Thursday, March 7, 2024

COLORADO: Illegal Migrants First.

California is Redder than you think. They Robbed Votes from Steve Garvey in front of everyone.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

90% of U.S. cheese contains GMO made by Pfizer

Also it's a way of protecting the self-sufficiency of an independent republic by having a robust independent small farm economy today less than 2% of all food is produced from independent small farms over 90% of food is controlled--meat poultry, dairy you name it.  90% on average is controlled by 3 or 4 mega-corporations.  They monopolize our food supply and they lace it with all kinds of additives, chemicals, and preservatives, and manipulative aspects I mean the PDA's idea of sanitary food conditions is if you get your poultry from some chicken factory where they stick all the chicken so close to each other they eat each other's dung, and that's what they consider healthy.  Whereas out on Amos's Farm, you got grass-fed, free range, Jersey cows providing the milk in a traditional way with stainless steel equipment to make sure everything is done correctly in the way that the milk is processed, produced, and shipped.  It's all done directly by Amish workers, by Amish farmers, direct from the farm right to your table, and that's what they're prohibiting because they want a complete government monopoly on our food supply in this country.

RUBY, 9:37.  How is this agriculture secretary Redding and this whole lot of them how does that injunction serve dividing over the private membership Association.

BARNES, 10:12. This is part of their explicit provision the courts and the government refuse to recognize any privacy whatsoever no private membership Association no private right to what's in your fridge or what you feed yourself or anything else in fact they raised it right at the hearing they said the fact that it's a private membership Association does it make a difference and the PDA officials testified no for example let's say you had a neighborhood association of private neighborhood association maybe it's a gated community and you had a and you had a community pool they said you're not allowed to put a vending machine in there unless we approve it that's how far they go they don't recognize any right of privacy at all there should be a right of privacy that we get to determine our own diet as Thomas Jefferson said