Flashback to Baltimore event where more Mosquitoes were dropped on the General Public causing chaos
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) August 24, 2024
Now people are getting hospitalised from Mosquito transmitted viruses. Go figure. pic.twitter.com/8PTudI9qtz
Saturday, August 24, 2024
FLASHBACK: Baltimore event where more Mosquitoes were dropped on the General Public causing chaos Now people are getting hospitalized from Mosquito transmitted viruses. Go figure.
KIM DOTCOM: Breaking: The crackdown against free speech escalates. Telegram founder Pavel Durov has been arrested in France. Western intelligence services want access to Telegram’s private messages. According to French media Durov may face 20 years in jail if he doesn’t cooperate
Breaking: The crackdown against free speech escalates. Telegram founder Pavel Durov has been arrested in France. Western intelligence services want access to Telegram’s private messages. According to French media Durov may face 20 years in jail if he doesn’t cooperate. @elonmusk pic.twitter.com/x6bki4iarX
— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) August 24, 2024
This feels like a cooperative psy-op.
Telegram founder Pavel Durov recently revealed to Tucker Carlson that the FBI approached a Telegram engineer, attempting to secretly hire him to install a backdoor that would allow U.S. intelligence agencies to spy on users.
— Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) August 24, 2024
The FBI also hired agents to infiltrate 'anti-vaxx'… pic.twitter.com/JAetzKIJzg
DR. JANE RUBY: So the guy who fought against the Covid bioweapon shots and made millions on the anti-Fauci book, just endorsed the guy who gave Fauci the presidential commendation, and (still) claims the mRNA poison shots are "the greatest achievement of mankind"
So the guy who fought against the Covid bioweapon shots and made millions on the anti-Fauci book, just endorsed the guy who gave Fauci the presidential commendation, and (still) claims the mRNA poison shots are "the greatest achievement of mankind"
— DR JANE RUBY™️ (@RealDrJaneRuby) August 23, 2024
Now do you see that it's all… https://t.co/UudpEPeoyJ
OWEN BENJAMIN ON SOCIETAL COLLAPSE. Finally, something positive
Like if you have something bad happen in your life, and you stay sober, you stay vigilant, you stay grateful, faithful, you have a good attitude, that thing will end up benefiting you and making you wealthy. --Owen Benjamin
Good counsel https://t.co/FVGMrqylCj
— Dr. Abdullah Ali (@BinhamidAli) August 24, 2024
Here is a tidbit about my past and history I studied in the Czech Republic not Prague in a town called Brno, I was there around 2001, and I was fascinated with how societies collapse because right now I see online all the time people saying "the end is nigh," "everything is collapsing," and I chime in a lot and it's because I actually know what I'm talking about. I've been fascinated with this topic since I was a little kid. I went to the Czech Republic. All my other friends went to Australia or France or Brazil or someplace to have fun. I want to go to Eastern Europe where they were taken over by Nazis, then the Communists, where it was rough. I want to go to a place where there aren't even tourists. So I asked a lot of people who lived through it, what happened? Because Oswego, New York where I am from was the only town in America to take in Jews during World War II. And I used to take a lot of pride in that I read Haven by Judith Magyar Isaacson when I was young. I wrote a college paper about it, and then I found out it was FDR punishing Oswego for being the only Red County in the whole state. It got me really interested in collapse how does something collapse funny because my wife has her master's in structural Engineering so she would study how to make a building not collapse that was her passion same with bridges and I'm all about society, social engineering, and how to not collapse. Here's the thing, and I promise this is true, and I didn't read this in a book. I had been asking old-timers and people who lived through it in Eastern Europe forever. So when people say, "Oh, the government is just going to take your farm," "They're going to do this," "You can't run and hide," "You can't do this," all b*******. Do you want to know what collapses are about? Apathy. It's about alcoholism, apathy, atomization, and guys, I promise this is true. A lot of these old timers are dead now though unfortunately, but I was talking to Chech people that no one was interested in, people that a lot of them could barely speak English. I knew some Chech people that were telling me what they were saying, some could speak English, and they had lived through all of this stuff, and I was like,
How did it happen?
What signs did you see?
And what advice can you give me?
Apathy, and large supply chains. The government doesn't get more efficient at screwing you over, it gets less efficient. And it all comes from your neighbors. It comes from alcoholism. It comes from hopelessness. Demoralization. That's the whole game. And they were still going through it while I was there. The herna bars. They would have 24-hour bars where people were just getting s***-faced, but not like fun Bert Kreischer, little sorority girl shit-faced. Like escape. The way these things happen, it wasn't the military, it wasn't the military kicking in doors, nothing like that. But they told me, be productive. When these collapses happen, when "tyranny" happens, it's not tyranny the way you think it is. It's not like the movies. It's they're barely hanging on. Some horrible things do happen, but it's always like if you are productive, if you can feed the beast in any way, whether you have a garden, or you show up to work, they're not coming at you . . . like at all. Like it's the exact opposite. So if you can stay sober, keep up your morale, and keep a community. The government is a reflection of the people, so the atomization, neighbors not talking to each other, spite, envy, it's all the demonic stuff that's why I really started seeing how important morality is. I didn't really understand it until later in life because back then I was still kind of an idiot, still a young guy. I'd be drinking at the herner bars with the guys but I thought my degree was pointless. I was a history degree majoring in World War II and the collapse of governments. And now it's 2024, and I've got so much to tell everybody, and ironically . . . . This whole "It's the Jew, it's the Jew, it's the Jew," that's a sign, that's a bad sign, not calling out corruption or institutional corruption, scapegoating demographics is absolutely a sign. And everywhere does it differently the Czechs and Slovaks, Romanians and gypsies, and blah, blah, blah. It's always, you know when you point the finger "It's that guy, that's the problem," especially when the people doing that are unproductive and drunk. And then the collapse comes, and it's slow, and you don't really, it just keeps collapsing. What they also told me is that if you stay productive, you keep up your morale, all that stuff is a huge opportunity to actually level up. Like there were whole regions that were never touched by any of this stuff; it's mainly cities. And a lot of farms that would collapse, would be peasant uprisings, even though you have to convince the workers to overthrow the landowners through envy, spite, all that. And then they realize they don't have the skill set to manage or run an operation, that they're more geared toward manual labor but they were told that that's demeaning, and then the whole farm collapses. And then the centralization of food collapses because those big farms, the managerial class, . . . see it's actually a hard skill. Americans have lost large Industrial managerial knowledge since it all went to China, like running a factory is very difficult, and running a giant farm is very difficult. So if you can convince the peasants to overthrow like, "Oh, you deserve just as much as them. They're just sitting on their ass all day, these proletariat parasites, while the ditch digger in the guy plow in the field don't know how to run a giant farm same thing happens in South Africa right now all the time. They're encouraged to kill the Boer, and the Boer is the one who knows how to run a farm. Then the over-throwers, the violent ones, think that they are getting their wealth back, realize that they have no idea how to run a farm with 10,000 acres of land. Food doesn't come to market. The dependent class dies.
7:47. It's that: dependence on central distribution. Those are the people that die by the millions. Nobody's kicking in their door. Those people by the time that happens are so demoralized they don't go out to the country and steal; they don't even know where onions come from. If they stole a cow, they would not even know what to do with it. They don't know how to milk a cow. They don't know anything. And they think food comes from a grocery store, so they to the grocery store, sure, and break everything and kill and maim and try and get a Twinkie, right, but it's not the rural. The rural, these large production facilities are what's keeping them alive. And the same thing that's happening in South Africa with "Kill the Boer" is the same thing that's happening here with the Jews because I can see it. People aren't even accurately calling people Jews like they call anyone productive a Jew. It's like this weird thing that's happening, like someone who doesn't speak Hebrew, isn't circumcised, has never worn a yamaka, but they just run a business, now they are a Jew. You see how it works? So when you start taking out those higher echelon positions, management falls apart, collapse, right? It's always alcoholism. Like if you have something bad happen in your life, and you stay sober, you stay vigilant, you stay grateful, faithful, you have a good attitude, that thing will end up benefiting you and making you wealthy. And wealth comes in a variety of ways not just money. But anything that is put in front of you, you can get through with gratitude. It's called leveling up. That's what the kids are calling it. If you get drunk, if you scapegoat, if you start isolating yourself, if you start all that stuff, you will go down, down, and once momentum gets started, it gets bad. A lot of people die by the millions, by the millions and it's like watching slow motion, like a car crash in slow motion, where people are blindfolded. Like you can see how easy they cannot crash, but they just won't stop. And that sometimes adds to my frustration on social media because I've tried all kinds of ways, like all the slavery stuff I've been talking about, I'm trying to break victim consciousness. "Oh, wow, you want to put me in chains?" That's going to kill you guys. That's going to lead to . . . And they also say the collapse happens slow at first and then really fast. Like we are in one now, but it's a collapse of morality, family unit, all that stuff. And then it happens really fast, but it doesn't happen everywhere. And if you're not in that mindset, it's not a collapse for you. That's why people say, "Oh, they're replacing us," and I'm like, "Who is us?" Maybe you. There is no us. Where we go one, we do not go all. I'm giving you good advice and guys I studied this s***. I finally understand it. You might say, "Oh, you used to go hard on the Jews." I go hard at people's victim consciousness. "The Jews" that are obsessed with the Holocaust and being victims squealing and thinking everyone's trying to hurt them and all that, they're going to screw themselves over and if they act so intolerable that the backlash comes, then that's a problem for society too. That's why I was kind of doing that--to help them because it gets to a point where the screeching and the squealing and the victim stuff out of the Jews gets to a point where people are almost like, "I don't even give a fuck. I just want them to shut up." And that's not good. So the less victim consciousness you have, the more productive you are, the more locally sustainable you are, you have trust, love, knowing your neighbors, having children, being grateful, community because I'm seeing the hissing and the envy in all the stuff building. And man as someone who lived in Brno, Czech Republic, I'm telling you, it gets dark, it gets really dark where people are selling their daughters for . . . That's one reason I think that the Tate thing I go with it. I don't hold grudges, man. It's not personal. Don't normalize sex trafficking. Don't normalize Only Fans, and selling 16-year-olds because that gets real bad. It's like the main job for a lot of women is like selling women and their family for money because they're hopeless, they are demoralized, materialistic, and desperate, so don't even have that as an option. Don't even have that as a fallback where "Oh, if things really go bad, I'll just do an Only Fans, or I'll let Andrew Tate turn me out and sell me to a Saudi." No because it gets so bad that you won't even get much money for it. I had friends who used to hire Czech prostitutes to do their laundry and clean their house, and they wouldn't even have sex with them or anything. They were just so cheap. The women would get almost like . . . they were, they were kind of relieved but a little like "What, you're saying I'm not attractive?" It was pretty funny. So that could easily be America. Don't let that slip in.And, finally, we have the most important thing: community mobilization
— Will Tanner (@Will_Tanner_1) August 24, 2024
A great example of this happened during the 2021 riots. Neighborhoods were essentially under siege and risked being completely destroyed, burned down with all inside, if those inside didn't fight back
So… pic.twitter.com/0uZ5RC7NAE
Friday, August 23, 2024
RFKj at HHS? The Surreal Power of HHS
— David Knight Show LIVE 9am EST, M-F (@libertytarian) August 23, 2024
It's not just unconstitutional, it's unbelievable the amount of money, power, and control over our lives now concentrated in just one agency. pic.twitter.com/a3HqC3V2mJ