Friday, December 6, 2024

Eddie Cantor debuts "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town" on his radio show, 1934, and it becomes a hit

During the Depression years, in the heart of the eugenics era, "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town" becomes a hit thanks in large part to Eddie Cantor.

01:50.  And there was a manuscript about Nanobots that were seemingly discovered in vaccines and I'm convinced that there is no risk of Nanobots Nano robots that have been injected into people but that all the strange structures some of which you see here that they're just due to the lipids that are composed in the so-called vaccines in the injectables of the MRNA type and this is the paper that came out in September this year and The international Journal of Vaccines

"No Nanobots in Vaccines--Just Lipids on the Loose."  This is actually a commentary on a paper by Lee and Broudy, who used stereo microscope to observe micro structures in vaccines that they had incubated and treated with various ways.  You see here the front page of the Lee and Broudy paper that actually stems back 3 months ago and please note that Yangming Li is a medical doctor.  She's a specialist in obstretrics and gynecology and did all the microscopy or the experimental work were these strange microstructures were presented.

03:21.  They've been discovered already by other people but these two guys were the first ones to write a proper paper about it and Daniel Brody is a professor of Applied Linguistics from Japan and Young Mi Lee comes from Korea.  So let's have a look at the structures some of the structures that they have published in a very long 65-page article which was done carefully and I think thoughtfully they documented very well what they did and yet the interpretation of these images seems to have fallen due to some misinterpretation.  So let's see what we can discover in a selection of these pictures that you see here

SASHA LATYPOVA on UNITED HEALTHCARE CEO BRIAN THOMPSON'S MURDER: My speculation on this is he was either going to testify or was compelled to testify as part of this, and it was going to bring down some very powerful individuals who are behind his company

"My speculation on [UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson's murder] is he was either going to testify or was compelled to testify as part of [an ongoing DOJ investigation], and it was going to bring down some very powerful individuals who are behind his company." (1/6) Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova) speculates on a recent episode of The Shannon Joy Show () as to the real reason UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson was recently murdered. Highlighting a gargantuan ransomware attack that targeted the health insurance and benefits corporation—which is a subsidiary of UnitedHealthcare Group—earlier this year, Latypova notes that "there's ongoing...litigation about that," which has already cost the company "several billion dollars"—not including whatever forthcoming settlement there may be. "[Thompson's] the CEO of the company that processes most of the Medicare and Medicaid claims, all kinds of insurance claims, in the United States," Latypova notes. "About a year ago, there was a breach of data. They got hijacked, ransomware. They had to pay a ransomware bribe and that also went sideways. There was a data breach exposed, about a hundred million Americans [had] their healthcare data, their Social Security numbers [exposed]. And so there's litigation ongoing about that. They already spent several billion dollars on that litigation, and that's before even the settlement." Latypova goes on to say that UnitedHealthcare is "also under investigation by the Department of Justice, which [is] also looking into all of this. And so [Thompson] was meeting with the investors, walked out in the morning, and then was gunned down right after that." The pharma insider adds, "My speculation on this is he was either going to testify or was compelled to testify as part of this, and it was going to bring down some very powerful individuals who are behind his company."

"Because it's such a huge company, such huge data that they're processing, they have to be connected to the same cabal...that's running this whole global thing," Latypova adds, referencing the ongoing global COVID operation (my term). 

What Trump said about vaccines, 

Trump is a traitor.  Good job here by Dr. David Martin. 

Consume Tamarind to Rid the Body of Fluoride