Thursday, June 6, 2024

PAUL SALADINO: Beef fat is a skincare hack!

Hungary attracted 44.1% of all Chinese investments in Europe in 2023, more than the "big three" (Germany, France, UK) combined.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


SYMPTOMS OF IRON DEFICIENCY [Thanks to G. Edward Griffin for the video.]

The common symptoms of iron deficiency which are easy to detect at home include: 
1) Fatigue (more than normal) 
2) Pale skin (note you might have naturally pale skin) 
3) Very pale pink or whitish-grey gums 
4) Dry, itchy skin 
5) Headaches and concentration loss (low oxygen supply to the brain) 
6) Restless Leg Syndrome 
7) Parallel, longitudinal ridges in thumbnails with a “dished” center 
8) Brittle fingernails (they break and crack easily) While no one of these symptoms alone is enough to diagnose an iron deficiency (except perhaps Point 7) the more of these you have, the more likely you are iron deficient. It’s important to ask your doctor for a blood test if you want to be sure.
Ubik Day, 2024.  Why is it Ubik Day?  I'm a huge Philip K. Dick fan, and Ubik is by far my favorite book of all time.  I used to read Ubik every June 5th because the book starts with a notation of what day the book is set at 3:30am on the morning of June 5, 1992, the top telepath in the solar system fell off the map.  It runs their associates in New York City.  That started the big phones ringing that's the way the novel opens and you can even purse that opening sentence and say to yourself okay is it June 5th or June 6th it's 3:30 a.m.

Markets finally digest the idea that the ECB is going to cut rates and what do they want to do they are trying to tell the world I mean everything all the economic data all of a sudden which had been beating expectations to the upside are now coming in less than expected like ADP non-farm payrolls and then we're seeing all these massive revision stories getting leaked out to Zero Hedge who runs the story like Rambo without a jockstrap one of the greatest lines of all time and it's not mine by the way go watch A Fish Called Wanda one more time it sounds even better coming out of Jamie Lee Curtis's mouth so everything is being designed here it's all being stage managed every bit of it this is time out of joint folks okay this is the you know it was popularized by Peter Weir with The Truman Show where Jim Carrey is living in a television show The Ultimate Reality Show and doesn't realize it where do you think that screenwriter got that from he got that from Time Out of Joint, 1959, an early Philip K. Dick novel The Truman Show, Raegalgum, it's all the same thing folks I can do this all day I can do this job from home this is why it looks the way it does and they're doing this for no other reason than they are absolutely and utterly desperate and they're running their operations is a program this is a sub routine this is them activating their Gantt Chart however you want to put it whatever metaphor you need and then they run around and then tell everybody oh but we all live in a simulation yeah it's a simulation they constructed and then pseudo intellectuals like Scott Adams run around for 3 years telling everybody we live in a simulation and all he needed to do was spend 3 and 1/2 hours one afternoon and read Ubik, 1969, and like, "Oh, that's what they're doing."  It's not hard there's a reason why we read what we were taught to read in high school what are the classics and why we don't read other things it's why.  What they are scared to death of and why they've had this fascination with Phil dick as I said many times is because they're trying to co-opt what is truth into another layer of the psyop they are using the idea that it's all psyops as a psyop.  That's the world we live in today.  But it doesn't really work, and it doesn't really work because while they read Philip K. Dick they've never understood it . . . that these books were about salvation and redemption of your soul in the midst of insane authoritarian governments running amok.  They never got that part.  Their little left brains go "Ooh, that's a great idea for a movie and we can make . . . the 19 horrific adaptations out of Philip K. Dick's work" as opposed to the two or three good ones.

MALCOLM X: It was the fact that you threw 80% of your vote behind the Democrats that put the Democrats in the White House. What do you get out of it? You put them first, and they put you last . . . because you're a chump

Anytime you throw your weight behind a political party,  and that party can't keep the promise that it made to you during election time and you're dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party, you're not only a chump but you're a traitor to your race.  --Malcolm X, "The Ballot or the Bullet" speech, April 12, 1964, given at the King Solomon Baptist Church in Detroit, Michigan.