Very important case to watch! Best of luck to these amazing people that are really fighting for so many💜
— Brook Jackson 💜 (@IamBrookJackson) October 28, 2024
What sets Brianne Dressen apart from nearly every other COVID-19 jab-injured person out there?
She has a signed contract with AstraZeneca saying that they would pay for any harm their product caused her during the COVID-19 clinical trial she signed up for.
Brianne says she suffered a disastrous injury from the trial shot and was never properly compensated.
So for this reason, she and her lawyers — including attorney Michael Connett of the recent federal fluoride win — believe that her case may have what it takes to go all the way.
Even past the mighty PREP Act.
Here is Michael Connett, Partner, Siri, & Glimstad, LLP, talking about the recent fluoride case. His dad founded the Fluoride Action Network.