Wednesday, June 12, 2024

FRANK DIKOTTER: Portraits of Mao and other leading Communists replaced pictures of the Sacred Heart, the Virgin Mary, and various saints. Attendance dwindled

On Woke churches, but in 1950s China. Sound familiar? 

"Before liberation, there were approximately 3 million Catholics and 1 million Protestants. Their faith was singled out for slow strangulation. Brutal persecution, at least in the first years of the new regime, was not compatible with a policy of toleration. … Gradually the pressure increased. Cadres and activists questioned believers, at home, in church, at the marketplace or in the police station, day and night. They were cajoled, threatened, pressed, nagged, and prodded, sometimes for days on end. Like all other people in China, they were called upon to reform themselves and provide accusations against others. They had to join daily study sessions, examine their links with foreign imperialists, and renounce their faith at public meetings. Everywhere religious networks crumbled, as people left the church in droves. 

"Protestants were further isolated by the rise of a 'Patriotic Church' in 1951. It received funds from the state, preached according to the state, and followed every command from the state. Those who refused to join were put under house arrest and sent to labor camps. In parts of the country, Christians were forbidden to have rosaries, patron saint medals, or crucifixes. Homes were searched and prayer books, catechisms, and holy pictures were destroyed. Churches were stripped of sacred objects. Troops carried away altars and benches. Seminaries for training clergy were banned. 

"Reformed churches, on the other hand, fared better. In Beijing, St Michael's Church had red flags draping the main altar, communion rail, vestibule, and the path to the gate. Streamers hanging from the church columns proclaimed 'Long Live Mao Zedong' and 'Long Live Communism'. Portraits of Mao and other leading Communists replaced pictures of the Sacred Heart, the Virgin Mary, and various saints. Attendance dwindled . . . 

"Throughout the province, by contrast [to a kind of defiant revival], believers deserted the Patriotic churches. Some of them stood empty. It was the same story in Sichuan."

CASEY MEANS: 30% of teens in the US are now pre-diabetic!!

The Ultimate Health Podcast.  The speaker's name is Casey Means


1.  Candida is the most common fungus in man. 

Common Candida symptoms

The overuse of antibiotics can also be a contributing factor as it gives the normally harmless strains of Candida that live inside the gut and on the skin the opportunity to grow out of control and invade deep into body tissues.


Common Candida symptoms are:

Scalp (dandruff)

Athlete's Foot

Nails (toenail or fingernail fungus)

Fingernail Fungus

Recurring sinus infections

 Thrush (Oral)

Recurrent urinary tract or itchy genital infections

Bloating and even serious digestive issues such as Crohns’ disease and ulcerative colitis

Arthritis (yeast invades the joints)


All raw honey possesses antifungal properties. However, if you are looking for the strongest variety, try Manuka!


Garlic possesses very strong anti-yeast properties. But, don’t use that semi-dried-out head in the back of the spice drawer.

It is very important to use the freshest cloves possible when using garlic as an antifungal.

Once crushed and left on the counter for about 15 minutes, the powerful substance allicin is synthesized which is one of the most potent Candida killers Mother Nature has to offer.

Use orally several times a day as a natural antifungal or apply allicin-infused oil to the skin for external benefits.


Alternatively, allicin-activated garlic pills are helpful for those who are otherwise sensitive to garlic in whole-food form.

Buffered garlic in supplement form also works well for preventing the digestive distress that can sometimes accompany taking large doses of garlic.

Allicin supplements can also be used to make your own anti-dandruff shampoo.


Coconut oil is about 42% lauric acid, which is an extremely potent antifungal fatty acid.

[RG911Team] Before FDNY Battalion Chief Orio Palmer died on 9/11, he amazingly climbed 78 stories up the South Tower to save lives… and we have the radio communications to prove it.

LATYPOVA: microbiome injury [from contamination] leads to all kinds of chronic diseases, including diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and mental diseases, everything depends on it . . . bifidobacteria is so much a part of our gut system, it's everywhere and I think that's what they are attacking, actually

Just in the last week or two, we are hearing about them putting the MRNA technology into our food supply, specifically cattle and pork, but we know they have the technology to do that with lettuce as well.  I'm curious because there have been people from the Cattle Association who said that there is no proof livestock mRNA shots . . . so we don't have any of that in our cattle right now.  Sasha, what do you think people should do, other than trying to find locally sourced organic farms?  Even with that, I am concerned.  We understand that livestock have to have regular vaccines to comply, these farms have to comply.  Where do you see this going and what do you think people should do?

LATYPOVA, 00:58.  I think we need to support the legal cases that are fighting it right now.  In fact, right now I'm going to speak with Tom Renz.  So that needs to be absolutely brought to a stop because what's going to happen, briefly, there has been huge contamination of the human shots, identified lots of different ones but the most concerning to me was the recent one that Kevin McKernan, a researcher from Boston, but DNA with antibiotic-resistant genes, plasmid DNAs, and those with the cancer gene promoter, nine of which was disclosed.  DNA was not supposed to be there at all.  And that is extremely concerning why because the DNA this whole thing about integrating the human genome I think it's a bit of a science fiction.  It can happen but not a huge probability.  But what can really happen is that this integrates into your microbiome. You have got bacteria.  You have gut bacteria living inside you, and they are extremely important.  They determine your health, your longevity, everything, your chronic diseases.  It all depends on your gut microbiome, and this is an attack on the human gut microbiome much more than on the genome because what can happen is that these plasmids the way that they are grown in manufacturing is in E coli bacteria from bats. You have E coli bacteria living in you and so you get that contamination replicated in your bacteria culture, your own bacteria, you become that bat.

APRIL MOSS, 02:55.  So that's interesting so it's not just that eating the meat that has the MRNA in it would cross-contaminate the way that we are thinking, it's that it would have everything to do with the microbiome in the gut.

LATYPOVA, 03:08. Yeah, and the same with animals so it will injure your microbiome.  And that microbiome injury leads to all kinds of chronic diseases, including diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and mental diseases, everything depends on it.  It can injure you the same way it can injure the cattle.  So the cattle will be injured, unhealthy, and dying, and they will still be processed into food.  And all of this contaminates the environment, because now there is so much of this . . . bifidobacteria is so much a part of our gut system, it's everywhere and I think that's what they are attacking, actually.  [BTW, Dr. Sabine Hazan explains that 90% of a baby's bacteria are bifidobacteria.]  They want [the bifidobacteria] destroyed, and if it is destroyed then we have an unhealthy world because we are all connected, animals and people.  So we have this whole attack going on on us and our food supply. 

Here is the full interview.