Showing posts with label Jonas Salk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jonas Salk. Show all posts

Friday, August 26, 2022

Jonas Salk, Father of Mass Vaccination, Wanted Mass Depopulation

Thank you to Lew Rockwell.  

Christine Ross writes, 

Fred Klenner MD cured polio with Vitamin C by mouth and injection in 1948.

His achievement made vaccines unnecessary, which is why, of course, that it has been covered up. 

The book under discussion is Jonas Salk's, The Survival of the Wisest, 1973.

My interest in Salk is in his reputation of how he is treated like a scientific god who saved the world from mass death through his polio vaccines.  Nothing could further from the truth.  Here is an excerpt of the full reviewed linked above.  The reviewer is Jay Dyer 

You're watching Jay Dyer from Jay's Analysis.  We're doing our globalist book series.  And if you've followed the series, we've covered HG Wells, Carol Quigley, his Tragedy of Hope and the Anglo-American Establishment, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and we have many, many more establishment books to go.  Last we did, of course, was Arthur Koestler's Ghost in the Machine, 1967, and now we want to talk about the supposed hero of inoculations and polio, Jonas Salk's book, The Survival of the Wisest.  Now this character is trumpeted by the entire globe as the hero of modern medicine, as the hero basically of solving the polio but what that did was give everybody the impetus to give and to get mass vaccinations.  In other words, it was the big selling point to push everyone into the idea that modern medicine has now achieved the radical advantage of being able to completely re-engineer man so that he won't have to deal with the old diseases that he used to have to deal with.  Now, there's some truth to that, and obviously modern medicine has made some advances, I'm obviously not denying that.  But this was an individual who was propped up by the establishment and funded by all the big families--Carnegie Mellon Institute, who was actually behind Salk.  And what it did it had the effect of convincing everyone that health requires mass vaccination, that and maybe hygiene.  Right, these were the two big ideas of modern health in the 20th century.  So he is thus called the Father of Mass Inoculation.  Other people ad come up with this idea, as well as Sabine, another character.  But you if you know these characters had a very close connection with big pharma establishment.  Now, why are these characters directly connected to large private corporations?  We know about the funding by Carnegie Mellon and their radical eugenicist ideologies, but we're not just talking about eugenics and the idea of preservation of one's race or one's culture.  This is actually dysgenics.  And that's what we're going to see in this book in that Salk has gone even further and has revamped his theory to supposedly improve upon Darwinism.  In other words, we're not just talking Darwinism anymore.  He's arguing that survival of the fittest has now become the survival of the wisest, and what that means is that the elite embodied in, incarnated in the scientific class.  They now function as the arbiters of mother nature.  This is literally what he says in this book.  And as a result, they're going to have to put into place structures [3:30], systems to decide who lives and who dies, who goes into the future and who doesn't go into the future.  So that's what this book is is another layer of the Darwinian cult of mass depopulation.  He begins the book by saying, "The big problem that we face is too many people.  Man will have to regulate and take the place of Mother Nature because Mother Nature, he argues, has natural functions of keeping balance and regulating population through disease and death which he says are good.  He says that man is going to have to step up and take on that role to do the exact same thing.  So here is your psychopath, Darwin cult leader basically arguing, not just that . . . Salk says that man is X-men, you're all a bunch of mutants.  And because you're mutants and toxic avengers, there's nothing wrong with the scientific establishment mutating you secretly through RNA viruses.  Yes, he says that.  This is Chapter 7.  Mutations, the exact same thing we saw with Koestler [in his review of Arthur Koestler's The Ghost in the Machine, 1967]    

Salk says that we can do all kinds of things to produce advantageous and disadvantageous effects by mutating and testing on people through their RNA, DNA and the eggs of reproduction.  The female egg can be experimented on, and we can even, he says, "introduce mass diseases, mass cancer perhaps experimenting on reproduction functions in the body."  Salk goes onto say that man is a product of evolution, and therefore anything that those in the scientific establishment do is also just another function of evolution.  So if a scientific cult leaders murder you all and kill your babies and eat them, that's just another naturalistic process that were to happen.  Oh, it's just naturalism.  Why?  "Because death and disease and destruction are good."  They're part of the dialectical evolutionary process.  They produce, he argues, a new stage of man.  This is why we saw Koestler say that Promethean Man is Cannibalistic Man.  In order to go to the next stage of evolution, you have to eat your own.  That's what Koestler said; that's exactly what Salk says.  

[6:09]  Who stands in the way of this?  Traditionalists.  "Traditionalists must die," page 70.  The trads must die, and the elite will decide who lives and who dies.  Who are the elite, the wisest?  The scientific class.  The priestly class will decide the new values.  And he says that the traditionalist must die because they're anti-evolutionary and they don't accept the evolution of morals out of right and wrong into anything, right?  Morals are part of the evolutionary process, he says, if you don't accept this then you don't see evolution as true, you need to die.  And that's because you are regressive, you are moving back towards protozoa stage, towards soup stage, towards, muck stage.  You're Nickelodeon gak, we are god men, he says, and we as god men will kill all of you traditionalists.    

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Jonas Salk vs. Albert Sabin: The War on Polio

Groubert says that the March of Dimes got its name from The March of Time, 1935-1951.  Wikipedia elaborates a bit, 

The March of Time  is an American newsreel series sponsored by Time Inc. and shown in movie theaters from 1935 to 1951. It was based on a radio news series broadcast from 1931 to 1945. The "voice" of both series was Westbrook VAn Voorhis.  Produced and written by Louis de Rochemont and his brother Richard de Rochemont, The March of Time was recognized with an Academy Honorary Award in 1937. 

Here is a 1938 The March of Time newsreel, titled, "Inside Nazi Germany."

March of Dimes wasn't in name only.  Everybody in the country mailed in millions and millions of dimes and raised over a million dollars in 1932.  This single-handedly funded the research.  

March of the Moms was where moms in the neighborhood would march around the neighborhood at night and collect the change thar families would leave out on the porch under a porch light.  

Of the 30,000 kids who were inoculated across the country, some kids began to die and the Salk vaccine national program was called to a halt and Salk was was called in to Congress.   

Sabin on Sunday where everyone in the country was given a sugar cube with the Sabin vaccine which had the live virus in it.  Salk, to his credit never gives up.  In 1954, Sabin goes before the American Medical Association in the Madison Square Gardens in front of 38,000 people and denounces Salk as a communist  

He says this is going to cause polio and he was right, the Sabin vaccine did cause polio all the way to today.  In fact, the only cause of polio in the world today is from vaccine-induced polio. 

At the 39:50-mark, Mark Groubert says "that's why the vaccine companies have immunity today." So I missed the lead in to that statement.  It's because of the Sabin vaccine lawsuit that vaccine companies have immunity today. 

The Fauci-ites hate Salk.  Sabin calls Salk nothing more than a kitchen chemist.  The refrigeration if the Albert Sabin vaccine is what kept the polio vaccine alive.  That's why you kept hearing about the polio vaccine in Africa and the polio vaccine in India.