Friday, August 9, 2024

No one knows exactly what they got in their COVID-19 injection but two researchers from Korea and Japan may just be a little closer to the answer what happens to Pfizer and Moderna material when it is incubated over hours, months, or almost two years?  You're about to find out.

It's been reported that 13.4 billion injections and 5.1 billion humans have taken at least one COVID-19 injection as of April 2024 exclusive of the white fibrous embalmer clots when 20-year board-certified embalmer, Richard Hirshman, came forward to tell the world of his bizarre findings pulling these white rubbery clots out of cadavers that had been injected with these COVID-19 fake vaccines.  He also told me one night that many of the samples that he had stored were actually enlarging in size on their own at the time I was stunned, and I didn't know how to get that information out but I knew it had some significance to the story.  Fast forward several weeks ago when two researchers Dr. Young Me Lee an OBGYN in Korea and Dr. Daniel Broudy at the Okinawa Christian University published a study that they had conducted a longitude control incubation study on the contents of over 50 Pfizer and Moderna vaccine vials.  Their findings are mind-blowing and let me highlight features of the report.  The title of the study is Real-time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Construction in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products mainly from Pfizer and Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study published just a few weeks ago in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, July 18, 2024 issue.

When I made breakthroughs  in chemotherapy in 2008, I was so excited.  I was like I ran down the hall to my buddies in the ONC [Oncology Dept] world, and it's like, look at what just happened.  This is frickin crazy.  It's a vitamin A compound and look at what's frickin happening to the cancer cells.  Went back to my mentors, I was like, alright, breakthrough.  Now what?  And she's like, "Best case scenario will be 25 years before those guys down the hall are able to practice what you discovered.  25 years."  It turned out it would never come to be because as I moved into clinical trials, one of the pharmaceutical companies patented vitamin A compounds broadly as a chemotherapeutic agent.  So I called them up naively, very excited, got this thing working, doing this and that.  And it was literally three questions: 1) what type of cancers do you think it treats?  2) how long do you think you would have to treat for?  And 3) do you think it actually is getting out there, you know, at the apoptosis or suicide of the cell itself?  I said not only do I think, I can show you the data.  It was literally hung up me.  And I just thought the line went dead or lost my line.  I called back, no answer.   Finally, after a few days of no contact, I go to my mentor and explain the situation, and she's like, you should have never called.  That is not a patent.  That is there for monetary gain. That is something called a blocking patent, making sure that this thing doesn't come to light

DR. FRED R. KLENNER: Little mention, if any, is given to rheumatic fever, yet rheumatic fever cripples more children each year than does poliomyelitis, the ratio being 10 to 1 for infection and 3 to 1 for crippling

Yesterday, I chatted with and talked about the massive decline in deaths from infectious diseases before antibiotics or vaccination OR without any vaccines at all, as in the case of scarlet fever or rheumatic fever. Polio got attention because of mass media showing iron lungs and children in leg braces, whereas rheumatic fever got none. Dr. Klenner noticed the reason in the 1950s.
Little mention, if any, is given to rheumatic fever, yet rheumatic fever cripples more children each year than does poliomyelitis, the ratio being 10 to 1 for infection and 3 to 1 for crippling. The explanation is obvious. There is nothing spectacular about rheumatic fever. Those crippled by rheumatic fever can walk. The damaged heart muscle and heart valves of these victims are not visible to the public eye. It takes a child on crutches to open our eyes and, incidentally, open our pocketbooks.

[Fred R. Klenner, M.D., “The Vitamin and Massage Treatment for Acute Poliomyelitis,” Journal of Southern Medicine and Surgery, August 1952, vol. 114, no. 8, pp. 194–197.] 

70,000 Terrorists with Biometric US Passports

Within two weeks of the U.S.'s exit from Afghanistan, William J. Burns, the CIA Director in 2021, met in secret with all of the U.S.'s enemies, including two senior Chinese intel officials.  Why was  Sirajuddin Haqqani, who at the time had a $10 million bounty from the State Department, at the meeting?  There was a senior officer from the IRGC, Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, who was a cut force commander who we're very familiar with from Iraq, a very competent officer.  He was there.  He didn't even use CIA personnel for security.  They were so concerned about the people they were meeting with that they used one of our tier 1 groups for security and they kept them on the outside, they weren't allowed to listen in or anything.  

When we left Bagram Air Field, it went completely black.  It was dark.  The people that were there said two large Chinese transport planes landed with troops and secured that area.  

70,000 jihadis had graduated from Afghan terrorist training camps in just this year alone.  Madrasas that train people on small arms tactics, on bomb-making, on basic intelligence tradecraft.   We know for a fact because we have several assets all over Afghanistan.  This year was their largest graduating class from all the madrasas. These are for jihadis, guys that would go and fight the Holy War, and they said that they had over 70,000 graduates.

Biometric Passports, or e-passports, are used to protect the border?  Ha, not in the United States.

Taliban took over Afghanistan on August 15, 2021More by Dr. Keith Rose on Afghanistan.  $80 billion worth of weapons were left in Afghanistan.  According to Greg Reese, Keith Rose has worked in U.S. clandestine intelligence operations for three decades? 

Judy Converse.  Her YouTube channel.  "Practical Tips for Pediatric Gut Issues and ADHD," Dr. Jill with Judy Converse, February 3, 2023. 

00:00.  Thank you for the opportunity to testify I regret having a reason to speak here today and have no other reason to do so except for the sake of Truth I live in Massachusetts and I wish to stay also that I hold a masters degree in public health I'm a registered dietitian and I was I was trained to accept and encourage immunization and was in no way inclined against immunizing my son Benjamin he's two and a half now I'd also like to say that there's no history of autism or seizure disorder and my family or my husband's family if Ben were here today he'd appear normal to you but I will try to explain a little bit about his disability which he struggles with every day he was born full term normal in every way vaginal birth with no interventions or drugs his Apgar scores, named in 1952 for Dr. Virginia Apgar, were 9 and 10

The Apgar score is a scoring system doctors and nurses use to assess newborns after they’re born. A score of 7 to 10 five minutes after birth is reassuring, 4 to 7 is moderately abnormal, and 0 to 3 is concerning.  Dr. Virginia Apgar created the Apgar scoring system in 1952. She used her name as a mnemonic for each of the five categories that a person will score.