But you are correct: the damage that's been done is overwhelming and irreversible.  As you say there is this profound misconception that Ivermectin is horse paste, that it's made for horses, and that it's an unsafe medication.  And those two premises are completely false.  It is one of the safest medications on this planet.  And over 3 billion doses have been given to humans safely, so this is a highly effective medication.  It's exceedingly safe and the notion that it's a toxic horse dewormer is really complete Lee false and misinformation and so the FDA themselves are perpetuating false information and they're interfering with the patient physician relationship.

9:10. Dr Bowden before we end what can people do to help you all fight? 

9:15. Well we're in an information War so keeping the dialogue alive continuing to talk about it continuing to put the heat on the FDA to correct this continue to put the heat on our legislators.  If we lose this case it really emboldens the FDA so it's important and we need to keep talking about it. 

"I’ve treated thousands of COVID patients with ivermectin. No one experienced confusion, coma, seizures or death. I’ve seen a much higher incidence of side effects from antibiotics than from ivermectin"

Sunday, August 13, 2023

New Peer-Reviewed Study Finds a 74% Reduction in Excess Deaths Among Peruvian Populations Taking Ivermectin in 2020

Tuesday, August 8, 2023


Seems like it'd be a good time to get some antiparasitic supplements, like Ivermectin, like Fenbendozale, Artemisin, like garlic,  

Sunday, August 6, 2023

"Have you considered the parallels between CBD prohibition and Ivermectin you mocked during the pandemic?"