Friday, July 12, 2024


Dr. Kathleen Ruddy on the remarkable results produced by Ivermectin in treating Stage 4 cancers.  

OWEN BENJAMIN: Candace psychologically dissects Eminem like the lab rat that he is

This is hysterical.  Steven Crowder plays Eminem, and Owen Benjamin plays his songwriter.  

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: The Constitution and many of the ideals we share, these are spiritual covenants and cultural covenants. Don't let them destroy that. Don't let this show turn you off to being an American.

Here's the interview.

Steve Gardner

Mike McCormick

Biden's disastrous debate performance, and how his internal team let him down.  Mike McCormick, the stenographer says,

he's about 75% down from where he was when I worked with him.  He can't move physically, he's groggy.  What was interesting in the debate with President Trump is one of Biden's strengths is he is good at reading the room and there was no room to read.  So he's in this sort of big empty vacuous place looking around, and it showed up on his face.  So I think his inner circle really blew it.  They tried to limit Trump's appeal to reading the room, but they threw Biden under the bus by putting him in such an environment that it didn't work well for him.  

1:00, FITTS, So I'm going to say this again.  Biden cannot function with dementia and not being able to function or behave this way in a debate unless somebody wants it to happen.  The minute the bankers want Biden he's gone like that.  And so we are watching a theater we are watching a show and it's a show intentionally meant to humiliate the US government it's intentional and it continues and continues, and it would not be continuing unless somebody wants that show.  And I don't know, either his team is seriously incompetent or was contributing to the show.  I don't know which.  

1:40.  It's no secret to anyone I don't think that the Biden's, the Biden family is living beyond its means.  I mean how many times have they refi their house in the last 15 years?  It's like 20 times.  My point is that the powers that be have leverage over the Biden family 6 ways from Sunday and are not using it.  Why not? 

2:00, FITTS, They want the show.  They want a show to humiliate . . . one of my favorite scenes from The Gladiator, 2000, so the Gladiator, the hero is played by Russell Crowe is sitting and they're concerned he's going to be poisoned, and they test his food and discover it's not poisoned, and the other Gladiator turns to him and says,  "Before they can kill you, they have to kill your name."

2:22. Another story that broke in the market was at multiple visits to the White House by a doctor who specializes in Parkinson's disease.  And so now it's pretty well known that interview after interview, people are saying I could diagnose.  I'm a Parkinson's doctor myself, I can diagnose Biden across the mall but he's got Parkinson's--the gait, everything.  That goes to the next clip by the stenographer who talks about Biden's speech, so listen to what he has to say on the score.  McCormick says, 

you can tell the way that his words are sort of cascade into a hard to understand phrase or just kind of mumbles and he always used to change thoughts in mid sentence but now the other day he was speaking to the veterans yesterday at the 4th of July and he was trying to conjure up this memory he had of going into battles he used to talk about that all the time like he used to go on the front lines and go into a foreign operating bases in Afghanistan and Iraq he had this whole Spiel he'd use he tried to pull it out and he couldn't get there he can't pronounce Afghanistan anymore he can't pronounce Iraq.

I've really noticed that he's having trouble as a result of Parkinson's accessing those words because the repository for that memory is being degraded, by-product of Parkinson's.  

FITTS,  So in our update this week we are putting out a video from the Deep State tactics, and it describes this thing of just trying to destroy the brand and destroying Americans' hope and faith in the country.  And the video is all about don't let them do that.  Don't let them.  The Constitution and many of the ideals we share, these are spiritual covenants and cultural covenants.  Don't let them destroy that.  Don't let this show turn you off to being an American.  It's not Americans, certainly not Patriots, who are doing this, and don't let them.  Turn off the show is what I think.

JOE ROGAN: Millions of these blood sucking parasites lived, fed, multiplied, and died within the guts of up to 40% of the population stretching from South Eastern Texas to West Virginia

Could parasites be the shadowy hands that pull the strings of life? We explore nature's moochers, with tales of lethargic farmers, zombie cockroaches, and even mind-controlled humans (kinda, maybe). And we examine claims that some parasites may actually be good for you. Carl Zimmer, science writer on parasites, Parasite Rex: Inside the Bizarre World of Nature's Most Dangerous Creatures, 2001.  

Rogan explains that, 
Millions of these blood-sucking parasites lived, fed, multiplied, and died within the guts of up to 40% of the population stretching from South Eastern Texas to West Virginia.  Hookworms stymied development throughout the region and bred stereotypes about lazy moronic Southerners. 

The 1990 movie, Tremors, was about giant worms living in the desert.  The conflict ends when Kevin Bacon's character devises a plan to have the worm exit through a cliff, dramatically analogous to a bowel movement. 

The narrator from To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout, describes Walter Cunningham this way

Walter Cunningham’s face told everybody in the first grade he had hookworms. His absence of shoes told us how he got them. People caught hookworms going barefooted in barnyards and hog wallows. 

OWEN BENJAMIN on Contemporary Comedians

Tony Hinchcliffe

Red Bar.

Jack Owillick?

Sam Tripoli.