Monday, September 16, 2024

CHRIS MASTERJOHN: If you care about your mitochondrial function and your longevity, you need to care about SULFUR. If you have psychiatric, neurological, or gastrointestinal problems, you need to triple down on your sulfur.

My Sulfur Protocol by Chris Masterjohn, PhD

Sulfur is key to psychiatric, neurologic, and gastrointestinal issues, and central to mitochondrial function and longevity. Optimize it now.

Read on Substack


TOM WOODS: This is what you should do if losers from the regime like this show up

Remember, if you don't exercise your Liberty once in awhile, the Government will assume you're done with it.  --Matt Beebe 

Thank you to Tom Woods.   

Kauffman says, 

People sometimes ask me how I have the confidence to do this and the answer is that I practiced. 
Practice asserting your rights in minor situations and it will continue to get easier. 
For example, do it at DUI checkpoints or at border control when re-entering the US.

OWEN BENJAMIN: When you say, "I will provide and protect and be a father to as many children as this woman can give me," that's when you see real wealth develop.

Now, the only time I get in a dark space ever is when I feel I am owed more. It's a bad position to be in.  That's the Satanic law of attraction, where when you say "I deserve more," or "I am entitled to more," "People need to be nicer to me" and "better to me because I'm great."  Owen Benjamin

How to get anything you want.  Sounds like a big statement, a big claim, but it's true.  

Okay, there's something called The Secret and the Law of Attraction, which I find to be at least mildly Satanic, where you can manifest things if you want it bad enough.  The way I see that is it puts you in a position where you have to degrade yourself or do evil things to get whatever you want.  Okay, the reality of the law of attraction is pretty simple: it's show what you want, how you can serve.  Okay, I don't know how to phrase that really succinctly, but I can describe it.  For example, I see a lot of people saying "I want a wife to give me children."  That's a terrible move.  Okay, now if you want it bad enough you can manifest that with horror.  You see it all the time with people wanting something bad enough, and they convince themselves that they are entitled to it, that they demand, that they have to get it.  They will get it, but it's the Faustian bargain.  Now, if you want a healthy law of attraction, you can show a woman that you want to be a husband and a father.  Do you see the difference?  [Show, don't tell?]  Where you live the life that you are already in a position of service this is the life that I can provide for you this is a life that I can provide for our children and you're already working at it, and then that attracts someone to you that also wants that and there's tons of that.

1:40.  I'll give an example of my success in Hollywood.  You can apply this to any job when I wanted to be a stand-up comedian I did not sit around thinking that I wanted it so bad I would do anything that's how you end up with the casting couch or the gay acts what I did I would just sit in the back of the Improv every night when I was 22 years old, and if someone didn't show up I would do a set for free.  It was always free.  I would just do a set and I was very good at stand-up, well compared to a lot of the other Open Mic'ers.  But I never asked for a penny, and I would do that every night.  Every night I would sit there and say "What can I do for you?"  If the club was in a position where someone didn't show up, where one of these celebrities had too much hubris or entitlement, I was there to serve and I asked nothing in return.  I only gave.  

Now, what does that do?  That starts the cycle where then the club wants to give to you because you are serving.  Okay, it's no different for anything.  When you're selling real estate, what do you do?  You stage the house.  That means you put in furniture to show the buyer what their life could be like, what can this space offer you.  It's not "I need you to buy this house," it's "I want to present to you a possible future for you," and the more they can visualize that the better and this is what I do with everything.  Now, the only time I get in a dark space ever is when I feel I am owed more. It's a bad position to be in.  That's the Satanic law of attraction, where when you say "I deserve more," or "I am entitled to more," "People need to be nicer to me" and "better to me because I'm great."  That's actually not strong.  It's how much can you serve.  And that's why the "I'm going to get women to serve me and cook me breakfast and give me children," that doesn't actually work.  It actually implodes.  When you say "I will provide and protect and be a father to as many children as this woman can give me," that's when you see real wealth develop.  And I've seen it over and over again.  That's just a mindset to change because I see . . . .  I'm trying to just give positive advice versus attack the poison.  But just to give an example when you have a guy like Nick Fuentes telling the world like, you know, "I don't want to have a wife, but I need to save the white race.  I just need her to serve me," that's horror, guys.  You're never going to get anything from that.  Now, might you get a wife?  Sure.  Is it going to be a horrible relationship?  Yes.  Is it just going to be humiliating and terrible?  Yes.  

And so a woman is the same way.  If a woman wants to attract the best guy, "It's how can I serve him?  How can I cook and clean and help his job and give him beautiful healthy children?"  And all that, it's the same for women.  It's not like women are God.  If a woman wants a good man, she would think how can I serve the man.  If a man wants a good woman, he thinks how can I be a great husband and father to our children?


You know we're in a bad place when the listed allergens sound healthier than the main ingredients.  

I ordered some baked chicken today, or so I thought it was baked, but I ended up getting barbequed sauce not sauce-free baked chicken.  I thought about eating it, but then I started reading the ingredients.  You can see them listed here:
CHICKEN INGREDIENTS:  Up to 14% of the solution is water, salt, and sodium phosphates. 

No mention of chicken.  

BREADING INGREDIENTS:  Wheat flour, salt, soy flour, Red Pepper, Canola, or Soybean oil, Non-fat Milk, Garlic Powder, Eggs, Spices, Natural Flavor [what's that?], Disodium Inosinate, Hydrolyzed Soy Protein. 

Canola or Soybean Oil?  They're not sure?  Is it a blend of the two?  They're not sure. 

SEASONING INGREDIENTS: Salt, Nonfat Milk, Natural Flavor [again, what is that?], Cellulose Gum, Disodium Inosinate, Silicon Dioxide. 

What is Natural Flavor?

FRYING OIL INGREDIENTS: (Triumph Zero Trans Creamy Liquid Fry Shortening) Liquid and Hydrogenated Soybean Oil, Canola Oil, TBHQ, and Citric Acid added to protect flavor.  Dimethylpolysiloxane, an anti-foaming agent added. 

What the hell is (Triumph Zero Trans Creamy Liquid Fry Shortening) Liquid and Hydrogenated Soybean Oil?  And what is Dimethylpolysiloxane?  And why are anti-foaming agents added? 

You know we're in a bad place when the listed allergens sound healthier than the main ingredients.  

Edam Cheese, Brand name Gayo Azul, Product of the Netherlands?

INGREDIENTS:  Pasteurized cow's milk, salt, starter culture, microbial enzymes, beta-carotene (for color),