Thursday, July 18, 2024

MARTIN ARMSTRONG: [John Bolton] is always willing to send American boys to their deaths but sought a deferment for himself

Thank you to Martin Armstrong's "Americans Usurping American Foreign Policy & Assassinations for Regime Change." 

Let’s make this very clear about Bolton. John Bolton was a fervent supporter of the Vietnam War, yet he managed to avoid combat through a student deferment followed by enlistment in the Maryland Air National Guard. He is always willing to send American boys to their deaths but sought a deferment for himself. Bolton openly supported the United States’ interference in other countries under his philosophy that, somehow, we have the right to carry out regime changes worldwide. That is precisely what got JFK assassinated by the CIA because they were engaging in regime change, assassinating leaders, and he wanted to terminate the CIA.  --Martin Armstrong

I can tell you that when Regan was elected, the Republicans were beside themselves. When I asked: What’s the problem? They said: “You don’t understand!” They explained that they would have to “train” him because he was a “governor” and not one of them from the swamp. The Neocons tried their best to prevent Reagan from even meeting with Gorbachev. They told him “You can never trust a Russian!” 

Had Reagan listened to the Neocons, the Berlin Wall would never have fallen. The Neocons simply converted their hatred of communists into hatred of all Russians.

When I went to dinner at Mar-a-Lago in March 2020, Trump said he wanted to pull the troops out of Afghanistan because he was tired of writing letters to their families claiming that their child died for God and country. As I said, he asked what we were doing there. I got to see that Trump was human and was concerned for the soldiers who were dying only because of the Neocons, like John Bolton. Bolton constantly wanted to convert the United States into an imperial power that dominated the entire world with his endless wars. This is why Russia and China see us as a vile “imperialistic” world power assassinating leaders and overthrowing governments – regime change.   

These UNELECTED Neocons abuse the power of the United States and turn the world against us.
Let’s make this very clear about Bolton. John Bolton was a fervent supporter of the Vietnam War, yet he managed to avoid combat through a student deferment followed by enlistment in the Maryland Air National Guard. He is always willing to send American boys to their deaths but sought a deferment for himself. Bolton openly supported the United States’ interference in other countries under his philosophy that, somehow, we have the right to carry out regime changes worldwide. That is precisely what got JFK assassinated by the CIA because they were engaging in regime change, assassinating leaders, and he wanted to terminate the CIA. Just look at Project Northwoods, where they tried to kill Americans and blame it on Cuba to justify an invasion. These Neocons are a threat to the United States and will sacrifice your children as well as you to win this game of power.  

Questions remain about Nixon and Watergate despite four decades of literature from historians, journalists, academics, and politicians. Who ordered the break-in at the DNC headquarters on June 17, 1972? What was erased from the infamous 18 ½ minute gap? How much did Nixon know about the cover-up? But more importantly, what most people do not know is that Nixon, who had confronted the CIA and told the direction “I know who killed JFK” when he left office, Nixon REFUSED to accept Secret Service protection and hired his own security out of his own pocket. Interesting. Perhaps Nixon knew far more than the government ever allowed to be said in public.

DAVID RASNICK: Science died in the 1980s... and now we have dogma.

TOM LUONGO: This is how you confront willful obtuseness, "He nearly died."

Over a year fasting. Over a year exercising. Over a year fighting. Over a year losing nearly 100 pounds. . .

I got all the death records from Massachusetts 2 years ago two and a half years ago now and I got some from Minnesota that somebody gave me so we have that whole state and then recently I decided to do a paper a research paper on the regional effects of temperature and humidity on heart disease so the effects of climate change on heart disease so I asked Connecticut for all the death records so I can trace the heart deaths versus the temperature and humidity changes in the state so it went well I got all the records and and looking through the records my system that I set up which can find anomalies in public health

Misprision of a felony.  Remdesivir, I've heard it takes out the kidneys.  So does Baricitinib, and Vancomycin if you're sepsis.