Monday, September 9, 2024


So much fraud online.  I clicked on this video to watch because I wanted to learn how to make money with PayPal.  Note the title: "Earn $20 for every 5 minutes into your PayPal (Earn PayPal Money for Beginners 2024)," and 3 minutes into the video no mention of PayPal whatsoever.  So either they have a marketing problem or they're lying.

Capterra is a platform that is willing to pay you to write different reviews for software and programs.  You can browse over 800 different categories.  And within each category, you have hundreds of different software that you can review.   They're offering $20 for every 5 minutes of work.  Ha, ha.  According to the speaker, the reason Capterra pays out $20 for 5 minutes is because the more 5-star reviews help the company with sales; the more sales, the more income.  

Step 3: Click on "Write a Review," where you can find thousands of different companies and thousands of different products.  Confusing.  It sounds like they want you to write a review without ever having purchased the product or purchased any service or product from a company.  So, you'd be lying . . . .  Hmm.  Who wants to be part of that scheme?  

4:23  QuickBooks software.  Copy the software title.  Copy the software name.  Go back to Google and look for that software review, so our review, of course.  Search for QuickBooks reviews, and you can get all the reviews here online from which you can get an idea.  So I can look up this link right here and see how other people are doing it, what they said about it, and how they really made the reviews without having to buy it themselves.  Of course, you can change the text a little bit to make it your own, but don't copy and paste it because you won't earn any money because that's clearly not going to happen.  But you can get an idea from their reviews and what they actually said about the software, which will save you so much time and money so you won't have to spend hours and hours going through the software.  

[5 minutes in and still no mention of PayPal.]

Learning about it determines the pros and cons.  You don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on software simply to write a basic review.  [Note how she degrades the review to "basic review."]  At the 6:15 mark, she literally tells you to lie about how often you use a software.  She says to click on "Daily" usage; that way your review has a better chance of getting selected.  This cannot inspire anyone to any positive action.  She tells you to click on "I am a user."  Yeah, I'll bet she is, and you will be too if you continue with this scheme of hers.  And would you really want your name associated with a program or software that asks you to commit fraud?  She is asking viewers to simply copy and paste other people's work.  This must be a gimmick from a 3rd world country, dubbed in English to appeal to poor people in Western nations.  To that end, it has worked.  But please don't do this.  Please.  

It's always better to leave a 5-star review that's based on other people's reviews.  The more categories of a product that you complete, the higher the chances are that you make money.  [So it's not guaranteed?  She talks like it's guaranteed, "Two minutes of your time earns you $20.  Every step is fraudulent.]  Next, you'll choose how the cost for QuickBooks compares to other accounting software.  [7 minutes in and still no word of PayPal.]  Not a single word about PayPal except in the title.  

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