Monday, April 1, 2024


Excellent article by Kelly Jane Torrance.
The last 14 months have seen a 20% rise in assaults on cops, with a 72% rise in cop stabbings.


New York is the only state in the nation where judges cannot consider a defendant’s “dangerousness” when setting bail. 
4 Stages of Ideological Subversion - Yuri Bezmenov
Grassroots revolutions do not exist. Only revolutions that are engineered by a professional, organized group will ever come to pass. - Yuri Bezmenov
In the video below, Bezmenov states that ideological subversion is a concealed strategy employed by the KGB and other Soviet agencies to weaken and eventually topple Western governments through the dissemination of propaganda and disinformation. The defector from the KGB explained the process of subversion, also referred to as psychological warfare, as a "grand brainwashing" that can be divided into four stages. The majority of the work, approximately 85% of it, involves a slow process known as ideological subversion, active measures, or psychological warfare. STAGE 1: Demoralization (approximately 10 years)
The first stage is known as demoralization, is a step-by-step erosion of a society's values and beliefs, ultimately leaving its individuals without a distinct perception of morality. This process entails the gradual dismantling of traditional values, including patriotism, family values, and religion. This goal is achieved through the dissemination of propaganda that promotes moral relativism and undermines the authority of traditional institutions. Additionally, it involves conducting psychological warfare and infiltrating key institutions like education and media. Over the past 10 to 20 years, the woke movement has extensively infiltrated various institutions, and society has struggled to effectively address the subversive psychological warfare introduced by critical race theory and intersectionality.
STAGE 2: Destabilization (the next 3-5 years after the demoralization stage)
The 2nd stage, referred to as destabilization, involves generating economic, social, and political turmoil within a society. According to Bezmenov, this objective can be accomplished through different methods, such as inciting social unrest, endorsing radical factions, and eroding government institutions. This results in a society facing crisis and chaos as it fosters unrest, economic insecurity, and political divisions. The ultimate aim is to cultivate a feeling of hopelessness and despair, which will result in individuals being more inclined to embrace radicalized theological and ideological concepts. This began in earnest in 2020 with various movements promoting Integralism, Neo-Integralism and calling for a "national divorce." Many subversive characters began to arise in Christianity, in conservative media and within political circles. The promotion of "post-liberalism" and the calls to eliminate to dispose of the "old" constitution and embrace a "new founding." Calls for an "unbound executive" or a "Franco" that would eventually lead the nation with an authoritarian regime. This is the period of dialectical and political warfare. This is our current stage. But stage 3 is right around the corner...
STAGE 3: Crisis (between 4 - 8 weeks after the destabilization stage)
The Third Stage represents a crisis, wherein the chaos generated during the destabilization stage escalates to its peak, resulting in the declaration of a state of emergency. According to Bezmenov, this phase is marked by intense clashes among various factions, leading to the breakdown of law and order. The society finds itself engulfed in a critical situation witnessing political, economic, and social turmoil. The objective behind this is to establish a power vacuum which radical groups and individuals can take advantage of for their own interests. Both sides of this civil war setup have already indicated their readiness for all-out kinetic warfare.
Stage 4—Normalization (Bezmenov stated that this can last for decades in 1984, but this will likely be a shorter stage due to current technology)
The 4th and final stage is normalization, in which a new authoritarian regime is imposed that claims to restore order and stability to society. According to Bezmenov, this stage can endure for decades and entails the complete suppression of dissent and the establishment of a totalitarian state. During this stage, a new political order is created that aligns with the subverter's agenda. This is accomplished through the manipulation of public opinion and, if required, the use of force. The term normalization originates from Soviet propaganda, which aims to portray a significant change in a country as a common occurrence. IT is likely that we will head into this stage within the next year. The United States is in the second stage of ideological subversion. The way to work against the operation is by making as many people as possible aware of the active measure and to encourage them to not participate in the escalation that would inevitably lead to the the third stage. Spread the word. Throw sand in the gears. We must preserve the United States of America.

We must win.  

To change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite the abundance of information no one is able to come to a sensible conclusion in the interest of defending themselves their families their communities and their country it's a great brainwashing process that goes very slow and it's divided into four basic stages first one being demoralization it takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralization why that many years because this is the minimum number of years which requires to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy exposed to the ideology of their enemy, in other words, Marxism-Leninism ideology which means pumped into the soft heads of the students at least 3 generations of American students without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism

Dave Smith vs. Chris Freiman: What's the Ideal Immigration Policy?

Dave Smith
Zach Weismueller
Liz Wolfe
Chris Freiman
Thank you to Amazing Polly.  

The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations shaping the moral spiritual cultural political and economic decline of the United States.

The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations has had a profound effect on them moral spiritual cultural political and economic policies of the United States of America and Great Britain it has been in the front line of the attack on the US Constitution and the states constitutions no group did more to propaganda the US to participate in World War 1 at a time when the majority of American people were opposed to it.  Much the same tactics were used by the social scientists at Tavistock to get the United States into World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia, and both wars against Iraq.  Tavistock began as a propaganda-creating and disseminating organization at Wellington House in London in the run-up to World War 1 what Toynbee called that "black hole of disinformation," and on another occasion, Toynbee called Wellington House a "lie factory." From a somewhat crude beginning, Wellington House evolved into the Tavistock Institute and went on to shape the destiny of Germany, Russia, Britain, and the United States in a highly controversial manner.  The people of these nations were unaware they were being brainwashed. The origin of mind control, inner-directional conditioning in Mass brainwashing is explained in an easy to understand book written with great Authority the fall of dynasties the Bolshevik Revolution World War I and World War II saw the destruction of old alliances and boundaries the convulsions in religion morals family life economic and political conduct decadence in music and art can all be traced back to mass indoctrination Mass brainwashing practice by the Tavistock Institute of social science scientists prominent among Tavistock faculty where Edward Bernese double nephew of Sigmund Freud

This is not a local political problem; this is a directive from globalism or Agenda 21, 30, or 50. The local gov't receives dollars to make sure nothing does get fixed