Showing posts with label Natural Immunity FTW (@NaturallyFTW). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural Immunity FTW (@NaturallyFTW). Show all posts

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

"Despite its fast decomposition, hemp plastics are 5 times stiffer, 3.5 times more durable"

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Well, there goes trout & bass fishing. "consumption of a single serving of freshwater fish per year could be equal to a month of drinking water laced with the “forever chemical” PFOS, or perfluorooctanesulfonic acid, at levels high enough to be harmful"

Friday, December 23, 2022

2018, small group of scientists finds that "GARLIC..COMPLETELY CURED ALL MICE OF CANCER."

Monday, December 12, 2022


The presentation was given by Dr. Frank Shallenberger.  

PureBulk is the site for buying in bulk.  BTW, if you need to phone PureBulk just know that their hours are 7am to 3pm, PST.  They close early.  
He explains that people don't die from cancer; they die when the cancer metastasizes.  

He says that with prostate cancer melatonin is a slam dunk. Now he uses additional compounds but melatonin is the main one and he gives it in massive amounts. I just didn't hear a dose amount.  He does say that Professor Russel Reiter in studying mice, gave mice, WHO WERE BRED TO GET BREAST CANCER, large amounts of melatonin and they DID NOT GET BREAST CANCER.  So there's that.  But how much, how much?  Reiter has said previously that he takes upwards of 140mgs of Melatonin/day.  I'd say that if someone has cancer that you'd want to go a little higher.

7 anti-cancer mechanisms of melatonin:
1.  Direct Anti-neoplastic effect.
2.  Decreases cell proliferation at low doses.
3.  Direct cytotoxic effect occurs with higher doses.
4.  Stimulation of cell differentiation.
5.  Induction of apoptosis.
6. Anti-angiogenic.  
7.  A synergistic effect has been found in several types of cancer when it is administered in combination with chemotherapy.  Shocked that he would use chemotherapy.  

Friday, December 9, 2022

"Regular Shiitake Mushroom consumption resulted in improved immunity, incredibly showing a DOUBLING of NK (Natural Killer) immune cells & 60% increased gamma T lymphocytes"

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Positive Link Between GE [Genetically Engineered] Corn & Obesity

The carnivore diet appears to produce healthier skin, healthier functioning organs, but an added benefit is that it can shed pounds off of you.  In part, because the meat at each meal is either low-carb or no-carb.  Whether we eat carbs as the main course or carbs as a side course, these GMO carbs put weight on all of us.   

Monday, November 21, 2022

More good news on vitamin D3. It's indispensable

Monday, October 31, 2022

"When a T cell is exposed to a foreign pathogen, it extends a signaling device or 'antenna' known as a vitamin D receptor, with which it searches for vitamin D,", and if there is an inadequate D level, "they won't even begin to mobilize."

LIVER CANCER: "Complete remission of the tumor 1 week after IP6 treatment, 40mgs/day"

Here is the IP6 Gold.  Good name for it.   


Sunday, October 2, 2022

Friday, August 26, 2022

MELATONIN: anti-Covid, anti-inflammatory, radioprotective, anti-cancer, safe supplement when taken at high doses (100-2000mg).

Melatonin significantly decreased the virus levels in blood and brain . . . 

Friday, July 1, 2022

CDC gets the rest of their funding from Congress. ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ’ฐ ("More than two-thirds of Congress cashed a pharma campaign check in 2020")

I don't know what people knew about the malfeasance and corruption of the medical-industrial complex before COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out or before lockdowns crushed and killed people's livelihoods.  All of it has certainly alerted me to its utter depravity and insane criminal profiteering at the cost of millions of lives.  But it seems to me that the CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID, and other government agents that position themselves as health agencies are no more looking out for your health than the Nazis were looking to save Jewish children.  I guess it's easy to be clueless about history.  

The CDC has accepted millions of dollars through the CDC Foundation, according to the groups behind the petition.  During fiscal years 2014 through 2018, the CDC Foundation received $79.6 million from companies like Pfizer, Biogen, and Merck.

Here is the short article from AshPublications, titled, "CDC Pressed to Acknowldege Industry Funding," November 5, 2019.  A more compelling detail was this, 

Since it was created by Congress in 1995, the nonprofit organization has accepted $161 million from corporations. Just seems like all government departments are money-laundering scheme. 

Create a department, accept donations from special interests, get a tax write-off, while the department pursues interest specific to how your company profits. 



Tuesday, June 28, 2022

"Baicalin can protect neonatal rat brains against hypoxic-ischemic injury."

So now we learn, or should I say, it's now being confirmed that COVID causes brain damage.  What type of damage, you ask?  I initially thought it was just your everyday brain shrinkage since the shrinkage accompanied muscle wasting.  But, no, not just brain shrinkage, but literal holes in the brain.  What parts of the brain?  Does it matter?  Is there any way to fix the holes in the brain?  Sure . . . but only if you get--wait for it--early treatment.  Didn't get early treatment?  Oh, too bad.  You're SOL.  Early treatment is only for those exclusive few who knew how to treat COVID or spike protein transmission.  Didn't know how to do that?  Didn't know that transmission could even occur, despite the obvious transmission from a family member?  Didn't get that in time to treat early?  Oh, you poor Schnoor.    

So, okay, besides the different kinds of brain damage in the various locations of the brain caused by COVID-19 and its GoF spike protein, are there any other horrors that await us, I mean besides the destruction of reproductive organs, alopecia [which from my view is connected to the reproductive hormones, like testosterone], brain shrinkage, muscle wasting, prion disease, destruction of the medulla . . . let's see have I forgotten anything? 

From the video interview with Dr. Mannan Baig: 

He is calling the nerve damage Neuro-COVID and Neural Damage.  Oh, boy.  That can't be good.  So we're looking for neuroprotective agents that Dr. Mannan Baig might recommend.  Okay, so he says that one can have neurological symptoms during acute phases of COVID.  I'd like a definition of that.  What happens with folks with "comorbidities" where all that COVID does is exacerbate those?  

Here is Dr. Abdul Amman Baig's website.

Once the virus is in the cell, it can cause the development of plaques, amyloids, and proteins.  

2:48  Is it possible to diagnose, after 3 months to 1 year, that possible neural inflammation is still going on?  Hypoxia can cause neuronal damage.  Therefore, one should take a fat-soluble B1, like Benfotiamine, Allathiamine, and others.  

He points to this list: 

Light chain neurofilaments.  What are these?

Protein S 100B

Neuron specific enolase

Lactate dehydrogenase

Creatine kinase

Glial fibrillary acid protein 

Symptoms he points to are:

Brain fog


Inability to concentrate

Shortness of breath

Chronic cough

Myocarditis or Palpitations

Gastrointestinal symptoms

Urinary bladder control 

Neutrophil Elastase creates super fibrils, perhaps those thick fibrin strands found by embalmers and coroners?   They assume the form of amyloid and T Pau protein?   The speed at which these amyloid plaques accumulate directly corresponds to the accelerated aging that you see in vaccinated individuals.  At the 7:10 mark, he says that COVID sets up apoptosis.  He's got an illustration of loss of brain mass.  B-12 restores the brain mass as do fish oils.  

One, his audio is terrible.  Two, his hesitations and thinking as he goes exacerbates problems with his accent.  Fine.  But then the wording on his screen is tiny.  He refers to the IMiDs or Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases.  

An immune-mediated inflammatory disease (IMID) is any group of conditions or diseases that lack a definitive etiology, but which are characterized by common inflammatory pathways leading to inflammation, and which may result from, or be triggered by, a dysregulation of the normal immune response.  All IMIDs can cause end-organ damage and are associated with increased morbidity and/or mortality. 

So this is nothing to trifle with.  How, then, does one repair this?  He mentions Pomalidomide, which is a chemotherapy drug called Pomalyst. 

So what he is trying to relay here is a list of nutraceuticals that protect the nerves and the brain.  So far, he's listed


Rutin is anti-apoptotic.  


Baicalin  So, two things: target the virus AND the inflammatory pathways.  


it’s the inability of the body to adequately execute involuntary actions like regulating intestinal function, blood pressure, heart rate, pupil size, bronchial tone, renal blood flow, urinary bladder, and sexual functions, due to the dysfunctional sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves acting in concert.

Amyloid plaques can occlude blood vessels leading to hypoxia.  Again, fat-soluble B1s [Benfotiamine, Allithiamine, and others] treat hypoxia.  Partially blocks the blood flow to the brain, so that the blood flow to the brain gets limited.  The neurons can suffer hypoxic damage that you heard Stephanie and other speakers describe.  


16:00  Neural Stem Cell Therapy?  Didn't know there was such a thing.  

Okay, at the 17:43 mark, he has a list.  Lists are good.  He writes,

Findings suggest that Baicalin induces neuronal differentiation of C17.2 neural stem cells and that this is mediated by activation of Erk1/2.  Our work lays the foundation for exploring baicalin for the promotion of neural regeneration after injury or disease. 

Our findings provide the first evidence, to our knowledge that baicalin can protect neonatal rat brains against hypoxic-ischemic injury. 

These findings indicate that Piperine can enhance the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of Quercetin and Quercetin in combination with piperine exhibits strong neuroprotective effects against MPTP-induced neurotoxicity. 

After administration of 1umol/L curcumin, synaptic growth improved. Curcumin is neuroprotective against gp 120 V3 loop-induced neuronal damage by inhibiting the activation of L-type calcium currents. 

Neural stem cell therapy in conjunction with curcumin loaded in niosomal nanoparticles enhanced recovery from traumatic brain injury.   

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

If people found out CURCUMIN can lower LDL by 56%, could erode Big Pharma's Statin profits. Would be a Damn shame.

UltraCur is brought to you by UltraBotanica

She also recommends LongVida.  Not sure why.  Is it because it is optimized?   

Here is a little information on BCM-95 curcumin
Curcumin Elite is a Life Extension Product.   

Thursday, June 2, 2022


We hear all the time about the deficiency of this vitamin and that vitamin.  But this article does a decent job of explaining why a vitamin D deficiency is harmful.  Without enough vitamin D, our immune cells aren't fully activated into killer cells that take out pathogens.  See here,  

Scientists have found that vitamin D is crucial to activating our immune defenses and that without sufficient intake of the vitamin – the killer cells of the immune system — T cells — will not be able to react to, and fight off, serious infections in the body. The research team found that T cells first search for vitamin D in order to activate, and if they cannot find enough of it will not complete the activation process.

So how much vitamin D does one need?  The recommendations often fall short because they don't take into consideration prior health conditions, age, and levels of daily stress which accumulate over time and can turn into chronic conditions down the road.  Chronic conditions combined with vitamin D deficiency can turn into disease.  For example, those who suffer from cluster headaches are often found with vitamin D deficiency, which may signal the importance of vitamin D for the brain.  I know that I when I get a headache, I will often reach for vitamin C and vitamin D3: C is for circulation, and the D is to regulate the D receptors in the brain for better functioning, better mood, and better cognition.  I've posted an excellent lecture on how vitamin D improves everything that you're body is going through, even recovery times and recovery outcomes for people of all ages, but especially for the elderly.  

Vitamin D3 deficiency can also exacerbate insulin sensitivity.  Take vitamin D3, and you'll get the can Diet is a factor too.  If your diet isn't the healthiest, if you're not getting enough D3 from your diet, then you'll need a little more from supplementation.  John Jacob Cannell suggests 10,000IU for adult men and women.  Another factor is age.    

To elaborate further

“For T cells to detect and kill foreign pathogens such as clumps of bacteria or viruses, the [T] cells must first be ‘triggered’ into action and ‘transform’ from inactive and harmless immune cells into killer cells that are primed to seek out and destroy all traces of a foreign pathogen.”

The researchers found that the T cells rely on vitamin D in order to activate and they would remain dormant, ‘naรฏve’ to the possibility of threat if vitamin D is lacking in the blood.

For the research team, identifying the role of vitamin D in the activation of T cells has been a major breakthrough.

“Scientists have known for a long time that vitamin D is important for calcium absorption and the vitamin has also been implicated in diseases such as cancer and multiple sclerosis, but what we didn’t realize is how crucial vitamin D is for actually activating the immune system — which we know now.“ 

So without enough D, you're more likely to get sick when exposed to pathogens, which is all the time.    

Saturday, May 21, 2022


I love her claim that melatonin is a more powerful antioxidant than glutathione, which is considered the master antioxidant.  Imagine the healing that could take place if you took both glutathione AND melatonin.  Be sure to open up that thread by clicking on Natural Immunity's Twitter link.  Melatonin benefits go beyond anticancer.  It keeps our skin healthy and youthful [through] two major mechanisms. It has antioxidant effects that neutralize oxidative damage from the sun, and by stimulating growth receptors in the skin.  NaturalImmunity goes on to say that 

Melatonin may have a profound effect on stroke & heart attack! ๐Ÿ™Œ Take w/in 1st 2 hrs. Based on studies, if were me, I'd take ~2000mg, since oral bioavail is low (& that amt has been shown 2b safe). Then 100mg+ every hour or so for 24/48 hrs. (Not medical advice)!

Christopher Wark of Chris Beat Cancer interviews Dr. Russell J. Reiter.  A powerful interview here on how necessary darkness is for our circadian rhythms and our health.  Modern life with night lighting is fairly new in our evolution, disruptive of natural processes, and disease generating.  So embrace the darkness.  Be sure to check out the show notes in the link, "Chris Beats Cancer" above.  Here is a sampling from those notes:

Melatonin acts as an antiviral [37:24]
-How sunlight helps with the production of melatonin [44:35]
-Melatonin can reduce the likelihood of metastasis [50:45]

Clearly, the antioxidant action of melatonin is quite powerful as an anti-cancer compound. Bill Sardi included it in his nutritional compound regimen for cancer, in fact, 15-30mg of melatonin per night.  So there is credible consensus on the anti-cancer benefits of melatonin.

I have to say that any time I hear or read about the anti-aging benefits of melatonin, or any product, my ears perk up.  Antiaging means that you only slow down the aging process.  In some cases, it may be possible to reverse aging processes, like alopecia, or hair loss, this can be reversed with Rutin, Pumpkin Seed Oils, and B5.  This video, which I didn't have the time to watch all the way through, highlights that 1) Melatonin is an ancient molecule.  That's interesting, but what is the relevance of that?  What benefits are derived from its ancient characteristics?  2) It's found in bacteria and every organism between bacteria and mammalians.  Its structure has never changed throughout its evolution, what that means is that the structure of melatonin in bacteria is identical to the structure of melatonin in humans.  Whoa.  Now that is something, but what does that tell us?  That melatonin means life itself?  3) it is not toxic at any dose. 4) it exists in every species that is currently living or that has ever existed.  I mean what is not to like?  For optimal cellular physiology.  Melatonin exhibits in the blood circadian rhythm.  [7:38] "Melatonin is a very strong anti-cancer agent."  It influences the immune system, metabolism, gastro-intestinal function.   

Show Notes from Chris Beat Cancer

-How Dr. Reiter got into melatonin research [1:23]
-What melatonin does in the body [3:28]
-How blue light inhibits melatonin production [7:05]
-How melatonin is passed to the fetus and newborn [12:00]
-The anticancer benefits of melatonin [15:25]
-How pharmaceutical drugs suppress melatonin production [18:40]
-When should melatonin be taken during the day? [22:47]
-Does taking melatonin affect natural production? [24:36]
-Older people need more melatonin [29:20]
-How melatonin can reduce the impact of Covid-19 [31:15]
-The impact of alcohol and caffeine on melatonin production [34:45]
-Melatonin acts as an antiviral [37:24]
-How sunlight helps with the production of melatonin [44:35]
-Melatonin can reduce the likelihood of metastasis [50:45]

Thursday, May 12, 2022