Sunday, January 7, 2024

2020 was an unconstitutional mess. Judges ignored most cases, & dismissed on BS standing arguments. Corporate media barely inquired about it & turned a blind eye to the volumes of evidence in a desperate attempt to get rid of

Saturday, January 6, 2024

FDA Licensed Hep-B Vaccine based on: Data from just 147 kids; No Placebo Control; Monitored safety for 5 DAYS. This vaccine is given to newborn babies on their first day of life in the US.

It was "for the greater good."

This is a Nazi idea, not a Catholic social ethic.   

FBI: "photographed the contents, and ultimately sent everything worth over $5,000 to asset forfeiture---initiating proceedings to keep that property forever."

The bloody battle that nearly ended the republic on January 6, caught on film