Friday, October 4, 2024

UNCUT: Robert Barnes speaks outside the Lancaster County Courthouse on Amos Miller Case, February 2024.

MAX BLUMENTHAL: Biden and Harris can’t say they don’t know. They can only say, “Israel has a right to defend itself” as they sponsor the Gaza Holocaust

DIANA WEST: This is De-Appalachiazation, the Bolsheviks' destruction of free Americans.

SPENCER SMITH: Local Sheriffs have threatened to arrest FEMA workers if they hinder rescue and aid work.

TREVOR LOUDON: Philips married into the wealthy Sandler family, using his connections and wealth to finance and support Harris's political career, just as he did for Barack Obama, Cory Booker, Stacey Abrams and others

Kamala Harris has *extensive* communist ties.

Friends, I have conducted painstaking research into Kamala Harris, the presumed Democratic presidential nominee. My findings reveal that Kamala Harris has extensive communist ties. As a political commentator, I have written numerous articles about Kamala Harris, detailing her activities when she was previously a presidential and vice presidential candidate. The evidence is clear: Kamala Harris is deeply connected to communist ideologies and individuals. From her parents' involvement in a group that admired communist leaders like Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, to her relationship with Willie Brown, a communist sympathizer, and her mentorship of individuals linked to Maoist communist groups, Kamala Harris's background is deeply concerning. Kamala Harris was supported by Steve Phillips, a former Marxist-Leninist and member of the pro-Chinese communist group League of Revolutionary Struggle. Philips married into the wealthy Sandler family, using his connections and wealth to finance and support Harris's political career, just as he did for Barack Obama, Cory Booker, Stacey Abrams, and others. Furthermore, her political career has been supported by individuals with communist affiliations, including her current chief of staff and her husband, who works for a law firm with extensive ties to the Chinese Communist Party. Kamala Harris's communist ties cannot be ignored. It is crucial that the American people are aware of the true nature of the presumed Democratic presidential nominee. The question is this: "What kind of America do we want to leave for future generations?" Stay informed, stay vigilant. The future of America is at stake. More here:

"Trevor Loudon: Who Are Kamala Harris's Radical Marxist Associates?" Trevor Loudon, Center for Security Policy, January 21, 2021.

MIKE DAVIS: If you can throw a president of the United States in prison for his official acts as President, you're going to destroy the presidency and, therefore, destroy our republic

This just goes to show you that Jack Smith is the political scud missile to launch against Republicans.  Remember that Jack Smith did this against the former Virginia Governor, Bob McDonald.  He made up bogus charges of corruption against McDonald.  He won a conviction. That conviction was eventually years later overturned by the Supreme Court, 8 to 0.  It would have been 9 to 0, but Justice Scalia passed away but the political damage was done.  They are trying to do the same play here with Jack Smith and President Trump.  They know that this case is a dog.  They know that two of these four counts have already been struck down by the Supreme Court [yet Jack Smith did not strip those two from his case] in the Supreme Court in the Fisher decision.  They know that presidential immunity . . . .  Yeah he put them in the superceding indictment which is just unbelievable.  I mean it's shameful.  We expect this from Jack Smith because we know his record; he's a partisan clown.  But this DC Obama judge, Tanya Chutkan, it's shameful what she's doing because the Supreme Court and the presidential immunity decision, a 6-3 decision, in June written by the Chief Justice John Roberts not exactly a Trump supporter, not wearing Maga hats, doesn't have Trump signs in his yard I can guarantee you that he even reprimanded Judge Chutkan for rushing this case, for rushing this monumental case for presidential immunity because the Chief Justice understands that this is so much bigger than President Trump, bigger than one election.  This is about the presidency.  If you can throw a president of the United States in prison for his official acts as President, you're going to destroy the presidency and, therefore, destroy our republic.  And the Chief Justice understands that, and that hasn't stopped.  This is like a Freddy Krueger case, Megan.  They've had both of their arms cut off; they they've had their eyeballs blown out; they have their leg blown off; they are just bloody and wounded, but they just keep coming back. It's like Freddy Krueger, Part 6 with this superseding indictment with Tanya Chutkan and Jack Smith.  Is it like Jason and Freddy, Part 15?  This is, this case is a dog, but it just won't die.  

MIKE WALTZ: Nearby Fort Bragg (Liberty) has DOZENS of helicopters, field hospitals, water trucks, etc ready for humanitarian relief but the Pentagon hasn’t told them to go help.

MAYORKIS, CRIMINAL DON. But why would Americans rely on a federal official for help to begin with?


TinaPeters.usHer forensics reports.  

Democrat appointed judge Matthew Barrett claims prison is for those who endanger others "by the pen, the sword, or the word of mouth."  Well, we've arrived.  It's tyranny full stop. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Empty Shelves in Asheville, NC

FEMA not responding to North Carolina for political reasons. "you'll get disaster recovery if . . . you do this, this, and this for the election"

"The goal of this operation, and [Hurricane Helene] is an operation, it's not a natural event...[it] got steered, in my opinion...The goal of this operation is to take assets's basically a giant grab land." Investment banker, former HUD official, and founder of the Solari Report (@solari_the) Catherine Austin Fitts describes on a recent episode of the @ChildrensHD series Financial Rebellion how she believes that Hurricane Helene is "not a natural event," but rather "an operation" that's being run in order to "take assets." Specifically land.

"The goal of this operation and [Hurricane Helene] is an operation, it's not a natural event...[it] got steered in my opinion," Fitts says. "The goal of this operation is to take assets's basically a giant taking . . . to grab land." The investment banker says, "We're having lots of reports of land grab tactics being applied" and adds that the operation "relates to the [U.S. presidential] election." "I suspect we're seeing the White House basically—and, again, this is conjecture—negotiate terms. You know, you'll get disaster recovery if, you know, you do this, this, and this for the election," Fitts says. "The president is saying he's gonna call back Congress, that there's not enough money at FEMA to go through the hurricane season, and so they're strong-arming Congress to come back and basically give the administration what they want on the continuing appropriations process." Furthermore, Fitts says this is also an instance of central bankers attempting to wrangle more control for themselves. "This is all part of installing the digital ID and financial transaction infrastructure you need to assert absolute control," Fitts says. "And if you look at the patterns, whether it's the taking or the land grab or other reports we're getting out of that area, it looks to me like a lot of assertion of top-down control of counties." Partial transcription of clip: "So let me give you some conjecture. The goal of this operation and it is an operation, it's not it's a natural event that got steered in my opinion. The goal of this operation is to take assets and to it's basically a giant taking. Carolyn and I just published an article on land grabs and the tactics used to grab land. We're having lots of reports of land grab tactics being applied. We don't have confirmation on them yet, so I don't wanna publish any of them, but, we're trying to understand what the land grab tactics is. "So part of it is a land grab tactic. Part of it, I suspect relates to the election. So I was a federal official, and what you discover is when there is an emergency declared, the rules change and there's tremendous flexibility about the money that you put out. But, of course, the executive branch and Congress always, but particularly the executive branch, will demand lots of concessions. There's big negotiations. So we see a big brouhaha in Washington right now about disaster recovery. We get reports from the ground that the government disaster recovery help and money is not coming through. "I suspect we're seeing the White House basically, and, again, this is conjecture, negotiate terms. You know, you'll get disaster recovery if, you know, you do this, this, and this for the election. So I think there's probably some election negotiations going on. And the president is saying he's gonna call back Congress that there's not enough money at FEMA to go through the hurricane season, and so they're strong arming Congress to come back and basically give the administration what they want on the continuing appropriations process. "There is an appropriation battle going on before this started. So whether it's, you know I tweeted out at the beginning, is this a hurricane or election fraud? So I think you have, I think you have plunder capitalism going on, lots of rumors about some of the big business assets and minerals in that area. So you have plunder capitalism, you have the election wrangling, and you have, again, an effort that we've been talking about since we started Financial Rebellion, you have the central bankers who want to assert central control. "And this is all part of installing the digital ID and financial transaction infrastructure you need to assert absolute control. So, in areas where people are continuing to use cash and refuse to get online or are voting in a way you don't want, remember that what the central bankers wanna do is use an all digital system and digital technology to basically replace the executive branch, the Supreme Court and the Congress. In other words, the bankers using digital technology and working with big tech can basically take control of fiscal policy as well. And that requires, you know, basically asserting political control county upon county upon county. And if you look at the patterns, whether it's the taking or the land grab or other other reports we're getting out of that area, looks to me like a lot of assertion of top down control of counties."

BREAKING: Federal judge rules the Biden administration can move forward with student loan forgiveness, meaning relief could be coming for millions of Americans

LONGSHOREMEN STRIKE AVERTED: The longshoremen have agreed to a tentative agreement. Although the complete contract is not yet finalized, one source stated that both sides have agreed to extend the expired contract until January 15

Ah, they're not striking because they got bought off and discovered altruism? 

BREAKING: Tina Peters, the gold star mom and former clerk of Mesa County, Colorado, has just been sentenced to 9 years in prison by a corrupt judge for preserving records on the Dominion voting machines before they could delete everything

Thank you to Sasha Latypova

ROMAN BYSTRIANYK: Are you enjoying your Dunkin' Donuts, Starbucks, or McDonald's hot drink? You might want to think twice—because along with your coffee or tea, you could be sipping on something you didn’t bargain for: plastic particles and toxic metals!

Thank you to Wejolyn.  

the Journal of Hazardous Materials revealed that the plastic linings of these cups leach harmful ions like fluoride, chloride, sulfate, and nitrate when exposed to hot liquids. Still more alarming, the study found that each cup released around 25,000 microplastic particles—microscopic bits of plastic that you can unknowingly ingest. To top it off, toxic heavy metals such as lead, chromium, and cadmium were detected in the cup linings, posing serious health risks as these metals can transfer into your drink. --Roman Bystrianyk
Are you enjoying your Dunkin' Donuts, Starbucks, or McDonald's hot drink? You might want to think twice—because along with your coffee or tea, you could be sipping on something you didn’t bargain for: plastic particles and toxic metals! A 2021 study published in the Journal of…
 Are you enjoying your Dunkin' Donuts, Starbucks, or McDonald's hot drink? You might want to think twice—because along with your coffee or tea, you could be sipping on something you didn’t bargain for: plastic particles and toxic metals! A 2021 study published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials revealed that the plastic linings of these cups leach harmful ions like fluoride, chloride, sulfate, and nitrate when exposed to hot liquids. Still more alarming, the study found that each cup released around 25,000 microplastic particles—microscopic bits of plastic that you can unknowingly ingest. To top it off, toxic heavy metals such as lead, chromium, and cadmium were detected in the cup linings, posing serious health risks as these metals can transfer into your drink. Your daily coffee could deliver more than just a caffeine boost—it may be serving up a toxic cocktail of chemicals. [Ved Prakash Ranjan et al., “Microplastics and other harmful substances released from disposable paper cups into hot water,” Journal of Hazardous Materials, February 15, 2021.

IDO GAL RAZON, FORMER IDF SOLDIER: The whole building crumbles in front of you. Your friends get dismembered. You get hit. You yourself get injured! Your body is broken but you get out by some miracle

WARNING: This testimony is almost 9 years old, published on November 29, 2015, testifying on his own behalf of injuries and war horror he witnessed and experienced in Israel's 1996 campaign against Hezbollah in Lebanon.  It is compelling.   

The soldier's name is Ido Gal Razon, a Former IDF Soldier.  Ido was injured in the 1996 assault on Hezbollah in Lebanon in 1996, an operation called "Operation Clear As Wine," or "Operation Grapes of Wrath."  His house was under siege, attacked by "a suicide bomber, four RPG teams, six terrorists under the window lobbying grenades at us.  They shoot us with 0.5 afar."

Here is his full testimony.

My transcripts that follow are from the X post above.

I shout!  I pee at night from post-trauma!  He comes to me and asks" Why did you kill me?" 

The whole building crumbles in front of you.  Your friends get dismembered.  You get hit.  You yourself get injured!  Your body is broken but you get out by some miracle.

So I get a grip and evacuate my team to the tank under fire.  After all this, you don't file an injury report for me?  Who is my casualty officer?  Where is the committee?  Where are they?  Who was supposed to take me to the shell shock unit?  And this is after combat . . .

You used me for battle, fighting alone.  Moshe Tzim, you were the Golani Brigade Commander, right?  

I was the Golani Brigade Commander.

I was also a Golani fighter.  Why won't you treat me?  I killed for you with these hands!  You say, "Terrorists with blood on their hands?"  I killed more than 40 people for you!

I murdered!  So what are you doing here today?  It's been 9 years, and I haven't received even 1% disability status!  Does my mother need to pay everything for me?  Tens of thousands of shekels!  Hundreds of thousands!  What do you think?!  Is that where things stand?  My mother paid the hospital bills for my Gaza injury!  You sued my mother.  I have no injury report.  Who is my casualty officer?  A day later, I find myself out of Golani!  Assigned to MAZI!  I went to MAZI and told them everything.  Mortars, RPGs, suicide bombers, people falling apart . . .  What do they tell me?  You got injured in Golani.  Go to Golani, dear.  Why are you here? Just move on . . . What do you want from us? They send me to another and another unit.  They screw me around, and no one takes responsibility.  No one gives me therapy!  And I complain!  I shout!  I pee at night from post-trauma.  He comes to me and asks, "Why did you kill me?"  Can you function a day after something like this?  Can you eat?  Can you at all succeed in life?  And I was a candidate to be a pilot.  I was selected for Havatzalot intelligence.  I had the highest motivation.  From Golani after basic training, I went to the Naval Commando selections only to contribute, only to give.  Our whole family contributed to the Army.  You are here thanks to us!  Have you got anything else to say?  Because the data you present is rubbish!  You know it and I know it!  And you also know it!  All of you here, the whole system had failed! 

SASHA LATYPOVA: Once you're protected from any liability, it's as if regulations don't exist for you because you don't have liability

one nanogram of DNA in a vaccine can cause cancer.  --Dr. Andrew Lewis

What is the FDA regulatory limit?  10 nanograms.  --Sasha Latypova

Vaccines are not regulated at all. They are fake regulated.  

As a result of the 1986 Act that President Reagan signed they no longer have any liability.

Well, starting there.  So the reason that Act went into place was because up until 1973 they were not regulated at all.  They were not even under FDA mandate, they were just cooked up by CDC these poisons.  That's what I'm saying, it's all intentional and it's been going on since like 200 years ago.  The CDC, a private corporation, was cooking them, up forcing them on everyone, and privatizing the returns.  In 1973, they came under FDA regulation mandate.  In about 5 years, I don't know how long it takes to put a new law in place, but let's say in about 5 years they realize, "Uh-oh.  If we have to comply with these things, it's not going to work."  So they introduce this law to protect themselves from liability.  Once you're protected from any liability, it's as if regulations don't exist for you because you don't have liability.  And then proceeded to remove systematically remove requirements that existed on the drug side for the vaccine side.  So nobody actually tests them for anything.  For example, we uncovered an office, an office on the FDA web page, it says it's headed by Dr. Andrew Lewis, who is by our estimates at least 90 years old if he is alive.  But he is the head of this office, fake head, the office when you read the description of what they do they found that even one nanogram of DNA in a vaccine can cause cancer.  What is the FDA regulatory limit?  10 nanograms.  So, the FDA says that it's okay for you to have 10 times more material injected that we know causes cancer because . . . reasons.  Now, what, in fact, was found in COVID-19 vaccines by Kevin McKernan and his colleagues is up to 2000 nanograms, so 200 times over the regulatory limit is being injected into Pfizer jabs and has been for years now.  And all the regulators actually know about it this because everybody's been notified.  The Epoch Times interviewed them even, and they all said, "Yes, we know, and it's not a problem.  Continue injecting."  You tell me this is not intentional.

It's too big to bust because what they need is to have some [privacy?].

Every normal person listening to me is saying, "I know lady what you're saying.  I know you're not crazy, but this is just not possible.  I can't imagine the evil this big."

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Nestle owns over 2,000 brands; Coca Cola owns over 500 brands; General Mills owns over 100 brands . . . The idea that there is choice at the grocery store is an illusion

"Israel is no longer perceived to be "Little David," but Goliath steamrolling across the map"

Carl Spielvogel was featured in the second half of the clip. 

North Carolina power outages are due to shortages of transformers/electrical equipment. The White House recently signed a $422 million energy assistance deal with Ukraine, giving them materials needed by North Carolina right now including 10,093 generators, 11 auto transformers, and . . .

INSANE: Experienced pilot rescuing flood victims in NC ordered to stop, threatened with arrest

Civil Defense Manual

🚨 “The government is currently trying to arrest people who are delivering supplies via helicopter”

RICHARD POE: Julian Assange and Wikileaks achieved their first fame by helping George Soros and the British government provoke a bloody color revolution in Kenya, leaving more than 1,100 dead.

POP QUIZ: How did Julian Assange first become famous?

ANSWER: In 2007, Assange and his new website Wikileaks helped destabilize Kenya, interfering in its general election, and helping to trigger a bloodbath that killed more than 1,100 Kenyans. 

On Julian Assange.

I always believed that WikiLeaks as a concept would perform a global role and, to some degree, it was clear that it was doing that as far back as 2007 when it changed the result of the Kenyan general election. I thought it would take two years instead of four to be recognized by others as having this important role, so we are still a little behind schedule and have much more work to do. The threats against our lives are a matter of public record, however, we are taking the appropriate precautions to the degree that we are able when dealing with a superpower.

ROMAN BYSTRIANYK: How many people will be upset knowing that neurological damage had been occurring after the whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine right from the beginning, 1948? More like 1889?

How many people will be upset knowing that neurological damage had been occurring after the whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine right from the beginning? A 1948 article in Pediatrics discussed cases of brain damage following use of the vaccine. The article is hauntingly similar to the large number of cases of autism that would escalate decades later. The children, mostly boys, had been developing normally and showed no problems before receiving the vaccine. They manifested “acute cerebral” symptoms within hours of injection. A regression or “failure of further development” occurred afterward. “Inspection of the records of the Children’s Hospital for the past ten years has disclosed 15 instances in which children developed acute cerebral symptoms within hours after the administration of pertussis vaccine. The children varied between 5 and 18 months in age and, in so far as it is possible to judge children of this age range, were developing normally according to histories supplied by their parents. None had convulsions previously. Twelve of the children were boys and three were girls, a sex difference also encountered in relation to other substances, such as lead, causing gross injury to the developing nervous system. At inoculation time, the children varied in age between 5 and 18 months. Developmental data were obtained in detail on all but two of the children, whose mothers simply stated that they had developed normally. Reference to the case histories showed that such objective activities such as sitting, walking, and talking had appeared in many of the children prior to the inoculations; and the regressions or failure of further development occurred after the encephalopathies [any disease or symptoms of disease referable to disorders of the brain] in several instances. In so far as it was possible to judge none of the children were defective prior to their acute illness.” [Randolph K. Byers, MD, and Frederic C. Moll, MD, “Encephalopathies Following Prophylactic Pertussis Vaccine,” Pediatrics, vol. 1, no. 4, April 1948, pp. 438–439, 443.]

PETER GOTZSCHE: Breast screening has been sold to the public with the message that it saves lives and breasts. It does neither. Mammography screening is harmful and should be stopped.

Mammography Screening: Truth, Lies, and Controversy,  Peter C GΓΈtzsche 2012.  Other books by GΓΈtzsche.

U.S. SECRETARY OF DEFENSE, MCNAMARA, ON THE USS LIBERTY: And I am not saying anything about the Liberty. Period.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024



People, these are mountain towns.  It rarely, if ever floods, in the mountains.  I would know.  I grew up in the mountains of Colorado, which means that none of these people have flood insurance. 

REPORT 🚨 Not only does North Carolina have the richest supply of lithium in the world (used in batteries), the state is home to the highest purity quartz deposits; it’s the world’s supply for AI chips, microchips, a $530 billion industry. Belmont-based Piedmont Lithium is currently awaiting a state mining permit in Gaston County, which is currently flooded. The permit was on hold due to backlash from residents and city officials.

This lithium mine would be the third-largest producer of lithium in the world. Spruce Pine also wants to expand their quartz mine even larger. 

00:09  The first thing I find out is that North Carolina has the richest deposits of lithium in the entire world.  Yeah, lithium for cars, batteries, and all that.  Then I find out they have the highest purity quartz deposits.  And that quartz just so happens to be the world's supply for AI chips, microchips, and all kinds of stuff. We're talking a $530 billion industry in Gaston County

A company by the name of Piedmont Lithium is awaiting a state mining permit for a site in Gaston County, and Gaston County is completely flooded right now.  The project was awaiting zoning approval because they were getting backlash from the residents and city officials.  And this lithium mine they want would be the 3rd largest producer of lithium in the world.  And they made a deal with Tesla already. 

Remember the quartz?  So in Spruce Pine, North Carolina, right next to Ashland, they want to expand their mines even larger, and the residents aren't having it either.  Enter the floods.  People, these are mountain towns.  It rarely, if ever floods, in the mountains.  I would know.  I grew up in the mountains of Colorado, which means that none of these people have flood insurance.  The media is saying "Biblical devastation in North Carolina," aka, like the worst thing that could happen, and you're not coming back from it. 

REP MIKE COLLINS: average dock worker who is threatening to strike for higher wages and better benefits makes $147,000 per year and about $35,000 per year in employer-paid health care.

Longshoremen make 6 figures per year. They were paid during COVID and he is willing to hold us hostage so they can get a 70% increase in pay  --LDD

from LDD,

Longshoremen make 6 figures per year. They were paid during COVID and he is willing to hold us hostage so they can get a 70% increase in pay and he doesn’t give a damn that it will hurt the American people? Greed. Abolish the Unions and bring back manufacturing so we don’t have to rely on anyone else.
from Suhr Majesty,
We should never be in a position where a union or any group can put a stranglehold on the entire country's economy.

Eliminate unions. 

A bit long, 2 1/2 hours, but in the first few minutes, Judge Joe Brown delivers great insights on the motivation for illegals.  

The question that everyone is concerned about is migration, immigrants in America.  I've heard numerous theories about why the American government is providing so much support to immigrants while many Americans are homeless and housing insecure what do you think is fueling this mass movement of financial support for newly arrived immigrants in American cities?

00:43. They're not immigrants, they are illegals, and what's going on is very simple.  You have the situation set up by Article 1 of the US Constitution: it says every 10 years there shall be a census conducted, the primary purpose of which is to determine the apportionment of Representatives in the House of Representatives.  We call them congressman.  So I participated in no less than five senses takings as an adult.  This last one in 2020 was the first one they did not ask whether or I was a citizen or not.  Also, it's the first one where they did not inquire as to the status of my parents, what their their status was.  Here to for, what went on is they said these are the citizens, this is the population of the United States, and we have another category of people who are not citizens.  This time for 2020 they combined them.  What's the purpose?  Well, so California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, etc. will not lose congressional representation and will perhaps gain Representatives.  In other words if you build up the population of California they maintain the current number of congressmen or they might gain one or two but the people that are being counted toward this game or retention cannot vote.  So there are what I call "local yocals," New York, and a few other places, California, places like San Francisco, where they have an Asian, who is not a citizen, who is sitting on, of all things, the election commission to determine for San Francisco how the votes are counted and as such, they are locals that are trying to generate this thing.  They are also trying to bring in people who are susceptible to a new agenda which is to impose the rainbow cult on the country it is a new religion in order to understand its religious nature contemplate Buddhism Buddhism is an ancient and honorable religion but it does not have a deity no God same thing with LBGTQIA, not homosexuality, but this cult that's represented by the Rainbow, you cannot teach Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, or Hinduism in an American public school but you can teach Rainbow.  Kids get taken to Sunday school, the church, by their mothers, and they sit bored to tears for an hour or 2 hours a few Sundays out of the month. And by the time they are 6, 7, 8, 9, they are devout believers in whatever the religion happens to be, whether they went to church, synagogue, mosque, or Temple, but what you have is the Rainbow being imposed 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, preschool all the way through 12th grade.  So they are indoctrinating people in this Rainbow thing, and it is a system of philosophy that deals with nihilism.  In other words, self-hate, you don't like what you are, you want to be something else, there are no standards of duty, honor, obligation, responsibility, accountability, purpose, cause, morality, ethics, all of that goes out the window. 


Institutional America Is Lost. Regional America Reborn by Disaster

"[catastrophes and apocalypses] don't destroy, they reveal."  Owen Benjamin.  

ANDREW HUFF: we live in the “just in time economy.” Everything we consume is typically made, shipped, and consumed in four weeks or less.

This port union rep knows what exactly every man that deployed in the military knows, and what fewer national security experts know: we live in the “just in time economy.” Everything we consume is typically made, shipped, and consumed in four weeks or less. My favorite example of how fragile this system is- water chlorination supplies exhaust in 3-4 weeks. The more parts or ingredients a product has, the more vulnerable it is to supply side disruptions. If the product loses one component, the product’s production ceases.