Monday, January 17, 2022


Hospitals give hospitalized COVID patients Remdesivir.  Why?  Because it's safe and effective?  No.  It's not safe at all.  It killed 53% of patients in an ebola trial.  People have better odds with Russian Roulette.  It's given to hospitalized COVID patients by order of the CDC.  Think of the CDC as bookies for the pharmaceutical industry.  FDA rubberstamps approval on Big Pharma products, who then need to get their product to market.  That's where the CDC comes in.  They cook deals with hospitals around the country so that hospitals are incentivized monetarily to force-feed patients Remdesivir.  Their pimps, uh, brokers cut deals with hospital consortiums across the United States.  To cast the patina of legitimacy on the process, the CDC may hand the payment process on Remdesivir over to Medicare and Medicaid.  Remdesivir kills your kidneys.  

If a loved one must go into the hospital, make sure you or someone in your family or your loved one ask what is in the IV drip.  

Even this article by NBC News cites the WHO's position on Remdesivir, saying that it has no effect on mortality, meaning if you're close to dying Remdesivir is not going to bring you back.  No kidding.  Not only will it not bring you back, it will push over the cliff of death BECAUSE IT KILLS YOUR KIDNEYS.  Be sure to listen to Bryan Ardis in the first post you find in the links above.  That article makes zero reference to the ebola trial where Remdesivir killed 53% of patients in the trial.   

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