Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Remdesivir. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Remdesivir. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

NY Cuomo public hospitals starved COVID ventilated patients

The commonality is that they isolate you from your family, they give you Remdesivir, and they use the shutdown of your kidneys that that causes and the retention of fluids to say "You can't handle food and water now," and they starve and dehydrate these people.  These people are starving. 

You're sick with COVID.  They're not treating the COVID.  You're getting nothing for COVID.  You're being poisoned with Remdesivir and you have no nutrition in you.  Then very commonly they'll call in a psychiatrist to say that you're agitated, and they start filling you with sedatives that also shut down . . . like a fentanyl and morphine and that also shuts down your body's ability to to respond to and fend off the Remdesivir.

Now comes the next step.  Very common.  You mentioned ventilation.  There's a step to get you ventilated.  Because in your medical records they have to show the justification.  And the ventilation was a big ticket item in terms of the financial incentives.  They wanted to move you along there, and giving you oxygen was a pathway step.  And they put a bypath machine on, an oxygen machine, that involves putting a mask on your face and they crank it up to maximum pressure.  And I want to say, whether you need the oxygen or not . . . we have testimony from the mother of Daniel Alvarez, a 28-year-old special needs young lady, who had perfect oxygen.  She was given this treatment, ventilated, and she didn't make it . . . and so this is a horrible feeling to have because they crank it up and it's maximum pressure.  You feel like you can't breathe, and so some patients try to take the mask off their face.  And I mentioned the 25 commonalities . . . 

Monday, December 11, 2023

A MUST-LISTEN: "evidence showing that the administration of antiviral more than 2 days post-symptom onset causes more harm than good"

For the government and the CDC and these 3-letter organizations to tell practitioners that they could not administer steroids, which is the . . . this is the best treatment for an inflammatory process, it was absolutely criminal. You can't withhold steroids for the most inflammatory disease processes that humanity has ever seen.  So we have isolation of patients, fear-mongering from the media, withholding steroids, and the administration of Remdesivir.  Those were the things that I went to work and had to manage, where every day I felt like I was violating my oath as a practitioner.  And it wasn't until after the rollout of the shots where I just couldn't do my job anymore.  --Nurse Gail McRae

I look at my colleagues and I know that they sold their souls.  They're jeopardizing their ethics and their morals.  --Nurse Gail McRae

FWIW, Nurse Gail McRae initially reported her findings publicly back in April 2023.  

Regarding the administration of Remdesivir, an EUA medication, was the only drug that we were allowed to administer to patients who were hospitalized with COVID and it was an antiviral.  I had been taught in my undergrad, my bachelor's degree program for nursing, that you do not administer an antiviral more than 24 to 48 hours post-symptom onset for a viral infection; in other words, no more than 2 days after symptoms.  And so this medication was given to patients who were hospitalized with COVID-19 usually not until 10, 12 days post-symptom onset.  So I would ask my colleagues, "Why are we giving this medication?"  The administrator, my hospital, "Why are we doing this?" and their eyes would glaze over.  And I would say to them, "We have evidence showing that the administration of antiviral more than 2 days post-symptom onset causes more harm than good; the risk-benefit analysis does not correlate.  In addition to that, this is an experimental use product."  And I knew that each one of those doses was over $3,000.  

4:49. So that was another huge red flag in addition to that the next part of the COVID protocol that was so extremely disturbing to me was the fact that at the onset of hospitalization for COVID there was a team of respiratory intensivists who went before Congress and showed them effective high dose steroids how effective high dose steroids were for the treatment of patients who had COVID.  Not only were we ignoring those recommendations for high-dose steroids they were actually blocking it from our hospital to use.  So we have patients coming in who are feared to death by the media they are being isolated by their loved ones they're having steroid treatments so I'll say one more thing about the steroids because this is really important the covid whatever it was viral risk whatever covid was it caused more inflammation than we had ever seen in the hospital there's a lab value called CRP even with influenza and things like this we had never seen the inflammatory marker, a CRP, jumped so high as we did with COVID.  For the government and the CDC and these 3-letter organizations to tell practitioners that they could not administer steroids, which is the . . . this is the best treatment for an inflammatory process, it was absolutely criminal. You can't withhold steroids for the most inflammatory disease processes that humanity has ever seen.  So we have isolation of patients, fear-mongering from the media, withholding steroids, and the administration of Remdesivir.  Those were the things that I went to work and had to manage, where every day I felt like I was violating my oath as a practitioner.  And it wasn't until after the rollout of the shots where I just couldn't do my job anymore.  So that was the next part of what I witnessed.  

Like I said earlier I worked in the Bay area of California for an organization called Kaiser Permanente.  And they have a full scope of care.  Their structure is set up to where you get your primary care, acute care, Pediatric Care, all the medications, and all your vaccines all in the same organization.  So with the COVID-19 vaccine, they were administering it at my hospital.  They released the shots to the practitioners in January of 2021 but they didn't release them to the public until close to the end of February. So by the beginning of March, I was starting to notice that my hospital was becoming slammed and this is unusual because we get winter rushes. This is how the hospital works: it's dead in the summer, it's full in the winter.  This is the cycle.  So I started noticing in March of 2021 it was very peculiar that I was starting to get all these calls to come to work.  The hospital was understaffed, and it did not stop.  I was in graduate school at the time for a double nurse practitioner degree, so I would do 3 weeks at the hospital, then I'd take some time off and study for my schooling.  So by June when I went into the hospital, I was there for 3 weeks 3 weeks from March to April and then another 3 weeks in the middle of June to the beginning of July and I was working non-stop.  I would work double basically every single shift.  I was getting phone calls three times, sometimes four times a day to come to work because they were so understaffed at the hospital then in June my manager approached me, and said, "Gail, this hospital has had three times more admissions than we have ever had since the hospital opened their doors."  So that's a 300% increase in hospitalizations directly associated with the onset of these shots.  

9:50. What were you seeing?  

9:53. During that week, it was the end of June around the 28th of that month, my manager came up and said this to me, and during that week I had mentioned that I was working a double every single shift that I worked.  And because of that position being in grad school, I held a position called per diem.  What that means is that oftentimes when I come to work I end up filling in, and I'll float to wherever they need me in the hospital.  So on that shift when my manager had told me that we had had three times more admissions than he'd ever seen, it was that day, the next day I came in and worked a double and I split that 16 hours between two different units and I got a report on every single patient in both of those units.  And this is right when it really hit me that these were injection injuries because that's about 30 patients per unit I got a report on.  Every single one was there for some peculiar clot that I'd never heard of, a stroke, a heart attack.  I had seen by that day 4 patients with rapid onset Guillain-Barre syndrome; in my entire career, I'd seen two.  10 years as a nurse in acute care, I took care of two patients with Guillain-Barre syndrome; within a few short weeks, I'd seen 4.  I had the opportunity to ask 2 of those patients directly what they thought was the cause of the onset of their Guillain-Barre Syndrome.  And two of them did tell me that they had received those COVID shots within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms.  From there I approached my managers and said "I have gotten reports on two units full of patients that are all having the weirdest set of symptoms and several of them are confirming that they just gotten the COVID vaccines.  How can I report this?"  My direct manager's response was we cannot report these because we cannot prove that these are what is the cause, that these shots are what is causing these injections.  [she's either getting tired at this point in the interview or the explanation, the accounting for the injuries from the shots is so convoluted that she's repeating a lot of the gaslighting from the managers.]  One of my colleagues was actually the nurse at the COVID-19 injection clinic, she approached me one day and she will not come publicly to say this because she's afraid of losing her job.  But she'd asked her manager the same thing, and they told her that if she reported a single adverse event, she would be fired.  

12:24. So we were constantly under pressure not to report.  All of my concerns regarding the COVID protocols for hospitalized patients were not being addressed.  I mentioned multiple times that I've felt like we were violating our oath and I was ignored.  So it was shortly after that time in June of 2h21 that I had legal documents processed-served to several members of my hospital and they fired me in retaliation for trying to hold them accountable for what I was witnessing.  But I asked myself a lot . . . I think that . . . really, one of the most important things to really notice here is people say to me like "Why are you coming forward and your colleagues aren't?" and I want to really recognize here how it is that I ended up in this position because I think that I noticed when this was all happening that there was probably about 30% of my colleagues who saw what I was seeing.  And it is . . . it's like this attention to detail, critical thinking, ability to really deeply analyze what you're seeing, and then continue to dig into why it was happening.  And so there are these types of skills in combination with the fact that you know, I didn't go to public schools in high school.  It really reminded me of that this whole situation on the COVID floors. It reminded me of how I felt in high school when I was home-schooled and I wasn't with the in-crowd, and I saw this happening with my colleagues.  I saw them wanting to be with the in-crowd.  They didn't want to rock the boat.  They didn't want to potentially jeopardize their income; they had mortgages, so they chose to do what was easy and go along.  And I would say to them this is something that I have found to be the most powerful of all the things that have happened in the last two years is that I'm free.  You know, I look at my colleagues and I know that they sold their souls.  They're, you know, they're doing these things, they're jeopardizing their ethics and their morals.  For me, it's been so empowering because I know that my children are seeing a leader and they will be emboldened by what they have seen me do, and at the end of life, at the end of the day these are the things that matter.  My paycheck it's irrelevant so I think that's really kind of a takeaway that I have gleaned from all of this.  How free I feel and how happy I am to be able to show my children how to live free. 

16:00.  When I saw you nurse told us that the billing system won't let you code in fully vaxed so if you've had one coat one code box of Moderna, Pfizer, or Johnson & Johnson you're still considered unvaxXed.  They would let you put in ventilated unvaccinated death and then just vent death but there was never . . . 

17:30. There was a support group in my committed in my community for practitioners who were being alienated and discriminated against in the same way that patients were being discriminated against for choosing not to get these shots the staff members were too and that was actually one of the things that came up when we came together and started talking was how we noticed the documentation systems for recognizing people who were vaccinated or unvec versus unvaccinated in my community so I was fired in October of 21 so there was 6 months where I was intermittently in the hospital witnessing how they had altered the Epic system.  

Saturday, November 18, 2023


If you don't want to be fooled . . . fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me . . . if you don't want to be fooled, then STAY.  OUT.  OF.  THE.  HOSPITAL. 

Pretty sure her 39-year-old son wasn't suffering from a Remdesivir deficiency.  

Beware, folks, it looks like that regardless of your diagnosis hospitals will give you Remdesivir, the Gilead/Fauci drug that destroys your kidneys before it kills you.  And this is hospital protocol.  So, please, don't fall under the spell of the Indian, Pakistani, Filipino, Ghanian, or Brooklyn Nazi man or woman in the white coat.  Simply up your Vitamin D3, magnesium, and vitamins C, B, and E content.  More importantly, eat a giant steak and eggs, cooked in butter or lard.  Diet has a far more profound effect on your health than the highest grade vitamin manufacturer that you can find.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

JOHN BEAUDOIN: they made an example out of [Meryl Nass] in Maine. They suspended her license. Why? Because the governor's sister, Dora Anne Mills heard Meryl Nass mentioned the word Ivermectin on the radio

The CARES Act, again a central, centrally planned device.  It's a behavioral modification device, and it modifies the behavior of the hospital administrators.  The CARES Act funds through  If you type into duckduckgo search and NCTAP program, that's the COVID payout program, you'll find a 20% adder for the use of Remdesivir, Barisythinib, and it's not expressly stated.  But I talked to an accountant within the system, and she said "Oh, ventilators too."  I'm like well it doesn't say that.  She said, "No, no, that's in the program too."  So it's not just getting $400 a dose for Remdesivir.  If you have a million dollar ICU stay over a month, then the entire hospital bill gets jacked 20%. That's an extra $200,000 to run Remdesivir through your veins just based on a positive test walking in the door. 

So they got 60% compliance through solicitation, right?  So they solicited administrator; that's an inchoate crime term. solicitation right like conspiracy the solicitation gathers in estimating let's say 60%.  You get 60% compliance.  Well, that's not enough.  You know, there's 40% that are going to speak out and they're going to crush the whole program.  Well, they get the next 30% through coercion.  You get the Federation of State Medical Boards, FSMB, American Board of Internal Medicine, ABIM, American Board of Family Medicine, ABFM, American Board of Pediatrics, ABP, and all the other boards to coerce.  And if you go on the web right now you can look up joint statements ABIM, ABFM, and ABP.  And what will come up is a joint statement from 2021 from the CEOs of those three certification boards.  These are NGOs.  These are not even the government.  They are not State Licensing boards but you can't operate in a hospital without having board certification from ABIM, the American Board of Internal Medicine.  So the joint statement says any doctor spreading vaccine misinformation will have his license suspended or revoked.

01:57.  Misinformation?

Yeah, and they don't define it.

02:00. Or just stuff that they don't like?

Stuff that they don't like.  Exactly.  That's exactly right yeah.  So they basically get a bunch to comply, another 30%.  So now they're up to like 90% compliance well over the 10% stragglers.  Then they go out and make examples of a couple of people who are pretty well known, like Meryl Nass, who wrote some books on anthrax.  And she's very well known, and they made an example out of her in Maine.  They suspended her license.  Why?  Because the governor's sister, Dora Anne Mills, heard Meryl Nass mention the word Ivermectin on the radio.  So they made an example out of her publicly.  They made an example out of Dr. John Littell [who was kicked out of a meeting where hld of the benefits of Ivermectin, treating patients with Hydroxy, and excess miscarriages] in Florida very publicly, and a number of other doctors.  So that gathers in another 5%.  So 60, 35 now you're up to 95%, 

02:45.  And can I say there was a tweet by another doctor who was being just decimated by the Texas Board of Medicine.  Her name is Mary Talley Bowden, and she tweeted,

If I had vaccinated the 6,000 patients I treated for COVID, I would have made $1,500,000.

Saturday, February 11, 2023

DR. BRYAN ARDIS ON REMDESIVIR: "That's because the virus wasn't doing it."

Wednesday, March 30, 2022


How to Survive the Fauci Protocol

By Wayne Lusvardi


What is called The Fauci Protocol can have many facets including:

patient isolation from family,

·distancing from personal physician who may have only access to daily posting of medical records by internet and can only relay instructions through the medical Power of Attorney (POA) by phone, text or email.

·bogus CPR (polymerase chain reaction) tests that are meaningless and weighted to false positives

·instead of administration of HydroxyCHLORoquine, high lethal doses of HydroxyQUINoline are erroneously administered that treats amoeba infection from contaminated water typically having nothing to do with virus, pneumonia or hypoxia.

·delegation of a Power of Medical Attorney by patient is often under diminished mental capacity and duress,

·mechanical lung ventilation and intubation

·administration of 100% oxygen that permanently ruins lungs; or weaning off oxygen too fast that can be lethal

·administration of Remdesivir (an immunosuppressant that is useless against a true virus cascade).  If a patient explicitly rejects Remdesivir that does not rule out hospital prescribing substitutes such Dexamethasone, FabiFlu and Tocilizumab or Baricitinib. Remdesivir has been reported to cause acute kidney, heart and lung failure.

·Excessively high dosages of cortisone, steroids and Interferon.


Overtreatment stems from misleading information about what viruses are, of which the human body has 380 trillion.  Viruses are not a germ or poison nor are they contagious by airborne transmittal. There is no viral ecosystem.  They are byproducts from the breakdown of human cells.  The risk of death from the bugaboo virus as the supposed leading cause of death is less than co-morbidities.  What is being called Coronavirus is typically only a co-factor to underlying conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and kidney failure.  


Viral infection is an a internal natural process of detoxification that occurs seasonally (flu season) or can be triggered by food, air or water poisoning and toxicity, proximity to chemical-electric stimuli from other humans, sunspot cycles and cosmic forces, electrical toxicitybad emotions from parasitical social relations or social, economic and spiritual stress.  Electrical sickness includes hospitals that are teeming with electrical equipment and scanning devices right at the heads of sick patients.  According to Tom Cowan, MD, patients with a calcium deficiency are especially prone to electrical toxicity when there is not sufficient calcium inside human cells.  Eleanor McBean, PhD, found that during the 1918 Spanish Flu that calcium deficiency brought about cellular acidity and cellular collapse and paralysis.

Keep reading . . . 

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Reveals a 2019 NIH study on Remdesivir WAS STOPPED because ‘53-86% of the patients died’..

If you want to improve care at your local hospitals, attend the hospital board meetings and put in for certain therapies.  If not, then either take what they give you or stay home and do self-care.   

Her name is Ann Vandersteel, and you may be familiar with many of her Rumble interviews with key voices that have HELPED people understand COVID, vaccines, politics, and money behind these mandated measures.

Monday, April 11, 2022

COVID-19 deaths is Sepsis from hospitalization. Know which hospital in your area has the lowest MRSA infection

Thanks to Wayne Lusvardi @

Back on March 11, I wrote a preliminary article on the causes of the death of Bill Sardi, a fixture on and across the nation on natural approaches to health and an ardent antivaxxer. At that time, I believed the public needed an explanation of his death, especially if it was attributed to Covid-19 as Bill asserted Coronavirus-19 was a “hoax”. I was careful to say at that time: “The above is a preliminary opinion subject to change when there is better information and the availability of medical records for review”.  My best non-expert assessment then was that Bill died of pulmonary embolism coupled with coronary artery disease, pneumonia and hypoxia. I offer here an update now that an official death certificate showing the causes of death has been obtained.  Moreover, Bill Sardi’s death reveals the actual cause of death from the bugaboo Covid-19 as Sepsis from hospitalization.

The official causes of Bill Sardi’s death are listed as follows:

Immediate cause: Sepsis
Sequential underlying causes: Pneumonia, Covid-19
Other significant conditions: Coronary artery disease, Pulmonary embolism

I spoke with a doctor who requested to remain anonymous about the above causes of Sardi’s death.  He said listing COVID-19 as the third cause of death is highly impossible given that Bill Sardi had four consecutive negative PCR antibody tests, two before entering the hospital and two after admission.  Reportedly, Sardi had a positive PCR test after about two weeks in the hospital but that could have been because of Sepsis staph infection (mostly incurable staph), not Covid-19.

Covid-19 is All About Sepsis

Sepsis is reported to be the leading cause of death in hospitals and is typically attributed to bacterial infection.  Sepsis is associated with co-morbidities (diabetes, coronary artery disease, kidney failure, etc.), but sepsis can be acquired in hospitals independent of co-morbidities of the elderly, such as in children.

According to Jean-Louis Vincent, MD, PhD, Belgium, Covid-19 cannot be distinguished from sepsis.  Sepsis can be acquired from staph (superbug MRSA – Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) infections that typically develop when a patient’s lung is ventilated for a lengthy period.  Tracheotomy is one possible method of circumventing mechanical ventilation and was considered for Bill Sardi, but then never implemented. The long-term prognosis of tracheotomy is not positive, however. Moving Sardi out of the hospital to another hospital with a lower Sepsis infection rate was advocated by Front Line Doctors and Sardi’s advocates, but the opposition of the person with medical Power of Attorney for Sardi thwarted that effort.

Antibiotics supercharge staph germs.  Another way to say this is the only way to get MRSA-Sepsis is to be exposed to antibiotics.  Deadly staph bacteria normally reside on the top of one’s skin and is harmless unless one is stuck with an un-swabbed needle, a urinary catheter is inserted, or the lung is put on a ventilator.  Or if a patient is awake and alert and served meat that has been raised on antibiotics, deadly bacteria may also develop. The longer one stays in a hospital the greater the likelihood of deadly sepsis. So, the selection of a hospital with a low MRSA infection rate is all-important.

The French medical diagnostic experts Bio-Force (bioMerieux) report that one hundred percent (100%) of Covid-19 non-survivors had Sepsis and “viral infections do not generally cause sepsis”.  Contrary to the official notion that the bugaboo Covid-19 is a virus, sepsis is a bacterial disease, not typically a viral disease.  So, the cleanliness of a hospital matters when hospitalized with the bogey Covid-19.

Both Sides Get It Wrong About Covid-19

The public do not get their medical knowledge or opinions by reasoning; they catch them by social contagion, typically along politicized social class lines separating the Knowledge Class and the Working Class.  So, the Left believes that Covid-19 is a real virus that has caused death rates to rise and that vaccines are its only antidote.  The Right believes that COVID-19 is a hoax, is not contagious and vaccination is a social marker (or secular circumcision) for those inside the government club. The Left pushes vaccines, boosters, hospitalization and Remdesivir. The Right pushes avoidance of vaccines, Remdesivir and hospitalization and prevention by hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.  Both do not address the potential danger of the MRSA infection rate of different hospitals as all-important.

The case of Bill Sardi illuminates that COVID-19 is a hoax, as he claimed it was and that the cause of all COVID-19 deaths is Sepsis from hospitalization.  There is some evidence, however, that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin prevent death from Sepsis.  But Hydroxchlorquine and Ivermectin are advocated as a preventative not for critical care.

The HAT Protocol has been shown to have success in treating Sepsis and entails: hydrocortisone (a steroid hormone), intravenous Vitamin C (up to 6,000 mg/day without conversion to oxalate) and Thiamine Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine). No treatment protocol, however, may be able to overcome the Sepsis superbug.

The reality that both sides ignore is that there is no effective medical treatment for Sepsis (MRSA or staph) once acquired in a hospital. But hospitals do not want to be accused of doing nothing, so they throw the proverbial “kitchen sink” of (deadly) drugs and tranquilizers, treatments (ventilation, intubation) at the patient.  Once hospitalized one’s survival rate depends more on the highly variable infection rate of Sepsis from hospital to hospital than from Covid-19.

The selection of a hospital is often made by the local Fire Department ambulance dispatcher depending on which hospital has a bed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at that time, not necessarily by the patient or alternate person with medical Power of Attorney (POA). Below is the infection rate for Pomona Valley Medical Center Hospital where Sardi died compared with other nearby hospitals:

Link –

Pre-Covid in 2019 Pomona Valley Medical Center Hospital was widely known to have a poor infection grade (see: Pomona Valley Hospital Still Struggles with Infection Rates, Daily Bulletin newspaper, May 7, 2019).

What does the MRSA Sepsis infection rate mean and how is it calculated?  It means the clinical disease rate per 1,000 patient days or: total positive clinical cultures (or MRSA BSI) divided by total inpatient days, times 1,000 days. Most readers eyes will gloss over the numbers and want to know what it means.    But Huntington Hospital had an effectively zero Sepsis infection rate for MRSA Sepsis.  As one anonymous doctor told me: “if Sardi had been brought to Huntington Hospital in Pasadena instead he would probably still be alive today”.  Pomona Valley Hospital has a total of 91,704 patient days per year tentatively indicating 84 sepsis deaths per year if I have calculated this correctly.

Pomona Hospital has a Total Performance Score (TPS) of 24.75 while the average is 37. Huntington Hospital has a TPS score of 79.4 and nearby Arcadia Methodist Hospital 72.2.

The moral of this story is that it is the hospital MRSA infection rate that is apparently more important than whether a patient was given the potential “deadly” Remdesivir or denied Hydroxychloroquine or perhaps even ventilated.  All such treatments are included in the Standard of Care, so hospitals have no liability for using them within established dosages and procedures in life-or-death situations; unless the designated POA objects to their use.

This also means that those persons designated as having medical Power of Attorney, at minimum, must have enough knowledge to steer the patient to a hospital with the lowest MRSA infection rate available. The Hospital Acquired Condition database can be accessed at

Nothing in this article should be construed as medical advice and is entirely subjective opinion.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

"And you know what, the average hospital bill is about $400,000 to $500,000 per COVID patient. Hospitals get 20% bonus on the entire hospital bill"

The speakers are Dr. Paul Marik [more here] and Steve Kirsch.

And you know what, the average hospital bill is about $400,000 to $500,000 per COVID patient.  Hospitals get 20% bonus on the entire hospital bill. 

5:30  If you don't go along with their protocol, you'll be terminated, and they'll find anyway to terminate you.  And we should know, that there are probably financially incentives.  If you're diagnosed with COVID, you get a bonus.  If you're intubated, you get a bonus.  If you prescribe this ridiculous drug, Remdesivir, which increases your risk of death, you get a 20% bonus.  So there are enormous financial incentives for them

. . . just for prescribing a drug?

5:55  Yes, for prescribing Remdesivir, you get a 20% bonus on the entire hospital bill.

Who's paying that, the U.S. government?  Yes, so these are Medicare patients.  If you're a Medicare patient, you get a 20% bonus . . . 

On the entire bill?

On the entire hospital bill . . . .  And you know what, the average hospital bill is about $400,000 to $500,000 per COVID patient.  

6:27  Wow, so we're talking a significant incentive for the hospital to say "follow the protocols."

6:35  Yes, there's a lot of small chain involved.  And that's why they don't like troublemakers who are going to interfere with their bottom line.  I mean the patient outcome, whether the patient lives or dies, is completely irrelevant.  It's all about the bottom line and profiteering and making money.  

7:02  So, a lot of people think that we should be incentivizing hospitals to save lives and that hospitals should get $100,000 if they saved a COVID life.  If someone checked in and is suffering respiratory distress, and the hospital is able to save that patient, they should get like a $30,000 bonus.  They should incentivize the outcomes that you want, right?  

Boy, is that a telling remark! 

7:26  Yes, so it's upside down.  You actually get incentivized if patients die, which is completely opposite of the traditional Chinese Medicine.  In fact, if patients did badly, these practitioners weren't paid.  They weren't incentivized if they patient did badly.  We actually have a system where the hospital actually profits when a patients gets intubated, going on a ventilator, and dying. 

7:52  So, what woke you up, what made you realize that the vaccine that you were asked to take and that you willingly took, what caused you to shift from being a believer in the safety of the vaccine, of the COVID vaccine, to now speaking out against the COVID vaccine?  What was the moment that did that, or did that happen over time?

8:14  Yeah, so when the vaccines came out, I was vaccinated in December 2020.  Firstly, I had no option, because I would have been terminated.  Secondly, at that time, I believed the narrative.  What can I say?  I am like most doctors who've been brainwashed and indoctrinated, so I did believe the narrative.  And then with time, it took time, Pierre figured this out much quicker than me.  I was still a little bit on the fence, but with time it became clear.  First, we had no idea what's in these vials.  We have no idea what's happening.  They were inadequately tested and they lied to us, and it became clearer with time that this was one big massive lie, that they were neither safe, nor effective.  And as more and more data came out, and we saw from the VAERS data and multiple databases that they had lied to us and then it became clear.   

9:20  So was it the accumulation of data that you were observing and instead of just reading the conclusions of the paper, you were looking at the underlying data.  And were you seeing that first 

14:05. Like, can you practice medicine today?  Did they take away your licenses, or what did they take away from you?  

14:10. Yes, so you know, this all happened independently, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Brian Tyson, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Urso, it's not like we conspired together.  We just independently came to the same conclusion.  If you look at the data, there's no other conclusion to see.  My end result was basically the hospital [Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in Norfolk, Virginia] terminated my career for good. 

14:40. You can't go to any other hospital because you're essentially blacklisted at this hospital which means you can't get into any other hospital?  

14:47. Yeah, so they reported me to the National Practitioner Data Bank, and once you get into the data bank as a devious, deviant, bad-actor doctor, it's almost impossible to get out of it.  Also, they reported me to the Board, and then the Board of Medicine came up with their own concocted charges against me.  So, this is the problem if you try to speak out, try and speak the truth.  The Board of Medicine accused me of prescribing Ivermectin to a bunch of patients who were injured.  The truth of it is I've actually been able to prescribe Ivermectin.  Ever.  And the patients they claimed I treated are non-existent patients, so that tells you how far the virginia Board of Medicine will go to accuse me of prescribing Ivermectin to non-existent patients.  I mean I never wrote a scripp for anyone.  

15:50. So how did those non-existent patients actually do?  Did they show you the medical records of those patients?  

15:58. No, no what they do is the same thing as sham peer review.  They accuse you of a crime but they don't give you the evidence.  So in my sham peer review they accused me of 7 outrageous charges but they were unable to provide any evidence, any evidence actually to support the charges that they made.  One of the charges was that I forced a nurse to give a patient a medication to which the patient was allergic.  Now, I mean can you imagine something that outrageous?  They were unable to provide any evidence that I'd actually done such a thing but I was assumed guilty as charged and I had no legal representation, and based on these bogus charges they withdrew my hospital privileges.

16:48. Is there a public record of this so that the public can get this record and look at the name of the patient . . . and maybe it's redacted.  Is there a way that this can be verified independently by a 3rd party or is it all done behind closed doors?  

17:07. So, if it's done behind closed doors, i was never given the name of the patient.  So believe it or not, I was accused of this crime but the name of the patient was never disclosed to me, nor was I given any information regarding the patient.  And it's meant to be privileged and confidential but obviously I am not going to hide it because it's an outrage, it's immoral, it's evil.  So, no, I have written a little story about this because it's an outrage.  I have shared this story with a number of representatives in the Virginia Legislature who know about this.  And Robert Malone knows about it too.  He's actually . . . he's doing a book and in his book he's going to cover this whole nasty episode.  But this thing, it's not unknown.  I was ignorant and never knew about it, but if you actually look unto it there's this thing called sham peer review, it's well-known.  And it's what hospitals do to get rid of doctors they consider to be troublemakers.  

18:17. So there's no public record, no record at all of who your charges, who your patients were supposedly?  And why did they not reveal to you the name of the patient who you prescribed the ivermectin to because that's your patient. There's no confidentiality there, so why would they not want to reveal that name to you?  

18:40. That was the Board.  The Board of Medicine 

Thursday, March 10, 2022


Friday, September 17, 2021

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Are Unidentified 'Death Squads' Being Used to Kill Patients in Hospitals with Remdesivir and the Like?

"[T]here was this kind of strange 'death squad' that I am starting to believe were actually hired specifically to do this work, because the people I've spoken to, the relatives and friends of victims, the way they've described them, they're not like your average doctor or nurse. They're cold and they're sadistic and they're unpleasant. Sometimes they won't even speak. Some have been reported not to have any identification or name badges..." In this clip from an interview with Peter McIlvenna () writer, producer, and presenter Jacqui Deevoy () describes a support group of approximately 142 people who have "absolutely horrendous stories their loved ones were murdered in NHS [National Health Service in England] settings," including in hospices, care homes, and hospitals." Deevoy, who set up the support group following the production of a 2021 film dubbed 'A Good Death?' (co-produced with David Icke's 'Ickonic' platform/studio), says "the stories are just unbelievable," as "you don't expect your loved one to go into a care home or hospital and be murdered, which is what's happening." The writer goes on to note that "we kind of sugarcoat it slightly by calling it 'involuntary euthanasia,' but 'involuntary euthanasia,' I don't know why that phrase really exists because that is murder." Deevoy adds, "If someone is being euthanized, being...killed, against their will, surely that's murder. I can't see why it's called anything else." "If we drugged a loved one to death, no matter what state they were in, whether they were terminally ill or not, we would be arrested and probably jailed," Deevoy says. "But when a doctor or nurse does it, it seems to be okay. And I don't really understand that." Deevoy goes on to say that "It's hard to believe that doctors and nurses could be that heartless and cruel...and murderous, but I don't think it's all doctors and nurses at all. I'd say 95% of them are absolutely brilliant..." Critically, however, the writer says "there was this kind of strange 'death squad' that I am starting to believe were actually hired specifically to do this work, because the people I've spoken to, the relatives and friends of victims, the way they've described them, they're not like you're average doctor or nurse. They're cold and they're sadistic and they're unpleasant. Sometimes they won't even speak..."  

Deevoy adds, "Some have been reported not to have any identification or name badges, they've been very hard to trace afterward in some cases—it's very, very strange, and I'm starting to wonder if these people haven't been brought in to do this. Because your average nurse or carer or doctor wouldn't be able to do it. That's not why they're doing their job. They're doing their job to help people, not to kill them." 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

JOHN BEAUDOIN: Two general patterns for excess deaths: bioweapon and hospital homicide. In fact, the hospital homicides might be greater.

Hosted by Randy Bock.

4:45  Two general patterns for excess deaths: bioweapon and hospital homicide.  Death by hospital.  Huh.  It's both.  In fact, the hospital homicides might be greater.  The acute renal failure, the sudden renal failure where you didn't have a problem before, and all of a sudden you have a problem that seems to be occurring mostly in hospitals.  And it seems to be occurring to the tune of a 100% increase and not during the year of COVID. when the, NCTAP program kicked in, a payout program for the use of Remdesivir.  Now, I'm not saying it's Remdesivir, because it comes with a greater protocol that the National Institutes of Health, the NIH, would have.  And that protocol would include a lot of things, like ventilators.  Now, in 2020, there is a signal of acute renal failure

Monday, February 5, 2024

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Vaccine Freedom Movement!!! --Sage Hana

One guy [Steve Kirsch] is a big tech One ID surveillance helpful inventor who came up the ranks with DARPA as a kid and went on to become a quarter billionaire in Democratic party Mega donor.

When COVID "emerged," he was involved with a Rockefeller philanthropy-administered fund that studied Remdesivir.

He is concerned about overpopulation.


The other guy [Dr. Robert Malone] is a lifetime biowarfare Industries medical countermeasures scientist.  When COVID hit, he was involved with a defense threat reduction agency project that was designed to identify medical countermeasures for a novel entity, say a novel coronavirus.  Well, that project came up with Remdesivir.  

He is also concerned with overpopulation.  


These two guys found themselves on a podcast about "How to save the world" from the coronavirus pandemic with another guy [Bret Weinstein] whose brother [Eric Weinstein] was a consigliere for another billionaire.  That other billionaire runs a CIA data mining site.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Vaccine Freedom Movement!!!  --Sage Hana 


Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Ventilation, especially for a frail person, is a very aggressive procedure.

Dr. Yeadon explains that 

Following the Wuhan protocol, I learned this from friends in Northern Italy, that's where it started in Europe.  They were told that the Wuhan protocol said that the sooner you get your patients sedated and ventilated, the better your chances of saving their life.  So people would turn up having a panic attack, they thought they were having respiratory symptoms, and rather than take a proper history, they sedating and ventilating them and over 90% of them would be dead within 10 days.  Ventilation, especially for a frail person, is a very aggressive procedure.  When it's lifesaving, it's worth those risks.  When you're right it's worth those risks.  But if you arrive and you're free breathing and your airwaves are open, you never do what they did unless they had 60% burns and are in agony, then you probably would do it.  But none of the others.  And I know here, where I am in Florida, literally, within a couple of kilometers from here, the Sarasota General, Memorial General, whatever it is, I know a person who was very senior in the Emergency Room, or A&E, he was busy trying to save lives at the front end, but people who were admitted weren't coming out again.  And after a while he explored it and ended up in a shouting match with his clinic colleagues, and more or less said, like I've said, "What the hell are you doing ventilating people with open air waves and conscious?"  

"Well, we've got to do it.  This is what we've been told." 

They were given money to put people on ventilators.  They were given money if they got Remdesivir.  They were given money if they died after a diagnosis of COVID.  So they followed the money and gave up.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Remdesivir increases the risk of kidney failure at least 20-fold based on the World Health Organization data

Sunday, February 6, 2022


Friday, March 24, 2023

"We knew we were going to kill people. That's premeditated murder. We knew we were going to do it, and we went along with it anyway"

Saturday, August 20, 2022

I don't have the language for your camera to describe what I think about those people


We're always up against the hospital lawyers who are basically paid by the hour. They are big law firms.  They have essentially an unlimited budget, and bot are they actively litigating against us to deprive people of medical freedom and medical autonomy even when they're dying and they want to take a shot at a drug that might help them.  And for which there is evidence thet are fighting like hell and I don't have the language for your camera to describe what I think about those people.  Even in Florida, we've litigated in Florida.  I've been involved in some of those cases in my brief time with the firm, and, the hospitals down there resist.  Now there's a "Right-to-try" Act in several of the states, but it's tough to meet the qualifications of the "Right-to-try" Act, so we're sort of relying on common law principles of medical autonomy, the patient's right to make choices within reasonable parameters where you have a doctor who's prescribed . . . it's like a prisoner's case because the person is in sort of a prison of the hospital.  They're in a ventilator.  They're sedated.  And they're restrained, so they don't have the two legs to go out in the market place and shop around for different types of treatment so that's when the judge has to step in and say "This person has the tight, or his representative has the right, to try this medication which could save his life.  And we've seen in our practice and we've seen it in our studies . . . it has saved many lives.  One of my legal briefs mentioned very early is, this is 2020, the research was already out there, that ventilators were counterproductive in many cases.  They might save your life one day, but the longer you're on it, they're really going to take your life away.  And the drug, the other problem we've noticed, is there's a drug called Remdesivir, which seems to have been used by many of the people who come to us and it's not working, it has side effects but they are apparently getting extra money to prescribe Remdesivir because it's approved by big pharma.  It's a patented drug.