Sunday, January 28, 2024

Corporate Espionage at McDonald's . . . Ice Cream Machine?

Johnny Vedmore

Pottinger is being withdrawn from the top teams of the legal teams.   

Stone's book focuses on William Yandell Elliott, an American Rhodes Scholar, Round Table member, behind-the-scenes kingmaker, and advisor to six US presidents.

Richard Poe explains that,
Elliott recruited Kissinger into the CIA. But both men worked for the British.

Stone suggests that America's defeat in Vietnam was deliberately engineered by Kissinger, to break US pride, so Americans would humbly accept global government. 

Note that NASA's first Administrator ('58) T. Keith Glennan, was studio director for 10yrs, w Paramount & MGM

NASA was formed on July 29, 1958NACA was created in 1915, called National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.

Here is T. Keith Glennan's work history.

1935-41 Oprtns & Studio Mgr, Paramount Pics 1941-42 Studio Mgr, Goldwyn Studios 1942-45 USN Underwater Sound Laboratory 1945-47 Mgr, Ansco, Film

"Indigenous people will not kill their own. So bring in a force that is not indigenous because they will follow orders to kill others."

Traitor. His tone of voice and fear in approaching this tells you that he KNOWS he's a traitor and he KNOWS he is putting together a force that will follow Dem tyrannical exec branch and turn guns inward against AMERICANS who oppose the very tyranny they plan to implement. Look to recent history in Venezuela. Chavez and Madura surrounded themselves with CUBANS who would kill Venezuelans who opposed them. Look to how the Soviets moved soldiers from the Baltics to the eastern front and soldiers from the eastern regions to the Baltics and so forth. Indigenous people will not kill their own. So bring in a force that is not indigenous because they will follow orders to kill others.

We are being replaced and the Democrat party leaders are facilitating it. There will be war and it is on the Uniparty. They make lists. We can make lists, too.