Friday, September 27, 2024

OWEN BENJAMIN: a man's use is their moral strength and their ability to provide and protect and to tell the truth. That's your use. You're not beautiful. You're not to be cherished and adorned in silks.

00:36  I might reformat my view on "No victims."  I think women and children can be victims.  Women are super malleable.  There's this book out about neuroplasticity, about regenerating your brain and all that.  Women might not know right from wrong if they don't have a good male role model, and I know that might infuriate some women.  And I'm actually starting to have more compassion for lesbians, not saying it's a good move.  Not saying it should be a public display thing in front of children, but man, have men messed up some ladies!  Dude!  Researching this has sparked some stuff in my childhood.  There was a guy who did something to himself because he was facing charges . . . .  Bad dads, bad husbands, abusive men, . . . these people were branding women, selling them, getting blackmail on them, leverage, humiliation rituals, dude, it's bad.  There's something about women and children where they don't really always know.  Men always know.  Men can go through boot camp, Marines, ooh-aah, go do some crazy stuff.  We can be kind of brainwashed, but we always kind of know.  There's just something about men where we do have the ability of figuring it out.  I don't know because I've never been a woman, allegedly.  [hysterical]  But they might not know.  I see some of these women, like that "Ride or Die" thing that women have for a powerful man can really hijack, and I'm not saying that they shouldn't face prosecution for crimes but it really is the man's responsibility.  When I say there are no victims, only volunteers, I'm talking to men.  Women can be messed up by men because we do have authority over women.  That's not a chauvinism or control thing.  It's a responsibility.  And it's so true.  When I look at women who have it really well having awesome lives, and I know that they could have gone down a horrible road if they had that dedication and connection to a really bad guy.  And if you look at a lot of women in certain lifestyles, you'll see like horrific dads.  I don't mean that the dads didn't play catch with them, worked too much, or had an affair when they were a teen, I'm talking about legit psychological and physical, and sexual abuse.  It's way more common than people think.  

4:00  It really is up to the guys, so I am amending my statement.  Here's the thing I don't know: I don't know when a boy becomes a man.  I don't know.  Other cultures and tribes and groups have a thing they do, a rite of passage [a ritual?].  In 300, it was when that little dude fought the wolf.  America doesn't really have that.  We turn 18, and then we get really, really drunk.  I don't know what age, but there has to be an age where you're responsible now.  And it's not just an age, because I think it's different for everybody, but there's a time when you know right from wrong.  And so if you do something, you are not a victim.  Women, ladies, please comment on this and let me know.  Do you think you guys are as . . . I mean don't get me wrong.  An adult woman should be held accountable for her actions.  I'm not a cuck.  I'm not a white knight, but bad male leadership with a woman is crazy harmful.  Maybe they have like half the ability to discern.  Because, dude, that's why advertisers always aim at women, and they always want to feminize men, because they want to get you in that chaotic, pathological state where you'll accept any bullshit.  Men in their male state, and you can always return to that male state, don't get tricked very easily.  That's why rural American tradesmen are the most despised people by corporate America because they don't fall for stuff.  They're very simple.  They don't need to buy $300 jeans.  They just work and they see utility.  Because . . . I see women that get it completely, wise, incredible moral compass, but you always see strong men in their life--grandfathers, fathers, husbands, you always see a strong male in their life.  When you have horrible men, you'll see them getting branded, and used, and they'll carry out monstrous acts.  And then, of course, they hate men, and they become lesbians.  And it's still the men's fault.  "Oh, you're blaming men."  Dude, I'm taking authority and accountability, and I think men should or else you're effed.  Like a man's use is their moral strength and their ability to provide and protect and to tell the truth.  That's your use.  You're not beautiful.  You're not to be cherished and adorned in silks.  That's why every time I see one of these guys that are just so into their jewelry and being adorned, I don't see a guy.  Don't get me wrong.  You can have a million-dollar car and still be a good guy but it has to be because you value the engineering or that it provides something for you that another car doesn't, not just because it's like beauty, and you're a special boy.  Like that money could be spent on land or gunpowder or gold.  That's why I call it gay; yeah, gay.  

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