Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Hungarians chasing metropolitan police out of their stand at Wembley stadium last night

"it is statistically improbable that any one physician should witness this many Covid-19 vaccine injuries . . ."

Here is the Substack article by Aaron Siri where Dr. Patricia Lee's letter is embedded. 

Patricia Lee's, MD, letter to the FDA is in pdf format.  It is devastating, and for this reason, it will be ignored.  For how long, though, one cannot tell.  She repots the conditions on a handful of her patients.  Here is one.  It's patient #5:

A man in his early sixties received the Covid-19 vaccine and developed dizziness which worsened over time, He had no smoking history and was otherwise healthy. On the day of hospital admission, patient experienced sudden neurologic deterioration and required intubation for airway protection. Imaging studies of the head showed cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. CVST is a very rare type of stroke, estimated by Johns Hopkins to occur 5 per million per year, with a female to male ratio Of 3:1. Over 85% of the patients had at least one identifiable risk factor, such as prothrombotic state, use of oral contraceptives, malignancy or infection My patient had zero risk factors, other than the fact that he had been vaccinated against Covid 19 

CANADA'S QUARANTINE CAMPS: “Arbeit macht frei”

PFIZER is accused of conducting trials of their Covid-19 mRNA jab on babies

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

4 & 5 yr. old Evansville, IN siblings “accidentally” given full adult versions of CCP virus vaccine