Monday, April 1, 2024

Thank you to Amazing Polly.  

The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations shaping the moral spiritual cultural political and economic decline of the United States.

The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations has had a profound effect on them moral spiritual cultural political and economic policies of the United States of America and Great Britain it has been in the front line of the attack on the US Constitution and the states constitutions no group did more to propaganda the US to participate in World War 1 at a time when the majority of American people were opposed to it.  Much the same tactics were used by the social scientists at Tavistock to get the United States into World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia, and both wars against Iraq.  Tavistock began as a propaganda-creating and disseminating organization at Wellington House in London in the run-up to World War 1 what Toynbee called that "black hole of disinformation," and on another occasion, Toynbee called Wellington House a "lie factory." From a somewhat crude beginning, Wellington House evolved into the Tavistock Institute and went on to shape the destiny of Germany, Russia, Britain, and the United States in a highly controversial manner.  The people of these nations were unaware they were being brainwashed. The origin of mind control, inner-directional conditioning in Mass brainwashing is explained in an easy to understand book written with great Authority the fall of dynasties the Bolshevik Revolution World War I and World War II saw the destruction of old alliances and boundaries the convulsions in religion morals family life economic and political conduct decadence in music and art can all be traced back to mass indoctrination Mass brainwashing practice by the Tavistock Institute of social science scientists prominent among Tavistock faculty where Edward Bernese double nephew of Sigmund Freud

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