Friday, November 12, 2021

problem is that even at low doses, glyphosate accumulates over time.

Seneff, 1:40  alludes to a conference where she heard Dr. Don Huber speak about glyphosate.  

Seneff, 2:24  says that she thinks that the glyphosate poisoning of our food sources is the cause of the COVID epidemic.  Very interesting.  So what does glyphosate do then to our bodies that is rendering us more vulnerable to the SARS-CoV-2, assuming that is what she is claiming?

Romina Melwani, 2:28  Not just impacting our cropping farms but it's entered into our water. 

Seneff, 3:08  It's not just glyphosate but all these other herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides

Seneff, 4:28  Obesity, diabesity, Alzheimer's, high serum cholesterol, high blood pressure.  We're all taking pills to control high blood pressure and cholesterol.  We're working against this chemical that's disrupting our metabolism so severely.  The chronic pain diseases--the back pain, the knee surgery, the hip replacement surgery . . . brain disorders, just plain headaches, sleep disorders.  Sleep disorders going up in the rise with the use of glyphosate.  

Romina Melwani, 5:44  Is glyphosate crossing the blood-brain barrier, Dr. Seneff? 

Seneff, 5:46  Yes it is, yes it is.  It's been shown for example in extreme cases where a woman tried to kill herself by taking a Glyphosta-contaminated formulation.  And they showed that glyphosate had accumulated in her brain.  So it clearly can, at high doses.  The problem is that even at low doses, it accumulates over time.  It comes into the brain through an amino acid, a natural mechanism for the brain.  

Romina Melwani, 6:21   if it's crossing the blood-barrier, it shows a very real link to affecting the gut-microbiome as well.  Can you tell us a little more about that link? 

Seneff, 6:32  A lot of talk about the gut-brain axis lately.  So many diseases, not just in the brain but elsewhere in the body, like Rheumatoid Arthritis.  Certainly, Parkinson's disease is very strongly connected to gut problems.  Even depression, they've shown studies with mice that show that when exposed to glyphosate they had disruptions in gut-microbiome and they caused symptoms of depression.  Glyphosate disrupts the microbiome in the gut.  It causes an overgrowth of pathogens, and those pathogens produce toxic metabolites that get into the brain, and that's also been very much connected to autism.  Clostridia overgrowth produces toxic phenolic compounds, like p-Cresol that end up in the brain and end up disturbing the brain function.  

Romina Melwani, 7:25  Glyphosate impacts testosterone levels and has a negative impact on men and autism on that side, but also for women, causing infertility.  But I want to understand a little bit more on that side.

Seneff, 7:51   That's quite interesting, and there've been several studies that show that glyphosate disrupts aromatase, an enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen.  And it's a very important enzyme in the brain during development, particularly for boys because boys naturally have a lot more testosterone.  The females have more estrogen; boys have more testosterone.  So they need this enzyme more critically in the brain that's going to help their brain development.  So this aromatase gets blocked by glyphosate and that excess testosterone exposure in utero, while the child is under development during pregnancy.  That results in certain characteristic features that you can detect in females.  They've learned that excess testosterone exposure in utero leads to a deformity that has a too long a distance, it's called an anogenital distance, meaning it's too big.  If a girl has been exposed to too much testosterone.  And they did a study in which they looked at the glyphosate levels in the urine, and I was surprised that they could see this correlation.  The glyphosate levels in the urine of the pregnant women and then this distant measure on the daughter, off-spring, and they found a statistically significant correlation between more glyphosate and a longer distance.  What's disturbing about this is that is a marker for the likelihood of developing a condition called polycystic ovaries syndrome.  It's like a 17-fold increased risk to polycystic ovaries syndrome if you have this metr4ic.  And polycystic ovary syndrome, PCOS, is the most common problem with infertility in women.  It messes up your menstrual cycle.  It causes excess body hair as if you're more male-like.  Your female reproductive system is not working correctly.  And those people have a lot of issues with reproduction.  There's also a correlation between that and autism, both in the person who has it, and in their offspring, an increased risk to autism.  And, of course, on the male side it is much more damaging to have this excess testosterone in utero, which causes what you might call a super-male, and that is also linked to an increased risk in autism in the boys.  

Romina Melwani, 10:07  What would be your message for practitioners, Dr. Seneff?  What could we do to make sure that this information is spread as widely as possible? 

Seneff, 10:17  Certainly promote my book, because my book has a good explanation.  It has a lot of science in there.  I try to keep it as accessible to the general public as could be without ignoring the science.  Tremendous references if you wanted to dig deeper.  Reading my book, and then spreading the word about that, emphasizing the importance of glyphosate and then how you can avoid it by eating certified organic.  The most important thing that anybody can do for their health is to switch to a certified organic diet.  There's no downside to that other than the extra cost, but you're going to get that money back and you're going to feel so much healthier in many ways.  Even things that are just annoying, like urinary infections, will go away just by eating a certified organic diet.  

Romina Melwain, 11:00  Eat organic.  Avoid glyphosate.  Especially with the dirty dozen, make sure you're having organic choices for those foods.  

Thank you, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr


". . . we don't have the long-term safety data. What we do have is data already from around the world, confirming that thousands and thousands of people have died"

The speaker here is UK lawyer and military veteran, Anna De Buisseret

"Even in times of war, she explains, “you don’t get to experiment on Prisoners Of War.” And that is what our governments are currently doing by imposing experimental jabs and myriad “COVID measures” on domestic populations."

First, insist your employer gives you an individual risk assessment under the health and safety framework.  It's regulation III from Health and Safety Framework,1999.  Then onto that, it's a legal, statutory duty for the employer to the employee and individual risk assessment.  Now that has to be conducted with the Occupational Health Physician.  So not a line manager, it has to be a properly-qualified, occupational health physician.  And that occupational health physician has to see the individual privately and for that time they become their patient, which means they have a duty to take them through their whole medical history, including pre-existing conditions, and do a proper risk-benefit analysis for all the harms and risks for that person as an individual, because it's the individual's body that is going to be potentially harmed.  So the idea that there can be a blanket policy, to say "It's safe and effective," is nonsense.  We're all different.  It's not going to be safe and effective for some people.  It's going to kill them.  On the evidence, it has done.  So you know, the employer has no right to harm their employees.  So the idea that they can mandate and experimental, novel genetic-engineering in the case of Pfizer and Moderna, or a novel viral vector in the case of AstraZeneca [and J & J] is ridiculous because we don't have the long-term safety data.  What we do have is data already from around the world, confirming that thousands and thousands of people have died and millions have now been suffering serious adverse events, including long life-term disabilities.  Now, what employer has the right to play Russian roulette with their employees on this basis?  So as an individual, don't allow someone to threaten your right to life, your right not to be medically treated . . . .   

BLOOD CLOTTING: Remediation AND Prevention *** MINIMUM *** Basic Essential Supplements

Note the date of this tweet: July 20, 2021. The value of this message still holds. Order the serrapeptase today. Get working on dissolving those clots.  Here is one brand suggested by the poster, ThrowMeApples.


Here is one brand suggested by the poster, ThrowMeApples. 

But there are other brands.   

Further, there are other products that break up and inhibit clotting, both fibrin clotting and platelet clotting.  One of those products is Nattokinase. 

"providers are beginning to run out of people who want to be euthanized--I,--immunized"