Showing posts with label — St. Michael. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — St. Michael. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Garret Talks To Rich Baris About Trump Polls, Abortion, Elections

Democratic voters feel appreciated by their party, but Republican voters don't feel loved.  They feel like their guy has put a knife in their back.   

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

MUST-WATCH: Staten Island protestors outraged elderly citizens were kicked out of nursing home to make room for a migrant shelter.

Yes. the Brits took over the US during the 1913 revolution which gave us the Fed, turning the Senate into the House of Lords and the income tax.  --Tom Luongo

Biden's DHS has a secret program allowing illegal migrants to choose from 49 U.S. cities via an app, purchase airline tickets, and arrive discreetly on "ghost flights" from their native countries. 

Over 210,000 foreign nationals have been processed since January, 2023, via the CBP One app.  

Employees have been trained to open the floodgates just like the capital police did on January 6th 2021.


We've developed Federal experts to deploy them, help train city workers. We've launched outreach campaigns helping over a million eligible migrants to apply for work permits, and we're accelerating the process for work permits applications right now.  Most migrants have to wait 6 months after filing a claim before they can go to work.  Only Congress can change that. But the Secretary of Homeland Security can take extraordinary actions and yesterday given the poor conditions that Venezuelans [are facing], Secretary Myorkas can announce temporary protection for hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans already in this country.

4:25. But one Venezuelan calls it out.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox is fighting NY Governor Hochul's appeal to install quarantine camps [convenient medical term for concentration camps] and she's fighting the governor pro bono. If you can help her out, please . . . do.

Sasha Latypova writes

For my readers in New York state and surrounding areas please consider making a trip to Rochester New York it is a nice town and beautiful this time of the year this is an opportunity for you to fight the concentration extermination camps that Kathy Hochul wants to install in New York this is much more important than the political theater playing on TV or social media.

Here is the link to Latypova's updates on Bobbie Anne Cox, who has defeated Hochul's tyrannical quarantine camps once already.  And what aren't quarantine camps just a medical pseudonym for concentration camps?  

Find more on Bobbie Anne Cox here.

Monday, August 14, 2023

" broccoli seedlings closest to the Wi-Fi router grew away from the router. Plants began to several small plants begin to die and mold developed in those Petri plates"

Check out Abstract #2.  Not only is Melatonin neuroprotective, but so is iodine and so is liquid chlorophyll


Both in vitro and in vivo, melatonin was effective to prevent oxidative stress/nitrosative stress-induced mitochondrial dysfunction seen in experimental models of AD, PD and HD. These effects are seen at doses 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than those required to affect sleep and circadian rhythms, both conspicuous targets of melatonin action. Melatonin is selectively taken up by mitochondria, a function not shared by other antioxidants. A limited number of clinical studies indicate that melatonin can improve sleep and circadian rhythm disruption in PD and AD patients. More recently, attention has been focused on the development of potent melatonin analogs with prolonged effects which were employed in clinical trials in sleep-disturbed or depressed patients in doses considerably higher than those employed for melatonin. In view that the relative potencies of the analogs are higher than that of the natural compound, clinical trials employing melatonin in the range of 50-100mg/day are needed to assess its therapeutic validity in neurodegenerative disorders.

If you want to help families affected by Lahaina, Maui fire directly...

Find the direct link to the charities here


This video is on Rumble which does not censor content. YouTube/Google has taken down EVERY video posted on their site by citizens of Maui. YouTube/Google is a government whore.

The video link about is 22 minutes long and not only shows Lahaina but the surrounding area. The government official says “58 water drops by helicopter” on the fires. That’s like throwing 58 water balloons at a bonfire. There was no fixed-wing aircraft dropping fire retardant as we have in California. Why not? Can’t Maui/Hawaii afford fire bombers?

And NO sirens, which are all over the Hawaiian Islands sounded, ever! Those sirens are there to warn of tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, and North Korean missiles, but no… they didn’t work for this fire.

The Big Boys wanted to burn out the natives, kill the natives, and steal their land.

It’s the same old story.

Thanks, TJM.

Monday, July 31, 2023



The war began with what Harry Truman claimed was a surprise invasion on June 25, 1950, by the North Korean army crossing the dividing line with South Korea that was devised after World War II. But the U.S. government had ample warnings of the pending invasion. According to the late Justin Raimondo, co-founder of, the conflict actually started with a series of attacks by South Korean forces, aided by the U.S. military:

Barack Obama declared in 2013, “That war was no tie. Korea was a victory.”

By 1951, the Korean War had become intensely unpopular in the United States—more unpopular than the Vietnam War ever was. Truman insisted on mislabeling the war as a “police action,” but it destroyed his presidency regardless. When the ceasefire was signed in 1953, the borders were nearly the same as at the start of the war. 

While the friends of leviathan paint Truman as the epitome of an honest politician, he was as demagogic on Korea as Lyndon Johnson was on Vietnam. When Republicans criticized the Korean War as useless, President Harry Truman condemned “reckless and irresponsible Republican extremists” and “the false version of history that has been copyrighted by the extremists in the Republican Party.”

Perhaps the biggest disaster of the Korean war was that intellectuals and foreign-policy experts succeeded in redefining the Korean conflict as an American victory. As Georgetown University professor Derek Leebaert noted in his book Magic and Mayhem: The Delusions of American Foreign Policy from Korea to Afghanistan, 2011, “What had been regarded as a bloody stalemate transformed itself in Washington’s eyes; ten years later it had become an example of a successful limited war. Already by the mid-1950s, elite opinion began to surmise that it had been a victory.” Leebaert explained, “Images of victory in Korea shaped the decision to escalate in 1964-65 helping to explain why America pursued a war of attrition.” Even worse, the notion that “‘America has never lost a war’ remained part of the national myth, and the notion of having ‘prevailed’ in Korea became a justification for going big in Vietnam.” But as Leebaert noted, “in Vietnam, [the U.S. Army] had forgotten everything it had learned about counterinsurgency in Korea as well.”


“From 1945-1948, American forces aided [South Korean President Syngman] Rhee in a killing spree that claimed tens of thousands of victims: the counterinsurgency campaign took a high toll in Kwangju, and on the island of Cheju-do—where as many as 60,000 people were murdered by Rhee’s U.S.-backed forces.”

The North Korean army quickly routed both South Korean and U.S. forces. A complete debacle was averted after General Douglas MacArthur masterminded a landing of U.S. troops at Inchon. After he routed the North Korean forces, MacArthur was determined to continue pushing northward regardless of the danger of provoking a much broader war. By the time the U.S. forces drove the North Korean army back across the border, roughly 5,000 American troops had been killed. The Pentagon had plenty of warning that the Chinese would intervene if the U.S. Army pushed too close to the Chinese border. But the euphoria that erupted after Inchon blew away all common sense and drowned out the military voices who warned of a catastrophe. One U.S. Army colonel responded to a briefing on the Korea situation in Tokyo in 1950 by storming out and declaring, “They’re living in a goddamn dream land.”

Wednesday, July 26, 2023


To a young man, her voice was angelic, and her face was beautiful.  Her success brought her hardships.  I loved her fight.  What can I say, she's Irish. 

This is her song, "You Made Me the Thief of Your Heart," which was featured in Jim Sheridan's movie, In the Name of the Father.

A fellow inmate lights a votive candle and drops it out in the yard.  Other inmates follow suit.  Am sure you remember it.  It was stunning.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Trump Owned by Big Pharma, Meaning FDA AND Gilead AND Others

I really don't like this photo of Trump being squeezed on the left and right side of his desk.  He looks trapped or captured.  

The caption reads President Donald Trump and Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn (right) met with Daniel O'Day (left) CEO of Gilead Sciences when Rendezvous received an emergency use authorization in May.  

Well, isn't this something?  When everybody was screaming "Early treatment, early treatment," it turns out that Gilead was the approved early treatment sanctioned by the FDA for use against the coronavirus.  In fact, it was the first drug to receive that status.  Two weeks after already sealing a deal worth $1 billion, Gilead, the owners of Remdesivir, got approval against COVID.

Two weeks later, on 22 October, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved remdesivir for use against the pandemic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in the United States—the first drug to receive that status. The EU and U.S. decisions pave the way for Gilead's drug into two major markets, both with soaring COVID-19 cases. 

How in the world could the FDA approve Remdesivir after the failed trials?  Dr. Bryan Ardis says that Remdesivir was a bust.  It increases death by 3%, and increases renal failure by 20%.  

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Wyoming Food Freedom Act expands: The new law will also add eggs and dairy products to the foods that can be sold at farmer’s markets, farms, ranches, producer’s homes or offices, and the retail location of the third-party sellers.

The way that the laws are being written, you'd think that we're working our way out of Deng Xiaoping's communist legacy. 

The new law expands the Wyoming Food Freedom Act to allow a designated agent to “facilitate sales transactions” in the marketing, transport, storage, or delivery of food and beverage products. Previously, producers could only sell directly to consumers. The new law will also add eggs and dairy products to the foods that can be sold at farmer’s markets, farms, ranches, producer’s homes or offices, and the retail location of the third-party sellers. Food freedom laws help fight against inflation and give farmers more ways to market their products. Widespread adoption of food freedom, along with state and local refusal to enforce federal mandates, could make FDA regulations virtually impossible to enforce and nullify them in effect and practice.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

"whatever you say to the 911 operator is NOT protected under your Fifth Amendment protections and is always recorded"

"The Absolute Wisdom of Fleeing the Scene of Justifiable Shooting," Paul Huebl, Sunday, May 21, 2023.

First, whatever you say to the 911 operator is NOT protected under your Fifth Amendment protections and is always recorded.  

Rather than get you police help the operator will ask you unlimited trick questions hoping to hear your admission to shooting, giving police a huge piece of the probable cause needed to arrest you.  

Today, violent crime trends are different. You are more likely to be attacked by multiple criminals working together than by a single thug.  It can happened at ATM, supermarket parking lot, gas station or for that matter anywhere.  This is not about somebody invading your home, which is much more rare.  

First, of because of the extremely high potential that your attacker or attackers, may even have more accomplices nearby, perhaps in a nearby automobile, quickly get away from the scene.  If at all possible retrieve any weapons the left at the scene for your’s and the public’s safety.  These weapons will most definitely disappear if you don’t.  They may well contain DNA evidence belonging the thugs that will later protect you.  It’s very rare that usable fingerprints are ever recovered from guns. 

If you shoot someone during this altercation, he’s going to need medical help.  You’re not qualified to pronounce death so never suggest that’s the case! It’s important that you make an attempt to notify emergency services that there is a bleeding man or men that need help.  If you can, persuade someone else to make the call, that’s the best.  

The following video was posted 7/22/21. 

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Peter Baldrige, former Assistant General Counsel of the Calif Dept of Public Health notified the agency they were violating the law by not investigating COVID vaccine injuries and deaths. They ignored him.

Peter Baldrige, former Assistant General Counsel of the Calif Dept of Public Health notified the agency they were violating the law by not investigating COVID vaccine injuries and deaths. They ignored him. So I will be filing a writ of mandamus which is a court order to force them to do their job. If the writ is granted by the court, it’s very likely that we will get to have input on how they do it. That will be a nice change, won’t it? 

Who wants to see the data?

As Ryan Cole is fond of saying, “You will never find what you don’t look for.”

Let’s be clear. California is not looking into any injuries or deaths caused by the vaccines. They are looking out for the interests of the drug companies, not your health. They don’t care how many people in California have been injured or died. Your injuries and deaths are immaterial. They don’t care. They don’t even want to look.

The medical community in California is not better. They don’t want an investigation either. Have you heard of a single doctor, Dean of Medicine, or medical association in California calling for an investigation? Of course not!

Does Governor Newsom want an investigation? No way. Newsom himself is vaccine injured so he knows the vaccines cause harm. That’s why he dropped out of sight for weeks after his booster shot. A proper investigation would show that the vaccines killed people which means that Newsom instituted policies that likely lead to the untimely demise of tens of thousands of innocent residents of California and the injury of many times that number.

The only person who called for an investigation, as required by law, is the former Assistant Chief Counsel of the California Department of Public Health. He worked there for 27 years and is appalled by what is happening there now. They can’t take away his medical license because he’s not a doctor. They could try to take away his license to practice law, but he’s retired. This is a problem for them. They ran into someone they couldn’t intimidate.

Friday, April 14, 2023

VITAMIN D3: zero mortality at approximately 50 ng/mL

Highlights from Walter's article:

a) As is well known, the Spike Protein uses ACE2 (among many other) receptors to attach to cells and cause infection. This interacti on with ACE2 causes downregulation of the expression of ACE2. ACE2 cleaves Angiotensin II inactivating its deleterious effects when its levels are too high. Vitamin D stimulates ACE2 expression, thereby enabling the cleaving of Angiotensin II.

b) zero mortality at approximately 50 ng/mL D3.

c) the INTERNAL cell ability of Vitamin D protects DNA and activates tumor-suppressing genes and simultaneously inhibits oncogenes (cancer-inducing genes).  

d) Vitamin D3 activates tumor suppressor gene

POLIO VACCINE, THE GOLD STANDARD IN PUBLIC HEALTH: "Between 1955 and 1963, over 98 million Americans were administered polio vaccines widely contaminated with this cancer-causing virus."

Some eye-opening quotes on past vaccines

R.F. Kennedy Jr. - Attorney, Author, Thimerosal: The pharmaceutical industry was able to use its influence over the FDA to get the FDA to waive the rule that once prohibited pharmaceutical companies from doing direct consumer advertising of their products. That loophole has given the pharmaceutical industry extraordinary control over the American media. Pharmaceutical companies typically spend about $9 billion a year on media buys.
R.F.Kennedy Jr. - Attorney, Author, Thimerosal: Congress has been purchased by the pharmaceutical companies. This is an industry that spends more on lobbying than any other industry, double the next largest lobbyist, which is the oil and gas industry.

Efthimios Parasidis - Ass.Prof. of Law & Public Health, Ohio State University: [on the Salk/Younger inactivated Polio vaccine distributed by Cutter in the 1950s] In fact, over 200,000 American Children were administered a defective polio vaccine. Approximately 40,000 children contracted polio, 200 were paralyzed, and 10 died. It turns out that Cutter knew that many of the vaccines were defective. This caused a polio epidemic amongst the families and communities where the children received a defective vaccine.

The VICA was signed into law by Ronald Reagan on November 14, 1986. 

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 (42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 300aa-34) was signed into law by United States President Ronald Reagan as part of a larger health bill on November 14, 1986. NCVIA's purpose was to eliminate the potential financial liability of vaccine manufacturers due to vaccine injury claims to ensure a stable market supply of vaccines, and to provide cost-effec . . . .

So not only did the polio vaccine cause thousands of paralysis, it also exposed 98 million Americans to cancer. Huh.  Yeah, that polio vaccine was really the gold standard for vaccination and public health, weren't it?

Husband: [on the Simian Virus SV40, reading from a study, incredulous] Between 1955 and 1963, over 98 million Americans were administered polio vaccines widely contaminated with this cancer-causing virus. 

Check out this trailer to 1986: The Act.

In 1986, pharmaceutical companies extorted the US Congress into giving it the best business model in the world: no lawsuits for vaccine products that are mandated by law to be injected into children - products that have never been properly tested for safety. Vaccines that are currently being rushed-to-market for COVID-19 require even less rigorous testing of their capacity to cause harm. Man and microbe, from Polio to COVID-19 - A dramatic never more relevant forensic examination of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and its consequences. What happens when an ancient wisdom - a mother's intuition - is pitted against powerful interests in a race against time?