Showing posts with label San Francisco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label San Francisco. Show all posts

Monday, April 15, 2024

INTERESTING: Pro-Palestinian Protesters in San Francisco and Seattle? You're good. Brooklyn and Miami? Get the f*** outta here





Tuesday, November 14, 2023

"I mean if we're going to be realistic, they pay you to be homeless here"

Michael Shellenberger argues

For years, the sidewalks outside the Nancy Pelosi Federal Building in San Francisco’s SoMa district have been clogged with drug dealers and homeless addicts. On any random day, as in the above video that Public shot, you might see EMTs carting away an overdose victim, while swarms of addicts around them continue to smoke meth and fentanyl on the curbside. 
But not this week. Suddenly, the sidewalks on 7th and Mission are spotless, as are streets all over the vicinity of the Moscone Convention Center. 
On Saturday, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation conference got underway. On Wednesday, President Biden and China’s President Xi Jinping will be in attendance. So the city has pushed all the dealers, addicts, and tent encampments out of the neighborhood and cordoned off much of the area behind 10-foot fences, creating a Potemkin Village of cleanliness and order. 
The sudden change has been head-spinning for those who have watched for years as politicians have promised and failed repeatedly to fix the problem. When now-Governor Gavin Newsom was elected San Francisco’s mayor almost exactly twenty years ago, he pledged to end chronic homelessness in the city within a decade. We’re now 10 years out from that deadline and the problem has only gotten worse. 
“Open-air drug dealing and using has been going on for years without the city taking necessary action,” said Randy Shaw, head of the Tenderloin Housing Clinic. “It’s not meaningfully better today than when Mayor Breed issued her Emergency Declaration for the Tenderloin two years ago.” 
But then last week, seemingly overnight, one of the largest concentrations of open-air drug dealing and public camping in the city, in the SoMa district, vanished into thin air. The crackdown was, in part, to accommodate President Xi, one of the most singularly responsible people alive for the addiction crisis city workers were working double time to conceal. The fentanyl on America’s city streets is manufactured by Mexican drug cartels out of precursor chemicals created in legal, above-ground Chinese labs. China has allowed its lethal fentanyl industry to persist and thrive, in a kind of Opium War in reverse. “Whereas China has gone to war with other drugs that have a demand in China, such as methamphetamines,” New Jersey Congressman Chris Smith said in 2018, “it has conspicuously failed to launch a similar crackdown on fentanyl, which has no demand in China.” 
Yet somehow, Xi’s arrival in San Francisco changed everything. How did the city suddenly achieve what it has been unable to accomplish for decades? And will things return to how they were as soon as the heads of state leave town? Or is there room for optimism?

This guy says that

McCarthy has highest crime rate in CA in Bakersfield. #8 in the nation.

Friday, October 28, 2022


Turns out I was right. 

This was the first report that I read on Paul Pelosi.

Wow, the incoming reports on Paul Pelosi, coming in fast and furious, go from bad to worse.   

What, so Nancy was the real, intended, or original target? It has all the stench of an FBI op. Not sure when, or even if, a lengthy article in Rolling Stones or the Atlantic or the New Yorker will get published on what actually happened to Paul Pelosi, but when it does, I do wonder what it will reveal.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

SAN FRANCISCO: Want to Buy Meth & Heroin on Our Streets? We got you. Can Homeless Crap on Sidewalks? Why not? Daily Thieving of Walgreens? Sure. Want a Double-Double? Ihre Papiere bitte