Thursday, August 18, 2022


Well, what does this mean, what does it entail?  The one gal mentions the website How Bad Is It, which I've know about since December.  But about this helpline, I'd be worried about sharing any data.  I don't trust anybody these days.  Could you?  

Okay, so the helpline was recommended by John Bowe (don't know him or his credentials).  His Twitter page reads,

Founder of C.O.V.I.D. Charity Organisation for the Vaccine InjureD. VO Kate Plumpton @Bespoke_Voices. 4055-7832-4074

But the helpline is a service created by Truth for Health Foundation, which is endorsed by Dr. McCullough, so it looks like he's promoting this site in lieu of the CDC and FDA's VAERS reporting system since the government doesn't do anything with that information.  And McCullough will?  He doesn't say, doesn't say what he will do with the information.  Again, can uou trust him and his unspecified intentions.  Maybe after getting more information you might be able to trust him a little more.  Remember, trust but verify.  

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