Thursday, June 22, 2023

"How the British Caused the American Civil War"

This is 18 months old but fascinating.  I would say it's worth your time.  Here's the audio, and here is the transcript.

"Secret History of the Civil War: Noor Bin Ladin Interviews Richard Poe" is the title of Noor Bin Laden's podcast with Richard where they discuss Poe's article, "How the British Caused the American Civil War," @ Lew Rockwell, December 31, 2021.

1:03  So Richard, as you and I have both followed, there’s been a lot of talk the past few months on this question of, quote, “national divorce,” and, as you know as well, there’s been a recent poll, published, I think, by the University of Virginia. They claim that 41 percent of Biden supporters and 52 percent of Trump supporters are now supposedly in favor of secession. And, as you’ve seen as well, a lot of media, talking heads, and political pundits, they keep pushing this narrative over and over, also on social media. And, well, the last time there was talk of secession it led to the Civil War, which is the topic of your latest article, entitled, “How the British Caused the American Civil War.” And in your piece, you reveal fascinating aspects of the conflict, which have been suppressed and outright lied about. I’m quoting now from your piece, “War came for the same reason it always does, because powerful men wanted it, and stood to gain by it.” And you also rightly pointed out, “Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.” For this reason, and, you know, considering the current predicament the U.S. finds herself in, I think it’s really crucial that this part of history be examined, and we can really all be grateful that you’ve endeavored to shine light on the true motives and instigators of this war. So I’d like you to tell us a bit what you’ve uncovered, and what you exposed in that latest article of yours.

Richard Poe: Sure. Basically, what I uncovered is that our Civil War was instigated by foreign, European powers, primarily by the British. They were the prime instigators and the ringleaders, and they got other European powers involved. The British, in particular, had a very strong economic interest in the South. British scholars Gallagher and Robinson, in their famous 1953 paper, “The Imperialism of Free Trade,” they actually refer to the American South as a “colonial economy” of Britain. And that’s quite accurate.

What happened was, after the American Revolution, the British succeeded in reestablishing a classic colonial economy based on the cotton trade from the South. Basically how that worked is the South sold most of its cotton, about 70 percent, to England, and, in return for this, the British sold them manufactured goods.

This is a classic colonial relationship, in the sense that the raw materials and foods are created in the colonies, sent to the mother country, sold very cheaply, then the mother country sells manufactured goods back to the colony, which the colony needs because they can’t make their own manufactures, either because they’ve been forbidden by law to make them, as was the case in America before the Revolution, or, as in the case of the antebellum South, they couldn’t make their manufactures simply because all their resources and money were taken up in producing cotton to supply England, the mother country.

The South understood very well that the British did not want them building factories, and so they didn’t. They obeyed the British, as every good colony does, because it was in their economic interests.

The class of wealthy planters who raised cotton in the South, their interests were in doing whatever the British wanted them to, and what the British wanted was for them to produce cotton as cheaply as possible, which is why they had to use slave labor, because the British had other sources of cotton, and were constantly trying to develop other sources, in places like British India, Brazil, Egypt. The British always kept that price pressure on the South. The South understood they had to keep their prices low or they might lose their livelihood.

So these Southern planters, the kind of people we see in Gone with the Wind, Scarlett O’Hara, and her family, people like that, we see they were very wealthy. They were wealthy on English money, from selling their cotton to England. Now, typical of a colonial economy is that you have a colonial elite which are the Southern planters, but then everyone else is subsisting at a very low level, and these would be the slaves; these would be the poor whites. And so everyone else becomes a serf or a slave in some form or another. This is the colonial predicament, all over the world. Basically, the British had re-colonized the South after the Revolution and reestablished economic control over the South.

6:55  So the North was trying to cure this situation. The North was building its own textile mills, to compete with the British textile mills. What the North wanted was to replace England as the primary trade partner of the South, and the way the North put this pressure on the South was to impose tariffs on foreign trade which made it prohibitively expensive for the South and Britain to trade with each other. The South resented this very much, the British resented it even more, and this led directly to secret negotiations between the British government and the South, encouraging the South to secede from the Union and promising diplomatic and even military support, if necessary.

DeSantis wants his REAL COVID record buried

Pfizer tested three versions of their product in the rat study and selected the one that increased the miscarriages the most.

To summarize, are you telling me that these jobs these Covid vaccines when given to pregnant women you're giving them an experimental drug to the unborn child?


This goes against medical ethics this goes against the Nuremberg code.  We never experiment on children.  We never experiment on pregnant women.  We don't experiment on unborn children.

Yep.  But the pregnant women and babies are the specific Target of these programs both of them Pfizer and Moderna. Advisor in Moderna I reviewed their contracts I reviewed their clinical packages, I know it for a fact.  I can prove it in court.  If we ever get into court.  Nobody will ever get into court.  And they both targeted the . . . and the contracts came from the Department.  The Department of Defense specifically targeted pregnant women in these programs and specifically requested GLP compliance studies for the reproductive toxicity. So they wanted to make sure that data is reliable.  Pfizer tested three versions of their product in the rat study and selected the one that increased the miscarriages the most. 

Here is the full interview.

14:35. It's like taking the most toxic chemotherapy that you can imagine and start pushing it on pregnant women and children the rest of the population.

The larger the molecule, the more unstable it is.  mRNA is made up of 4,300

Wednesday, June 21, 2023


Jeffrey Prather interviews Sasha Latypova from January 13, 2023.

So, the government extends liability coverage to all the sovereign liability immunity coverage that the government has, that the private contractor doesn't, well this is how they get it, as long as they follow the order, and don't ask any questions, and don't raise any concerns, just take the money, and do what's told.  Then the government gives them full liability coverage and it's not just Pfizer and Moderna, it's every one of them participating in the Covid response atrocity . . . . 

36:15. Vaccines were manufactured by 6 main companies: Johnson & Johnson Sanofi Pasteur, AstraZeneca Moderna, Novavax, and Pfizer.

Vaccine-supporting efforts were done by Cytiva, Emergent, Marathon Medical, Smiths Medical, BD needles and syringes, Corning, Grand River, Ology, Retractable Homogenics, Patheon, Texas A&M, Si02, and Snapdragon.

There are hundreds of them through various consortiums managed by DOD.  Those are the companies that have long-standing contracts and already established production systems.  

For the list of vaccine companies on the left, it also says vaccine demo what the Department of Defense and Operation Warp Speed ordered from these so-called vaccine companies are demonstrations.  Demonstrations are by definition fake.  Who is producing the real product themselves are these vaccine-supporting companies, like Corning, Ology, and Patheon.  This whole thing is contracted through Other Transaction Authority, which is unregulated, secret, and allows DoD to order otherwise regulated products without following any regulation.  So this is how they set it up.  They pretend these are vaccines. They're not vaccines, they are countermeasures.  And they're ordered as demonstrations, and they are ordered through Other Transaction Authority, which allows them to be unregulated.  And the most important part is that by US law under Public Health Emergency use of Emergency Use Authorized countermeasures does not constitute clinical investigation therefore it's not possible to do clinical trials for these things.  It's not possible to do good manufacturing practices because the law does not apply. Here you can see the scope of this project is large-scale vaccine manufacturing demonstration. 

40:20. On page 5 of the Pfizer document at the bottom it reads, "Contractor is a covered person to the extent it is a person defined in Section 5 of the PREP Act Declaration."  It's a standard clause in all of the companies that are providing products to Moderna and Pfizer.  So, the government extends liability coverage to all the sovereign liability immunity coverage that the government has, that the private contractor doesn't, well this is how they get it, as long as they follow the order, and don't ask any questions, and don't raise any concerns, just take the money, and do what's told.  Then the government gives them full liability coverage and it's not just Pfizer and Moderna, it's every one of them participating in the Covid response atrocity, I would call it.  So as long as you follow the orders and shoot the people and the pregnant women and the women and children as Janet Woodcock and Peter Marks go on TV and lie to people about it and pretend like these are safe and effective then everything is okay.  The government protects you.  

Here is the video on Brighteon.

Jeffrey Prather is a retired Special Operations Soldier, former DIA intelligence collector, and ex-DEA Special Agent. We talk more about bio-chemical-radiological weapons and implications for the victims of the covid-19 injections, which I do not believe is as grim as the theoretical models predict. The important thing is to recognize the danger and stop taking these poisons.

The JASON group identified the gene products as a bioweapon.

the NIH textbook on bioweapons covers RNA as a bioweapon here (scroll down the page).

[The spread of COVID] did not occur like an illness. It's very consistent with deployment of a toxin

This makes sense, but I am so thankful that someone with authority puts facts to words.  And so when Trump and others were calling COVID the "Wuhan flu" or the "Wu flu," he was lying.  Why.  To keep the focus of its origin away from American labs.  Latypova explains that antibodies to Covid were circulating in the Bay area, so it was circulating way before.  She says they were deployed, a military expression.  And he continues to run cover for the DoD who has been and who is running the vaccine scam.  that was an attempt by Trump and others to distract the origin and the origin of Covid so it didn't emanate from a single source or single city.  It emanated from several this is what Sasha is saying.  Trump continues to lie.  He's a liar. 

I am pretty sure the release or deployment of the toxin they were using to generate initial symptoms . . . we have good evidence that it was released or deployed months before Wuhan, and just to generate the scale of this you would need to do it in multiple locations anyway.  So, they just pointed to Wuhan "Oh, you know it started there, but, in fact, it was deployed clearly everywhere in many places, including at some point even . . . .  Stanford conducted [tests] and they found antibodies in the Bay Area and they found out that it was circulating way before [Wuhan]. So, clearly, there were deployments everywhere, and you would need to do it that way.   These agents don't spread by themselves.  People are being told this mythology that "Oh, you can just break this jar and with viruses in this one location  it will go all over the world."  No no, no, none of this happened in reality.  It doesn't work that way, so that's why I'm saying you know the deployments were probably targeted, geographically targeted.  There's very good evidence from epidemiological data, like the illness and death from Covid that we can say . . . that was legitimately from COVID.  It did not occur like an illness. It's very consistent with the deployment of some sort of toxin targeted for deployment . . . 

Here is the video on Brighteon.

Jeffrey Prather is a retired Special Operations Soldier, former DIA intelligence collector, and ex-DEA Special Agent. We talk more about bio-chemical-radiological weapons and implications for the victims of the covid-19 injections, which I do not believe is as grim as the theoretical models predict. The important thing is to recognize the danger and stop taking these poisons.

The JASON group identified the gene products as a bioweapon.

the NIH textbook on bioweapons covers RNA as a bioweapon here (scroll down the page).

More analysis and sources covered in this article: