Thursday, May 16, 2024

CHRIS SMITH: And the whole point of a vaccine for a flu virus . . . I know a professor of immunology who said "the idea that you would have a vaccine appropriate in any circumstance for a flu virus is absurd."

So our drugs [i.e., vaccines] are obsolete as soon as they are out the door.  --Stephanie Seneff

This is similar to the flu in that this virus mutates very very quickly and we are constantly chasing it and it's always winning.  And as soon as we roll out a new vaccine that's been perfected for the latest virus, the virus has moved on.  So our drugs are obsolete as soon as they are out the door.

1:52. The MRNA Jabs have been sold to us as vaccines but you were saying that there's something different explain that to us.

2:00.  Yeah it's really a gene product it's manipulating your human cell to make a foreign protein using a foreign RNA sequence that has been humanized so the sequence is extremely unnatural first of all they're taking all these uridines and replacing them with methyl pseudouridine that is a big change in that is what allowed them to keep the RNA alive because normally enzymes would just remove it very quickly and they were afraid it wouldn't live long enough to produce despite protein that would generate the antibody so they were worried about it being destroyed by the immune system of the cells by the cells getting destroyed before it had a chance to make the protein so they engineered it to be extremely sturdy most mRNA usually disappears after a few hours the cell makes it it uses it to make protein and it wipes it out after a few hours this mRNA has been shown to be sticking around still months later after the vaccine.

2:58.  Months, maybe years in some people?  

3:00. We don't know how long, as long as they've looked.  I think people have stopped looking at a certain point, and they still see it you know.  So how long is it going to go?  It hides inside certain cell types, actually senescent immune cells and it stays there for a long time and that is really disturbing because it continues to make spike proteins.  They've done so well at making it, first of all, to not break down, and secondly, to have it keep on making spike protein at a high rate.  They've actually engineered the code, so it's not the same code that the virus uses.  They did what is called code optimization, which allows it to make protein faster which also allows it to make more mistakes.  When you hurry, you make mistakes.  And on top of that, those methylpseudourides cause it to lose track of where it is and it'll do a frameshift which ends up making all kinds of proteins that are completely unnatural, and who knows what they will do to the immune system?  You're going to get autoimmune disease from something like that. 

OXALATES: Plants make it for their own survival. We have a great faith in plants being safe to eat. Plants are trying to kill you.

Almonds, potatoes, carrots, beets, cashews, and chocolates.  Oxalic acid.  Plants make it for their own survival.  We have a great faith in plants being safe to eat.  Plants are trying to kill you.  

When I learned about the Wise Traditions Diet, I knew that they say "everything can be on the table" when it's properly prepared.  So I think some of the ways our ancestors would prepare foods by soaking or sprouting or fermenting, don't those neutralize some of these toxins, like the oxalates or the phytic acid and doesn't that make the nutrients more bioavailable and the foods themselves better for us?
The hazard: oxalic acid and phytic acid block the absorption of magnesium.
Comprehensive list from Wejolyn who writes, 
Oxalic acid found in rhubarb, spinach, chard and phytic acid found in cereal grains, seeds, legumes and soy block absorption of magnesium.

Find other tips on oxalates here.

4:58.  That's a really complicated question that needs to be examined because a lot of the foods that are high in oxalic acid are not traditional whatsoever, and nobody that he studied ate them.  So Western Price technology is based on Western Price research based on foods that people ate and they didn't eat these foods.  So you can't grandfather in modern foods that came after Western Price's time or just weren't considered real regular foods that people ate routinely and give them a pass "so as long as we ferment them or soak them then they're fine."  That's ridiculous, and oxalates are quite different than phytics, lectins, and many of the other nasty chemicals in plants that are not easily disarmed or de-fanged at all through these preparation methods?  Yes we need to cook we need to know traditional preparation we need to know what sourdough is and what traditional ingredients are and know how to safely soak them without creating more mold on your nuts or whatever and safely prepare things at home but that does not mean that we give the peanut butter and holy toast a pass.

6:31. Is the people who were eating potatoes which is Peru primarily.  Historically, the rest of Europe and the rest of the world didn't adopt potatoes they didn't come to Europeans until about 400 years ago and really didn't become a daily food until certain parts of England adopted them as a dinner food.  And then in the modern centuries, we created things like French Fries, potato chips, Tater Tots, and all kinds of potato derivatives.  And some of that came out of the world wars because we needed a cheap way to feed soldiers overseas, so we just started dehydrating potatoes making mashed potato flakes so soldiers came back expecting mashed potatoes with dinner because that's what they got while they were fighting with their buddies.  So a lot of the stuff is more modern than we realize, including potatoes and the use of them in the way we use them now is anything but these clay-soaked, year old shriveled rotten potatoes in the ground that's nothing like what we're eating now. 

9:00. So this chemical is a chelator, oxalic acid is in the plant foods that we eat, like the nuts, the spinach, and the chocolate, and it's also in crystalline form because it chelates minerals it forms what's called a salt chemically, and these can what we call precipitate out and form particles called nanocrystals and micro crystals.  You can eat oxalic acid and oxalates in multiple forms in foods and they are quite irritating to the whole body, including your mouth, your teeth, your guts, and then it's the acid is what gets into your bloodstream and starts causing more systemic problems for the body.  


9:37. Which could be anything from issues with SIGHT that Bill was having to JOINT PAIN to what else . . . ?

Kidney stones, Interstitial cystitis, fatigue, arthritis, and weakness, vascular problems, inflammatory conditions, autoimmune conditions, connective tissue weakness, osteoporosis, strokes, and heart attacks maybe cancer.  The list is pretty much anything that's horrible, modern, and happens with old age.  This is the kind of stuff that . . .  oxalic acid is creating stress for all the cells it encounters and then cellular damage, both of which turns on inflammation and then creating deposits in the body which turns on a chronic problem of contamination and inflammation that can last for a long time.  And then once you've filled up your body with toxic nanocrystals, your thyroid glands, your ovaries, your pancreas, your bones, your bone marrow, you've got real problems because it's affecting the quality of your immune cells that are trying to help you and it's affecting the quality of the white blood cells, also the red blood cells, and end up with anemia and all kinds of metabolic problems as well. 

Problems from oxalic Acid accumulate and becomes increasingly problematic for the body and our health.

11:00. Right it can silently accumulate. 

TRUMP, 2020: If forcing American taxpayers to provide unlimited free healthcare to illegal aliens sounds fair to you, then stand with the radical left.

130 legislators in this chamber have endorsed legislation that would bankrupt our nation by providing free taxpayer funded health care to millions of illegal aliens, forcing taxpayers to subsidize free care for anyone in the world who unlawfully crosses our borders.  These proposals would raid the Medicare benefits of our seniors and that our seniors depend on, while acting as a powerful lure for illegal immigration.  That is what is happening in California and in other states.  Their systems are totally out of control, costing taxpayers vast and unaffordable amounts of money. If forcing American taxpayers to provide unlimited free healthcare to illegal aliens sounds fair to you, then stand with the radical left.  But if you believe that we should defend American patients and American seniors, then stand with me and pass legislation to prohibit free government healthcare for illegal aliens. 


Ivan's Rumble channel.  



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