Tuesday, May 28, 2024

LTC Edgreen: Weapons that “make people feel like they’re crazy." Rumors work just as well

Monday, May 27, 2024

Tolerance turns to violence . . . everywhere

SCOTT HORTON: Putting Israel first is treason to the United States of America

But does anyone other than MSNBC anchors really believe that if re-elected Trump is going to clean house at any of these agencies or departments.  We all know he's just going to put a warhawk friend, like Mike Pompeo, in charge and trust him again.  --Scott Horton

Scott Horton speech from LNC 2024 

12:10  Trump says that we need to ban Muslim travel to America until we figure out what's going on.  Well, Ron Paul already explained it.  It was Bush, Sr., and Bill Clinton bombing Iraq from bases in Saudi for 10 years as part of the Israeli-inspired dual containment policy as well as their support for Israel's slaughter of the Palestinians and Lebanese that motivated bin Laden and the 9/11 hijackers.  Putting Israel first is treason to the United States of America.  Blaming radical Islam for terrorism is a ridiculous red herring, like blaming radical Catholicism for the IRA's war against the British in Northern Ireland.  Hilariously, Trump recently accused Benjamin Netanyahu's number one co-conspirator, Joe ACAden, of abandoning Israel for temporarily holding up delivery of 2,000-pound bombs they've been using to kill tens of thousands of women and children.  One GOP congressman filed articles of impeachment over it.  Impeachment over temporarily holding up an arms deal to a country we are not even allies with.  Who ever heard of such a crazy thing, right?  It's just another case of the Republicans acting exactly like the Democrats.  Read the room, guys.  The American people do not believe in the wars anymore.  

14:03  In August 1982, President Ronald Reagan wrote in his diary about calling Israeli Menachem Begin regarding his bombing of civilians in Lebanon, 
Met with the news that the Israelis delivered the most devastating bomb and artillery attack on West Beruit lasting 14 hours.  I call PM Begin immediately.  I was angry.  I told him it had to stop or our entire future relationship was in danger.  I used the word Holocaust deliberately and said the symbol of his war was becoming a picture of a 7-month-old baby with its arms blown off.  Twenty minutes later, he called me to tell me he ordered an end to the barrage and plead for our continued friendship. 

President Biden apparently has far less courage when it comes to standing up for American interests than President Reagan.  Senator Biden actually advised Begin to be even more ruthless back then just as he's encouraging and abetting Netanyahu's merciless canned hunt in Gaza now.  And all Trump can do is to attack Biden for not being bloodthirsty enough.  What a disgrace!  Speaking of which, October 7th and its aftermath was the direct result of Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu's godson, Jared Kushner, and billionaire mega-donor, Sheldon Adelson's Middle East policy, the Netanyahu Doctrine, including the so-called Deal of the Century and the Abraham Accords were the pay-off to Hamas and the sellout to the Palestinian people that made last fall's attack inevitable.  Just 4 weeks before October 7, Netanyahu sent the head of Mousad to Qatar to pressure them to continue to send hundreds of millions of dollars to Hamas all for the purposes of dividing and conquering the Palestinians, a policy for which the Israeli outlet Ynet, during his time in office the Qataris got a waiver from Trump's Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnunchin, so they would not be sanctioned for backing a known terrorist group.  

16:46  Just two weeks before the attack, Netanyahu gave a speech at the UN, bragging that he'd gotten away with permanently denying the Palestinians independence.  Then all Hell broke loose.  The policy they call "Buying Quiet" failed.  There's a very real risk that in his next term, President Trump will double down on his errors and help the Likud finish the job and cleanse all 5 million Palestinians in the occupied territories into the Negev Desert, Sinai Peninsula, or Jordan.  The dishonest, cynical blasphemer, John Hagee, and his flock of misled sheep will love it.  Future American victims of terrorism and the Geneva Conventions be damned!  I wouldn't be surprised if Trump tried making Netanyahu the Prime Minister of the U.S. Senate.  Jared Kushner is already talking about building beachfront condos in Gaza.  If Donald Trump wants the Libertarians, the Ron Paul people, he will have to throw all the hawks overboard, and that means NeoCons, Nationalists, Liberal Globalists, and Likud.  We are anti-imperialists.  We oppose foreign interventionism and the National Security State root and branch.  America First does not mean that we can do whatever we want, like George W. Bush.  It means defend America first.  It means bring the Empire home, now!  Our government has no right to remain the dominant power in Europe, Asia, or the Middle East.  Global Intervention threatens our interests rather than protecting them.  And the people of this country simply cannot afford to rule the world anyway.  

19:00  Eight years ago, the CIA and FBI framed Donald Trump for treason with Russia.  None of Russiagate was true.  The Secret Police made it all up.  One, to try to prevent him from becoming the president.  Two, as an excuse to try to overthrow him using the 25th Amendment.  And three, finally after that didn't work, as the FBI told CNN "to reign him in so that he could not live up to his electoral mandate and forge a permanent peace with Russia.  Obviously, this worked beyond the war party's greatest hopes.  Instead of implementing Minsk 2, Trump continued Obama's policy of ignoring the peace deal and selling Ukraine weapons for 4 straight years before handing the government over to Biden who simply pressed the gas in the same direction the policy was still headed from when he had left the vice presidency 4 years before and leading to the current war.  Trump even tore up the intermediate nuclear forces and Open Skies Treaty and threatened to leave New Start, the last Russian treaty limiting overall stockpiles of nuclear weapons and ICBMs.  Just a few weeks ago, it was Trump's suggestion of a fake guaranteed loan for $60 billion worth of weapons for Ukraine at war with Russia that finally broke Congress's resistance and got the appropriation passed.  TV says that Trump's vendetta against his enemies in the permanent government threatens democracy since they figure the dishonorable perjurers at the FBI and Justice Department and bloody-handed regime changers at CIA somehow represent American self-government.  But does anyone other than MSNBC anchors really believe that if re-elected Trump is going to clean house at any of these agencies or departments.  We all know he's just going to put a Warhawk friend, like Mike Pompeo in charge and trust him again bet you dimes to dollars, dollars to dimes.    

You know as Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who inaugurated America's pivot to China in an article in Foreign Policy magazine in 2011.  That's what the TPP trade deal was all about--freezing China out.  Trump opposed it because he thought it wasn't protectionist enough.  Trump had just ratcheted Hillary's and Obama's policy up a couple of notches.  But notice that Biden has not backed off.  He's been more Trump than Trump in the Pacific, giving an explicit war guarantee to Taiwan and stationing more and more naval and air forces in the region.  And he's got all of Trump's tariffs and even increased them.  In the case of Russia and China, Trump's policy was just as bad, the same as Obama's and Biden's.  And if he takes office again next year, he'll be picking up right where he left off.  So what is the point of being separate from the American power elite when you're no different than the rest of them in practice anyway?  

22:35. Now here are two things that Trump was good on Afghanistan and North Korea.  He signed a deal to end the Afghan war thank goodness after escalating it for three of his four years first and Trump unfortunately let John Bolton ruin his talks with North Korea which could have led to a real peace deal and massive reduction in the threat of war.  That could potentially be his most important achievement right out of the gate if he were to be re-elected.  As Annie Jacobsen's new book, Nuclear War: A Scenario, 2024, shows, a deal to finally make peace in North Korea is of the highest importance.  The Libertarian Party voted on our top 10 issues we demand former President Trump address here today.  Nowhere on the list are any of the dumb scandals the Democrats keep manufacturing.  Instead, there are important things.  For a few, Trump encouraged and refused to halt the Fauci lockdowns of 2020.  As he put it, "a cure far worse than the disease."  In doing so, he violated every American's rights and permanently destroyed millions of his constituents' small American businesses in favor of his deadly enemy Jeff Bezos' Amazon.com, which did not have to shut down at all.  Trump's CARES Act is one-half of the reason for the current inflation crisis.  He shattered every Obama spending record and always wants the FED to lower rates to fuel inflationary bubbles.  With his approval, the Justice Department indicted the heroic journalist Julian Assange of Wikileaks.org for espionage in direct contravention of the First Amendment leading to Assange's torturous detention in solitary confinement in a British dungeon while facing life in prison here in the United States.. Trump is currently demanding "full indemnification for All American police for crimes they commit against citizens."  It's like he's taking Thomas Jefferson's list of complaints against King George out of the Declaration of Independence and using it as his platform.  On Yemen, Trump continued Obama's policy of backing Saudi, UAE, and Al Qaeda, bombing the Shiite hooties for 4 years straight, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people.  He made Raytheon check cashers happy doing so, as his trade director Pete Navarro boasted to the New York Times.  But he lost the war anyway.  Trump ordered troops out of Syria and then backed down three separate times in 2017, 2018, and 2020.  Not to mention for falling for two separate sarin hoaxes at Khan Shaykhun and Douma and bombing the Assad government over them.  Americans have been killed in Syria in the time since again as revenge for what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians.  And regardless of the overwrought hyperbole of the Democrats, and their unfair persecution of the January 6th rioters, it was a serious loser move for Trump to try to continue to dispute the last election AFTER the Electoral College had already voted and asked people to show up there that day at all.  Trump put his own supporters in jail as much as Merrick Garland did.  What could Trump say to make us believe that he's learned the error of his ways, that he will prioritize peace and turn into the Ron Paul that we all know he's not?  Personally, I'll be voting libertarian in November.  But I might consider supporting a ticket including Rand Paul for vice president, though I'd really like to see the man be Secretary of State, a promise of that job before the election would just not be good enough for me compared to the naming of the senator for vice president at the Republican convention.  Like I say, then at least I'd consider it.  And by the way Mr. Trump, there is easily a full National Security cabinet worth of credentialed, American-first, non-interventions conservatives and Libertarians, who could run your defense department, intelligence agencies, and National Security Council.   

MAiD is Medical Assistance in Dying; in other words, euthanasia.

Here is what is really troubling about that and nobody seems to know this so I would love the opportunity to talk about it because it's really concerning to me so it's not only that it's made people don't understand how made works there's a track one the track too the immediate the 90 day the end of life and all of that and yes they've stayed the Bill until 2027 'til the next vote right so that's all great so technically mental health is not included but what I found out yesterday that really really bothered me was the mechanism of the actual procedure so there is this drug called sodium thiopental and it's made in Italy.  It is used by  anesthesiologists and the anesthesiologist that came forward with this at the testimony was . . . this individual had been an anesthesiologist for 25 years.  He came forward in the Senate subcommittee talking about this with MAiD and his concerns with it because MAiD is being seen as compassionate and empathetic in care.  So what he did 

1:00. You know the Nazi euthanasia program started with "compassionate care." 

1:05. I'm so glad you said that because when I got to the trigonometry we went to the war museum and what terrified me the most was walking through the World War II portion and seeing the same verbiage.

1:16. Yeah yeah it's the same thing yeah definitely

1:20. People were telling me I was going crazy I'm like, "No, no, no.  You don't understand . . .

1:22. No, it's the same thing.

1:23.  It's identical.

1:24.  Yeah it's exactly the same thing.  

1:25.  The mentally ill, the people that are . . .

1:27.  People too distressed to live . . . .

1:28.  Thank you. 

1:29.  And the categories keep expanding.  

1:31. And that's what we're seeing . . . the expansion.  The sodium thiopental which is really wild about it is that this anesthesiologist said it's going missing.  We don't have a lot of it we can't get it anymore all of a sudden these past couple of years.  And so he started researching it it's made in Italy and Italy falls under the EU.  And under the EU laws, you can never make a drug that is going to be used for execution but North America, the United States and Canada have been using it for execution in America for death penalty.  So they finally caught on to that. And anesthesiologist use it for one of the first drugs pushed to put you under but here is what is really crazy they did a Freedom of Information Act with an NPR journalist and they got over $300 autopsies of individuals who were executed in America and they didn't just get the autopsy overview they were given an in-depth files.  And when they went through them 85% of those bodies showed a two times level increase of water in the lungs what was happening is that when this drug is pushed it causes a drowning and it is stated as akin to dying by waterboarding or drowning meaning the reason people in Canada who were given made same peaceful is because they're giving a paralytic first so they are completely paralyzed then this drug is administered as one of the poor and they start drowning to death what that means is that when it's done by IV it takes 10 to 15 minutes that person could be literally drowning.  Well they are drowning to death but they could be screaming if they weren't under a paralytic.  They are drowning to death.  We waterboarded people at Guantanamo.  There's a reason we had to stop.  It falls under cruel and unusual punishment.  Yet we are having people that are dying with dignity saying that this falls under compassion and empathy when you're drowning people chemically to death.

3:30. You found this out at the Senate hearing?

3:32. No I found this out yesterday when the Senate hearing was given to me, the transcripts were given to me.  It was Dr. Joel B. Vivo, Associate Professor of Emory University School of Medicine Vancouver Coastal Health Authority.  So what's been happening is that case I was telling you about Fraser health is withholding the families she can't see her autopsy they're not allowing it they won't give access the police have tried to get it

Sunday, May 26, 2024