Showing posts with label Mandatory Vaccinations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mandatory Vaccinations. Show all posts

Saturday, December 17, 2022

More gene therapy? I couldn't resist

Kiss my ass, Gene. 

Born in Haifa, Israel, Gene Simmons' birth name is Chaim Witz.  

Stage name, Demon.  Other aliases besides The Demon have been "The God of Thunder," "Dr. Love," "Reginald Van Helsing."  Colorful.  But it wouldn't be Gene Simmons if he weren't colorful.  

He has been a bit of a workhorse.    

Friday, November 12, 2021

". . . we don't have the long-term safety data. What we do have is data already from around the world, confirming that thousands and thousands of people have died"

The speaker here is UK lawyer and military veteran, Anna De Buisseret

"Even in times of war, she explains, “you don’t get to experiment on Prisoners Of War.” And that is what our governments are currently doing by imposing experimental jabs and myriad “COVID measures” on domestic populations."

First, insist your employer gives you an individual risk assessment under the health and safety framework.  It's regulation III from Health and Safety Framework,1999.  Then onto that, it's a legal, statutory duty for the employer to the employee and individual risk assessment.  Now that has to be conducted with the Occupational Health Physician.  So not a line manager, it has to be a properly-qualified, occupational health physician.  And that occupational health physician has to see the individual privately and for that time they become their patient, which means they have a duty to take them through their whole medical history, including pre-existing conditions, and do a proper risk-benefit analysis for all the harms and risks for that person as an individual, because it's the individual's body that is going to be potentially harmed.  So the idea that there can be a blanket policy, to say "It's safe and effective," is nonsense.  We're all different.  It's not going to be safe and effective for some people.  It's going to kill them.  On the evidence, it has done.  So you know, the employer has no right to harm their employees.  So the idea that they can mandate and experimental, novel genetic-engineering in the case of Pfizer and Moderna, or a novel viral vector in the case of AstraZeneca [and J & J] is ridiculous because we don't have the long-term safety data.  What we do have is data already from around the world, confirming that thousands and thousands of people have died and millions have now been suffering serious adverse events, including long life-term disabilities.  Now, what employer has the right to play Russian roulette with their employees on this basis?  So as an individual, don't allow someone to threaten your right to life, your right not to be medically treated . . . .