Showing posts with label cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cancer. Show all posts

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Man with Cancer (Leukemia) 4 yrs prior was told he’d likely need a dangerous stem cell transplant. Colleague suggested IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate) with incredible anti-cancer properties. It worked!

Sunday, January 14, 2024

How Fenbendazole works?



. . . there are 3 main mechanisms by which fenbendazole kills cancer:

1) Apoptosis induction. The anti-tumor effect is believed to be through the interaction of the drug with the β-tubulin leading to cell cycle arrest and cytotoxic.

Inhibition of polymerization of tubulin into microtubules by benzimidazole carbamates in both helminths and human tumor cells is well documented. (Source1Source2)

2) Inhibition of glucose uptake in cancer cells. Malignant cells are known to have an enormous glucose uptake. Cancer cells normally consume glucose 200 times faster than ordinary cells due to aerobic glycolysis (Warburg effect). This can be seen in PET scans – the metabolically active sites, which use more radioactive glucose can be clearly seen and are generally thought to be cancerous tumors or sites of inflammation.

Fenbendazole limits cancer cell fueling with sugar by limiting glucose uptake, decreasing the amount of GLUT transporters (canals that take glucose into the cancer cells from the blood), and the enzyme hexokinase 2. The latter is important for cancer cell survival, it helps the tumors thrive by generating more sugar and accelerating lactic acidosis in the extracellular matrix. (Source1Source2

3) Reactivation of the p53 gene. This work mechanism is still relatively controversial, and more studies need to be done to confirm that Fenben causes this action. (Source)

However, there is an increasing number of studies that confirm the fact that fenbendazole might truly increase the strongest tumor suppressor in our bodies – p53. (Source)

It is known that elephants have 20 copies of the p53 gene in their genome and humans have only 1 copy. Interestingly, that is why elephants get cancer less frequently than us, humans. Despite these creatures having a huge body size, a larger number of cells, and a bigger number of potential genetic mutations.

Friday, December 23, 2022

2018, small group of scientists finds that "GARLIC..COMPLETELY CURED ALL MICE OF CANCER."

Monday, October 31, 2022

LIVER CANCER: "Complete remission of the tumor 1 week after IP6 treatment, 40mgs/day"

Here is the IP6 Gold.  Good name for it.   


Saturday, June 18, 2022

"I want to present my body with all the nutrients in the food and let it decide which to absorb"

The following is a product advertisement from Dr. Tom Cowan, but I am sharing it here because the argument for foods over vitamins is so compelling.  

Hey, everyone. 

A central tenet to my approach to nutrition is that the more complex the food source, the more nutritious it is likely to be. An example is chemically-derived B vitamins in supplement form, versus from fresh liver, which is replete with these same vitamins. My choice is always the latter, because I want to present my body with all the nutrients in the food and let it decide which to absorb.

During the past century, instead of "homo sapiens" we have become a species that is more aptly described as "homo domesticus fragilis." In other words, we have become domesticated, fragile and diseased. Any living being that doesn't live in its natural environment and is subjected to eating depleted foods and living in artificial situations will become sick and diseased. This idea applies to our food, the light we are exposed to, the water we drink, the movements we perform, and probably even the thoughts we think and the feelings we feel. 

Unfortunately, many people today are unable or unwilling to eat such traditional foods as organ meats and wild edibles. That's why I'm grateful for companies that make products that understand these principles and mimic traditional diets as much as possible. One such company is Ancestral Supplements, which makes freeze-dried organ products.

The animals from which these products are made live out their entire lives foraging on grass, as they are meant to do; no grain feeding, no hormones, no antibiotics. Then their organs, the source of the most concentrated nutrients in the animals, are harvested and freeze dried for us to use.  

In my practice during the past few years, once I identified the weak organ in a patient, I would suggest supplementing with the homologous freeze-dried, grass-fed and finished-organ preparation. For people with any sort of thyroid issue, that meant a non-hormonal glandular thyroid. Patients with heart disease all took bovine heart capsules. For people with joint and bone issues or the metabolic problem referred to as "cancer," bovine tracheal cartilage was prescribed. 

Bovine tracheal cartilage, along with shark cartilage, is possibly the richest source of cartilage in the animal world. Extracts of bovine tracheal cartilage were used successfully by Dr. John Pruden in his cancer treatments, and greatly improved joint health in arthritis sufferers. 


Here is an abstract of Dr. John Pruden's work with bovine cartilage and cancer. 

Dr. John Prudden and Bovine Trachael Cartilage Research By Henry Kriegel researchers chose not to investigate the discovery further. Dr. Prudden, however, was convinced of the importance of the results and put aside his previous research plans to actively begin a thorough investigation. During the course of the initial clinical work, he observed dramatic tumor shrinkage in a patient with cancer of the breast and malignant ulceration of the entire chest wall. This discovery led to therapeutic trials with other cancer substances proven to accelerate clinical wound healing, a fact cited in surgical textbooks, shown in clinical trials to be effective in treating a wide range of conditions from inflammatory diseases to cancer. Although the documentation of its uses has been a slow and meticulous process, its effectiveness in the treatment of cancer and other diseases may represent a significant medical advance. This article focuses on its reported efficacy in the treatment of cancer. Until recently, knowledge of the effectiveness of bovine tracheal cartilage in the treatment of cancer has been limited. Approximately 100 cancer patients have benefited from bovine cartilage during this initial investigative period solely through the efforts of John F. Prudden, M.D., Med.Sc.D. 

Continue reading . . . 



Saturday, May 21, 2022


Interesting that smoking causes pancreatic cancer. We tend to think of smoking causing lung cancer, which it does, but it also causes pancreatic cancer. Dr. Berg says that the pancreas is one of the organs harmed by smoking. Alcohol consumption also puts you at risk.  


When it comes to fish oils, the key ingredient is cleanliness.  The oils have to be cleaned to purge as many of toxins, like mercy, and others as much as possible.  The first time I ever tried fish oils was a brand called Norweigan Oils.  It was a liquid that came with a minty flavor.  It was okay.  I didn't detect any nauseous or toxic smell or taste.  But after a week on the product, I noticed a growth on my leg!  Whoa!  Way too fast for something like that to happen.  Could also be that the fish oils stay in your body, perhaps your liver, long after its consumption, and so the growth didn't manifest until after a couple of weeks.  That was interesting.  I had read that you want to purchase oils that are cleaned.  So then I ordered Barry Sears Omega 3s, and he has a page on his website somewhere where he talks about its top refinement process from the University of Guelph.  

·       Freshness: Our proprietary antioxidant blend provides greater stability to protect OmegaRx 2 from oxidation. The TOTOX value, one measure of “freshness”, of each batch of OmegaRx 2 shows we have some of the freshest oil on the market to date.

·         Transparency: We think it’s important that you know the purity, potency, and freshness of OmegaRx 2 which is why we post the values of every lot of OmegaRx 2 post-production on our website. 

Sunday, January 16, 2022

UFC PRESIDENT DANA WHITE: No, but I took them and they worked for me, so why shouldn't I be able to take them again . . . or other people?

First, I can't believe, or maybe I can, how doctors, two hundred of them, are calling for Spotify to censor not censure Joe Rogan.  What's wrong with an opinion?  What, it conflicts with their state opinion, the one sanctioned by their state medical boards?  

How are monoclonal antibodies beneficial?  According to Bill Sardi, they are an excellent anti-cancer medicine.  See below.  

What is it that they do to COVID or to the spike proteins?  One benefit of monoclonal antibodies is that you can target them to a specific antigen.  That's good and unusual.  I mean antibiotics or chemotherapies can't do that.  Those are like shotgun blasts on your cells.  These remarks on antibodies in contrast to antibiotics was interesting, 

Monoclonal antibody therapy can also benefit the treatment of certain infectious diseases. In comparison to antibiotics which are unable to discriminate between beneficial and infectious bacteria, antibodies can be designed to target specific disease markers on the surface of pathogens. This specificity ensures that the natural balance of the microbiome is unaffected, further decreasing the risk of subsequent infection recurrence.

Moreover, antibodies may be the only suitable option in the treatment of viral diseases that cannot be prevented by vaccination such as HIV or hepatitis C. In these instances, antibodies can act as neutralizing agents (by blocking cell-virus interactions) and/or promote the clearance of viral particles from the patient’s system.

Now you can't get those things to save your life now.  The clown/plant at the 1:40 mark asks the dumbest, most provocative question that only ridicules everything.  

Bill Sardi said this about monoclonal antibodies

If these proteins can somehow be negated then the immune system would have a chance to attack and kill off cancer cells.  Specifically, roaming white blood cells known as macrophages recognize a protein called CD47 and therefore do not attack and engulf cancer cells.  In this manner cancer cells escape the normal immune surveillance that keeps cancer cells at bay. 

Cancer cells typically have a higher level of CD47 than healthy cells and the amount of CD47 predicts the survival of cancer patients. 

Cancer researchers have recently documented the blockade of the CD47 cell-surface receptor with a monoclonal antibody to re-activate macrophages to engulf cancer cells and kill them.  Since virtually all known types of tumor cells exhibit CD47 receptor on their surface, this development may be monumental. 

This single monoclonal antibody drug has now been demonstrated to shrink or even cure human breast, ovary, colon, bladder, brain, liver, and prostate tumors that have been transplanted into laboratory mice. 

In recent years, blockade of the cD47 receptor had been shown to cure some cases of non-solid tumor (lymphomas and leukemias) in the research lab. 

So, for cancer, monoclonal antibodies are a highly promising treatment.  But what about COVID, or, the toxins from the vaccines--the spike proteins?  What do monoclonal antibodies do to the spike proteins?  

Saturday, August 1, 2015

"GcMAF can eradicate chronic inflammation and viral infections."
I had never heard of GcMAF before. Ever.  Until last night.  I thought I would share what I found.  I am posting this for information purposes only.  This is not an offer or solicitation for medical advice whatsoever.  What I've learned is that GcMAF is not a food per se, but a protein used to target cancers and, get this, autism. That's right. At least according to the authors of the site.  One caveat: GcMAF is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration for disease, so any claims should be taken with that in mind.  But here is what their site says:

Your GcMAF empowers your body to cure itself. In a healthy person your own GcMAF has 11 actions discovered so far, including two on cells, three excellent effects on the brain, and 6 on cancer. Amongst these it acts as a “director” of your immune system. But viruses and malignant cells like cancer send out an enzyme called Nagalase that prevents production of your GcMAF: that stops its 11 beneficial effects, and neutralises your immune system. So diseases become chronic, and cancer cells grow unchecked.

Minutes after a receiving a dose, 10 of the body’s actions restart. In three weeks of two GcMAF 0.25ml doses a week, your immune system is rebuilt to above normal strength. You need two doses a week for typically 24 weeks for many diseases and early cancers, up to seven one ml doses a week and a year for stage 4 cancers. Your body then takes the disease down without side effects, and successfully in 80% of cases -depending upon how well you follow the protocol under “Treatment Protocol” on this website.

It is a human protein. One week’s GcMAF looks like a small raindrop. If properly produced it is perfectly sterile, and a most ethical course for doctors.

GcMAF is therefore a replacement therapy for those who can’t make their own. Taking GcMAF replaces the missing part of the immune system, and also acts as the body’s own internal medicine.

GcMAF is extracted and isolated; its a 24 step process, and at the end it must have tests to prove its sterility and activity. (If it does not come with published tests, its probably not GcMAF.) One GcMAF has been tested in universities, laboratories and clinics, where, as a result of the testing, consistent activity and sterility have always been found, and been the subject of 40 scientific research papers.

The GcMAF Conference 2013 showed GcMAF is a far more powerful molecule than thought, both in terms of the science, and doctors’ results. In stage 4 cancer, some doctors who use the full protocol, listed on “Treatment Strategies,” are saving every patient (if they have not had chemotherapy.) Success can be achieved with all tumour cancers including breast, lung, prostate, pancreatic and melanoma.

GcMAF can eradicate chronic inflammation and viral infections. It is better than antibiotics in many areas, and 25% successful with Autism, 50% or more with Chronic Herpes, Chronic Acne, Chronic cirrhosis of the liver, Chronic kidney disease, Chronic depression, Colitis, Crohn’s, Fibromyalgia, Hepatitis, Herpes, LMBBS, ME/CFS, Osteoporosis, Periodontal disease, Psoriasis and various types of Immune dysfunction including allergies. Research shows GcMAF can halt deterioration in Parkinsons, multiple sclerosis (MS), dementia and ALS, and in its role of immune system regulator, can reverse diseases that attack the immune system like Lupus and Arthritis. And is effective with wound healing. Its successful with tumour cancers, and some others.

In addition to rebuilding a depressed immune system, GcMAF:

Inhibits angiogenesis–stops blood supply to tumours.
Activates macrophages–phagocytosis and destruction of cancer cells
Apoptosis–suicide of cancer cells.
Reverts the cancer cell phenotype to normal (Turns cancer cells into healthy cells).
Reduces the metastatic potential of human cancer cells in culture.
Increases energy production at the mitochondrial level – ME/CFS
Improves human neuronal metabolic activity through cAMP signaling– autism, ME/CFS, MS, ALS.
Counters toxic effects including cadmium–ME/CFS.
It abolishes neuropathic pain due to neuro-oxidative stress (stress due to the anti-cancer drug oxaliplatin) in the lab. (neurodegenerative diseases and autism that have oxidative stress as a pathogenetic mechanism).
It increases neuronal connectivity by promoting differentiation and the formation of dendrites and neuritis (autism and ME/CFS, where there is a lack of connectivity between neurons).
See the 31 research papers published, particularly Brescia, and the 60 published by others listed under “The science”.

80% of terminal stage four tumor cancers cases can be saved (40% if they’ve had chemo), but usually when they are closely monitored, which is why residential Treatment Centers are being run in Switzerland. If they have three months to live and have not had chemo, almost no one needs to be lost.

Here is what another site explains about GcMAFs:
The answer may lie in an understanding of nagalese, a protein made by cancer cells and viruses. Nagalese is a primary cause of immunodeficiency given its ability to block the body’s production of GcMAF, otherwise known as “Vitamin D binding microphage activating factor,” a naturally-produced immune regulating compound that aids in fighting what are traditionally considered terminal diseases. Some researchers suggest that nagalese is one of many toxic components found in the immunizations commonly administered to children, including the Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine. 
Well, that's interesting.  Based on that statement it looks like Vitamin D is an anti-cancer component, a claim that we've all read about for years now.  This may be one of the reasons why cod liver oil with its beneficial Vitamin D and A help with managing cancer.  

My understanding is that GcMAFs are activated macrophanges.  Anyway, it's worth checking out.  Let me know what you think.  Leave comments. Thank you.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

"Even the most aggressive cancers which have metastasized have been reversed with baking soda cancer treatments." 
from HealthFreedoms.

Even the most aggressive cancers which have metastasized have been reversed with baking soda cancer treatments. Although chemotherapy is toxic to all cells, it represents the only measure that oncologists employ in their practice to almost all cancer patients. In fact, 9 out of 10 cancer patients agree to chemotherapy first without investigating other less invasive options.
Doctors and pharmaceutical companies make money from it. That’s the only reason chemotherapy is still used. Not because it’s effective, decreases morbidity, mortality or diminishes any specific cancer rates. In fact, it does the opposite. Chemotherapy boosts cancer growth and long-term mortality rates and oncologists know it.
A few years ago, University of Arizona Cancer Center member Dr. Mark Pagel received a $2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to study the effectiveness of personalized baking soda cancer treatment for breast cancer. Obviously there are people in the know who have understood that sodium bicarbonate, that same stuff that can save a person’s life in the emergency room in a heartbeat, is a primary cancer treatment option of the safest and most effective kind.
Studies have shown that dietary measures to boost bicarbonate levels can increase the pH of acidic tumors without upsetting the pH of the blood and healthy tissues. Animal models of human breast cancer show that oral sodium bicarbonate does indeed make tumors more alkaline and inhibit metastasis. Based on these studies, plus the fact that baking soda is safe and well tolerated, world renowned doctors such as Dr. Julian Whitaker have adopted successful cancer treatment protocols as part of an overall nutritional and immune support program for patients who are dealing with the disease. The Whitaker protocol uses 12 g (2 rounded teaspoons) of baking soda mixed in 2 cups water, along with a low-cal sweetener of your choice. (It’s quite saltytasting.) Sip this mixture over the course of an hour or two and repeat for a total of three times a day. One man claims he has found a cure for cancer using baking soda and molasses and actually successfully treated his own disease by using baking soda.
When taken orally with water, especially water with high magnesium content, and when used transdermally in medicinal baths, sodium bicarbonate becomes a first-line medicinal for the treatment of cancer, and also kidney disease, diabetes, influenza and even the common cold. It is also a powerful buffer against radiation exposure, so everyone should be up to speed on its use. Everybody’s physiology is under heavy nuclear attack from strong radioactive winds that are circling the northern hemisphere.
Dr. Robert J. Gillies and his colleagues have already demonstrated that pre-treatment of mice with baking soda results in the alkalinization of the area around tumors. The same researchers reported that bicarbonate increases tumor pH and also inhibits spontaneous metastases in mice with breast cancer.
What is Baking Soda?
Baking soda is a white crystalline solid that appears as fine powder. It is also called cooking soda, bread soda and bicarbonate of soda. Its chemical name is sodium bicarbonate or sodium hydrogen carbonate.
Baking soda is different from washing soda (sodium carbonate) although they share the same slightly salty and alkaline taste.
This widely used soda is commonly dissolved in mineral water and used as a leavening agent in baking. It works as a leavening agent by neutralizing the acidic components of batter. The neutralization releases carbon dioxide and leads to the “raising” or expansion of baked foods.
Baking soda has also been used to soften vegetable and to tenderize meat.
As a household chemical, baking soda is used as a cleaning agent. It is included in toothpastes for similar reasons where it serves as an antiseptic, acid-neutralizer, whitening agent and plaque-removing agent as well as a cleaning agent.
Other common personal hygiene products in which baking soda can be found include deodorants and shampoos.
Baking Soda and pH Medicine
The pH of our tissues and body fluids is crucial and central because it affects and mirrors the state of our health or our inner cleanliness. The closer the pH is to 7.35-7.45, the higher our level of health and wellbeing. Staying within this range dramatically increases our ability to resist acute illnesses like colds and flues as well as the onset of cancer and other diseases. Keeping our pH within a healthy range also involves necessary lifestyle and dietary changes that will protect us over the long term while the use of sodium bicarbonate gives us a jump-start toward increased alkalinity.

The pH scale is like a thermometer showing increases and decreases in the acid and alkaline content of fluids. Deviations above or below a 7.35-7.45 pH range in the tightly controlled blood can signal potentially serious and dangerous symptoms or states of disease. When the body can no longer effectively neutralize and eliminate the acids, it relocates them within the body’s extra-cellular fluids and connective tissue cells directly compromising cellular integrity. Conversely when the body becomes too alkaline from too much bicarbonate in the blood, metabolic alkalosis occurs, which can lead to severe consequences if not corrected quickly.

JonBarron presents a way of looking at pH that opens up one of the major benefits of alkaline water:

Hydrogen ions tie up oxygen. That means that the more acid a liquid is, the less available the oxygen in it. Every cell in our body requires oxygen for life and to maintain optimum health. Combine that with what we know about hydrogen ions and we see that the more acid the blood (the lower its pH), the less oxygen is available for use by the cells. Without going into a discussion of the chemistry involved, just understand that it’s the same mechanism involved when acid rain “kills” a lake. The fish literally suffocate to death because the acid in the lake “binds up” all of the available oxygen. It’s not that the oxygen has gone anywhere; it’s just no longer available. Conversely, if you raise the pH of the lake (make it more alkaline), oxygen is now available and the lake comes back to life. Incidentally, it’s worth noting that cancer is related to an acid environment (lack of oxygen)–the higher the pH (the more oxygen present in the cells of the body), the harder it is for cancer to thrive.

Understanding this is important for two reasons: (1) it reveals one of the primary benefits of alkaline water–more “available” oxygen in the system and (2) it explains why alkaline water helps fight cancer.

How Baking Soda Can Help “Cure” Cancer
Basically, malignant tumors represent masses of rapidly growing cells. The rapid rate of growth experienced by these cells means that cellular metabolism also proceeds at very high rates.

Therefore, cancer cells are using a lot more carbohydrates and sugars to generate energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

However, some of the compounds formed from the energy production include lactic acid and pyruvic acid. Under normal circumstances, these compounds are cleared and utilized as soon as they are produced. But cancer cells are experiencing metabolism at a much faster rate. Therefore, these organic acid accumulate in the immediate environment of the tumor.

The high level of extracellular acidity around the tumor is one of the chief driving force behind the metastasis of cancer tumors.

Basically, cancer cells need an acidic environment to grow and spread rapidly.

Some cancer experts, therefore, believe that by buffering the tumor micro-environment with an alkalizing compound, the pH of tumors can be raised enough to starve them and stop their growth and spread.

Curiously, this rather simple solution to cancer has been proven right.

What is even more remarkable is that there is no need to cook up some fancy synthetic drug to lower the acidity in the immediate environment of the tumor. A simple, commonly obtained compound like sodium bicarbonate will do.

Obviously, it is desirable to deliver the sodium bicarbonate as close to the tumor as possible since its pH-raising effect is needed in the micro-environment of the tumor. Therefore, directly injecting sodium bicarbonate in the tumor site is considered a better solution than oral administration. However, oral sodium bicarbonate is just safer and can be readily used at home.

A 2009 study published in the journal, Cancer Research, is among the first to confirm that the alkalinizing effect of sodium bicarbonate can indeed stop cancer.

By injecting sodium bicarbonate into a group of mice, the authors of the study were able to determine how the growth and spread of cancer tumors were effected by raising the pH of the organ affected by the cancer.

The study results showed that baking soda indeed raised the pH and reduced spontaneous metastases in mice induced with breast cancer.

The researchers also determined that sodium bicarbonate works by raising the pH outside cells and not within cells. This is an important finding because it suggests that sodium bicarbonate does not interfere with cellular metabolism even as it makes the microenvironment unconducive for tumor growth.

Other findings from this study show that baking soda:
§          Reduced the involvement of the lymph node on the transport of cancer cells
§         Does not lower the levels of circulating tumor cells
§         Reduced the involvement of the liver and, therefore, the spread of tumor cells to other organs
§          Inhibit the colonization of other organs by circulating tumor cells
The Baking Soda Formula for Cancer
To make the baking soda natural cancer remedy at home, you need maple syrup, molasses or honey to go along with the baking soda.

In Dr. Sircus’ book, he documented how one patient used baking soda and blackstrap molasses to fight the prostate cancer that had metastasized to his bones. On the first day, the patient mixed 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 teaspoon of molasses in a cup of water.

He took this for another 3 days after which his saliva pH read 7.0 and his urine pH read 7.5.

Encouraged by these results, the patient took the solution 2 times on day 5 instead of once daily. And from day 6 – 10, he took 2 teaspoons each of baking soda and molasses twice daily.

By the 10th day, the patient’s pH had risen to 8.5 and the only side effects experienced were headaches and night sweat (similar to cesium therapy).

The next day, the patient had a bone scan and too other medical tests. His results showed that his PSA (prostate-specific antigen, the protein used to determine the severity of prostate enlargement and prostate cancer) level was down from 22.3 at the point of diagnosis to 0.1.

Another baking soda formula recommends mixing 90 teaspoons of maple syrup with 30 teaspoons of baking soda.

To do this, the maple syrup must be heated to become less viscous. Then the baking syrup is added and stirred for 5 minutes until it is fully dissolved.

This preparation should provide about 10-day worth of the baking soda remedy. 5 – 7 teaspoons per day is the recommended dose for cancer patients.

Care should be taken when using the baking soda remedy to treat cancer. This is because sustaining a high pH level can itself cause metabolic alkalosis and electrolyte imbalance. These can result in edema and also affect the heart and blood pressure.

One does not have to be a doctor to practice pH medicine. Every practitioner of the healing arts and every mother and father needs to understand how to use sodium bicarbonate. Bicarbonate deficiency is a real problem that deepens with age so it really does pay to understand and appreciate what baking soda is all about.

Baking soda provides amazing results on kidneys.  Read on . . . . 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


"Sugar doesn’t feed cancer or stimulate it to grow . . . Insulin does."

Excellent discussion on how to treat cancer, all kinds of cancer, by focusing on methionine restriction.  Apparently, animal protein, and protein of all kinds, is high in methionine.  So the goal, according to Mark Simon, is to restrict production of methionine in order to restrict the growth of tumors and to shrink them.  One diet that helps achieve this is an all-fruit diet for 6 weeks.  Fruit has very little methionine.  Fruits also contain protein, and therefore contain methionine, so you'll want to consume fruits with lower levels of methionine.  What this restriction does is create an oxidative condition inside the cancer cells.  Remember that cancer cells do not do well in an oxygenated environment.  A lot of people take anti-oxidant supplements to fight cancer cells.  Turns out that anti-oxidants have a protective effect on cancer cells by protecting the protein outer layer of the cancer cell.  What you want to achieve, according to Simon, is to pierce through and break that hard protein shell on the cancer cell and oxidize it.  What confuses me a little is that a lot of fruits naturally contain anti-oxidants, like Vitamin C, E, and others.  If one is supposed to avoid anti-oxidant supplements, how then or why would a diet rich in fruit be beneficial whereas anti-oxidant supplementation would not?

Next, one will have to deal with the problems with eliminating the cancer tissue.  As the cancer cell tissue breaks up it is still toxic.  Perhaps no longer cancerous but still poisonous to your digestive system and blood stream where it has to pass through during elimination.

One product that Simon recommended was Sodium Selenite.  Most brands cost under $20 with some costing as little as $6.  It sounds like a powerful cancer treatment.  WiseGeek has this to say about Sodium Selenite:
Chemical selenium from sodium selenite has both advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that the supplement is antimicrobial. Another is that of all the inorganic forms of selenium, including monoselenodiacetic acid and selenomethionine, sodium selenite has proven the most successful in thwarting cancer in lab tests. A disadvantage, aside from the alleged toxicity, is that the sodium-selenium compound is not as bioavailable as natural selenium.
What Sodium Selenite does, according to Simon, is it provides the enzymes necessary to break up cancer.  As part of the all-fruit diet, he highlights the powers of pineapple and papaya.

Life Extension points out the benefits of taking all 3 forms of selenium:
Generally, we ingest selenium from a variety of plant and animal sources in several different forms, each of which has its own unique suite of activities. The three forms of selenium most important in cancer prevention are sodium selenite, L-selenomethionine, and selenium-methyl L-selenocysteine.
These three compounds differ in the way your body handles them, and in their impact on your risk for cancer.31 For example, the organic selenium compound L-selenomethionine is better absorbed than inorganic sodium selenite.32 But inorganicsodium selenite more effectively increases genetic expression of the main selenium-containing antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase.33In general, the three selenium compounds complement one another in the ways they affect your body's expression of important proteins involved in cancer prevention and suppression.34 In addition, all three selenium compounds induce cell death in various cancer types, but each compound is better at destroying some cancers than others.34,35Within the organic compounds, differences exist. L-selenomethionine increases cancer cell death by apoptosis, for example, only in cells with an intact "suicide" gene called p53.34 Selenium-methyl L-selenocysteine, on the other hand, induces apoptosis in mutated cancer cells that lack this vital control mechanism.34The totality of this data indicates why both the organic forms of selenium (L-selenomethionine and selenium-methyl L-selenocysteine), plus inorganic sodium selenite, are required to kill off all incipient cancer cells that might be developing in your body.

Chris points out, too, that it isn't the sugars that makes a tumor or cancer to grow; it is something else.  Insulin does.  Insulin is a tumor-growth promoter.

Here are the show notes to Chris' video:
Show Notes
– Mark discusses his background
– Mark discovers research on methionine restriction to starve cancer cells  [2:37]
– The two steps of methionine restriction to trigger cancer cell death [4:50]
– The food group lowest in methionine [6:37]
– The powerful anti-cancer enzymes in pineapples and papayas [9:21]
– How enzymes lower inflammation [11:00]
– When fruit can be a problem [13:01]
– Sugar doesn’t feed cancer or stimulate it to grow, something else does [13:36]
– Foods that are high in tumor growth hormone IGF-1 [14:21]
– Key anti-cancer supplements for this protocol [15:06]
– The best forms of selenium to take for prevention and therapeutically [17:00]
– How selenium affects cancer cell metabolism [18:36]
– The importance of Vitamin K3 in this protocol [20:14]
– Oxidative therapy vs anti-oxidant therapy [21:23]
– How certain supplements can cancel each other out  [22:16]
– The benefit of water fasting [23:45]
– How quickly does this protocol work? [24:43]
– The danger of rapid tumor die off [27:37]
– Important detoxification methods to include [28:01]
– Pain medications promote tumor growth [30:19]
– How constipation keeps your body toxic  [32:19]
– His advice for cancer patients [32:43]
If you are interested in finding out more about the NORI Protocol, visit the Nutritional Oncology Research Institute website
Candice-Marie Fox used the NORI protocol to heal her stage 4 thyroid cancer.
Watch our interview here.
Another survivor who reversed her brain cancer with a high fruit diet is teenager Megan Sherow. Watch our interview here.
Check out all the natural survivors I’ve interviewed here.
If you’re looking for survivors of specific types of cancer, use the search bar at the top right of my site.