Sunday, March 31, 2024

The Savannah Banana Baby Race

The Savannah Bananas

Saturday, March 30, 2024

After a terrorist's bomb in a barracks in Saudi Arabia killed 19 Americans in 1996, who got the multi-million dollar contract to rebuild?

A.  When George W. Bush started his first oil company, who helped fund it, Osama bin Laden's brother and brother-in-law?  True or False?

B.  After a terrorist's bomb in a barracks in Saudi Arabia killed 19 Americans in 1996, who got the multi-million dollar contract to rebuild?  The bin Ladens.  True or False?

C.  On the morning of September 11, 2001, who was in a meeting at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Washington?  George Bush, Sr., and Osama bin Laden's brother?  True or False?

Gage does point out that

1) The Bin Laden family had close business ties with the Bushes (CBC) 2) The CIA met with Osama Bin Laden 2 months before 9/11 (The Guardian) 3) The Bush admin shut down FBI investigations of the Bin Laden family’s terror ties (The Guardian)

YURI BEZMENOV: The highest art of warfare is not to fight at all but to subvert anything of value in your enemy's country, be it moral traditions, religion, . . .

The highest art of warfare is not to fight at all but to subvert anything of value in your enemy's country, be it moral traditions, religion, respect for your authority and leaders, cultural traditions, or anything.  Put white against black, old against young, wealth against poor, and so on.  It doesn't matter, as long as it disturbs society, as long as it cuts the moral fiber of a nation, it's good.  And then you just take this country when everything is subverted, when the country is disoriented and confused when it is demoralized and destabilized . . . 

I mean it's not like the LBGTQ doesn't already have a score of holidays to celebrate their lifestyles.   

JUSTIN LESLIE whistle blows on BOTH . . . Pfizer's premeditated atrocities and [PROJECT VERITAS's] withholding of life-saving information and millions of babies and children could have been spared this dangerous poison.

Justin Leslie is a former employee and a former
@Project_Veritas undercover agent. Like so many of these pharma employees, many are growing a biting conscience.

Here is Leslie's documentary, Project Whistleblower.  Wow!

AN AMISH FUNERAL: In regular America, it seems like this sense of family and community is what the people in charge are working hard every day to destroy.