The CIA & Hollywood: Producer/Director Rob Reiner is a CIA Asset? - Scott Adams
— Mark Groubert (@lordbuckly) September 30, 2023
Saturday, September 30, 2023
Rob Reiner, a CIA Asset?
TRUMP: “If you don’t like somebody or if somebody is beating you by like 10, 15, or 20 points — Let’s indict the motherf*cker.” 🤣
TRUMP: “If you don’t like somebody or if somebody is beating you by like 10, 15, or 20 points — Let’s indict the motherf*cker.” 🤣
— ALX 🇺🇸 (@alx) September 29, 2023
Watch this clip from In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood & Bioterrorism, 2007, to learn where AIDS really originated. Dr. Leanord Horowitz.
Robert Gallo The Man That Created AIDS.
— Jessica Rojas 🇺🇸💪 (@catsscareme2021) September 30, 2023
Where did AIDS come from? Some say it doesn’t matter, as long as we find a cure. But what if the man and money that created it, are still spreading it along with lies and half-truths? Watch this clip from In Lies We Trust: The CIA,…
Here is the full, 2 hours + video.
BENEFITS OF RAISING KETOKIDS: Kids hit their vocabulary goals about 75% faster than #SADkids. Oh, and they have 0% chance of developing obesity, type 2 diabetes & fatty liver as kids...
2 of the many benefits of raising #ketokids is that they never have sticky fingers, and they hit their vocabulary goals about 75% faster than #SADkids.
— Ken D Berry MD (@KenDBerryMD) September 30, 2023
Oh, and they have 0% chance of developing obesity, type 2 diabetes & fatty liver as kids...
What else??
OAKLAND, CA: this year, violent crime increased by 19%, robbery by 30%, and auto theft by 52% in Oakland. The reason is that Newsom changed state laws to treat criminals as victims and the police as criminals
The cities of California are a crime zone…
— Rob Schneider (@RobSchneider) September 30, 2023
There is no leadership.@GavinNewsom wants to bring the failure of California to the rest of America.
Feinstein was Senate Intelligence Cmte. That’s CIA oversight. She knew they were lying. But she was afraid, & thru the blob she was paid.
Benz is correct. From Feinstein's website,
The Senate Intelligence Committee is responsible for providing oversight of all U.S. intelligence agencies. As a member of the committee, Senator Feinstein regularly reviews intelligence reports, budgets and activities and participates in committee investigations.
This right here is how crooked intelligence agencies dick over every other branch of government simultaneously
— Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) September 30, 2023
Feinstein was Senate Intelligence Cmte. That’s CIA oversight. She knew they were lying. But she was afraid, & thru the blob she was paid.
Same happened w/ Russiagate.
See more from Mike.
There was a time when the California government made attempts at conserving some of its culture and history and standard of living, in part, thanks to Feinstein.— Dr. Joseph Ford Cotto (@JosephFordCotto) September 30, 2023
Friday, September 29, 2023
Joel Sussman speaking to the Aurora, Ontario City Council against UN Agenda 2030
De-Spike Naturally: 72-HOUR FAST
De-Spike Naturally: An Oncologist’s Guide to Recovery
— The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) September 29, 2023
“The more shots you took, the more damage your immune system had.” Here’s what you can do about it, per Dr. @MakisMD.
Republicans’ bill proposes 30% cuts that “would eliminate 12,000 FBI agents, almost 1,000 ATF agents, and almost 500 local law enforcement,” and the problem is?
It would certainly mean fewer kidnapping hoaxes in Michigan, I am sure of that.
Oh hell yea
— Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) September 29, 2023
Here is the full release if you're so inclined.
Watching White House Daily Briefing @CSPAN
— St. Michael, the Archangel (@aveng_angel) September 29, 2023
Spot The Difference.
— I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 (@ImMeme0) September 29, 2023
ROB SCHNEIDER: there is a thing called love, it's the power of everything. And there is a thing called compassion. It does exist in the universe because you found it in other people
If there is intelligence in the world it is not separate from us it is endemic in this universe that there is intelligence, that there is a thing called love, it's the power of everything. And there is a thing called compassion. It does exist in the universe because you found it in other people. This is a real thing and this is the essence of God and love which is the strongest thing. So why is there human evil? Is it an equal thing, and it isn't, and I was led from God and I had to ask, what is this? You have to know that God does have a plan and God didn't allow Eden to be an Eden. God wants it to happen. God wants to test us, so God put an apple in there and said don't eat that.
"They're Not Going to Win": Rob Schneider & Jim Breuer on the Spiritual Battle We Are In
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) September 29, 2023
"You have to know that God does have a plan...What this is is a gigantic play, a play that is working out to test us...Evil is not going to's going to give good a run for its…
It’s not just that @elonmusk is doing more than @POTUS and @VP to address and raise awareness about the border crisis… Those two nincompoops won’t even take the 18 minutes to watch the work that Elon has done.
— Viva Frei (@thevivafrei) September 29, 2023
It’s controlled demolition. It’s not an accident. It’s deliberate.
From one location, 780,000 a year. Number of migrants moving to Eagle Pass exceed the population size of that city.
THOMAS MASSIE, KENTUCKY: The House passed my amendment to defund edible plant vaccine research. More details on this frankenfood
Scientists, funded with your tax dollars, are trying to turn edible plants like lettuce and spinach into mRNA vaccine factories. It's dangerous to play God with our food. The House just passed my amendment to prohibit USDA funding of this research.
— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) September 27, 2023
The House passed my amendment to defund edible plant vaccine research. More details on this frankenfood :
— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) September 28, 2023
United against life extension, health, longevity, truckers' lives (you know, the guys who deliver everything from across the country to your front door), good taste, and fiscal responsibility.
Who did this?? 😂
— Alex (Sasha) Krainer (@NakedHedgie) September 29, 2023
VDH: “Whatever people think of Trump—the fact that four prosecutors may have 500 indictments, I mean, Charles Manson didn't earn 500 indictments"
VDH: “Whatever people think of Trump—the fact that four prosecutors may have 500 indictments, I mean, Charles Manson didn't earn 500 indictments. It's a use of the levers of gov't to warp elections and to be exempt from the consequences of their activity.”
— Independent Truths with Dr. Scott Atlas (@ScottAtlas_IT) September 24, 2023
Thursday, September 28, 2023
High Dose Melatonin Regulates Phase Separation
This lecture has been the closest thing I've found to an "entry point" into its implications so far.
— CK (@photobiogenesis) September 27, 2023
This is just the tip of the iceberg though
Radek Sikorski (Polish defense minister) famously thanked the US government for blowing up Nordstream. Radek Sikorski is Anne Applebaum's husband
Radek Sikorski is Anne Applebaum's husband.
— Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) September 11, 2023
Red Famine: Stalin's War on Ukraine, Anne Applebaum, 2018.
. . . the Department of Defense, through established network of contractors, hundreds of contractors, not just Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson, but hundreds of companies that the Department of Defense gave billions of dollars [$47.5 billion] to . . .
Nu har vi väl över 19,000 underskrifter på och den 1 oktober är det dags för manifestation i Stockholm!🙏🏻😊💛
— Partiet MoD (@PartietMoD) September 28, 2023
Vi ser fram emot en fin och stämningsfull sammankomst nu på Söndag med många kända talare.
En av dem är den ukrainska forskaren…
Now we have well over 19,000 signatures on .. and on October 1st it's time for a demonstration in Stockholm!
We are looking forward to a nice and atmospheric gathering now on Sunday with many famous speakers.
One of them is the Ukrainian scientist @sasha_latypova- a freedom fighter of rank! Hear what she had to tell #MoDMedia the last time she was in Sweden
I'm using open documents from the FDA government websites. They show very clearly that this operation and the products that are produced in it by the Department of Defense and through the Department of Defense established network of contractors hundreds of contractors not just Moderna Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson. But there are hundreds of companies that the Department of Defense gave billions of dollars $47.5 billion in the scope of all these contracts is prototype, large scale manufacturing demonstration. Sometimes they say prototype, but demonstration is fake by definition. Specifically out of scope, our clinical trials and chemistry manufacturing and controls. And Regulatory Compliance that's out of scope. And that's not being paid for that's not being ordered. And later I found out that that's not even possible for the category of these products that they're ordering.
The entire people need to understand that the entire covid, what they call it pandemic, is a basically a fake front using Healthcare as a pretense of a health emergency to enable global war and military action so all of this is being driven largely US Department of Defense I'm not saying that you know it's their agenda or that they've tried to take over the world, no; they are working for somebody who's trying to take over the world and the somebody it's not very mysterious it's a private interest so it's private individuals who in control of the money resources and they're using the most powerful military in the world to drive their current agenda and they're using the pandemic as a pretense for gaslighting and lying and hiding.
"Children would die within hours to a week of their immunization"
Executive summary
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) happens to babies, from 1 month to 1 year in age, but most frequently between 2 and 4 months of age.
Recently I interviewed a former police detective who handled over 250 SIDS cases for a major US city. She revealed her full name and I was able to independently verify her employment at the police department.
In the interview, she revealed that 50% of the SIDS cases happened within 48 hours after a vaccine was given and about 70% of the cases happened within one week of a vaccine.
This can only mean one thing: that the childhood vaccines are the leading cause of SIDS deaths.
There is no other explanation.
Even her pediatrician acknowledged this, but they aren’t allowed to talk about it. She said that the American Academy of Pediatrics trains the pediatricians in how to gaslight parents who seek to blame the vaccine.
This is the first time these statistics have ever been revealed publicly.
All the information is independently verifiable in the police records for any health authority who has any doubts.
Also, I am working with the police department to make these statistics public directly from the police department itself (I cannot compel the production of these records because the FOIA laws in the state exempt these records).
My 16-minute interview
The key points
1. 3 to 4 cases per month, so over 250 cases total during her tenure
2. 50% of SIDS cases happened within 48 hours of a vaccine administration. Assuming kids are vaccinated every month (which is the most conservative assumption), the chance of this happening by chance is 1.23e-64. This means the cases were caused by the vaccine since there is no other viable hypothesis that can explain the evidence.
3. 70% of SIDS cases happened within 1 week of a vaccination.
4. Her pediatrician acknowledged this and didn’t argue with the data.
5. The American Academy of Pediatrics trains doctors on how to gaslight patients who suspect the vaccine caused their child’s death.
6. Jennifer declined to publicly reveal her name or the police department she worked for, but revealed this to me so I could verify everything using independent sources.
7. The police department declined to respond to my records count request because it is outside the scope of the state’s FOIA laws since it cannot be accomplished with a straightforward query and “research” would be required. I agree with their interpretation, but I’ve requested they comply anyway as a matter of public benefit. I will update this article when I hear back from them.
Jennifer’s SIDS statistics are validated in the peer-reviewed medical literature!
This paper, Vaccines and sudden infant death: An analysis of the VAERS database 1990–2019 and review of the medical literature, states this:
Of all reported SIDS cases post-vaccination, 75 % occurred within 7 days (p < 0.00001).
This almost exactly matches what Jennifer said in my interview (70% within one week). Neither of us was aware of this article at the time we made the video.
This is impossible if the vaccines aren’t causing SIDS. There is simply no other viable explanation for the association. But of course, you won’t get your paper published if you say that. You have to say that the association is interesting.
Jennifer is not the only police detective to figure out the connection; Helen Grus in Ottawa found the same thing
In Canada, if you are a police officer and suspect that vaccines cause SIDS, they will prosecute you. It seems that is illegal in Ottawa to question the safety of the vaccines:
"Hearing to continue for Ottawa police officer accused of looking for vaccine links to child death cases," Joanne Laucius, August 18, 2023.
Helen Grus is a Forensic Police Detective in Canada who was looking into the sudden infant deaths that appeared to be connected to mothers being vaccinated.
For the last 2 years she was stoned walled by her own police force. Her court case resumes Oct 2023 and will drag into 2024.
She is being persecuted for seeking the truth. I hope that Detective Helen Grus will be exonerated and continue to investigate the “baffling mystery” of dead babies.
She was suspended without pay for not taking the COVID vaccine and she doesn’t think masks are effective either.
In short, they are trying to get rid of critical thinkers that are trying to get to the truth in the Ottawa police department.
See also these articles which cast Grus as the problem, rather than the vaccines:
1. Detective tried to uncover vaccine status of dead children’s parents, sources say.
Here’s a story casting Grus in a favorable light, pointing out that she didn’t violate any policy of the department and that the police department illegally provided documents to CBC Ottawa reporter Shaamini Yogaretnam which is a criminal offense, yet nobody in the police department is being charged with a crime. Former Toronto police detective Donald Best is baffled that Grus was charged at all, given the investigative discretion bestowed to all police officers. He pointed out that “a fourth-class constable on his or her first day on the job has all the authority to initiate any investigation they want to from parking tickets to homicide.”
1. Detective who investigated safety of Covid shot continues to fight to clear her name.
That article points out that the investigating official, Chris Renwick, is denying discovery requests and refusing to investigate the source of the leak even though it is a criminal offense.
Here are more excellent articles and videos:
1. Ottawa Detective was singled out by police leadership for her opposition to Covid mandates.
2. Political meddling suspected in Ottawa police investigation of Constable Helen Grus
3. Articles on Helen Grus from The Epoch Times.
In short, this isn’t justice. They are stacking the deck against Grus, rather than following the law. CBC is ghosting requests for comment from True North.
IV "nutrition": Soybean oil, rancid oxidized fish oil, purified egg phospholipids, glycerol, and even 25mcg of aluminum per liter, right into your veins
Have your friends or family sneak in some beef stew or beef stock instead.
This is what they give people in hospitals across the world when they can't eat and have to take IV "nutrition".
— Inversionism (@Inversionism) September 28, 2023
Soybean oil, rancid oxidized fish oil, purified egg phospholipids, glycerol, and even 25mcg of aluminum per liter, right into your veins. The combination of the…
In 1948, all of our traditional War Department powers were reoriented from kinetic war, conventional war, to organized political warfare
Music As An Instrument Of Statecraft
— Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) September 28, 2023
A lightning-round overview of the CIA & State Dept’s penetration & instrumentalization of music from WW2 to present.
The CIA is the intelligence arm of the State Department as the FBI is the intelligence arm of the Justice Department.
In 1948, the UN Declaration of Human Rights comes out and it bans and prohibits territorial acquisition by military force. Coming out of WWII, a whole new set of international laws, norms, and treaties were adopted that prohibited the old empire style of the past millennia where you could simply acquire a country by military force. You had to have, from 1948 forward, the internal ratification of the people through some sort of democratic pretense. A vote, however rigged it was, or some sort of movement or bulwark within a country that nominally said, yes, this is our government, that we the people support it, it's a democracy because it's the consent of the governed is what gives legitimacy to the government. So in 1948, all of our traditional War Department powers. The Defense Department was called the War Department until 1948 when it changed its name from the War Department to the Defense Department. It was all reoriented from kinetic war, conventional war, to organized political warfare. And there are several means of soft power projections. Soft power projection takes the form of information influence, technological influence, economic influence, diplomatic influence through sanctions, and music plays, and has played, an enormous role in the penetration of a country's cultures for the purposes of creating political movements and mobs in order to carry out what the end stage of a regime stage operation, which is people on the streets, rioting, occupying federal buildings, shutting down the government, demonstrating that the rebellion is popular and by the people to oust the existing government and put in, for the State Department, a more favorable U.S.-backed regime. A couple of examples. Look up Jazz Diplomacy, which started in the 1940s. [There's a book titled, Jazz Diplomacy: Promoting America in the Cold War Era (American Made Music Series)]. The CIA came up with this blueprint in 1948. There's a memo I recommend everybody read, it's called the Inauguration of Organized Political Warfare. It is an internal CIA memo that lays out how basically we need to play micromanagement politics in every country on the map coming out of WWII in order to secure the American Century. James Jesus Angleton shipping in Greta Garbo in Europe to bring people into the Euro-Atlantic Alignment as opposed to the Communist Russian one. But the music diplomacy . . . music is an instrument of statecraft. Jazz Diplomacy was a program when the State Department recruited high-level, internationally acclaimed jazz musicians, like Louis Armstrong and Dizzy Gillespie, for U.S. diplomacy and cultural ambassadorship with newly independent countries in Africa whom the U.S. was in a cultural clash of the titans for a capitalist economy versus a communist economy. Jazz Diplomacy was a partnership program between the State Department and its covert little CIA cutouts and the jazz world to do diplomacy with Africa. Simultaneously, the CIA was running something called the Congress for Cultural Freedom which onboarded dozens of classical musicians at the time, Russia was exporting classical music in a big way. And this was part of the cultural appeal of the Soviet Union at the time, especially in Central and Eastern Europe was you had these high-level cultural figures who were world leaders in their field, including the chess world, the music world, the Olympics, and in order to create an organized cultural bulwark against that, the CIA created the Congress for Cultural Freedom. Once the Color Revolution Playbook started getting rolled out, at a more and more sophisticated level and develop these popular rebellions. Before WWII whenever there were coups, there were always top-down coups of military generals. The strategy is you go into a country, you look at their high-level military brass, you bribe a sufficient proportion of the military to defect from the target government and the military simply orchestrates the coup because they have the guns. A second means of regime change was orchestrated in the aftermath of WWII, it started a little earlier, for bottom-up revolutions. If you could get enough people on the streets from all walks of a country's society who were aggrieved by that government, that is to say, if you created an anti-government or anti-authoritarian rebel cause to get people into the streets, then they could overturn the government from the bottom up. Music was quickly backed as a means of doing that because music does a few things: 1) it galvanizes and unifies people in a magnet, cultural movement without even having to have overt political messaging. That is people go to rock concerts without particularly caring with the artist or not. Once you have people participating in massive, outdoor concerts, and you'll see this a lot from the foreign policy set, these giant-sponsored U2, Bono, Sting, Lady Gaga, and you'll see this a lot in targeted countries, countries where the U.S. is looking to do regime change or establish a larger U.S. bulwark. In order to get people to the practice of taking to the streets and organizing and forming these little mobs, can be instrumentalized once it becomes a pattern of practice. And a great example of this was how in 2014, USAID, which is the largest CIA funding conduit, was busted recruiting a Cuban rap collective. They also do this in Venezuela, and a few other rap, and hip-hop groups, to author songs, one was called Patria Evida. This became the rebel anthem of the anti-government revolutions in Cuba. In turned out that they were sponsored by the National Endowment for Democracy, which is the most notorious CIA cutout in the entire blob arsenal. Similarly, when USAID created ZunZuneo, a Cuban Twitter clone, the internal documents revealed that they wanted to lure people into the platform first using sports and music. And then once they had a sufficient subscribership, they would start dripping political messages and calls for the Cuban people to form "Smart Mobs" to have organized demonstrations against the Cuban government. Again, these were Cuban rappers recruited by the CIA. Twitter cloned platforms that used music as the cultural means to get everybody in the same sandpit for the purpose of having them take to the streets later in time once they were all in the same cohesive identity movement. BTW, music and parades are the two that the embassies will back in a region. And I recently talked about how the NED also sponsored Pussy Riots in Russia for the same purpose in Russia. Parades will often be with groups who are aggrieved by their government, like ethnic identity groups, women's groups, LBGT groups. When you do this in an authoritarian country that's set to be on the chopping block of the State Department, the US embassies love that because it gets them in the practice of taking to the streets against their government, and that is the role of music.
Why do people think that Oil and commodities will save Canada from implosion. It won’t. Data clearly shows Canada has passed the point of no return.
Chinese companies and American companies will only pick up cheap Canadian companies after the dust settles, not before. --Eric Yeung
Why do people think that Oil and commodities will save Canada from implosion. It won’t. Data clearly shows Canada has passed the point of no return.
— Eric Yeung 👍🚀🌕 (@KingKong9888) September 28, 2023
1) Never have Canada experienced a real estate bubble of this scale. When the Canadian RE bubble implosion accelerates, the Oil…
Elderly homeless soaring, going from 11% in the 1990’s to 37% by 2003 and now roughly half of all new homeless.
As a member of the ‘nursing home’ industry, I agree with a lot of what this economist says.
— A Paradise for Parents (@HalCranmer) September 28, 2023
But he doesn’t offer any solutions.
So let me offer some:
1. He says the average nursing home cost in Florida is $115k/year. That’s $9,583/month. That may be true for a skilled…
Don't have sex with vaccinated people
Don't have sex with vaccinated people
— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) September 26, 2023
"3,585 eviction notices have been filed in Hollywood and 2,458 in the Fairfax neighborhood. Other “hot spots” include Woodland Hills, Westlake, and downtown L.A."
Eviction notices piling up in Los Angeles. The party is over.
— Mark Groubert (@lordbuckly) September 28, 2023
Following are excerpts from the article.
A spokesperson said 96% of them involved non-payment of rent, and landlords were owed $186.5 million collectively.
While evictions are occurring throughout the city, this map shows specific neighborhoods and zip codes are disproportionally affected.
For example, 3,585 eviction notices have been filed in Hollywood and 2,458 in the Fairfax neighborhood. Other “hot spots” include Woodland Hills, Westlake, and downtown L.A.
In a majority of cases, tenants owed more than $2,000 in back rent, but some landlords are also trying to evict people for owing much less, in some cases.
“According to the Just Cause Ordinance, a landlord cannot evict a tenant if the amount due is below 1 month of Fair Market Rent,” the Controller’s Office said. “However, 6,062 eviction notices were filed where the amount of rent owed was below [that].”
Eviction Notice Hot Spots:
1. 90028 Hollywood: 3,585
2. 90036 Fairfax: 2,458
3. 91367 Woodland Hills: 2,099
4. 90017 Westlake: 2,076
5. 90014 Downtown Los Angeles: 1,590
6. 90012 DTLA: 1,572
7: 90005 Koreatown, Mid-Wilshire: 1,545
8. 90015 DTLA: 1,447
9. 91601 North Hollywood: 1,398
10. 90020 Koreatown, Mid-Wilshire: 1,284
From February through July 2023, the city received 40,000 notices. However, the one-month jump to 50,000 can be chalked up to thousands of notifications that were received by mail that had not been previously counted, officials said.
A Very Noxious Fellow
Meet Judge Arthur Engoron, the man who is helping democrats “get” Trump. He is a registered democrat, associate of the ACLU, and the women’s bar association.
— 🇺🇸Travis🇺🇸 (@Travis_in_Flint) September 27, 2023
The Judge has so far used this case as an opportunity to belittle and bash Trump and his attorneys every chance he…
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Caught on Tape: CVS Pharmacist in Midlothian TX Blocks Ivermectin Prescription
More and more recordings of pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions are coming out. How much damage did the FDA’s ridiculous “Horse” tweet do?
Many pharmacists have chosen to follow the crowd rather than do their own research. How many patients have died as a result?
— Mary Talley Bowden MD (@MdBreathe) September 27, 2023
This melatonin molecule is proving to be indispensable, anytime, anywhere.
— Doris Loh (@DorissLoh) September 27, 2023
Ronald Reagan, George Soros, & The Secret CIA History Of The 1980s
Ronald Reagan, George Soros, & The Secret CIA History Of The 1980s
— Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) September 27, 2023
Called the Saturday Night Massacre, Jimmy Carter lays off 30% of the CIA in a single night. The foreign policy establishment hates Jimmy Carter for this and other things. Whoa. Never heard that. Carter got in trouble with the Iran Hostage situation in 1979. In 1980, Reagan rises to power, and he's got a compelling need as he sees it to restore a full-throated, red-blooded clandestine operation capacity but he doesn't have the political capital because the Left-wing Democrats hated the CIA at the time. The people under Raymond Green, Mr. Dirt, convinced Reagan to authorize the creation of the National Endowment for Democracy, 1982/1983 to structure it in a way where the stakeholders would benefit both the Republicans and the Democrats. And it wouldn't be called the CIA; it would just be a CIA cutout that would do what the CIA used to do. And this would be waged to accomplish the Cold War goals of the Reagan Administration, that is liberating Europe from Communism. Getting Poland and all the different Soviet satellite states to throw off communism, have a U.S.-favorable government installed, and win the Cold War by creating insurgency movements all over Central and Eastern Europe, in Germany, Poland, and others.
There were 2 benefactors of this, both on the Cowboy and Yankee side of it. There are the corporate stakeholders of this, which is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which at the time was completely Republican, in fact, it was all the way up until Trump, which should be obvious by now, due to Trump's foreign policy. And the great example of this was the Gorbachev ad for the first Pizza Hut being installed in Russia. I mean you capture these markets, and tens, hundreds of millions of people become U.S. corporate customers in addition to a whole range of the other benefits when you politically capture a country--cheap labor, favorable tariff treatment, supply lines, etc.
— aussie17 (@_aussie17) September 27, 2023
Connie Michaels from Littler and Mendelson represents the superintendent, chief human resource officer, and board members of the Los Angeles Unified School District, which is in fact a public school district is the second largest in the country it's our position that this case is absolutely controlled by Jacobson and the many many cases after it that have dealt with vaccine mandates and Covid related restrictions everyone from Biden versus Missouri and . . .
JUDGE: Let me address the concern I have about this case which I think is unique among all the cases we have this morning
"If we were to go into a war, I'm prime-age to be drafted and I don't want him checking his watch while they're burying me."
Biden was caught on camera checking his watch while they were burying servicemen?
— Tom Luongo (Head Sneetch) (@TFL1728) September 27, 2023
Got some place to be, Joe?
Cod liver oil is not healthy. It's oxidized oil in a bottle. Cod Liver is a True Superfood!
I used to love Underwood's Liverwurst. If you can find a good, clean, and healthy liverwurst, then by all means. But the idea of cod liver pate sounds really good. I will definitely try this. Thank you, Wejolyn.
Cod LIver is a True Superfood!
— Ken D Berry MD (@KenDBerryMD) September 27, 2023