Sunday, June 30, 2024

BROOK JACKSON: What does overturning Chevron mean? Let's consider an actual case involving FDA - Bruesewitz v. Wyeth.

Chevron Deference Aspect: The court acknowledged FDA's expertise & regulatory authority in approving & monitoring vaccines. The court implicitly deferred to the FDA's judgment that vaccines are safe & effective when they meet regulatory standards, thus preempting state law claims based on design defects. What are the implications of overruling Chevron Deference:

Courts would independently interpret the NCVIA & other relevant laws without automatically deferring to the FDA's expertise. WIN!! Brook Jackson

🚨What does overturning Chevron mean? Let's consider an actual case involving FDA - Bruesewitz v. Wyeth. Background: The case involved Hannah Bruesewitz, who suffered seizures & developmental problems after receiving a DTP vaccine manufactured by Wyeth, now a part of Pfizer. The family sued Wyeth, claiming the vaccine was defectively designed. Legal Context: The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 established a no-fault compensation program for vaccine injury claims & removed the liability of vaccine manufacturers. The FDA's role in approving vaccines & its interpretation of safety standards were central to the case. Court's Decision: In 2011, SCOTUS ruled in favor of Wyeth, holding that the NCVIA preempts all design-defect claims against vaccine manufacturers brought by plaintiffs seeking compensation for injury or death caused by vaccine side effects. Chevron Deference Aspect: The court acknowledged FDA's expertise & regulatory authority in approving & monitoring vaccines. The court implicitly deferred to the FDA's judgment that vaccines are safe & effective when they meet regulatory standards, thus preempting state law claims based on design defects. What are the implications of overruling Chevron Deference: Courts would independently interpret the NCVIA & other relevant laws without automatically deferring to the FDA's expertise. WIN!! Plaintiffs might be more likely to challenge FDA approved vaccines in court, arguing that the FDA's safety standards or approval processes are insufficient or flawed. WIN!!
Courts would scrutinize FDA decisions more closely, likely leading to different outcomes in cases involving vaccine injuries or side effects. WIN!!

Vaccine manufacturers will face more uncertainty regarding liability & regulatory standards impacting vaccine development & availability. WIN!! 

Carnivore is the least expensive way to eat?

[RG911Team] FDNY Captain Richard Patterson has a lot to say about 9/11… and the media won’t dare to air it. Preview of the truth that is too dangerous to televise

Topics covered: Explosions at the Twin Towers; Picking up Aircraft Parts; Paramilitary at Building 7. 

Richard Gage writes

Captain Richard Patterson, FDNY, ret., was himself an institution within the New York Fire Department. He was off-duty in uptown NYC on 9/11 but made his way down to the World Trade Center by hitching a ride in an ambulance.

He was carrying out duties just outside the North Tower when he was knocked back by explosions. He survived, but lost 41 firefighters that morning—brothers who he knew personally. He saw the jumpers from the towers, and he picked up body parts from the aftermath of the explosive destruction.

He is my guest today on RichardGage911: UNLEASHED!

Captain Patterson has a Bachelor of Arts in Fire Service Administration from John Jay College and 20 years as a firefighter. 

NUTRITION W/ JUDY: Kids need meat, and lots of fatty meat. Both of my children are meat-based.

Judy Cho.   

ROMAN BYSTRIANYK: Year after year, decade after decade, medical “error” is the 3rd leading cause of death. Where are the murder trials then, or at least negligent homicide?

Here you've got Peter Dutton praising Scott Morrison, the great leader and official scumbag of Australia.  Is Peter Dutton gay?  By "sacrifice," does Peter mean payout?  I mean since all of these guys are in charge simply to protect both international and domestic rackets.