Showing posts with label Ebola. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ebola. Show all posts

Monday, January 17, 2022


Hospitals give hospitalized COVID patients Remdesivir.  Why?  Because it's safe and effective?  No.  It's not safe at all.  It killed 53% of patients in an ebola trial.  People have better odds with Russian Roulette.  It's given to hospitalized COVID patients by order of the CDC.  Think of the CDC as bookies for the pharmaceutical industry.  FDA rubberstamps approval on Big Pharma products, who then need to get their product to market.  That's where the CDC comes in.  They cook deals with hospitals around the country so that hospitals are incentivized monetarily to force-feed patients Remdesivir.  Their pimps, uh, brokers cut deals with hospital consortiums across the United States.  To cast the patina of legitimacy on the process, the CDC may hand the payment process on Remdesivir over to Medicare and Medicaid.  Remdesivir kills your kidneys.  

If a loved one must go into the hospital, make sure you or someone in your family or your loved one ask what is in the IV drip.  

Even this article by NBC News cites the WHO's position on Remdesivir, saying that it has no effect on mortality, meaning if you're close to dying Remdesivir is not going to bring you back.  No kidding.  Not only will it not bring you back, it will push over the cliff of death BECAUSE IT KILLS YOUR KIDNEYS.  Be sure to listen to Bryan Ardis in the first post you find in the links above.  That article makes zero reference to the ebola trial where Remdesivir killed 53% of patients in the trial.   

Thursday, February 27, 2020


Thanks to Robert Wenzel, who writes
The coronavirus, now known as COVID-19, originated in Wuhan, China, and has spread to at least 26 other countries.
Here is some sound background information on the virus from Syra Madad, the senior director of the NYC Health + Hospitals System-wide Special Pathogens Program, and Stephen Morse, a professor of epidemiology at Columbia University, debunked 13 of the most common myths about the coronavirus. 
I would want to know who is generating these myths?  Bat soup?  I mean this is the stuff of legends, of Vlad the Impaler.  Like most viruses, they are spread through human contact, which means that people have to touch another person and that contact usually involves some fluid, like saliva from someone sneezing or coughing.  And if you're of a certain age, I mean 35 and younger and in good physical health, odds are that that contact won't even make you sick.  But if you're older and susceptible to illness and have a lowered or compromised immunity, then, yes, you'd want to take precautions.  But a mask is not a great precaution as the two reviewed in the video.  And the Corona-virus does not have the deaths associated with it like SARS did or does.  In fact, if you're looking for deaths or body count as a marker for a serious condition, look no further than hospital beds where Sepsis is responsible for 50% of all hospitable deaths.  So unless you've got sepsis, odds are you're probably going to survive this purported pandemic as well.  Darn it.  Does that mean you have to go to work?  Does that mean that you have to continue making money, continue looking after and enduring family problems?  You bet it does.    

Compare the Corona Virus against other viruses: 

Still freaked out?  Then take some daily vitamin C, vitamin D, and Zinc CitrateBill Sardi points out how indispensable zinc is for healthy immunity.