Showing posts with label — Erin Elizabeth Health Nut News 🙌 (@unhealthytruth) March 22. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Erin Elizabeth Health Nut News 🙌 (@unhealthytruth) March 22. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Pfizer claim that mRNA vaccines were “Safe and Effective” in pregnancy was based on 44 French rats . . .

Reveals a 2019 NIH study on Remdesivir WAS STOPPED because ‘53-86% of the patients died’..

If you want to improve care at your local hospitals, attend the hospital board meetings and put in for certain therapies.  If not, then either take what they give you or stay home and do self-care.   

Her name is Ann Vandersteel, and you may be familiar with many of her Rumble interviews with key voices that have HELPED people understand COVID, vaccines, politics, and money behind these mandated measures.