Saturday, June 3, 2023

D.A.R.P.A.: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

CIA: Collect It All.  This video is from 2019.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, began a total surveillance program in 2003 called LifeLog. 

Interestingly, the LifeLog project was terminated at approximately the same time that Facebook was founded. Coincidence? 

Sean Parker, Facebook’s first president, was recruited by the CIA in 2004 before heading the tech company. Shortly after, the CIA began investing in venture capital firm In-Q-Tel, which helped mine the user data of millions. As this information begins to surface, top executives are leaving Facebook. Now, Facebook is under investigation for potential privacy breaches.

When OWS [Operation Warp Speed] turned over the organizational charts, they shocked everybody because the top organization that had managed OWS was not HHS, which is a public health agency.  It wasn't CDC or NIH or FDA.  It was the NSA, a spy agency.  That was the top agency, the lead agency on Operation Warp Speed on the pandemic. And the second agency was the Pentagon.  The vaccines weren't developed by Pfizer or Moderna.  They were developed by NIH.  The patents were owned 50% by NIH.  Nor were they manufactured by Pfizer or Moderna.  They were manufactured by military contractors.  And basically, Pfizer and Moderna were paid to put their labels on the vaccines as if they came from the pharmaceutical industry.  This was a military project from the beginning.

The Privatization of Spying

Spying on individuals is a highly profitable undertaking for private companies on contract to the CIA, NSA, Homeland Security. The CBS report suggests in no uncertain terms that the personal information pertaining to millions of Americans collected by one of the World’s largest ad agencies is sold to the CIA. 

No wonder American consumer hates advertisers: they sell information they on you to the CIA.

Below are excerpts of the CBS News 2011 article, to read the entire article click here:

The world’s largest database on individuals

One of the main threats to privacy comes from advertisers, who want to track everything consumers do on the web and scrape their online accounts for personal information. It shouldn’t be surprising, therefore, to learn that the CIA and the worlds largest ad agency network, WPP (WPPGY), have been in bed together on a social media data-mining venture since at least January 2009. WPP currently claims to own the world’s largest database of unique individual profiles — including demographic, financial, purchase and geographic histories. WPP’s Visible Technologies unit took an investment from In-Q-Tel in fall of 2009. Visible Technologies develops tools that can scan social media networks such as Twitter and Facebook. …

Google and CIA: old friends 

Are you seeing a trend yet? Google (GOOG) has been a partner with the CIA since 2004 when the company bought Keyhole, a mapping technology business that eventually became Google Earth. In 2010, Google and In-Q-Tel made a joint investment on a company called Recorded Future, which has the Minority Report-style goal of creating a “temporal analytics engine” that scours the web and creates curves that predict where events may head.

Google is already helping the government write, and rewrite, history. Here, from its transparency report, are some stats on the amount of information it has either given to the government or wiped from the web based on requests by U.S. agencies:

  • 4,601 requests from U.S. government agencies for “user data
  • Google complied with government requests for user data 94% of the time.
  • 1,421 requests for “content removal
  • Google complied with content removal requests 87% of the time.
  • 15 requests were from “executive, police etc.”
  • 1 was a national security request.

emphasis added. To Read the complete CBS News article by Jim Edwards click here.

Employment of foreign-born workers has kept rising and accounts for all employment above pre-pandemic level. LET'S GO BRANDON

Friday, June 2, 2023

Do the homeless camps in California take your eye off the immigration problem and its million-dollars costs to U.S. taxpayer?

COMMENT: Getting a lot of stuff about migrants (pictures attached). Afghanis and Uzbeks are seen and the Uzbeks speak English after a fashion. By the way, why is the Panamanian Red Cross putting out their message in English?? Afghani speaks no English and is making this trip with a young daughter?? (Says he is from Kabul). Note also the last bullet point on the Red Cross literature about migratory routes!!

More to the point is that a LOT are sick when they come into the US. Of the people filming this material, five out of six got sick when they went to Panama and the Darien Gap point.  The Uzbek (speaking some English) said he flew from Central Asia to Turkey to Mexico City to Tijuana (and then back to Panama??). He is 18 years old. Who paid for all of this?? He also said that his father lives in NY City. So he can’t use normal immigration family reunification methods but goes through Hell like he has??

Tuberculosis is a biggie here and yet these people stream North and are admitted into the US and then bussed/flown to every podunk town you can think of. Forget new pandemics made in a lab – just look at what is being brought into the US by people supposedly illegal!


MARTIN ARMSTRONG'S REPLY: A lot of emails are coming in that the US is staging people to enter the country. The Biden Administration has opened the borders in hopes of securing a second term. Title 42 prevents illegals from entering the country under the premise of COVID. That was before the Ukraine war when the fixation was COVID and the spread of germs. COVID never went away, nor did other ailments, but they need the beehive mind to focus on Ukraine and defeating “Russian aggression.”

Tuberculosis (TB), as you mentioned, is also airborne and highly contagious. Those who do not receive treatment will die and it is currently one of the top 10 causes of death in the world. The World Health Organization even admits that refugees are prone to diseases. “They undertake long, exhausting journeys with inadequate access to food and water, sanitation and other basic services, which increases their risk of communicable diseases, particularly measles, and food- and waterborne diseases,” the WHO states. The WHO blames the lack of health care on xenophobia, but those who enter legally are in fact tested. US taxpayers pay millions per year to treat migrants, but states such as Florida are now requiring hospital patients to show proof of citizenship.

As for the Red Cross and Red Crescent, they fund the illegal voyages of migrants. They are partners with the UN Refugee Agency, which boasts of resettling 57,500 refugees worldwide in 2021. “Whether on the ground or at sea, our teams deliver help to anyone in need—regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, or citizenship status,” the American Red Cross states on its website.

The American Red Cross also directly assists people at the US-Mexico border:  Meaning these organizations have made the US-Mexico border a safe haven where care and supplies are almost guaranteed. They are incentivizing people to come into America illegally. And what is the penalty? It is unlikely that they will be deported or even detected upon arrival. The situation is far worse than Biden turning a blind eye to the border crisis. There is a deliberate global effort to keep America’s borders open which threatens public health, elections, and national security.

Basic Aid at the U.S.–Mexico Border and in U.S. Cities 

The American Red Cross may provide support as needed to people being bussed by other organizations from the U.S.-Mexico border to U.S. cities. This includes supporting these lead organizations with services for people in their care by providing relief supplies or training. And, depending on local needs, our assistance might also include providing food, water, comfort, health services and mental health support. We aim to prevent and mitigate additional humanitarian consequences that migration can bring — including the potential for separation and loss of contact with family, disappearances, detention and medical issues.

The American Red Cross may also provide relief supplies — such as cots, blankets, hygiene items, first aid kits and towels — for use by local nonprofits caring for people. In some cases, the Red Cross has provided phones to local organizations, which people can use to reconnect with family members back home to let them know they’re safe.

Meaning these organizations have made the US-Mexico border a safe haven where care and supplies are almost guaranteed. They are incentivizing people to come into America illegally. And what is the penalty? It is unlikely that they will be deported or even detected upon arrival. The situation is far worse than Biden turning a blind eye to the border crisis. There is a deliberate global effort to keep America’s borders open which threatens public health, elections, and national security.


We're getting to the point where we're going to have to tip the front door to leave our apartments

Germans will be importing blocks of peet from the Druids.