Sunday, June 16, 2024

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: Trump is promoting the digital ID and Biometrics to deal with the immigration problem

Trump is promoting the digital ID and Biometrics to deal with the immigration problem.  Do not let the Republicans trick you into a control grid.  Don't get tricked into "Cancel the Fed" and then end up with the BIS and the IMF.  Don't get tricked into Biometrics and a digital ID to deal with the immigration problem that the federal government created and can absolutely address without all the things because they're just tricking you into a control grid.  --Catherine Austin Fitts

00:58. And I'm going to be the bad guy now, you know, Trump is promoting the digital ID and Biometrics to deal with the immigration problem.  Do not let the Republicans trick you into a control grid.  Don't get tricked into "Cancel the Fed" and then end up with the BIS and the IMF.  Don't get tricked into Biometrics and a digital ID to deal with the immigration problem that the federal government created and can absolutely address without all the things because they're just tricking you into a control grid.  I hate to say it . . . if you look at who Trump put into the cabinet, you know, he put into the Cabinet a lot of people who were basically part of the Syndicate that's trying to build the control grid.  So before you get enthusiastic about the Republicans, you got to hold their feet to the fire that they better, they better reverse the control grid.  Demand that they reverse the control grid.  Demand it. 

PAUL SALADINO: Vitamin K2 is predominantly found in animal foods. Cheese is one of the best sources. And the two cheeses that have the most vitamin K2 are Emmentaler and Jarlsberg

The Rotterdam Study is a prospective cohort study ongoing since 1990 in the city of Rotterdam in The Netherlands that examined markers of aging as the population began to age.  It targeted cardiovascular, endocrine, hepatic, neurological, ophthalmic, psychiatric, dermatological, otolaryngological, locomotor, and respiratory diseases. 

What the Rotterdam Study found was an inverse association between dairy intake and hypertension, meaning that the more cheese, butter, and milk products that you consumed, your risk of hypertension was lowered.  Not bad.  

See the Results for yourself:

Risk of hypertension after 2 y of follow-up (664 incident cases) was inversely associated with dairy product intake.  After adjustment for confounders, HRs (95% CIs) were 1.00, 0.82 (0.67, 1.02), 0.67 (0.54, 0.84), and 0.76 (0.61, 0.95) in consecutive quartiles of total dairy product intake (P for trend = 0.008). Corresponding HRs for low-fat dairy products were 1.00, 0.75 (0.60, 0.92), 0.77 (0.63, 0.96), and 0.69 (0.56, 0.86) (P for trend = 0.003). Analysis of specific types of dairy products showed an inverse association with milk and milk products (P for trend = 0.07) and no association with high-fat dairy or cheese (P > 0.6). After 6 y of follow-up (984 incident cases), the associations with hypertension were attenuated to risk reductions of ≈20% for both total and low-fat dairy products between the extreme quartiles of intake (P for trend = 0.07 and 0.09, respectively). 

And the conclusion is pretty clear:

Conclusion: Intake of low-fat dairy products may contribute to the prevention of hypertension at an older age.


KARY MULLIS: The immune system's just a whole bunch of hungry cells, basically, that are not allowed to eat anything they find. They're only allowed to eat it if it's got a bunch of antibodies on it

Kary Mullis speaking at a Google Fireside Chat in 2010: "[T]he immune system deals with deals with things like, say, influenza—when it causes your cells to start making influenza viruses—it puts a lot of things on the surfaces of those cells that wouldn't normally be there, that the virus wants to put there, because it makes it easier for it to do its stuff inside the cell. That's what you use as a target." "You say any cell that's been co-opted by influenza is going to have these little things called M2e, which is a little target that we can simulate with like a nonapeptide. So...because it makes these little holes in cells order to do that, it has to put some of its proteins on there. And they're therefore susceptible to the immune system. So we just redirect an immunity to eat those cells." "The immune system's just a whole bunch of hungry cells, basically, that are not allowed to eat anything they find. They're only allowed to eat it if it's got a bunch of antibodies on it—that means this is for eating purposes here . . . so that keeps them from eating other things."

"So we put those antibodies on there because we found out from the chemists what the flu puts on there, what's different about those cells now. So you don't actually kill the virus itself, you actually kill the cells that make the virus." 

ALEKSANDAR VUCIC: Peace is almost a forbidden word, and please notice this, because they say we need to win in order to secure future peace. But nobody is speaking about peace

The train has left a station, and no one can stop it.  And it looks like that and I believe that we are getting close to the last days of possible rethinking and reconsidering of everything that is happening in Ukraine.  If those big powers don't do anything in a short period of time, yes, I am pretty much certain that we will face a real disaster.  If you bet on the fact that someone is bluffing it means that you have no better cards, but you just believe that the other side has weaker cards and you're not sure about it because you don't know and you didn't see his or their cards. Everybody is speaking only about war.  Nobody wants to reach the peace nobody speaks about peace.  Peace is almost a forbidden word, and please notice this, because they say we need to win in order to secure future peace.  But nobody is speaking about peace and then, okay, you negotiate it but you have the other side on the table as well.  It's very strange to me that no one is actually attempting to stop the war.  There is another theory, which I can understand, which I don't say that I do approve, but I understand it.  The West thinks that they can win easily against Putin, they want to exhaust him in Ukraine, and then they will enter the space, and then Russia in today's territory, and shaped like it is today won't exist anymore, and Putin will be overthrown and everything.  Maybe that's possible.

2:09. But do you think that is possible? Is it possible to use Ukraine to weekend Russia?

2:15. Well, it's weakened Russia anyway but is it enough to destroy Russia and to overthrow Putin?  I don't believe so.  In today's Europe, they all act like big heroes, but they did not say to their people that they will pay a very big price.  And speaking about it, you and all these leaders should do absolutely everything in order to to stop any kind of warmongering behavior and everything.  Why I'm speaking that we are getting close to the precipice, to the abyss.  Analyze the situation of NATO and United States.  First, they cannot afford themselves losing war in Ukraine, which means Russia cannot win because first of all their political legacy will not exist or it'll be so poor that they cannot allow themselves.  Two, the position of Europe and the West, the collective West, in geopolitical terms, will deteriorate so much that no one would be able to revive it and renew it.  And three, it will open a Pandora's Box for more movements at least and hostilities against collectivists in the future.  But take the other side.  That's a nice story for one side.  Take the other side.  If Putin loses the war, Russia will not exist and won't be shaped like it is today.  I mean when you have these two sides so far from each other with their wishes,  with their expectations, then you see that everything is at stake, everything, no one can afford to itself, to themselves, to lose.  When you have this situation . . . that's why I was saying to you, that's I why I was saying publicly and not hiding it, that we are getting closer to a real disaster.  Who is ready to lose 1 million, 2 million, 5 million, 10 and 15 million people?  Ask yourself.  I'm not ready to lose a single man, and we won't. And we won't participate in that, but it's a question for some other people.

5:05. How close are we now to a third world war a confrontation?  

5:10. I cannot say a third world war, but that big confrontation how far we are, I believe that we are not far away from it, not more than three four months and there is a danger to happen even before that.

5:28. Where do you stand in this hole insanity?  Where does Serbia stand in his conflict?

5:30.  We will keep peace, stability, and tranquility within the region and in our country.

JOHN BEAUDOIN: 80 to 90% of COVID deaths are a fraud

COVID as I've proven in my book and in the CDC memorandum, a second publication 80 to 90% of the COVID deaths are fraud.  They were drug overdoses and car accidents and they were a bunch of old people dying out of neglect and being mistreated by hospitals.  They weren't given antibiotics when they had a bacterial infection in their lungs. These things all combined through a coercion of doctors from the American Board of Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, the State licensing boards, the Federation of State Medical boards, the NIH, FDA, the CDC, all said the same thing: You will use this protocol, or we are going to suspend your license.  And you can find that on the web.  The letter is still there.  It's a joint statement by CEOs of the American Board of Internal Medicine, and the other two I mentioned.  So with regard to all of the hospital protocols, I call it murder because at some level somebody knew what they were doing.  More than half a million people were killed by hospital protocol.  Another half a million killed by what they call a vaccine.  I have all the data.  I can show it.  I now have 1.4 million unredacted, non-redacted death certificates.  5% of the US population.  It's the biggest study, the biggest database ever in anything COVID.