Monday, June 24, 2024

MAKING SENSE OF THE WAR ON TERROR: Christopher Bollyn's longest and most detailed presentation on who perpetrated 9/11 & the subsequent 'War on Terror'

Published November 22, 2017.

When you consider the events of last Sunday, October 1, 2017, the Las Vegas mass shooting at the , you'll see that we are fully immersed in a historical period of gross deception and evil terrorism.  The shooting in Las Vegas was the second worst of all of these mass shootings, the first worst in the United States; the only one that was worse was the one in Norway, where Andres Brevic supposedly killed 69 people.  /but of these mass shootings, 4 of the 5 worst mass shootings have occurred in the last 10 years.  And I think all of them except for the 1966 University of Texas Tower Shooting have occurred since 9/11.  So this is all part of this artificial reality that we're living in.  So the reason I call it "Solving 9/11 Ends the War" is because the solution to the War on Terror is 9/11 Truth.  When you understand the truth about 9/11, you'll understand the fraudulence of the War on Terror because they are two sides of the same coin, a counterfeit coin, a fraudulent coin.

2:39  See Bollyn's credentials/resume.  Solving 9/11: The Deception that Changed the World, 2012, set of books.  I saw 9/11 as a crime, as a crime that needs to be solved, investigated it, looked at the people involved in the crime, and why it was done.  Solving 9/11: The Original Articles, 2012.  The War on Terror: The Plot to Rule the Middle East, 2017.  The real strategy behind the War on Terror, a war of conquest and aggression in the Middle East being waged under the pretext of fighting terrorism.  Fighting terrorism is just a pretext.  For example, we're fighting ISIS today and we're also fighting in Niger in central Africa.  Behind the War on Terror is a strategic plan to redraw the map of the Middle East.  Clue #1: it's not an American plan.  There's a common origin behind the War on Terror and the 9/11 plots . . . is that they were conceived by Israeli military intelligence in the 1970s under the leadership of Menachem Begin, who was the notorious terrorist leader of the Irgun in Palestine and Israel in the 1940s.

5:12  So 9/11 was a false flag terror atrocity designed to create fear and rage to get U.S. public opinion to support the War on Terror, a pre-planned Zionist war agenda to be waged under the pretext of fighting terrorism.  Starting the War on Terror was the primary reason for the false flag terror attack on 9/11.  It was a construct and the final piece was 9/11, like a keystone they dropped in place that held up the whole structure.  9/11 was a policy coup that brought us the War on Terror and a series of costly wars, like the one in Iraq.  

6:01  Wesley Clark, 4-star General, U.S., Army, the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe during the Balkans, the War in Yugoslavia.  And he said in San Francisco in 2007, he said, 

whether you're a Democrat or a Republican, if you're an American you ought to be concerned about the strategy of the United States in this region, the Middle East.  What is our aim?  What is our purpose?  Why are we there?  Why are Americans dying in this region?  That is the issue. 

So why did 3 Americans die in Niger the other day?  Most Americans didn't even know that we were in Niger.  He went on to say that,

What happened on 9/11 is that we didn't have a strategy, we didn't have bipartisan agreement, we didn't have American understanding of it, and we had instead a policy coup in this country--a coup--a policy coup.  
Some hard-nosed people took over the direction of American policy, and they never bothered to inform the rest of us.  October 3, 2007 

This coup that he's talking about is really like a policy hijacking. Our nation's military policy in the Middle East was hijacked.  This guy's a high level guy at the Pentagon, the Supreme Allied Commander of Europe in the 1990s, and for him it just dropped out of the blue.  He didn't know where this came from.  But he says about 9/11, he said something very interesting, he says, "we didn't have a an American understanding of it.". The military understanding that we had of 9/11 was not American.  What was it?  It was foreign, obviously, he means it was from France or Germany or England?  No, it was from Israel.

7:35. Our understanding of 9/11 came to us the interpretation of the 9/11 attacks came to us from Israel here's a photograph from the Pentagon the men that are talking at this table comprise the defense policy board and you have Paul Wolfowitz there on the Deputy Secretary of Defense, the Comptroller of the Pentagon, sitting across there in the way with his glasses smiling, and sitting next to the Israeli Chief of Staff you have Douglas Fife, whose father was in the Irgun.  So these three men, these three men at the Pentagon, they were the Defense Policy Board, the three leading members.  The Defense Policy Board is the group, the people, the Zionist NeoCons who made the policy the United States put in to effect in the Middle East after 9/11.  Defense Policy Board.. it's not that Donald Rumsfeld decides what to do.  He was a Secretary of Defense.  This Defense Policy Board does that.  Here they are, as I said, meeting with the highest level Israeli military commander, the Chief of Staff January 18, 2002.  What was the policy that was being put into effect?  Again as Wesley Clark said in March of 2007, he said, 

About 10 days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. 
One of the generals called me in.  He said, "We made the decision: we're going to war with Iraq." 

We are going to war with Iraq?  I said, Why? 

"I don't know," he said. 
I came back a few weeks later, and by this time we were bombing Afghanistan.  I said are we still going to war with Iraq?  
He said, "Sir, it's worse than that. We are going to take out 7 countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and finishing off with Iran." 

As you can see from that shopping list, that agenda, 5 of those countries have been done since 9/11.  Lebanon has always been in a mess, and Iran is the only country that we haven't done yet.  So the policy that he heard about, this memo that he heard about, seems to be a pretty close prognosis to what we're doing today.  

9:44.  So where did this policy come from?  Whose agenda is this?  If it's not an American agenda, who's agenda is it?  Well, it's an Israeli agenda.  It's known as the Yinon Plan

10:03.  Because it was written by a man by the name of Oded Yinon and published in 1982, "Israel's Master Plan to Dominate the Middle East" in an Israeli magazine is Zionist magazine called kibunin.  And thanks to an Israeli scholar named Israel shahak it was translated into English and published in Boston in the United States in 1982 which is how we know what this plan says.  And what it calls for is basically the balkanization of the Arab states, which means destroying the military in each Arab State one by one, and breaking up those states into ethnic state-lets which is exactly what's being done to Iraq.  See Iraq there just last week, Monday, there was an election in this referendum in the northern part of Iraq by Erbil, and the Kurdish population there voted to be independent

MAKING SENSE OF THE WAR ON TERROR | Christopher Bollyn Presentation (Ballard Library, Seattle | 2017-10-05) Christopher Bollyn's longest and most detailed presentation on who perpetrated 9/11 & the subsequent 'War on Terror' See also: ISRAEL DID 9/11 | Dr. Alan Sabrosky 🥨 (Press TV | 2011): [REDACTED]* DID 9/11: 9/11 AND ISRAEL’S GREAT GAME (Laurent Guyenot | 2022): THE ZIONIST PROJECT (Part 2) | ISRAEL 9/11: All Of The Pieces (2016): 9/11 MISSING LINKS (Mike Delaney | 2008): 9/11: BY WAY OF DECEPTION THOU SHALT MAKE WAR: TRICKED INTO WAR | 9/11 And The War On Terror (Christopher Bollyn Presentation | 2018):  

SOLVING 9-11: THE DECEPTION THAT CHANGED THE WORLD (Christopher Bollyn | 2012) | AUDIOBOOK Read By Christopher Bollyn: 

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: We Don’t Have a Financial Problem, We Have a Governance Problem

GHOULISH: “In the report of the Local Government Board of London, Eng., for 1906, it is admitted that the virus [for smallpox vaccinations] then used was obtained from the deadhouses on the . . ."

One of the bizarre places where vaccine seed virus used for vaccinations was obtained from.
In the report of the Local Government Board of London, Eng., for 1906, it is admitted that the virus [for smallpox vaccinations] then used was obtained from the deadhouses on the smallpox hospital ships, because they found it most effective. This vaccine was called corpse virus, and it cannot be denied that it carried with it the frightful danger of inoculation with cadaveric poison, one of the most deadly toxins known to science. [Audubon Republican, February 28, 1918.]

DR. JANCI LINDSAY: [T]hey knew, early on in 2021, that these went to the testes and these went to the ovaries. And not one academic lab, not one professor, not one scientific researcher—and I have begged them personally—has stood up. That's how unethical they are.

🚨"[W]e knew 30 years ago that there was a risk for [gene therapies] to be integrated into sperm, integrated into ova, and passed onto offspring. In fact, we sterilized people before giving them gene therapies..." 🚨"You are being lied to on a massive scale." In this clip from a video posted by Mic Meow (), taken from a Halt Hospital Homicide rally, toxicologist and molecular biologist Janci Lindsay () describes how the COVID-19 injections are gene therapies, and how gene therapies have been known—for 30 years—to not only potentially integrate into sperm and ova, but also cause cancers. "[W]e all knew this 30 years ago. The reason why gene therapies were never, ever brought to the forefront is because we knew 30 years ago that there was a risk for them to be integrated into sperm, integrated into ova, and passed onto offspring," Lindsay says. "In fact, we sterilized people before giving them gene therapies so that they would not corrupt the gene pool." Lindsay adds, "We knew that they caused leukemias and lymphomas because they caused leukemias and lymphomas when people were given gene therapy, and that's why they were not mass released." The toxicologist notes, "This was not something that we pulled out of a hat. This is in the scientific literature. These have always been known to be gene therapies. When you deliver a nucleoside to a cell with a sequence and you cause that cell to produce a protein it would otherwise not produce, guess what . . . that's gene therapy, and it always has been." "You are being lied to on a massive scale," the toxicologist says. "We thought that if we just talk to the CDC, if we just talk to the FDA and show them how mistaken they are . . . they are in on this . . . they are corrupt as hell. And they are killing your children. They are actively killing your children." Lindsay goes on to say that she's "trying to do some experiments in sperm and getting the official permission to do so, so that we can look and see if there's, in fact, genetic integration. Because there are over 1,000 reproductive biology labs in the U.S. and not one of them, not one, has looked to see if this has integrated in our gametes." The toxicologist adds:
"[T]hey knew, early on in 2021, that these went to the testes and these went to the ovaries. And not one academic lab, not one professor, not one scientific researcher—and I have begged them personally—has stood up. That's how unethical they are. That's how much they have love for money instead of love for truth and love for life. They are betraying humanity on a massive scale and we have to stop them."

The gist from Luongo

Ultimately, Davos cannot deviate from their Gantt chart of their takeover of the West lest they get torn apart like a narc at a biker rally (H/T Dennis Miller). This is why Mark Rutte is being moved from being PM of The Netherlands to NATO Gen. Sec. and why Jens Stoltenberg is moving to the Norwegian Central Bank.

The wildcard here is quickly becoming Nigel Farage in the UK, who could embarrass them again like he did in 2016 with Brexit. Regardless of the outcome of the elections, Farage, Geert Wilders, Marine Le Pen in France and others will all be blamed for a European sov. debt crisis that was baked into the financial cake (and Gantt chart) ages ago.

The big news item for me this week all center on Europe.  U. S. domestic politics at this point are pretty much obvious.  They're trying to do everything imaginable to stop Donald Trump from becoming president and they are failing miserably. I could have just as easily put Nigel Farage up here and talked about next week's election in France and the U.K.  I was all over Twitter yesterday because Nigel Farage came out on national television and basically came out and said, "We provoked Putin into a war, and that's just the reality of it, and if you don't like it, well, you know it's the truth.  

And Farage knows what he's doing.  He's time-tested that idea for a long, long time.  I said I wouldn't talk about Farage, but here I am going on about him already.  Farage's Reform Party is making sincere strides in the polls.  I don't know if he's going to have the kind of coattails that will allow him to really upset the apple cart in the U.K., meaning the planned coronation of Keir Starmer with a massive Labor majority which he'll use to destroy what's left of the U.K. and make it subservient to Davos in Europe.  Well, that's the most likely scenario, but if Reform comes in with 150 or 200 seats, that's going to be an earthshattering result even though it will leave Starmer in a huge majority position, Nigel Farage leading the opposition Party in the U.K. government, aside from the fact that it would be hilariously entertaining, would be tremendous.  Now, at the same time, this is a lead into what's happening in NATO.  I was asked directly by people to discuss Mark Ruta