Saturday, June 15, 2024

HRC imposes that agenda on the most powerful corporations in the world through something called the Corporate Equality Index, or CEI for short.

June is Pride Month.  Suddenly everything around you from the businesses you frequent to the sports teams you cheer for is covered in rainbow flags.  Your TV screens are filled with LGBT activists promoted by all the big brands.  It's everywhere you look.  You ever wonder how it got that way?  Even just a few decades ago, Pride Month meant a few parades and a handful of carefully worded statements.  Now every major business, brand, and Institution is all in on LGBT.  The roots of a lot of this lie with a group called The Human Rights Campaign, a powerful LGBT activist group that cut its teeth in the fight for gay marriage.  Once that fight was over, HRC quickly moved on to far more radical causes using its considerable power and influence to lobby for things like pornography in elementary schools, the destruction of women's sports, and sex changes for children as young as 3-years-old.  HRC imposes that agenda on the most powerful corporations in the world through something called the Corporate Equality Index, or CEI for short.  CEI ranks companies based on their LGBT activism.  Companies can score points by doing things like donating to left-wing LGBT groups, or paying for their employees' sex changes, or for promoting transgender influencers, like Dylan Mulvaney.  Every year the criteria for a good CEI score gets a little more extreme than the year before.  And if companies don't want to participate in LGBT activism, they are in big trouble.  You see major investors like Black Rock, Vanguard, and State Street Bank are in bed with HRC, which means that a good CEI score is often a prerequisite for securing the investment a company needs to stay afloat.  In this way, groups like The Human Rights Campaign are a major player in corporate America's embrace of left wing activism.  They control the purse strings, and that gives them the ability to launder their radical agenda through the most powerful companies in the world.

How did LGBTQ propaganda get everywhere so fast?

The Human Rights Campaign is a powerful lobby group that ranks corporations based on their corporate policies, practices, and benefits pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual, ‘transgender’ and ‘queer’ employees. 

And the 3 heavy hitters in the investment arena — Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street — are all on board with this Queer Marxism. If companies want to secure their investments, they need to play ball. So they do. 

The same goes with Race Marxism, and ESG, where equity for stakeholders — not investment return for shareholders —became a dominant driving force. 

I used to work in the investment arena, and it blows my mind how quickly this neo-Communism snuck in through the back door. 

The slippery slope is not organic. It’s orchestrated by political leaders, a handful of lobby groups, and ideologues managing the big money. 

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