Thursday, June 13, 2024

ALEX JONES: But then you've got this huge building right beside Towers 1 and 2 that did catch on fire but nothing collapsed. The difference between that building and the new Building 7 is that Larry Silverstein doesn't own that building. Larry Silverstein doesn't own the Millennium Hilton

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

KATHERINE WATT: Naomi Klein, who [. . . supported] those pro-sovereignty/anti-globalist street-level fighters, collapsed under the Covid propaganda and lined up to call for starvation of vaxx refusers.

I just wanted to drop this here.

Latypova asked: “Can this be viewed as invasion, i.e. takeover of legislature of sovereign states by the DOD-Pharma cartel?  Are the buyers effectively signing away their rights to make laws in their own countries?”

I replied:

Yes. But also, there are many, many precedents for that signing away of sovereignty over the last few decades, especially through the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (1947) as updated and institutionalized in the World Trade Organization (1995) to override laws protecting domestic industrial production rights, labor and environmental standards and intellectual property rights held by formerly-sovereign nations and people.

It can and has been viewed as invasion, mostly by people like the 1999 Battle for Seattle, anti-WEF, anti-WTO organizers and demonstrators and those who still try to demonstrate at Davos every year. 
But the Soros team captured and marginalized most of those groups, especially by infiltrating and weakening the Occupy Wall Street movement just at the point OWS on the left was starting to make common cause with the Tea Party on the right through their shared critique of the corporate-state. 

And then most of the public intellectuals like Noam Chomsky and Naomi Klein, who were supporting those pro-sovereignty/anti-globalist street-level fighters, collapsed under the Covid propaganda and lined up to call for starvation of vaxx refusers. (Klein wrote a 2007 book about how the Shock Doctrine works in every country around the world, and then couldn’t see it when it happened to her in her own country in real time: she condemned the Canadian truckers for fighting for humans to be free from corporate-government oppression.)

Amazing how often we find the funding & research influence of the Department of Defense in almost every conventional medical treatment today

Thank you to Sasha Latypova for this thread.

Given the ongoing challenges that breast cancer poses in our society, what are the critical areas of research that the Department of Defense will be targeting with the $120 million in funding BCRP received in fiscal year 2014?  Answer: The Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program, BCRP, has played a major role in the significant progress that has been made in the breast cancer field since 1992.  --Breast Cancer Research ProgramBreast Cancer Research Program.  

There were two ways to explain the increase: 1) Mammography detected cancers that would never have manifested (overdiagnosis). 

2) Mammography itself created cancers because of X-rays.

The second explanation seemed excluded. Why? Because a commission of experts supervised by the U.S. military had evaluated that the risk associated with the radiation dose used for a mammogram was harmless.  

There is no data to support this claim; on the contrary.

The claim was supported by absurd arguments, such as the fact that the dose received during a one-second mammogram was the same as that received from the natural surroundings over 7 weeks, in an unprecedented propaganda campaign.                  

Breast Cancer Mammogram: How Does a Mammogram Work?

In reality, the cancer risks associated with the medical use of X-rays had been identified as early as the late 1960s by John Gofman, who was in charge of studying the biological effects of radiation at the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. 

His assessment was not acceptable to the army (which oversaw the implementation of civilian nuclear power, as it was a project on DURC), so they cut his funding and pushed him out. Instead, the AEC selected compliant experts who largely minimized the risk of these radiations.

Later, in 1995, after gathering substantial evidence, Gofman published a book, Preventing Breast Cancer, 1996, on the risk of radiation and breast cancer, which achieved some success but was met with complete silence from medical and scientific journals, except for negative reviews.

Gofman's scientific articles on this subject, despite his having over 100 publications to his name, were censored. This was the first indication that publications on topics related to dual-use research of concern had to receive the imprimatur of the US Department of Defense.

Towards the late 1990s, information emerged that should have served as a warning: mammography screening had not reduced breast cancer mortality in Sweden.

These initial results were confirmed in all countries: although breast cancer mortality had been reduced thanks to therapeutic advances, screening played no role in this reduction.  "Impact of Screening Mammography on Breast Cancer Mortality," Archie Bleyer, Cornelia Baines, Anthony B. Miller, Int. Journal of Cancer, April 15, 2016.

It is amazing how often we find the influence of the Department of Defense in almost every conventional medical treatment.

David Gorski, a surgeon conducting cell biology research on breast cancer, is best known for opposing medical "disinformation" and promoting pro-vaccine propaganda. Many have suspected him of being a stooge for Big Pharma.

However, if you look at his funding, this is not the case. Gorski is funded by the Department of Defense. Since the NIAID, formed in 1955, became an appendage of the DoD, vaccines and the overdiagnosis hypothesis of breast cancer have become major concerns for the DoD.

Thanks to Daniel Corcos.

FRANK DIKOTTER: Portraits of Mao and other leading Communists replaced pictures of the Sacred Heart, the Virgin Mary, and various saints. Attendance dwindled

On Woke churches, but in 1950s China. Sound familiar? 

"Before liberation, there were approximately 3 million Catholics and 1 million Protestants. Their faith was singled out for slow strangulation. Brutal persecution, at least in the first years of the new regime, was not compatible with a policy of toleration. … Gradually the pressure increased. Cadres and activists questioned believers, at home, in church, at the marketplace or in the police station, day and night. They were cajoled, threatened, pressed, nagged, and prodded, sometimes for days on end. Like all other people in China, they were called upon to reform themselves and provide accusations against others. They had to join daily study sessions, examine their links with foreign imperialists, and renounce their faith at public meetings. Everywhere religious networks crumbled, as people left the church in droves. 

"Protestants were further isolated by the rise of a 'Patriotic Church' in 1951. It received funds from the state, preached according to the state, and followed every command from the state. Those who refused to join were put under house arrest and sent to labor camps. In parts of the country, Christians were forbidden to have rosaries, patron saint medals, or crucifixes. Homes were searched and prayer books, catechisms, and holy pictures were destroyed. Churches were stripped of sacred objects. Troops carried away altars and benches. Seminaries for training clergy were banned. 

"Reformed churches, on the other hand, fared better. In Beijing, St Michael's Church had red flags draping the main altar, communion rail, vestibule, and the path to the gate. Streamers hanging from the church columns proclaimed 'Long Live Mao Zedong' and 'Long Live Communism'. Portraits of Mao and other leading Communists replaced pictures of the Sacred Heart, the Virgin Mary, and various saints. Attendance dwindled . . . 

"Throughout the province, by contrast [to a kind of defiant revival], believers deserted the Patriotic churches. Some of them stood empty. It was the same story in Sichuan."

CASEY MEANS: 30% of teens in the US are now pre-diabetic!!

The Ultimate Health Podcast.  The speaker's name is Casey Means